Machine vision 机器视觉 学习笔记(1)Digital Image Fundamentals


Digital Image Fundamentals

Image Representation

 A projection of 3D scene into 2D.

 The image is modeled by a continuous function of two variables f( x, y) or three variables f( x, y, t) ps:( x, y) gives the coordinate of a plane. t is the time domain.

The image function value f correspond to brightness at an image point.


ps:An intensity image is a 2D image bearing information about brightness points.

Image can be considered as a 2D light intensity function, f(x,y), where x and y are spatial coordinates, and f at ( x, y) is related to the brightness or color of the image at that point.

The brightness or intensity of the image is determined by:

        Illumination component: the amount of light incident on the viewing scene.#光照成分,入射        

      Reflection component: the amount of light reflected by the object in the scene.#反射,eg. Example values of typical surfaces: black silk (0.01), stainless steel (0.65), silver plate (0.90).

  2.  Image Digitalization

  3. 图像需要用离散数据化表达,eg. Matrix or 2D array for 2D image
  4. Image digitalization is the process of converting an image into a numerical representation through sampling and quantization(sampling&quantization)

        Sampling turns the continuous function f( x,y) into a matrix of N rows and M columns.

        Quantization assigns an integer value to each continuous sample.(为样本赋值,整数)

——Each element of the matrix of samples is called pixel (for PICture ELement).



 Picture Space and Image Space

 Image Resolution


Raster Dimension 

Raster or image dimension (= width x height) is the number of horizontal and vertical samples in the pixel grid.


Scaling (or resampling): the process to create an image with different dimensions from that of the source image#缩放(或重采样)

Scaling image down (or decimation): the process of reducing the raster dimension.#缩小图像规模(或称分片)——对贡献于每个输出像素的源像素的数值进行平均化

Scaling image up: the process of increasing the image size to create sample points between the original sample samples in the source raster.#放大——内插法,使用样本网格中的数值来猜测未知像素的值 


Quantizes the continuous range of brightness or intensity to K gray levels.#灰度量化

K = 2^n

 where n is known as the color capability or color depth or bit depth; n is the number of bits used to indicate the color of a single pixel.

Quantization error is defined as the difference between actual analog value and quantized digital value.#量化误差是因为四舍五入或者截断 


Brightness level = gray level in monochrome image

Color Depth 

 Indexed Color





The finer the sampling (i.e., the larger M and N) and quantization (i.e., the larger K), the better the approximation of the continuous image function f(x,y) achieved.The number of quantization levels (brightness or gray levels) should be high enough for human perception of fine shading details in the image.



 Digital Image Properties

Metric and Topological Properties



A connected space is a topological space which cannot be represented as the disjoint union of two or more nonempty open subsets.

Distance to examine connectivity :

距离计算DE,D4, D8 

 Typical Connectivity


The brightness histogram H( z) of an image provides the frequency of the brightness value z in the image.

The histogram of an image with L graylevel is represent by a 1D array with L elements.





Image Enhancement图像增强


 Spatial Domain Methods空间域方法

Spatial domain methods operate directly on the pixels composing an image.


 Point Processing点处理

Point processing is a type of image enhancement, also known as pixel brightness transformation.

Gray-Scale Transformation 3种常用灰度转换

Negative Transformation

Histogram——Brightness thresholding that results in a black and white image


Contrast Stretching对比度拉伸


 Piecewise Linear Function——Piecewise linear function that enhances the image contrast between two specific brightness values.


 Gray Level Slicing灰度级切片

 Dynamic Range Compression动态范围压缩


Histogram Equalization 








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