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首先要PARSE SQL,然后生成执行路径,选择最优执行路径,执行SQL,最关键的是选择最优执行路径。PostgreSQL是CBO的优化器,根据成本选择。


一个 QUERY 有哪些成本









一个 QUERY 如何执行和传递成本






Path数据结构,主要包含(rows, startup_cost, total_cost)。一个数据节点







 * cost_seqscan  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation sequentially.  
 * 'baserel' is the relation to be scanned  
 * 'param_info' is the ParamPathInfo if this is a parameterized path, else NULL  
cost_seqscan(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *baserel, ParamPathInfo *param_info)  
 * cost_samplescan  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation using sampling.  
 * 'baserel' is the relation to be scanned  
 * 'param_info' is the ParamPathInfo if this is a parameterized path, else NULL  
cost_samplescan(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *baserel, ParamPathInfo *param_info)  
 * cost_gather  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of gather path.  
 * 'rel' is the relation to be operated upon  
 * 'param_info' is the ParamPathInfo if this is a parameterized path, else NULL  
 * 'rows' may be used to point to a row estimate; if non-NULL, it overrides  
 * both 'rel' and 'param_info'.  This is useful when the path doesn't exactly  
 * correspond to any particular RelOptInfo.  
cost_gather(GatherPath *path, PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel,   
ParamPathInfo *param_info, double *rows)  
 * cost_gather_merge  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of gather merge path.  
 * GatherMerge merges several pre-sorted input streams, using a heap that at  
 * any given instant holds the next tuple from each stream. If there are N  
 * streams, we need about N*log2(N) tuple comparisons to construct the heap at  
 * startup, and then for each output tuple, about log2(N) comparisons to  
 * replace the top heap entry with the next tuple from the same stream.  
cost_gather_merge(GatherMergePath *path, PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel,   
ParamPathInfo *param_info, Cost input_startup_cost, Cost input_total_cost, double *rows)  
 * cost_index  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation using an index.  
 * 'path' describes the indexscan under consideration, and is complete  
 *              except for the fields to be set by this routine  
 * 'loop_count' is the number of repetitions of the indexscan to factor into  
 *              estimates of caching behavior  
 * In addition to rows, startup_cost and total_cost, cost_index() sets the  
 * path's indextotalcost and indexselectivity fields.  These values will be  
 * needed if the IndexPath is used in a BitmapIndexScan.  
 * NOTE: path->indexquals must contain only clauses usable as index  
 * restrictions.  Any additional quals evaluated as qpquals may reduce the  
 * number of returned tuples, but they won't reduce the number of tuples  
 * we have to fetch from the table, so they don't reduce the scan cost.  
cost_index(IndexPath *path, PlannerInfo *root, double loop_count, bool partial_path)  
 * cost_bitmap_heap_scan  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation using a bitmap  
 *        index-then-heap plan.  
 * 'baserel' is the relation to be scanned  
 * 'param_info' is the ParamPathInfo if this is a parameterized path, else NULL  
 * 'bitmapqual' is a tree of IndexPaths, BitmapAndPaths, and BitmapOrPaths  
 * 'loop_count' is the number of repetitions of the indexscan to factor into  
 *              estimates of caching behavior  
 * Note: the component IndexPaths in bitmapqual should have been costed  
 * using the same loop_count.  
cost_bitmap_heap_scan(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *baserel,   
ParamPathInfo *param_info, Path *bitmapqual, double loop_count)  
 * cost_bitmap_tree_node  
 *              Extract cost and selectivity from a bitmap tree node (index/and/or)  
cost_bitmap_tree_node(Path *path, Cost *cost, Selectivity *selec)  
 * cost_bitmap_and_node  
 *              Estimate the cost of a BitmapAnd node  
 * Note that this considers only the costs of index scanning and bitmap  
 * creation, not the eventual heap access.  In that sense the object isn't  
 * truly a Path, but it has enough path-like properties (costs in particular)  
 * to warrant treating it as one.  We don't bother to set the path rows field,  
 * however.  
cost_bitmap_and_node(BitmapAndPath *path, PlannerInfo *root)  
 * cost_bitmap_or_node  
 *              Estimate the cost of a BitmapOr node  
 * See comments for cost_bitmap_and_node.  
cost_bitmap_or_node(BitmapOrPath *path, PlannerInfo *root)  
 * cost_tidscan  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation using TIDs.  
 * 'baserel' is the relation to be scanned  
 * 'tidquals' is the list of TID-checkable quals  
 * 'param_info' is the ParamPathInfo if this is a parameterized path, else NULL  
cost_tidscan(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *baserel,   
List *tidquals, ParamPathInfo *param_info)  
 * cost_subqueryscan  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of scanning a subquery RTE.  
 * 'baserel' is the relation to be scanned  
 * 'param_info' is the ParamPathInfo if this is a parameterized path, else NULL  
cost_subqueryscan(SubqueryScanPath *path, PlannerInfo *root,   
RelOptInfo *baserel, ParamPathInfo *param_info)  
 * cost_functionscan  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of scanning a function RTE.  
 * 'baserel' is the relation to be scanned  
 * 'param_info' is the ParamPathInfo if this is a parameterized path, else NULL  
cost_functionscan(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *baserel, ParamPathInfo *param_info)  
 * cost_tablefuncscan  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of scanning a table function.  
 * 'baserel' is the relation to be scanned  
 * 'param_info' is the ParamPathInfo if this is a parameterized path, else NULL  
cost_tablefuncscan(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *baserel, ParamPathInfo *param_info)  
 * cost_valuesscan  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of scanning a VALUES RTE.  
 * 'baserel' is the relation to be scanned  
 * 'param_info' is the ParamPathInfo if this is a parameterized path, else NULL  
cost_valuesscan(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *baserel, ParamPathInfo *param_info)  
 * cost_ctescan  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of scanning a CTE RTE.  
 * Note: this is used for both self-reference and regular CTEs; the  
 * possible cost differences are below the threshold of what we could  
 * estimate accurately anyway.  Note that the costs of evaluating the  
 * referenced CTE query are added into the final plan as initplan costs,  
 * and should NOT be counted here.  
cost_ctescan(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *baserel, ParamPathInfo *param_info)  
cost_namedtuplestorescan(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root,   
RelOptInfo *baserel, ParamPathInfo *param_info)  
 * cost_recursive_union  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of performing a recursive union,  
 *        and also the estimated output size.  
 * We are given Paths for the nonrecursive and recursive terms.  
cost_recursive_union(Path *runion, Path *nrterm, Path *rterm)  
 * cost_sort  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of sorting a relation, including  
 *        the cost of reading the input data.  
 * If the total volume of data to sort is less than sort_mem, we will do  
 * an in-memory sort, which requires no I/O and about t*log2(t) tuple  
 * comparisons for t tuples.  
 * If the total volume exceeds sort_mem, we switch to a tape-style merge  
 * algorithm.  There will still be about t*log2(t) tuple comparisons in  
 * total, but we will also need to write and read each tuple once per  
 * merge pass.  We expect about ceil(logM(r)) merge passes where r is the  
 * number of initial runs formed and M is the merge order used by tuplesort.c.  
 * Since the average initial run should be about sort_mem, we have  
 *              disk traffic = 2 * relsize * ceil(logM(p / sort_mem))  
 *              cpu = comparison_cost * t * log2(t)  
 * If the sort is bounded (i.e., only the first k result tuples are needed)  
 * and k tuples can fit into sort_mem, we use a heap method that keeps only  
 * k tuples in the heap; this will require about t*log2(k) tuple comparisons.  
 * The disk traffic is assumed to be 3/4ths sequential and 1/4th random  
 * accesses (XXX can't we refine that guess?)  
 * By default, we charge two operator evals per tuple comparison, which should  
 * be in the right ballpark in most cases.  The caller can tweak this by  
 * specifying nonzero comparison_cost; typically that's used for any extra  
 * work that has to be done to prepare the inputs to the comparison operators.  
 * 'pathkeys' is a list of sort keys  
 * 'input_cost' is the total cost for reading the input data  
 * 'tuples' is the number of tuples in the relation  
 * 'width' is the average tuple width in bytes  
 * 'comparison_cost' is the extra cost per comparison, if any  
 * 'sort_mem' is the number of kilobytes of work memory allowed for the sort  
 * 'limit_tuples' is the bound on the number of output tuples; -1 if no bound  
 * NOTE: some callers currently pass NIL for pathkeys because they  
 * can't conveniently supply the sort keys.  Since this routine doesn't  
 * currently do anything with pathkeys anyway, that doesn't matter...  
 * but if it ever does, it should react gracefully to lack of key data.  
 * (Actually, the thing we'd most likely be interested in is just the number  
 * of sort keys, which all callers *could* supply.)  
cost_sort(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root, List *pathkeys,   
Cost input_cost, double tuples, int width, Cost comparison_cost, int sort_mem, double limit_tuples)  
 * cost_append  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of an Append node.  
 * We charge nothing extra for the Append itself, which perhaps is too  
 * optimistic, but since it doesn't do any selection or projection, it is a  
 * pretty cheap node.  
cost_append(Path *path, List *subpaths, int num_nonpartial_subpaths)  
 * cost_merge_append  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of a MergeAppend node.  
 * MergeAppend merges several pre-sorted input streams, using a heap that  
 * at any given instant holds the next tuple from each stream.  If there  
 * are N streams, we need about N*log2(N) tuple comparisons to construct  
 * the heap at startup, and then for each output tuple, about log2(N)  
 * comparisons to replace the top entry.  
 * (The effective value of N will drop once some of the input streams are  
 * exhausted, but it seems unlikely to be worth trying to account for that.)  
 * The heap is never spilled to disk, since we assume N is not very large.  
 * So this is much simpler than cost_sort.  
 * As in cost_sort, we charge two operator evals per tuple comparison.  
 * 'pathkeys' is a list of sort keys  
 * 'n_streams' is the number of input streams  
 * 'input_startup_cost' is the sum of the input streams' startup costs  
 * 'input_total_cost' is the sum of the input streams' total costs  
 * 'tuples' is the number of tuples in all the streams  
cost_merge_append(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root, List *pathkeys,   
int n_streams, Cost input_startup_cost, Cost input_total_cost, double tuples)  
 * cost_material  
 *        Determines and returns the cost of materializing a relation, including  
 *        the cost of reading the input data.  
 * If the total volume of data to materialize exceeds work_mem, we will need  
 * to write it to disk, so the cost is much higher in that case.  
 * Note that here we are estimating the costs for the first scan of the  
 * relation, so the materialization is all overhead --- any savings will  
 * occur only on rescan, which is estimated in cost_rescan.  
cost_material(Path *path, Cost input_startup_cost,   
Cost input_total_cost, double tuples, int width)  
 * cost_agg  
 *              Determines and returns the cost of performing an Agg plan node,  
 *              including the cost of its input.  
 * aggcosts can be NULL when there are no actual aggregate functions (i.e.,  
 * we are using a hashed Agg node just to do grouping).  
 * Note: when aggstrategy == AGG_SORTED, caller must ensure that input costs  
 * are for appropriately-sorted input.  
cost_agg(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root, AggStrategy aggstrategy,   
const AggClauseCosts *aggcosts, int numGroupCols, double numGroups, Cost input_startup_cost, Cost input_total_cost, double input_tuples)  
 * cost_windowagg  
 *              Determines and returns the cost of performing a WindowAgg plan node,  
 *              including the cost of its input.  
 * Input is assumed already properly sorted.  
cost_windowagg(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root, List *windowFuncs,   
int numPartCols, int numOrderCols, Cost input_startup_cost, Cost input_total_cost, double input_tuples)  
 * cost_group  
 *              Determines and returns the cost of performing a Group plan node,  
 *              including the cost of its input.  
 * Note: caller must ensure that input costs are for appropriately-sorted  
 * input.  
cost_group(Path *path, PlannerInfo *root, int numGroupCols, double numGroups,  
                   Cost input_startup_cost, Cost input_total_cost,  
                   double input_tuples)  
 * cost_subplan  
 *              Figure the costs for a SubPlan (or initplan).  
 * Note: we could dig the subplan's Plan out of the root list, but in practice  
 * all callers have it handy already, so we make them pass it.  
cost_subplan(PlannerInfo *root, SubPlan *subplan, Plan *plan)  
 * cost_rescan  
 *              Given a finished Path, estimate the costs of rescanning it after  
 *              having done so the first time.  For some Path types a rescan is  
 *              cheaper than an original scan (if no parameters change), and this  
 *              function embodies knowledge about that.  The default is to return  
 *              the same costs stored in the Path.  (Note that the cost estimates  
 *              actually stored in Paths are always for first scans.)  
 * This function is not currently intended to model effects such as rescans  
 * being cheaper due to disk block caching; what we are concerned with is  
 * plan types wherein the executor caches results explicitly, or doesn't  
 * redo startup calculations, etc.  
cost_rescan(PlannerInfo *root, Path *path, Cost *rescan_startup_cost,      /* output parameters */  
                        Cost *rescan_total_cost)  
 * cost_qual_eval  
 *              Estimate the CPU costs of evaluating a WHERE clause.  
 *              The input can be either an implicitly-ANDed list of boolean  
 *              expressions, or a list of RestrictInfo nodes.  (The latter is  
 *              preferred since it allows caching of the results.)  
 *              The result includes both a one-time (startup) component,  
 *              and a per-evaluation component.  
cost_qual_eval(QualCost *cost, List *quals, PlannerInfo *root)  
 * cost_qual_eval_node  
 *              As above, for a single RestrictInfo or expression.  
cost_qual_eval_node(QualCost *cost, Node *qual, PlannerInfo *root)  
cost_qual_eval_walker(Node *node, cost_qual_eval_context *context)  






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