Construction Plan for Budget Preparation Management Systemcatalogue1 Budget preparation 51.1 Budg

Construction Plan for Budget Preparation Management System
1 Budget preparation 5
1.1 Budget Preparation Management 5
1.1.1 Business Description 5
1.1.2 Business Process 7
1.1.3 Functional Structure 8
1.1.4 Data Standardization Integration and Data Process Transformation 12 Interface display and input/output modification 12 Data Definition Design and Data Exchange Transformation 13 Synchronization of Basic Data and Platform 13 Synchronization of Business Data and Platform and Process Transformation 22
1.1.5 Integration and Transformation to Support Centralized Deployment 26 Integration and Transformation with Portal 26 Database deployment and migration transformation 27
1.1.6 Integrated Transformation Function Requirements and Preliminary Design 28 Platform Service Settings 28 Correspondence Setting 28 Importing Basic Data 28 Importing Business Data 28 Exporting Basic Data 28 Exporting Business Data 30 Log Viewing 31
1.1.7 New Business Requirements and Preliminary Design 31 New Requirements for Departmental Budgets from Subject Reform 31 Add module for setting corresponding relationships between units, project categories, and accounts 31 Extended Report Data Column Type Support Range 32 Expanding Statistical Calibers and Expanding Reference Scope 33 Supports multiple basic number tables and can be used in the process of defining quota formula33 Adding automatic generation of project numbers 34 Enhance the function of summarizing and refreshing project control data 35 Add version management and control module 35 In the input interface, multiple versions of data content can be displayed simultaneously 35 Add query function for data different from historical data 35 Historical Version Data Recovery (by Unit, Select Project) 36 Provide automatic data backup function during project business state transition 36 Adding inter version comparison function in the comprehensive processing module 37 The file name for issuing data includes annual and data status information 37 Verify annual and data status when receiving submitted documents 37 Receiving and reporting data can ignore the business status of the unit and force automatic collection. 37 Improvement of User Permissions Setting in Departments 37 Provide overall database data locking function 38 Audit Definition Template Extension 38 Expansion of Quota Formula Adjustment Factor Range 38 In the results of the pivot table, adding category items can be sorted by code 38 Improving the Data Comprehensive Query Module 38 Improving the Usability of Investigation Report Input Interface 39 Field range can be selected in the project input interface 40 Add access to project information in the project collection interface 40 Improving the Usability of Comprehensive Processing Modules 40 Unit Sorting by Code in Budget Status Setting Module 40 Add control number import function 40 When issuing the selection range, operations can be carried out according to the predetermined mode 41 Expanding Report Data Cleanup Functionality 41 All modules are sorted by code 41 Enhanced homework task setting function 42 Add consistency check function for unit budget data status 43 Add the function of clearing all unit budget statuses 43 After the change in the relationship between the corresponding departments of the unit, synchronize the content of the supervisory department in the project data 44 Data distribution logs can be deleted 44 Data reception logs can be deleted 44 New Requirements for Sending and Receiving Log Browsing Module 44 Improving the judgment of file names when receiving files 44 Support for Total Line Function44 When logging in, do not display other non departmental budget libraries 44 Strengthen the processing function of historical data 45
1 Budget preparation
1.1 Budget preparation management
1.1.1 Business Description
Budget preparation management refers to the preparation of unit budgets and departmental budgets by departments at all levels and subordinate budget units according to standard budget subjects. Based on the budget calculation requirements issued by the Finance Bureau, the basic information of the unit and the review relationship of expenditure budget settings, it realizes the preparation, hierarchical reporting, review, and summary of departmental budgets. At the same time, budget units at all levels have established a database of budget declaration and budget approval materials over the years based on this software, providing a basis for the preparation of rolling budgets.
According to the requirements of the central government, the deepening of fiscal budget reform needs to be guided by the scientific development concept, to achieve standardized, refined, scientific, and holistic budget management. By utilizing information technology, specialization, and systematic management techniques, we can change the extensive management approach, implement management accurately, meticulously, and deeply, achieve precise control over various aspects such as budget preparation and execution, and continuously improve the scientificity of budget management.
Standardization requirements
Standardize the preparation mode and unify the main mode of departmental budget preparation based on the principles of unity and flexibility. The unified content includes: unified basic information settings, unified basic data collection content, unified revenue and expenditure item categories, and unified departmental budget reports. Unify the format of the draft text and budget approval text, while allowing each region to flexibly formulate specific economic classifications, personnel quota standards and categories, and internal and external budget coordination methods based on local conditions.
Standardize the preparation process, and in terms of the preparation process, it is required to clarify the relationship between finance and departments, as well as between departments and units, and establish a smooth and efficient budget preparation operation mechanism with budget leadership, mutual cooperation among various business departments, and joint cooperation.
Standardization of budgeting methods: In terms of budgeting methods, unified budgeting software should be used to promote the standardization of departmental budgeting.
Refinement requirements
Refinement of Basic Data: Consolidate the basic work of budgeting, build basic databases, and achieve "refinement" of budget basic data preparation. Fully grasp and dynamically manage the basic information of budget units involved in the preparation of basic expenditures, such as personnel, buildings, vehicles, etc., and automatically generate accurate basic expenditure budgets.
Standardization of quota management: Improve the quota management system, strengthen functional budgeting, and achieve "refinement" of budget preparation methods. One is to improve the method of formulating quota standards, combining individual quotas with industry quotas, and combining general quotas with classification quotas. The second is to establish a quota standard system that combines budget fund quotas with physical asset quotas, achieving effective connection between budget expenditures for official vehicles and physical quotas.
Scientific requirements
Highlighting focus: Highlighting the focus of budget preparation and strictly controlling general expenditures. Firmly establish a sense of conservation, strictly control general expenses such as meetings, travel, and going abroad, compress the budget for regular project expenses, and invest more funds to support and solve the most concerned, direct, and practical interests of the people.
Highlighting overall planning: Highlighting the overall planning of budget preparation and strengthening the management of fiscal surplus funds. Fiscal surplus funds, as an important source of financial resources, are dynamically controlled through the development of methods and research and development management systems to integrate the use of surplus funds with the preparation of departmental budgets, reduce capital accumulation, and encourage units to pay attention to incremental distribution while strengthening stock adjustments.
Highlighting performance: Highlighting the performance of budget management and strengthening project expenditure budget management. By comprehensively implementing project reviews, refining project budget management, and promoting the preparation, refinement, and accuracy of project budgets; Promote project rolling management, adapt to medium - and long-term planning, establish a management mechanism for cross annual and perennial project rolling into the next year's project database, and effectively improve the quality of project budget declaration; Strictly add project management, achieve an organic combination of early budget arrangement and budget adjustment, and improve the performance of project budget arrangement.
Integrated requirements
Connect with the "big platform": Connect with the construction of Jincai Engineering, further integrate software, and smoothly connect with the "big platform" of Jincai.
Collaborative work of the three major reforms: Linking with centralized treasury payments and government procurement reforms, further refining budget preparation. The continuous deepening of centralized payment and government procurement reform requires the preparation of project expenditure budgets to be more detailed and practical. At the same time, government procurement audits are also involved in advance. If the budget unit cannot provide detailed requirements, the budget will not be arranged. In this way, the organic connection of the three major reforms has enhanced the comprehensiveness, accuracy, and standardization of departmental budget preparation.
Strengthen the vertical connection between the central government, provinces, cities, and districts/counties, and create a top-down system for preparing large budgets.
1.1.2 Business Process
The business process of department budget preparation and review is shown in the following figure:
Figure Department Budget Preparation Business Process Diagram (Two Up Two Down Mode)
The departmental budget should be prepared step by step from grassroots units, and go through four stages: department reporting budget suggestions, finance issuing budget control limits, department refining budget preparation, and finance approving department budgets. To clarify the tasks of each stage of budget preparation and the division of responsibilities among relevant parties, reasonably determine the department's budget preparation time, and achieve the standardization and institutionalization of budget preparation.
At present, the budget preparation process of local finance departments is divided into two parts: upper and lower. The reporting of budget data by budget units to the financial department is usually referred to as "up". The distribution of budget data by the financial department to budget units is called distribution.
The departmental budget review subsystem is the core of the entire local departmental budget system, with strong scalability and rich development interfaces, and close connections with other business subsystems. In actual use, it is possible to expand the business support capabilities of the system itself through collaboration with other business systems.
1.1.3 Functional structure
The department budget system is mainly divided into five functional modules, as shown in the following figure:
Functional structure diagram of department budget system
The following table provides further refinement of the above functional structures.
Number Function Name Remarks
1 System settings
1.1 Maintenance of Input Reports
1.1.1 Report Definition
1.1.2 Batch data modification
1.1.3 Report data deletion
1.2 Audit Definition
1.2.1 Definition of Budget Data Review
1.2.2 Definition of Business Review Process
1.3 System permission settings
1.3.1 Corresponding units of each department
1.3.2 Corresponding departments for users
1.3.3 Corresponding units for user roles
1.3.4 Batch authorization of corresponding units
1.3.5 User collaborative management unit
1.3.6 Data permission registration
1.3.7 Initial Data Settings
1.3.8 Data permission settings
1.3.9 Data Batch Authorization
1.3.10 User Unit Account Permission Setting
1.3.11 Report Account Setting
1.3.12 Data lock settings
1.3.13 Permission Query
1.1.14 Unit version status permission settings
1.4 System usage settings
1.4.1 Data transmission method settings
1.4.2 Project Display Settings
1.4.3 Extension Reference Maintenance
1.4.4 System switch settings
1.4.5 Initial System Settings
1.4.6 Business Operation Maintenance
1.4.7 Business data backup
1.5 Formula refresh
1.5.1 Refresh Order Setting
1.5. Report Formula Refresh
1.6 Login Password Settings
2 Quota management
2.1 Quota Standard Setting
2.1.1 Standard category maintenance
2.1.2 Quota Standard Setting
2.2 Unit Quota Setting
2.3 Expense Item Entry Settings
2.3.1 General Input Settings
2.3.2 Batch Entry Settings
2.3.3 Unit Input Settings
3 Budget preparation and review
3.1 Budget review data input
3.1.1 Summary of income and expenditure
3.1.2 Report Data Entry
3.1.3 Data Review
3.1.4 Business Status
3.2 Comprehensive processing of budget preparation and review
3.2.1 Budget Review
3.2.2 Budget Data Status
3.2.3 Approval document generation
4 Control Number Management
4.1 Control Number Setting
4.1.1 Definition of Control Number Entry Table
4.1.2 Initial Relationship Setting
4.1.3 Setting of Room Control Numbers
4.1.4 Unit Control Number Setting
4.1.5 Setting of backward extrusion properties
4.1.6 Definition of Interline Formulas
4.1.7 Fund Source Setting
4.2 Data source maintenance
4.3 Calculation of Room Control Numbers
4.3.1 Control number synchronization according to caliber
4.3.2 Formula data extraction
4.3.3 Adding Records
4.4 Calculation of Unit Control Numbers
4.5 Calculation of General Control Numbers
5 Report Query
5.1 Comprehensive Query Definition
5.2 Comprehensive Query Browsing
5.3 General report browsing
5.4 Common Report Settings
5.5 Project Application Definition
5.6 Budget Data Analysis
6 Data transmission
6.1 Issuing Unit Budget Data
6.2 Receiving unit budget data
6.3 Sending and receiving log browsing
6.4 Departmental Project Collection
9 System Management
7.1 Department subjects
7.1.1 Department settings
7.1.2 Subject Setting
7.2 Unit Information
7.2.1 Unit Settings
7.3 Permission settings
7.3.1 User
7.3.2 User permissions
7.3.3 User Authorization Report
7.3.4 System Authorization Report
7.3.5 User Unit Registration
7.4 Platform Interface
7.4.1 Platform Service Settings
7.4.2 Corresponding Relationship Settings
7.4.3 Importing Basic Data
7.4.4 Importing Business Data
7.4.5 Export Basic Data
7.4.6 Export Business Data
7.4.7 Interface Log Viewing
8 Query Report
8.1 Data Object Management
8.1.1 Basic Data Object Management
8.1.2 Business Data Object Management
8.1.3 Comprehensive Management of Data Objects
8.1.4 Data Source Definition Management
8.1.5 Query Definition Management
8.1.6 Report Definition Management
8.1.7 Query Run
8.1.8 Report Run
8.2 Data Management
8.2.1 Overall management of queries and reports





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