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原创 KM算法模板

KM算法是用来求完全二分图最大完美匹配的算法,其原理是不断寻找增广路(增广路定理)。相关性质:在最大二分图匹配图中,W[x][y] <= Lx[x] + Ly[y]。#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <string>#include <iostream>#include <...

2018-02-17 17:02:17 197

原创 2-SAT模板

2-SAT是指可以将问题看作多个布尔表达式同时成立的问题。       如 x | y 为真,则 !x & !y 为假,由此可以推导出 !x -> y,以及 !y -> x ,也就是当x为假时,必须让y为真,当y为假时,必须让x为真。这样可以将此问题形象化为一个图论问题。    &...

2018-02-14 14:45:18 285

原创 后缀数组模板

倍增算法(DA)倍增算法的时间复杂度为O(nlogn),利用倍增思想给字符串所有后缀进行排序,用于解决字符串处理问题。变量解释:sa[i] 排名为i的后缀是以下标为sa[i]开头的字符串(以下简称后缀) rnk[i] 后缀i的排名为rnk[i] hei[i] sa[i-1]和sa[i]的最长公共前缀(连续)的长度相关性质:1.rnk...

2018-02-09 22:01:55 168

原创 Codeforces-535B Tavas and SaDDas

The problem is: You are given a lucky number n. Lucky numbers are the positive integers whose decimal representations contain only the lucky digits 4 and 7. For example, numbers 47, 744, 4 are lucky

2017-05-06 20:01:57 482

原创 HDU-1242 Rescue

Angel was caught by the MOLIGPY! He was put in prison by Moligpy. The prison is described as a N * M (N, M <= 200) matrix. There are WALLs, ROADs, and GUARDs in the prison. Angel’s friends want to save

2017-05-06 14:44:26 224

原创 UVA-11078 Open Credit System

In an open credit system, the students can choose any course they like, but there is a problem. Some of the students are more senior than other students. The professor of such a course has found quite

2017-05-05 18:45:54 324

原创 UVA-548 Trees

You are to determine the value of the leaf node in a given binary tree that is the terminal node of a path of least value from the root of the binary tree to any leaf. The value of a path is the sum of

2017-03-25 22:05:47 279

原创 UVA-839 Not so Mobile

Before being an ubiquous communications gadget, a mobile was just a structure made of strings and wires suspending colourfull things. This kind of mobile is usually found hanging over cradles of small

2017-03-25 15:33:02 300

原创 UVA-679 Dropping Balls

A number of K balls are dropped one by one from the root of a fully binary tree structure FBT. Each time the ball being dropped first visits a non-terminal node. It then keeps moving down, either follo

2017-03-23 21:41:27 241

原创 UVA-514 Rails

There is a famous railway station in PopPush City. Country there is incredibly hilly. The station was built in last century. Unfortunately, funds were extremely limited that time. It was possible to es

2017-03-22 20:47:55 200

原创 UVA-11988 Broken Keyboard (a.k.a. Beiju Text)

You’re typing a long text with a broken keyboard. Well it’s not so badly broken. The only problem with the keyboard is that sometimes the “home” key or the “end” key gets automatically pressed (interna

2017-03-22 20:41:06 200

原创 UVA-136 Ugly Numbers

Ugly numbers are numbers whose only prime factors are 2, 3 or 5. The sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, …  shows the first 11 ugly numbers. By convention, 1 is included. Write a program to

2017-03-19 12:24:16 372

原创 蓝桥杯-猜算式

请你观察如下的乘法算式 星号代表某位数字,注意这些星号中, 0~9中的每个数字都恰好用了2次。 (如因字体而产生对齐问题,请参看图p1.jpg)请写出这个式子最终计算的结果,就是那个5位数是多少?注意:只需要填写一个整数,不要填写任何多余的内容。比如说明文字。分析:dfs简单题,注意剪枝。我的这个程序大概花了2分钟算出答案。Source:#include<cstdio>#include<st

2017-03-18 22:50:15 386

原创 UVA-540 Team Queue

Queues and Priority Queues are data structures which are known to most computer scientists. The Team Queue, however, is not so well known, though it occurs often in everyday life. At lunch time the que

2017-03-18 22:42:46 228

原创 UVA-12096 The SetStack Computer

Background from Wikipedia: “Set theory is a branch of mathematics created principally by the German mathematician Georg Cantor at the end of the 19th century. Initially controversial, set theory has co

2017-03-18 18:34:16 208

原创 UVA-156 Ananagrams

Most crossword puzzle fans are used to anagrams — groups of words with the same letters in different orders — for example OPTS, SPOT, STOP, POTS and POST. Some words however do not have this attribute,

2017-03-16 21:25:49 174

原创 UVA-101 The Blocks Problem

Many areas of Computer Science use simple, abstract domains for both analytical and empirical studies. For example, an early AI study of planning and robotics (STRIPS) used a block world in which a rob

2017-03-14 21:18:32 198

原创 蓝桥杯-凑算式

凑算式 (如果显示有问题,可以参见【图1.jpg】) 这个算式中A~I代表1~9的数字,不同的字母代表不同的数字。比如: 6+8/3+952/714 就是一种解法, 5+3/1+972/486 是另一种解法。这个算式一共有多少种解法?注意:你提交应该是个整数,不要填写任何多余的内容或说明性文字。分析:dfs暴力法,简单题。Source:#include<cstdio>using names

2017-03-13 20:09:47 317

原创 蓝桥杯-寒假作业

现在小学的数学题目也不是那么好玩的。 看看这个寒假作业:□ + □ = □ □ - □ = □ □ × □ = □ □ ÷ □ = □(如果显示不出来,可以参见【图1.jpg】) 每个方块代表1~13中的某一个数字,但不能重复。 比如: 6 + 7 = 13 9 - 8 = 1 3 * 4 = 12 10 / 2 = 5以及: 7 +

2017-03-13 19:52:05 483

原创 UVA-10474 Where is the marble?

Raju and Meena love to play with Marbles. They have got a lot of marbles with numbers written on them. At the beginning, Raju would place the marbles one after another in ascending order of the numbers

2017-03-13 19:12:41 186

原创 UVA-129 Krypton Factor

You have been employed by the organisers of a Super Krypton Factor Contest in which contestants have very high mental and physical abilities. In one section of the contest the contestants are tested on

2017-03-11 20:50:08 262

原创 UVA-524 Prime Ring Problem

A ring is composed of n (even number) circles as shown in diagram. Put natural numbers 1,2,…,n into each circle separately, and the sum of numbers in two adjacent circles should be a prime. Note: the

2017-03-10 19:34:10 209

原创 UVA-10976 Fractions Again?!

It is easy to see that for every fraction in the form 1 k (k > 0), we can always find two positive integers x and y, x ≥ y, such that: 1 /k = 1/ x + 1/ y Now our question is: can you write a program

2017-03-07 21:52:17 226

原创 UVA-11059 Maximum Product

Given a sequence of integers S = {S1,S2,…,Sn}, you should determine what is the value of the maximum positive product involving consecutive terms of S. If you cannot find a positive sequence, you should

2017-03-07 21:45:01 304

原创 UVA-725 Division

Write a program that finds and displays all pairs of 5-digit numbers that between them use the digits 0 through 9 once each, such that the first number divided by the second is equal to an integer N, w

2017-03-07 21:37:34 288

原创 UVA-133 The Dole Queue

In a serious attempt to downsize (reduce) the dole queue, The New National Green Labour Rhinoceros Party has decided on the following strategy. Every day all dole applicants will be placed in a large c

2017-03-04 17:16:05 214

原创 UVA-489 Hangman Judge

In “Hangman Judge,” you are to write a program that judges a series of Hangman games. For each game, the answer to the puzzle is given as well as the guesses. Rules are the same as the classic game of

2017-03-04 15:35:26 203

原创 UVA-1588 Kickdown

原题网址分析:分别将两个字符串不断右移,找出移动次数最少的答案。Source:#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#define MAX 110int main(){ char s1[MAX],s2[MAX]; int i,j,k,l1,l2,ans1,ans2; while(scanf("%s%s",s1,s2)!=EOF)

2017-03-04 13:58:37 286

原创 UVA-1587 Box

Ivan works at a factory that produces heavy machinery. He has a simple job — he knocks up wooden boxes of different sizes to pack machinery for delivery to the customers. Each box is a rectangular paral

2017-03-04 13:15:58 254

原创 UVA-11889 Benefit

Recently Yaghoub is playing a new trick to sell some more. When somebody gives him A Tomans, he who never has appropriate changes, asks for B Tomans such that lowest common multiple of A and B equals t

2017-02-26 21:49:00 247

原创 UVA-455 Periodic Strings

A character string is said to have period k if it can be formed by concatenating one or more repetitions of another string of length k. For example, the string ”abcabcabcabc” has period 3, since it is

2017-02-26 20:19:05 129

原创 UVA-1225 Digit Counting

Trung is bored with his mathematics homeworks. He takes a piece of chalk and starts writing a sequence of consecutive integers starting with 1 to N (1 < N < 10000). After that, he counts the number of

2017-02-26 19:36:57 225

原创 UVA-1586 Molar Mass

原题网址分析:简单题,对字符串判断与操作。Source:#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>int main(){ double saw[4]={12.01,1.008,16.00,14.01},sum; int num[4]={0,0,0,0}; int i,k,l,t,c; char s[80]; scanf("%d

2017-02-26 17:35:19 275

原创 UVA-1585 Score

There is an objective test result such as “OOXXOXXOOO”. An ‘O’ means a correct answer of a problem and an ‘X’ means a wrong answer. The score of each problem of this test is calculated by itself and it

2017-02-26 15:33:56 200

原创 UVA-1584 Circular Sequence

Some DNA sequences exist in circular forms as in the following figure, which shows a circular sequence “CGAGTCAGCT”, that is, the last symbol “T” in “CGAGTCAGCT” is connected to the first symbol “C”. We

2017-02-26 15:13:53 305

原创 UVA-1583 Digit Genarator

For a positive integer N, the digit-sum of N is defined as the sum of N itself and its digits. When M is the digitsum of N, we call N a generator of M. For example, the digit-sum of 245 is 256 (= 245 +

2017-02-25 22:00:45 245

原创 UVA-401 Palindromes

原题网址分析:根据题意,本题需要两个函数is_palidrome()和is_mirrored()来判断字符串。判断是否镜像时,使用两个字符串,其中元素一一对应。Source:#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>int is_palindrome(char *s){ int i,l=strlen(s); for(i=0;i<=l-i;i++)

2017-02-25 21:02:38 193

原创 UVA-272 TEX Quotes

原题网址 分析:简单的字符串操作。Source:#include<stdio.h>int main(){ char c,i,k=0; while((c=getchar())!=EOF) { if(c=='"') { k++; if(k%2) printf("`

2017-02-25 19:19:54 367

原创 UVA-11609 Teams

In a galaxy far far away there is an ancient game played among the planets. The specialty of the game is that there is no limitation on the number of players in each team, as long as there is a captain

2017-02-25 16:44:32 535

原创 UVA-10892 LCM Cardinality

A pair of numbers has a unique LCM but a single number can be the LCM of more than one possible pairs. For example 12 is the LCM of (1, 12), (2, 12), (3,4) etc. For a given positive integer N, the numb

2017-02-25 11:30:00 457



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