1、Watchdog Timer Control Register (WTCON, R/W, Address = 0xE270_0000)
The WTCON register allows you to enable/ disable the watchdog timer, select the clock signal from four different sources, enable/ disable interrupts, and enable/ disable the watchdog timer output.The Watchdog timer is used to restart the S5PV210 to recover from mal-function; if controller restart is notdesired, the Watchdog timer should be disabled.If you want to use the normal timer provided by the Watchdog timer, enable the interrupt and disable the Watchdog timer.
2、Watchdog Timer Data Register (WTDAT, R/W, Address = 0xE270_0004)
The WTDAT register specifies the time-out duration. The content of WTDAT cannot be automatically loaded into the timer counter at initial watchdog timer operation. However, using 0x8000 (initial value) drives the first time-out.In this case, the value of WTDAT is automatically reloaded into WTCNT.
3、Watchdog Timer Count Register (WTCNT, R/W, Address = 0xE270_0008)
The WTCNT register contains the current count values for the watchdog timer during normal operation. Note that the content of the WTDAT register cannot be automatically loaded into the timer count register if the watchdog timer is enabled initially, therefore the WTCNT register must be set to an initial value before enabling it.
4、Watchdog Timer Interrupt Clear Register (WTCLRINT, W, Address = 0xE270_000C)
The WTCLRINT register is used to clear the interrupt. Interrupt service routine is responsible to clear the relevant interrupt after the interrupt service is complete. Writing any values on this register clears the interrupt. Reading this register is not allowed.