暗原色 opencv

 *  Ragnarok @ ZJU CAD&CG
 *  2011.3.1
 *  Implementation of <Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior> @ CVPR2009
 *  Using OpenCV 2.1 with VC 9.0

#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>

//regularizing parameter for Laplacian matrix
#define EPSILON 0.01f
//better be an odd number
#define PATCH 15
//top 0.1% brightest pixels in the dark channel.
#define ATOMSPHERERATIO 0.001f
//omega to relieve aerial perspective
#define OMEGA 0.95f
//lower bound t0 reciprocal
#define T0RECI 10
//windows size for Laplacian Matting
#define WNDSIZE 3
//lamda for Laplacian matrix
#define LAMDA 0.0001f
//PCG algorithm max iteration
#define ITERMAX 1000
//PCG algorithm error tolerance square
#define TOLERANCE 0.001f

//Return minimal RGB Color Channel
uchar GetMiniRGB(uchar *ptr)
	if (ptr[0] < ptr[1])
		if (ptr[0] < ptr[2])
			return ptr[0];
			return ptr[2];
		if (ptr[1] < ptr[2])
			return ptr[1];
			return ptr[2];

	return ptr[0];

//Marcel van Herk's fast algorithm to calculate Dark Channel
void CalcDarkChannel(IplImage *src, uchar **darkChannel, int *hiWidth, int *hiHeight)
	//horizon patch & reverse
	uchar **horizonPatch = new uchar *[src->height];
	uchar **horizonPatchReverse = new uchar *[src->height];
	for (int i = 0; i < src->height; ++i)
		horizonPatch[i] = new uchar [src->width];
		horizonPatchReverse[i] = new uchar [src->width];
	int patchInterval = PATCH < src->width ? PATCH : src->width;

	//for row
	for (int height = 0; height < src->height; ++height)
		uchar *ptr = (uchar *)(src->imageData + height * src->widthStep);
		for (int width = 0; width < src->width; width += patchInterval)
			int patchStep = width;
			//point to the End of Patch
			uchar *ptrRev;
			if (width + patchInterval >= src->width)
				ptrRev = ptr + 3 * (src->width - 1 - patchStep);
				horizonPatchReverse[height][src->width - 1] = GetMiniRGB(ptrRev);
				ptrRev = ptr + 3 * (patchInterval - 1);
				horizonPatchReverse[height][width * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep - 1] = GetMiniRGB(ptrRev);
			//get first RGB
			horizonPatch[height][patchStep] = GetMiniRGB(ptr);
			ptr += 3;
			//get last RGB
			ptrRev -= 3;
			//patch step add

			//get patch others RGB, & compare them with Previous
			while(patchStep < width + patchInterval && patchStep < src->width)
				horizonPatch[height][patchStep] = GetMiniRGB(ptr);
				ptr += 3;

				//whether less than previous one
				if (horizonPatch[height][patchStep] > horizonPatch[height][patchStep - 1])
					horizonPatch[height][patchStep] = horizonPatch[height][patchStep - 1];

				if (width + patchInterval >= src->width)
					horizonPatchReverse[height][src->width - 1 - patchStep + width] = GetMiniRGB(ptrRev);
					if (horizonPatchReverse[height][src->width - 1 - patchStep + width] > 
						horizonPatchReverse[height][src->width - patchStep + width])
						horizonPatchReverse[height][src->width - 1 - patchStep + width] = 
							horizonPatchReverse[height][src->width - patchStep + width];
					horizonPatchReverse[height][width * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep - 1] = GetMiniRGB(ptrRev);
					if (horizonPatchReverse[height][width * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep - 1] > 
						horizonPatchReverse[height][width * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep])
						horizonPatchReverse[height][width * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep - 1] = 
							horizonPatchReverse[height][width * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep];

				ptrRev -= 3;
	//calculate the row minimal
	uchar **rowMin = new uchar *[src->height];
	for (int i = 0; i < src->height; ++i)
		rowMin[i] = new uchar [src->width];
	for (int height = 0; height < src->height; ++height)
		//beginning of the row
		for (int width = 0; width < PATCH / 2; ++width)
			rowMin[height][width] = horizonPatch[height][width + PATCH / 2];
		for (int width = PATCH / 2; width < src->width - PATCH / 2; ++width)
			rowMin[height][width] = horizonPatchReverse[height][width - PATCH / 2] < horizonPatch[height][width + PATCH / 2] ? 
				horizonPatchReverse[height][width - PATCH / 2] : horizonPatch[height][width + PATCH / 2];
		for (int width = src->width - PATCH / 2; width < src->width; ++width)
			rowMin[height][width] = horizonPatchReverse[height][width - PATCH / 2];

	//vertical patch & reverse
	uchar **verticalPatch = new uchar *[src->height];
	uchar **verticalPatchReverse = new uchar *[src->height];
	for (int i = 0; i < src->height; ++i)
		verticalPatch[i] = new uchar [src->width];
		verticalPatchReverse[i] = new uchar [src->width];
	patchInterval = PATCH < src->height ? PATCH : src->height;

	//for column
	for (int width = 0; width < src->width; ++width)
		for (int height = 0; height < src->height; height += patchInterval)
			int patchStep = height;
			//get order
			verticalPatch[patchStep][width] = rowMin[patchStep][width];
			//get reverse order
			if (height + patchInterval >= src->height)
				verticalPatchReverse[src->height - 1][width] = rowMin[src->height - 1][width];
				verticalPatchReverse[height * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep - 1][width] = rowMin[height * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep - 1][width];
			//patch step add

			//get others patch min, & compare them with Previous
			while(patchStep < height + patchInterval && patchStep < src->height)
				verticalPatch[patchStep][width] = rowMin[patchStep][width];

				//whether less than previous one
				if (verticalPatch[patchStep][width] > verticalPatch[patchStep - 1][width])
					verticalPatch[patchStep][width] = verticalPatch[patchStep - 1][width];

				if (height + patchInterval >= src->height)
					verticalPatchReverse[src->height - 1 - patchStep + height][width] = rowMin[src->height - 1 - patchStep + height][width];
					if (verticalPatchReverse[src->height - 1 - patchStep + height][width] > 
						verticalPatchReverse[src->height - patchStep + height][width])
						verticalPatchReverse[src->height - 1 - patchStep + height][width] = 
							verticalPatchReverse[src->height - patchStep + height][width];
					verticalPatchReverse[height * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep - 1][width] = rowMin[height * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep - 1][width];
					if (verticalPatchReverse[height * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep - 1][width] > 
						verticalPatchReverse[height * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep][width])
						verticalPatchReverse[height * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep - 1][width] = 
							verticalPatchReverse[height * 2 + patchInterval - patchStep][width];


	//calculate the final minimal patch
	uchar hiDC = 0;
	for (int width = 0; width < src->width; ++width)
		//beginning of the row
		for (int height = 0; height < PATCH / 2; ++height)
			darkChannel[height][width] = verticalPatch[height + PATCH / 2][width];
			if (hiDC < darkChannel[height][width])
				*hiWidth = width;
				*hiHeight = height;
				hiDC = darkChannel[height][width];
		for (int height = PATCH / 2; height < src->height - PATCH / 2; ++height)
			darkChannel[height][width] = verticalPatchReverse[height - PATCH / 2][width] < verticalPatch[height + PATCH / 2][width] ? 
				verticalPatchReverse[height - PATCH / 2][width] : verticalPatch[height + PATCH / 2][width];
			if (hiDC < darkChannel[height][width])
				*hiWidth = width;
				*hiHeight = height;
				hiDC = darkChannel[height][width];
		for (int height = src->height - PATCH / 2; height < src->height; ++height)
			darkChannel[height][width] = verticalPatchReverse[height - PATCH / 2][width];
			if (hiDC < darkChannel[height][width])
				*hiWidth = width;
				*hiHeight = height;
				hiDC = darkChannel[height][width];

//Section 4.4 Estimating the Atmospheric Light
void AtmosphericLight(IplImage *src, int width, int height, uchar& asLight)
// 	int ratioPercent = (int)(src->width * src->height * ATOMSPHERERATIO);
// 	int index = 255;
// 	while (ratioPercent > 0)
// 	{
// 		ratioPercent -= histogram[index--];
// 	}
// 	asLight = 255;
// 	int tmpHist = histogram[255];
// 	for (int idx = 254; idx > index + 1; --idx)
// 	{
// 		if (histogram[idx] > tmpHist)
// 		{
// 			asLight = idx;
// 			tmpHist = histogram[idx];
// 		}
// 	}
// 	if (histogram[index + 1] + ratioPercent > tmpHist)
// 	{
// 		asLight = index + 1;
// 	}
	uchar *ptr = (uchar *)(src->imageData + height * src->widthStep + width * 3);
	asLight = ptr[0];
	if (asLight < ptr[1])
		asLight = ptr[1];
	if (asLight < ptr[2])
		asLight = ptr[2];

//Section 4.1 Estimating the Transmission
void Transmission(IplImage *src, uchar **darkChannel, uchar asLight, float **transmission)
	float light = 1.0f / asLight;
	for (int height = 0; height < src->height; ++height)
		for (int width = 0; width < src->width; ++width)
			transmission[height][width] = 1 - darkChannel[height][width] * light * OMEGA;

//determine whether i and j are in one window
bool iWNDj(int i, int j, int width)
	if (j + WNDSIZE * width <= i || j - WNDSIZE * width >= i)
		return false;
	for (int row = -WNDSIZE + 1; row < WNDSIZE; ++row)
		int tmp = j + row * width;
		if (tmp < 0)
		for (int col = -WNDSIZE + 1; col < WNDSIZE; ++col)
			if (i == tmp + col)
				//test points beside j are not in other row
				if (tmp / width == (tmp + col) / width)
					return true;
	return false;

//To get Matrix from IplImage window
void GetMatFromImgWND(IplImage *src, int height, int width, int windowSize, CvMat *windowMat)
	for (int row = 0; row < windowSize; ++row)
		uchar *ptr = (uchar *)(src->imageData + (height + row) * src->widthStep + width * 3);
		for (int col = 0; col < windowSize; ++col)
			CV_MAT_ELEM(*windowMat, float, row * windowSize + col, 0) = *ptr;
			CV_MAT_ELEM(*windowMat, float, row * windowSize + col, 1) = *ptr;
			CV_MAT_ELEM(*windowMat, float, row * windowSize + col, 2) = *ptr;

//To get Matting Laplacian Matrix
//Refer to A. Levin <A Closed Form Solution to Natural Image Matting>
void GetLMatrix(CvSparseMat *LMat, IplImage *src)
	//U3 Identity matrix
	CvMat *U3 = cvCreateMat(3, 3, CV_32FC1);
	float param = EPSILON / (WNDSIZE * WNDSIZE);
	for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
		for (int m = 0; m < 3; ++m)
			if (k == m)
				CV_MAT_ELEM(*U3, float, k, m) = param;
				CV_MAT_ELEM(*U3, float, k, m) = 0;

	for (int height = 0; height <= src->height - WNDSIZE; ++height)
		for (int width = 0; width <= src->width - WNDSIZE; ++width)
			//for window's 9(window * window) * 3(RGB) matrix
			CvMat *windowsMat = cvCreateMat(WNDSIZE * WNDSIZE, 3, CV_32FC1);
			GetMatFromImgWND(src, height, width, WNDSIZE, windowsMat);	

			//get covariance & mean matrix
			CvMat *preCal[1];
			preCal[0] = windowsMat;
			CvMat *meanTmp = cvCreateMat(1, WNDSIZE, CV_32FC1);
			CvMat *covTmp = cvCreateMat(WNDSIZE, WNDSIZE, CV_32FC1);
			cvCalcCovarMatrix((const CvArr **)preCal, WNDSIZE * WNDSIZE, covTmp, 
			CvMat *meanMatrix1 = cvCreateMat(WNDSIZE * WNDSIZE, 3, CV_32FC1), *meanMatrix2 = cvCreateMat(3, WNDSIZE * WNDSIZE, CV_32FC1);
			CvMat *covMatrix = cvCreateMat(WNDSIZE, WNDSIZE, CV_32FC1);
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
				for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
					CV_MAT_ELEM(*covMatrix, float, i, j) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*covTmp, float, j, i) / (WNDSIZE * WNDSIZE);
			for (int i = 0; i < WNDSIZE * WNDSIZE; ++i)
				CV_MAT_ELEM(*meanMatrix1, float, i, 0) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*meanTmp, float, 0, 0);
				CV_MAT_ELEM(*meanMatrix1, float, i, 1) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*meanTmp, float, 0, 1);
				CV_MAT_ELEM(*meanMatrix1, float, i, 2) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*meanTmp, float, 0, 2);
				CV_MAT_ELEM(*meanMatrix2, float, 0, i) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*meanTmp, float, 0, 0);
				CV_MAT_ELEM(*meanMatrix2, float, 1, i) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*meanTmp, float, 0, 1);
				CV_MAT_ELEM(*meanMatrix2, float, 2, i) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*meanTmp, float, 0, 2);

			//get Ii & Ij matrix
			CvMat *Ij = cvCreateMat(3, WNDSIZE * WNDSIZE, CV_32FC1);
			for (int k = 0; k < WNDSIZE; ++k)
				for (int m = 0; m < WNDSIZE; ++m)
					CV_MAT_ELEM(*Ij, float, 0, k * WNDSIZE + m) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*windowsMat, float, k * WNDSIZE + m, 0);
					CV_MAT_ELEM(*Ij, float, 1, k * WNDSIZE + m) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*windowsMat, float, k * WNDSIZE + m, 1);
					CV_MAT_ELEM(*Ij, float, 2, k * WNDSIZE + m) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*windowsMat, float, k * WNDSIZE + m, 2);

			//get matrix multiply result
			CvMat *mat = cvCreateMat(WNDSIZE * WNDSIZE, WNDSIZE * WNDSIZE, CV_32FC1);
			cvSub(windowsMat, meanMatrix1, windowsMat);
			cvAdd(covMatrix, U3, covMatrix);
			cvInvert(covMatrix, covMatrix);
			cvSub(Ij, meanMatrix2, Ij);
			cvMatMul(windowsMat, covMatrix, windowsMat);
			cvMatMul(windowsMat, Ij, mat);


			//add to the L matrix
			for (int i = 0 ; i < WNDSIZE; ++i)
				for (int j = 0; j < WNDSIZE; ++j)
					for (int k = 0 ; k < WNDSIZE; ++k)
						for (int m = 0; m < WNDSIZE; ++m)
							int kronecker = (i * WNDSIZE + j) == (k * WNDSIZE + m) ? 1 : 0;
							float tmp = cvGetReal2D(LMat, (height + i) * src->width + width + j, (height + k) * src->width + width + m)
								+ kronecker - (CV_MAT_ELEM(*mat, float, i * WNDSIZE + j, k * WNDSIZE + m) + 1) / (WNDSIZE * WNDSIZE);
							cvSetReal2D(LMat, (height + i) * src->width + width + j, (height + k) * src->width + width + m, tmp);


	//release Matrix

//Sparse Matrix Add
//without constraint check & src1 include src2's all nodes
void cvSparseAdd(CvSparseMat *src1, CvSparseMat *src2, CvSparseMat *dst)
	CvSparseMatIterator mat_iterator;	
	int* idx;
	float val1, val2;
	for(CvSparseNode* node = cvInitSparseMatIterator(src1, &mat_iterator); node != 0; node = cvGetNextSparseNode(&mat_iterator))
		idx = CV_NODE_IDX(src1, node);
		val1 = *(float *)CV_NODE_VAL(src1, node);
		val2 = cvGetReal2D(src2, idx[0], idx[1]);
		if (fabs(val1 += val2) > 1e-10)
			cvSetReal2D(dst, idx[0], idx[1], val1);

//Sparse Matrix Multiply Column Vector
//without constraint check
void cvSparseMul(CvSparseMat *src1, CvMat *src2, CvMat *dst)
	CvSparseMatIterator matIterator;
	int *idx;
	float val;
	for(CvSparseNode* node = cvInitSparseMatIterator(src1, &matIterator); node != 0; node = cvGetNextSparseNode(&matIterator))
		idx = CV_NODE_IDX(src1, node);
		val = *(float*)CV_NODE_VAL(src1, node);

		CV_MAT_ELEM(*dst, float, idx[0], 0) += val * CV_MAT_ELEM(*src2, float, idx[1], 0);

//Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm
//Implementation of J. R. Shewchuk <An Introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method Without the Agonizing Pain> p51
void PCGAlgo(CvSparseMat *A, CvMat *b, CvMat *x, CvSparseMat *MInvert, int iterMax, float err, IplImage *src)
	int iter = 0;
	CvMat *r = cvCreateMat(src->width * src->height, 1, CV_32FC1);
	cvSparseMul(A, x, r);
	cvSub(b, r, r);
	CvMat *d = cvCreateMat(src->width * src->height, 1, CV_32FC1);
	cvSparseMul(MInvert, r, d);
	CvMat *rTrans = cvCreateMat(1, src->width * src->height, CV_32FC1);
	cvTranspose(r, rTrans);
	CvMat *thNew = cvCreateMat(1, 1, CV_32FC1);
	cvMatMul(rTrans, d, thNew);
	float thOld, thNewNum = CV_MAT_ELEM(*thNew, float, 0, 0), th0Num = thNewNum;

	int i = 0;
	while (i < iterMax && thNewNum > err * th0Num)
		CvMat *q = cvCreateMat(src->width * src->height, 1, CV_32FC1);
		cvSparseMul(A, d, q);
		float den = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < src->width * src->height; ++i)
			den += CV_MAT_ELEM(*d, float, i, 0) * CV_MAT_ELEM(*q, float, i, 0);
		float alfa = thNewNum / den;
		for (int k = 0; k < src->width * src->height; ++k)
			CV_MAT_ELEM(*x, float, k, 0) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*x, float, k, 0) + alfa * CV_MAT_ELEM(*d, float, k, 0);
		if (i % 50 == 0)
			cvSparseMul(A, x, r);
			cvSub(b, r, r);
			for (int k = 0; k < src->width * src->height; ++k)
				CV_MAT_ELEM(*r, float, k, 0) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*r, float, k, 0) - alfa * CV_MAT_ELEM(*q, float, k, 0);
		CvMat *s = cvCreateMat(src->width * src->height, 1, CV_32FC1);
		cvSparseMul(MInvert, r, s);
		thOld = thNewNum;
		cvTranspose(r, rTrans);
		cvMatMul(rTrans, s, thNew);
		thNewNum = CV_MAT_ELEM(*thNew, float, 0, 0);
		float beta = thNewNum / thOld;
		for (int k = 0; k < src->width * src->height; ++k)
			CV_MAT_ELEM(*d, float, k, 0) = CV_MAT_ELEM(*s, float, k, 0) + beta * CV_MAT_ELEM(*d, float, k, 0);


//Section 4.2 Soft Matting
void SoftMatting(IplImage *src, float **trans)
	int demSize[2];
	demSize[0] = src->width * src->height;
	demSize[1] = src->width * src->height;
	CvSparseMat *LMat = cvCreateSparseMat(2, demSize, CV_32FC1);
	GetLMatrix(LMat, src);

	//Identity matrix
	CvSparseMat *U = cvCreateSparseMat(2, demSize, CV_32FC1);
	for (int k = 0; k < src->width * src->height; ++k)
		cvSetReal2D(U, k, k, LAMDA);

	// Ax = b
	CvSparseMat *A = cvCreateSparseMat(2, demSize, CV_32FC1);
	cvSparseAdd(LMat, U, A);
	CvMat *b = cvCreateMat(src->width * src->height, 1, CV_32FC1);
	for (int k = 0; k < src->height; ++k)
		for (int m = 0; m < src->width; ++m)
			CV_MAT_ELEM(*b, float, k * src->width + m, 0) = LAMDA * trans[k][m];


	//x0 = [0]
	CvMat *x0 = cvCreateMat(src->width * src->height, 1, CV_32FC1);
	for (int k = 0; k < src->width * src->height; ++k)
		CV_MAT_ELEM(*x0, float, k, 0) = 0;
	//Preconditioner is using diagonal preconditioning or Jacobi preconditioning
	//here invert it
	CvSparseMat *MInvert = cvCreateSparseMat(2, demSize, CV_32FC1);
	for (int k = 0; k < src->width * src->height; ++k)
		cvSetReal2D(MInvert, k, k, 1.0f / cvGetReal2D(A, k, k));

	//Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) method
	PCGAlgo(A, b, x0, MInvert, ITERMAX, TOLERANCE, src);


	//x0 is the refined transmission
	for (int k = 0; k < src->height; ++k)
		for (int m = 0; m < src->width; ++m)
			trans[k][m] = CV_MAT_ELEM(*x0, float, k * src->width + m, 0);

//Section 4.3 Recovering the Scene Radiance
void RecoverSceneRadiance(IplImage *src, float **transmission, uchar asLight, IplImage *des, CvMat *transMat)
	for (int height = 0; height < src->height; ++height)
		uchar *srcPtr = (uchar *)(src->imageData + height * src->widthStep);
		uchar *desPtr = (uchar *)(des->imageData + height * des->widthStep);
		for (int width = 0; width < src->width; ++width)
			CV_MAT_ELEM(*transMat, uchar, height, width) = transmission[height][width] * 255;
			float maxReci = T0RECI < 1.0f / transmission[height][width] ? T0RECI : 1.0f / transmission[height][width];
			desPtr[width * 3] = (srcPtr[width * 3] - asLight) * maxReci + asLight;
			desPtr[width * 3 + 1] = (srcPtr[width * 3 + 1] - asLight) * maxReci + asLight;
			desPtr[width * 3 + 2] = (srcPtr[width * 3 + 2] - asLight) * maxReci + asLight;

int main()
	char picname[6][15]={"test.jpg", "test1.jpg", "test2.jpg", "test3.jpg", "test4.jpg", "test5.jpg"};
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
		IplImage *src = cvLoadImage(picname[i]);

		//Allocate the 2D dark channel
		uchar **darkChannel = new uchar *[src->height];
		for (int i = 0; i < src->height; ++i)
			darkChannel[i] = new uchar [src->width];
// 		//Allocate the dark channel histogram
// 		uchar histogramDC[256];
// 		memset(histogramDC, 0, sizeof(histogramDC));
		int hiWidth, hiHeight;

		CalcDarkChannel(src, darkChannel, &hiWidth, &hiHeight);

		uchar asLight;

//		AtmosphericLight(src, hiWidth, hiHeight, asLight);
		asLight = 255;

		//Allocate the transmission
		float **transmission = new float *[src->height];
		for (int i = 0; i < src->height; ++i)
			transmission[i] = new float [src->width];

		Transmission(src, darkChannel, asLight, transmission);

		SoftMatting(src, transmission);

		//dehaze image
		CvMat *transMat = cvCreateMat(src->height, src->width, CV_8UC1);
		IplImage *dehazeImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src),src->depth,src->nChannels);

		RecoverSceneRadiance(src, transmission, asLight, dehazeImage, transMat);

		cvNamedWindow("Source Image",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
		cvShowImage("Source Image",src);
		cvNamedWindow("Transmission Map",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
		cvShowImage("Transmission Map",transMat);
		cvNamedWindow("Dehaze Image",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
		cvShowImage("Dehaze Image",dehazeImage);
		if( cvWaitKey() == 27 )
		for (int i = 0; i < src->height; ++i)
			delete [] darkChannel[i];
			delete [] transmission[i];
		delete [] darkChannel;
		delete [] transmission;
		cvDestroyWindow("Source Image");
		cvDestroyWindow("Transmission Map");
		cvDestroyWindow("Dehaze Image");

	return 0;

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