

Copyright 2018 The File Authors & zouyu. All Rights Reserved.
Contact with: 1746430162@qq.com 181663309504

(1) 全局路径规划:通过起点终点计算行驶路径
(2) 规划当前轨道:通过感知,预测,路径规划等信息计算轨道
(3) 规划转换成命令:将轨道转换成控制汽车的命令(加速,制动,转向等)
(1) 输入输出
i. Apollo/modules/drivers 设备驱动
ii. Apollo/modules/localization 位置信息
iii. Apollo/modules/monitor 监控模块
iv. Apollo/modules/canbus 与汽车硬件交互
v. Apollo/modules/map 地图数据
vi. Apollo/modules/third_party_perception 三方感知器支持
(2) 交互
i. Apollo/modules/dreamview 可视化模块
ii. Apollo/modules/hmi 把汽车当前状态显示给用户
(3) 工具
i. Apollo/modules/calibration 标注工具
ii. Apollo/modules/common 支持其它模块的公共工具
iii. Apollo/modules/data 数据工具
iv. Apollo/modules/tools 一些Python工具
(4) 其它
i. Apollo/modules/elo 高精度定位系统,无源码,但有文档
ii. Apollo/modules/e2e 收集传感器数据给PX2,ROS


 * Copyright 2018 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "modules/perception/obstacle/camera/cipv/cipv.h"

#include <cmath>

#include "modules/common/log.h"
#include "modules/common/math/line_segment2d.h"

namespace apollo {
namespace perception {

    : vehicle_param_(

Cipv::~Cipv(void) {}

bool Cipv::Init() {
  b_image_based_cipv_ = false;
  debug_level_ = 0;  // 0: no debug message
                     // 1: minimal output
                     // 2: some important output
                     // 3: verbose message
                     // 4: visualization
                     // 5: all
                     // -x: specific debugging, where x is the specific number
  time_unit_ = AVERAGE_FRATE_RATE;
  vehicle_param_ =
  return true;

// Distance from a point to a line segment
bool Cipv::DistanceFromPointToLineSegment(const Point2Df &point,
                                          const Point2Df &line_seg_start_point,
                                          const Point2Df &line_seg_end_point,
                                          float *distance) {
  common::math::Vec2d p = {point[0], point[1]};
  common::math::LineSegment2d line_seg(
      {line_seg_start_point[0], line_seg_start_point[1]},
      {line_seg_end_point[0], line_seg_end_point[1]});
  if (line_seg.length_sqr() <= B_FLT_EPSILON) {
    // line length = 0
    return false;
  *distance = line_seg.DistanceTo(p);
  return true;

// Determine CIPV among multiple objects
bool Cipv::GetEgoLane(const LaneObjectsPtr lane_objects, EgoLane *egolane_image,
                      EgoLane *egolane_ground, bool *b_left_valid,
                      bool *b_right_valid) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < lane_objects->size(); ++i) {
    if ((*lane_objects)[i].spatial == L_0) {
      if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
        AINFO << "[GetEgoLane]LEFT(*lane_objects)[i].image_pos.size(): "
              << (*lane_objects)[i].image_pos.size();
      if ((*lane_objects)[i].image_pos.size() <
        *b_left_valid = false;
      } else {
        *b_left_valid = true;

        for (size_t j = 0; j < (*lane_objects)[i].image_pos.size(); ++j) {
          Eigen::Vector2f image_point((*lane_objects)[i].image_pos[j][0],

          Eigen::Vector2f ground_point((*lane_objects)[i].pos[j][0],
    } else if ((*lane_objects)[i].spatial == R_0) {
      if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
        AINFO << "[GetEgoLane]RIGHT(*lane_objects)[i].image_pos.size(): "
              << (*lane_objects)[i].image_pos.size();
      if ((*lane_objects)[i].image_pos.size() <
        *b_right_valid = false;
      } else {
        *b_right_valid = true;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < (*lane_objects)[i].image_pos.size(); ++j) {
          Eigen::Vector2f image_point((*lane_objects)[i].image_pos[j][0],

          Eigen::Vector2f ground_point((*lane_objects)[i].pos[j][0],
  return true;

// Make a virtual lane line using a reference lane line and its offset distance
bool Cipv::MakeVirtualLane(const LaneLine &ref_lane_line, const float yaw_rate,
                           const float offset_distance,
                           LaneLine *virtual_lane_line) {
  // TODO(All): Use union of lane line and yaw_rate path to determine the
  // virtual lane
  if (b_image_based_cipv_ == false) {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ref_lane_line.line_point.size(); ++i) {
      Eigen::Vector2f virtual_line_point(
          ref_lane_line.line_point[i][1] + offset_distance);
  } else {
    // Image based extension requires to reproject virtual laneline points to
    // image space.
  return true;

float Cipv::VehicleDynamics(const uint32_t tick, const float yaw_rate,
                            const float velocity, const float time_unit,
                            float *x, float *y) {
  // straight model;
  *x = tick;
  *y = 0.0f;

  // float theta = time_unit_ * yaw_rate;
  // float displacement = time_unit_ * velocity;

  // Eigen::Rotation2Df rot2d(theta);
  // Eigen::Vector2f trans;

  // trans(0) = displacement * cos(theta);
  // trans(1) = displacement * sin(theta);

  // motion_2d.block(0, 0, 2, 2) = rot2d.toRotationMatrix().transpose();
  // motion_2d.block(0, 2, 2, 1) = -rot2d.toRotationMatrix().transpose() *
  // trans;
  return true;

// Make a virtual lane line using a yaw_rate
bool Cipv::MakeVirtualEgoLaneFromYawRate(const float yaw_rate,
                                         const float velocity,
                                         const float offset_distance,
                                         LaneLine *left_lane_line,
                                         LaneLine *right_lane_line) {
  // ** to do *** Use union of lane line and yaw_rate path to determine the
  // virtual lane
  float x = 0.0f;
  float y = 0.0f;

  if (b_image_based_cipv_ == false) {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 120; i += 5) {
      VehicleDynamics(i, yaw_rate, velocity, time_unit_, &x, &y);
      Eigen::Vector2f left_point(x, y + offset_distance);
      Eigen::Vector2f right_point(x, y - offset_distance);
  } else {
    // Image based extension requires to reproject virtual laneline points to
    // image space.
  return true;

// Elongate lane line
bool Cipv::ElongateEgoLane(const LaneObjectsPtr lane_objects,
                           const bool b_left_valid, const bool b_right_valid,
                           const float yaw_rate, const float velocity,
                           EgoLane *egolane_image, EgoLane *egolane_ground) {
  float offset_distance = EGO_CAR_HALF_VIRTUAL_LANE;
  // When left lane line is available
  if (b_left_valid && b_right_valid) {
    // elongate both lanes or do nothing
    AINFO << "Both lanes are fine";
    // When only left lane line is avaiable
  } else if (!b_left_valid && b_right_valid) {
    // Generate virtual left lane based on right lane
    offset_distance = -(fabs(egolane_ground->right_line.line_point[0][1]) +
    MakeVirtualLane(egolane_ground->right_line, yaw_rate, offset_distance,
    AINFO << "Made left lane";

    // When only right lane line is avaiable
  } else if (b_left_valid && !b_right_valid) {
    // Generate virtual right lane based on left lane
    offset_distance = (fabs(egolane_ground->left_line.line_point[0][1]) +
    MakeVirtualLane(egolane_ground->left_line, yaw_rate, offset_distance,
    AINFO << "Made right lane";

    // When there is no lane lines available
  } else {  // if (!b_left_valid && !b_right_valid)
    // Generate new egolane using yaw-rate and yaw-angle
    MakeVirtualEgoLaneFromYawRate(yaw_rate, velocity, offset_distance,
    AINFO << "Made both lane_objects";

  return true;

// Get closest edge of an object in image cooridnate
bool Cipv::FindClosestEdgeOfObjectImage(const ObjectPtr &object,
                                        const EgoLane &egolane_image,
                                        LineSegment2Df *closted_object_edge) {
  float size_x = object->length;
  float size_y = object->width;
  float size_z = object->height;
  if (size_x < 1.0e-2 && size_y < 1.0e-2 && size_z < 1.0e-2) {
    // size_x = 0.1;
    // size_y = 0.1;
    // size_z = 0.1;
    return false;
  float center_x = object->center[0];
  float center_y = object->center[1];
  float direction_x = object->direction[0];
  float direction_y = object->direction[1];
  float x1 = size_x / 2;
  float x2 = 0 - x1;
  float y1 = size_y / 2;
  float y2 = 0 - y1;
  double len = sqrt(direction_x * direction_x + direction_y * direction_y);
  float cos_theta = direction_x / len;
  float sin_theta = -direction_y / len;

  // Check if object direction is less than +-45 degree
  // angle = atan2(y, x)
  if (fabs(atan2(object->direction[1], object->direction[0])) <=
    // get back of the vehicle
    closted_object_edge->start_point[0] =
        x2 * cos_theta + y1 * sin_theta + center_x;
    closted_object_edge->start_point[1] =
        y1 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;

    closted_object_edge->end_point[0] =
        x2 * cos_theta + y2 * sin_theta + center_x;
    closted_object_edge->end_point[1] =
        y2 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;

    // If a vehicle faces side way, extract the side edge of a vehicle
  } else if (atan2(object->direction[1], object->direction[0]) >
             FOURTY_FIVE_DEGREE) {
    // get left side of the vehicle
    closted_object_edge->start_point[0] =
        x2 * cos_theta + y1 * sin_theta + center_x;
    closted_object_edge->start_point[1] =
        y1 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;

    closted_object_edge->end_point[0] =
        x2 * cos_theta + y1 * sin_theta + center_x;
    closted_object_edge->end_point[1] =
        y1 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;
  } else if (atan2(object->direction[1], object->direction[0]) <
             -FOURTY_FIVE_DEGREE) {
    // get right side of the vehicle

    closted_object_edge->start_point[0] =
        x1 * cos_theta + y2 * sin_theta + center_x;
    closted_object_edge->start_point[1] =
        y2 * cos_theta - x1 * sin_theta + center_y;

    closted_object_edge->end_point[0] =
        x2 * cos_theta + y2 * sin_theta + center_x;
    closted_object_edge->end_point[1] =
        y2 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;
  } else {
    // don't get front of vehicle
    closted_object_edge->start_point[0] =
        x1 * cos_theta + y1 * sin_theta + center_x;
    closted_object_edge->start_point[1] =
        y1 * cos_theta - x1 * sin_theta + center_y;

    closted_object_edge->end_point[0] =
        x1 * cos_theta + y2 * sin_theta + center_x;
    closted_object_edge->end_point[1] =
        y2 * cos_theta - x1 * sin_theta + center_y;

  return true;
// Get closest edge of an object in ground cooridnate
// *** TO DO *** This funcion should be changed to find min-y and max-y edges
// to determine CIPV.
bool Cipv::FindClosestEdgeOfObjectGround(const ObjectPtr &object,
                                         const EgoLane &egolane_ground,
                                         LineSegment2Df *closted_object_edge) {
  if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
    AINFO << "object->track_id: " << object->track_id;
    // AINFO << "object->length: " << object->length;
    // AINFO << "object->width: " << object->width;
    // AINFO << "object->height: " << object->height;
  float size_x = object->length;
  float size_y = object->width;
  float size_z = object->height;
  if (size_x < 1.0e-2 && size_y < 1.0e-2 && size_z < 1.0e-2) {
    // size_x = 0.1;
    // size_y = 0.1;
    // size_z = 0.1;
    return false;
  if (debug_level_ >= 3) {
    AINFO << "object->center[0]: " << object->center[0];
    AINFO << "object->center[1]: " << object->center[1];
    AINFO << "object->center[2]: " << object->center[2];
    AINFO << "object->direction[0]: " << object->direction[0];
    AINFO << "object->direction[1]: " << object->direction[1];
    AINFO << "object->direction[2]: " << object->direction[2];
  float center_x = object->center[0];
  float center_y = object->center[1];
  float direction_x = object->direction[0];
  float direction_y = object->direction[1];
  float x1 = size_x / 2;
  float x2 = 0 - x1;
  float y1 = size_y / 2;
  float y2 = 0 - y1;
  double len = sqrt(direction_x * direction_x + direction_y * direction_y);
  if (len < B_FLT_EPSILON) {
    return false;
  float cos_theta = direction_x / len;
  float sin_theta = -direction_y / len;

  Point2Df p[4];

  p[0][0] = x2 * cos_theta + y1 * sin_theta + center_x;
  p[0][1] = y1 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;

  p[1][0] = x2 * cos_theta + y2 * sin_theta + center_x;
  p[1][1] = y2 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;

  p[2][0] = x1 * cos_theta + y1 * sin_theta + center_x;
  p[2][1] = y1 * cos_theta - x1 * sin_theta + center_y;

  p[3][0] = x1 * cos_theta + y2 * sin_theta + center_x;
  p[3][1] = y2 * cos_theta - x1 * sin_theta + center_y;

  if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
    AINFO << "P0(" << p[0][0] << ", " << p[0][1] << ")";
    AINFO << "P1(" << p[1][0] << ", " << p[1][1] << ")";
    AINFO << "P2(" << p[2][0] << ", " << p[2][1] << ")";
    AINFO << "P3(" << p[3][0] << ", " << p[3][1] << ")";

  float closest_x = MAX_FLOAT;
  float second_closest_x = MAX_FLOAT - 1.0f;
  int32_t closest_index = -1;
  int32_t second_closest_index = -1;
  for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    if (p[i][0] <= closest_x) {
      second_closest_index = closest_index;
      second_closest_x = closest_x;
      closest_index = i;
      closest_x = p[i][0];
    } else if (p[i][0] <= second_closest_x) {
      second_closest_index = i;
      second_closest_x = p[i][0];
  if (p[closest_index][1] >= p[second_closest_index][1]) {
    closted_object_edge->start_point[0] = p[closest_index][0];
    closted_object_edge->start_point[1] = p[closest_index][1];

    closted_object_edge->end_point[0] = p[second_closest_index][0];
    closted_object_edge->end_point[1] = p[second_closest_index][1];
  } else {
    closted_object_edge->start_point[0] = p[second_closest_index][0];
    closted_object_edge->start_point[1] = p[second_closest_index][1];

    closted_object_edge->end_point[0] = p[closest_index][0];
    closted_object_edge->end_point[1] = p[closest_index][1];

  if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
    AINFO << "start(" << closted_object_edge->start_point[0] << ", "
          << closted_object_edge->start_point[1] << ")->";
    AINFO << "end(" << closted_object_edge->end_point[0] << ", "
          << closted_object_edge->end_point[1] << ")";
  return true;

// Check if the distance between lane and object are OK
bool Cipv::AreDistancesSane(const float distance_start_point_to_right_lane,
                            const float distance_start_point_to_left_lane,
                            const float distance_end_point_to_right_lane,
                            const float distance_end_point_to_left_lane) {
  float distance = -1.0f;
  if (distance_start_point_to_right_lane > MAX_DIST_OBJECT_TO_LANE_METER) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 1) {
      AINFO << "distance from start to right lane(" << distance
            << " m) is too long";
    return false;
  if (distance_start_point_to_left_lane > MAX_DIST_OBJECT_TO_LANE_METER) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 1) {
      AINFO << "distance from start to left lane(" << distance
            << " m) is too long";
    return false;
  if (distance_end_point_to_right_lane > MAX_DIST_OBJECT_TO_LANE_METER) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 1) {
      AINFO << "distance from end to right lane(" << distance
            << " m) is too long";
    return false;
  if (distance_end_point_to_left_lane > MAX_DIST_OBJECT_TO_LANE_METER) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 1) {
      AINFO << "distance from end to left lane(" << distance
            << " m) is too long";
    return false;
  distance = fabs(distance_start_point_to_right_lane -
  if (distance > MAX_VEHICLE_WIDTH_METER) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 1) {
      AINFO << "width of vehicle (" << distance << " m) is too long";
    return false;

  distance =
      fabs(distance_end_point_to_left_lane - distance_start_point_to_left_lane);
  if (distance > MAX_VEHICLE_WIDTH_METER) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 1) {
      AINFO << "width of vehicle (" << distance << " m) is too long";
    return false;
  // put more conditions here if required.

  // AINFO << "Distances are sane!";

  return true;

// Check if a point is left of a line segment
bool Cipv::IsPointLeftOfLine(const Point2Df &point,
                             const Point2Df &line_seg_start_point,
                             const Point2Df &line_seg_end_point) {
  float cross_product = ((line_seg_end_point[0] - line_seg_start_point[0]) *
                         (point[1] - line_seg_start_point[1])) -
                        ((line_seg_end_point[1] - line_seg_start_point[1]) *
                         (point[0] - line_seg_start_point[0]));

  if (cross_product > 0.0f) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
      AINFO << "point (" << point[0] << ", " << point[1]
            << ") is left of line_segment (" << line_seg_start_point[0] << ", "
            << line_seg_start_point[1] << ")->(" << line_seg_end_point[0]
            << ", " << line_seg_end_point[1]
            << "), cross_product: " << cross_product;
    return true;
  } else {
    if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
      AINFO << "point (" << point[0] << ", " << point[1]
            << ") is right of line_segment (" << line_seg_start_point[0] << ", "
            << line_seg_start_point[1] << ")->(" << line_seg_end_point[0]
            << ", " << line_seg_end_point[1]
            << "), cross_product: " << cross_product;
    return false;
// Check if the object is in the lane in image space
bool Cipv::IsObjectInTheLaneImage(const ObjectPtr &object,
                                  const EgoLane &egolane_image) {
  return true;

// Check if the object is in the lane in ego-ground space
//  |           |
//  | *------*  |
//  |         *-+-----*
//  |           |  *--------* <- closest edge of object
// *+------*    |
//  |           |
// l_lane     r_lane
bool Cipv::IsObjectInTheLaneGround(const ObjectPtr &object,
                                   const EgoLane &egolane_ground) {
  LineSegment2Df closted_object_edge;
  bool b_left_lane_clear = false;
  bool b_right_lane_clear = false;
  float shortest_distance = 0.0f;
  float distance = 0.0f;
  float shortest_distance_start_point_to_right_lane = 0.0f;
  float shortest_distance_start_point_to_left_lane = 0.0f;
  float shortest_distance_end_point_to_right_lane = 0.0f;
  float shortest_distance_end_point_to_left_lane = 0.0f;

  int closest_index = -1;
  // Find closest edge of a given object bounding box
  float b_valid_object = FindClosestEdgeOfObjectGround(object, egolane_ground,
  if (!b_valid_object) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 1) {
      ADEBUG << "The closest edge of an object is not available";
    return false;

  if (debug_level_ >= 3) {
    AINFO << "egolane_ground.left_line.line_point.size(): "
          << egolane_ground.left_line.line_point.size();
  if (egolane_ground.left_line.line_point.size() <= 1) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 1) {
      ADEBUG << "No left lane";
    return false;

  // Check end_point and left lane
  closest_index = -1;
  shortest_distance = MAX_FLOAT;
  for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < egolane_ground.left_line.line_point.size(); ++i) {
    // If a end point is in the clostest left lane line segments
    distance = MAX_FLOAT;
    if (DistanceFromPointToLineSegment(
            egolane_ground.left_line.line_point[i + 1], &distance) == true) {
      if (distance < shortest_distance) {
        closest_index = i;
        shortest_distance = distance;
  // When the clostest line segment was found
  if (closest_index >= 0) {
    // Check if the end point is on the right of the line segment
    if (debug_level_ >= 3) {
      AINFO << "[Left] closest_index: " << closest_index
            << ", shortest_distance: " << shortest_distance;
    if (IsPointLeftOfLine(
            egolane_ground.left_line.line_point[closest_index + 1]) == false) {
      b_left_lane_clear = true;

  if (debug_level_ >= 3) {
    AINFO << "egolane_ground.right_line.line_point.size(): "
          << egolane_ground.right_line.line_point.size();
  // Check start_point and right lane
  if (egolane_ground.right_line.line_point.size() <= 1) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 1) {
      ADEBUG << "No right lane";
    return false;
  closest_index = -1;
  shortest_distance = MAX_FLOAT;
  for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < egolane_ground.right_line.line_point.size(); ++i) {
    // If a end point is in the clostest right lane line segments
    distance = MAX_FLOAT;
    if (DistanceFromPointToLineSegment(
            egolane_ground.right_line.line_point[i + 1], &distance) == true) {
      if (distance < shortest_distance) {
        closest_index = i;
        shortest_distance = distance;
  // When the clostest line segment was found
  if (closest_index >= 0) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 3) {
      AINFO << "[right] closest_index: " << closest_index
            << ", shortest_distance: " << shortest_distance;
    // Check if the end point is on the right of the line segment
    if (IsPointLeftOfLine(
            egolane_ground.right_line.line_point[closest_index + 1]) == true) {
      b_right_lane_clear = true;

  // Check if the distance is sane
  if (AreDistancesSane(shortest_distance_start_point_to_right_lane,
                       shortest_distance_end_point_to_left_lane)) {
    return (b_left_lane_clear && b_right_lane_clear);

  } else {
    return false;

  return true;

// Check if the object is in the lane in ego-ground space
bool Cipv::IsObjectInTheLane(const ObjectPtr &object,
                             const EgoLane &egolane_image,
                             const EgoLane &egolane_ground) {
  if (b_image_based_cipv_ == true) {
    return IsObjectInTheLaneImage(object, egolane_image);
  } else {
    return IsObjectInTheLaneGround(object, egolane_ground);

// =====================================================================
// Determine CIPV among multiple objects
bool Cipv::DetermineCipv(std::shared_ptr<SensorObjects> sensor_objects,
                         CipvOptions *options) {
  if (debug_level_ >= 3) {
    AINFO << "Cipv Got SensorObjects size " << sensor_objects->objects.size();
    AINFO << "Cipv Got lane object size "
          << sensor_objects->lane_objects->size();
  float yaw_rate = options->yaw_rate;
  float velocity = options->yaw_rate;
  int32_t old_cipv_index = sensor_objects->cipv_index;
  int32_t cipv_index = -1;
  //    int32_t old_cipv_track_id = sensor_objects->cipv_track_id;
  int32_t cipv_track_id = -1;
  // AINFO<<"static_cast<int32_t>(sensor_objects->objects.size(): "
  //           << static_cast<int32_t>(sensor_objects->objects.size());
  bool b_left_valid = false;
  bool b_right_valid = false;
  EgoLane egolane_image;
  EgoLane egolane_ground;

  // Get ego lanes (in both image and ground coordinate)
  GetEgoLane(sensor_objects->lane_objects, &egolane_image, &egolane_ground,
             &b_left_valid, &b_right_valid);
  ElongateEgoLane(sensor_objects->lane_objects, b_left_valid, b_right_valid,
                  yaw_rate, velocity, &egolane_image, &egolane_ground);

  for (int32_t i = 0; i < static_cast<int32_t>(sensor_objects->objects.size());
       ++i) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
      AINFO << "sensor_objects->objects[i]->track_id: "
            << sensor_objects->objects[i]->track_id;
    if (IsObjectInTheLane(sensor_objects->objects[i], egolane_image,
                          egolane_ground) == true) {
      if (cipv_index < 0 ||
          sensor_objects->objects[i]->center[0] <
              sensor_objects->objects[cipv_index]->center[0]) {
        // cipv_index is not set or if objects[i] is closer than
        // objects[cipv_index] in ego-x coordinate

        // AINFO << "sensor_objects->objects[i]->center[0]: "
        //            << sensor_objects->objects[i]->center[0];
        // AINFO << "sensor_objects->objects[cipv_index]->center[0]: "
        //            << sensor_objects->objects[cipv_index]->center[0];
        cipv_index = i;
        cipv_track_id = sensor_objects->objects[i]->track_id;
      if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
        AINFO << "current cipv_index: " << cipv_index;
  // AINFO << "old_cipv_index: " << old_cipv_index;
  if (old_cipv_index != cipv_index && cipv_index >= 0) {
    // AINFO << "sensor_objects->objects[cipv_index]->b_cipv: "
    //            << sensor_objects->objects[cipv_index]->b_cipv;
    // AINFO << "sensor_objects->cipv_index: "
    //            << sensor_objects->cipv_index;
    // AINFO << "sensor_objects->cipv_track_id: "
    //            << sensor_objects->cipv_track_id;
    if (old_cipv_index >= 0) {
      // AINFO << "sensor_objects->objects[old_cipv_index]->b_cipv: "
      //            << sensor_objects->objects[old_cipv_index]->b_cipv;
      sensor_objects->objects[old_cipv_index]->b_cipv = false;
    sensor_objects->objects[cipv_index]->b_cipv = true;
    sensor_objects->cipv_index = cipv_index;
    sensor_objects->cipv_track_id = cipv_track_id;
    if (debug_level_ >= 1) {
      AINFO << "final cipv_index: " << cipv_index;
      AINFO << "final cipv_track_id: " << cipv_track_id;
      // AINFO << "CIPV Index is changed from " << old_cipv_index << "th
      // object to "
      //            << cipv_index << "th object.";
      // AINFO << "CIPV Track_ID is changed from " << old_cipv_track_id <<
      // " to "
      //            << cipv_track_id << ".";
  } else {
    if (debug_level_ >= 1) {
      AINFO << "No cipv";

  return true;

std::string Cipv::Name() const { return "Cipv"; }

// Register plugin.

}  // namespace perception
}  // namespace apollo

* Copyright 2018 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include "modules/perception/obstacle/camera/cipv/cipv.h"

#include <cmath>

#include "modules/common/log.h"
#include "modules/common/math/line_segment2d.h"

namespace apollo {
namespace perception {

Cipv::Cipv ( void )
: vehicle_param_ ( //车辆参数输入
common::VehicleConfigHelper::instance () -> GetConfig (). vehicle_param ()),
EGO_CAR_WIDTH_METER (vehicle_param_. width ()), //车辆宽
EGO_CAR_LENGTH_METER (vehicle_param_. length ()), //车辆长

Cipv::~Cipv ( void ) {}

bool Cipv::Init () {
b_image_based_cipv_ = false ;
debug_level_ = 0 ; // 0: no debug message //调试水平
// 1: minimal output
// 2: some important output
// 3: verbose message
// 4: visualization
// 5: all
// -x: specific debugging, where x is the specific number
time_unit_ = AVERAGE_FRATE_RATE;
vehicle_param_ =
common::VehicleConfigHelper::instance ()-> GetConfig (). vehicle_param ();
return true ;

// Distance from a point to a line segment
bool Cipv::DistanceFromPointToLineSegment ( const Point2Df & point,
const Point2Df & line_seg_start_point,
const Point2Df & line_seg_end_point,
float * distance) {
common::math::Vec2d p = {point[ 0 ], point[ 1 ]};
common::math::LineSegment2d line_seg (
{line_seg_start_point[ 0 ], line_seg_start_point[ 1 ]},
{line_seg_end_point[ 0 ], line_seg_end_point[ 1 ]});
if (line_seg. length_sqr () <= B_FLT_EPSILON) {
// line length = 0
return false ;
* distance = line_seg. DistanceTo (p);
return true ;

// Determine CIPV among multiple objects 在多目标中检测CIPV,就像是在多障碍物中把它们标记出来
bool Cipv::GetEgoLane ( const LaneObjectsPtr lane_objects, EgoLane * egolane_image,
EgoLane * egolane_ground, bool * b_left_valid,
bool * b_right_valid) {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < lane_objects-> size (); ++ i) {
if (( * lane_objects)[i]. spatial == L_0) {
if (debug_level_ >= 2 ) {
AINFO << "[GetEgoLane]LEFT(*lane_objects)[i].image_pos.size(): "
<< ( * lane_objects)[i]. image_pos . size ();
if (( * lane_objects)[i]. image_pos . size () <
* b_left_valid = false ;
} else {
* b_left_valid = true ;

for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < ( * lane_objects)[i]. image_pos . size (); ++ j) {
Eigen::Vector2f image_point (( * lane_objects)[i]. image_pos [j][ 0 ],
( * lane_objects)[i]. image_pos [j][ 1 ]);
egolane_image-> left_line . line_point . push_back (image_point);

Eigen::Vector2f ground_point (( * lane_objects)[i]. pos [j][ 0 ],
( * lane_objects)[i]. pos [j][ 1 ]);
egolane_ground-> left_line . line_point . push_back (ground_point);
} else if (( * lane_objects)[i]. spatial == R_0) {
if (debug_level_ >= 2 ) {
AINFO << "[GetEgoLane]RIGHT(*lane_objects)[i].image_pos.size(): "
<< ( * lane_objects)[i]. image_pos . size ();
if (( * lane_objects)[i]. image_pos . size () <
* b_right_valid = false ;
} else {
* b_right_valid = true ;
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < ( * lane_objects)[i]. image_pos . size (); ++ j) {
Eigen::Vector2f image_point (( * lane_objects)[i]. image_pos [j][ 0 ],
( * lane_objects)[i]. image_pos [j][ 1 ]);
egolane_image-> right_line . line_point . push_back (image_point);

Eigen::Vector2f ground_point (( * lane_objects)[i]. pos [j][ 0 ],
( * lane_objects)[i]. pos [j][ 1 ]);
egolane_ground-> right_line . line_point . push_back (ground_point);
return true ;

// Make a virtual lane line using a reference lane line and its offset distance
bool Cipv::MakeVirtualLane ( const LaneLine & ref_lane_line, const float yaw_rate,
const float offset_distance,
LaneLine * virtual_lane_line) {
// TODO(All): Use union of lane line and yaw_rate path to determine the
// virtual lane
virtual_lane_line-> line_point . clear ();
if (b_image_based_cipv_ == false ) {
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < ref_lane_line. line_point . size (); ++ i) {
Eigen::Vector2f virtual_line_point (
ref_lane_line. line_point [i][ 0 ],
ref_lane_line. line_point [i][ 1 ] + offset_distance);
virtual_lane_line-> line_point . push_back (virtual_line_point);
} else {
// Image based extension requires to reproject virtual laneline points to
// image space.
return true ;

float Cipv::VehicleDynamics ( const uint32_t tick, const float yaw_rate,
const float velocity, const float time_unit,
float * x, float * y) {
// straight model;
* x = tick;
* y = 0.0f ;

// float theta = time_unit_ * yaw_rate;
// float displacement = time_unit_ * velocity;

// Eigen::Rotation2Df rot2d(theta);
// Eigen::Vector2f trans;

// trans(0) = displacement * cos(theta);
// trans(1) = displacement * sin(theta);

// motion_2d.block(0, 0, 2, 2) = rot2d.toRotationMatrix().transpose();
// motion_2d.block(0, 2, 2, 1) = -rot2d.toRotationMatrix().transpose() *
// trans;
return true ;

// Make a virtual lane line using a yaw_rate
bool Cipv::MakeVirtualEgoLaneFromYawRate ( const float yaw_rate,
const float velocity,
const float offset_distance,
LaneLine * left_lane_line,
LaneLine * right_lane_line) {
// ** to do *** Use union of lane line and yaw_rate path to determine the
// virtual lane
float x = 0.0f ;
float y = 0.0f ;
left_lane_line-> line_point . clear ();
right_lane_line-> line_point . clear ();

if (b_image_based_cipv_ == false ) {
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < 120 ; i += 5 ) {
VehicleDynamics (i, yaw_rate, velocity, time_unit_, & x, & y);
Eigen::Vector2f left_point (x, y + offset_distance);
left_lane_line-> line_point . push_back (left_point);
Eigen::Vector2f right_point (x, y - offset_distance);
right_lane_line-> line_point . push_back (right_point);
} else {
// Image based extension requires to reproject virtual laneline points to
// image space.
return true ;

// Elongate lane line
bool Cipv::ElongateEgoLane ( const LaneObjectsPtr lane_objects,
const bool b_left_valid, const bool b_right_valid,
const float yaw_rate, const float velocity,
EgoLane * egolane_image, EgoLane * egolane_ground) {
float offset_distance = EGO_CAR_HALF_VIRTUAL_LANE;
// When left lane line is available
if (b_left_valid && b_right_valid) {
// elongate both lanes or do nothing
AINFO << "Both lanes are fine" ;
// When only left lane line is avaiable
} else if ( ! b_left_valid && b_right_valid) {
// Generate virtual left lane based on right lane
offset_distance = - ( fabs (egolane_ground-> right_line . line_point [ 0 ][ 1 ]) +
MakeVirtualLane (egolane_ground-> right_line , yaw_rate, offset_distance,
& egolane_ground-> left_line );
AINFO << "Made left lane" ;

// When only right lane line is avaiable
} else if (b_left_valid && ! b_right_valid) {
// Generate virtual right lane based on left lane
offset_distance = ( fabs (egolane_ground-> left_line . line_point [ 0 ][ 1 ]) +
MakeVirtualLane (egolane_ground-> left_line , yaw_rate, offset_distance,
& egolane_ground-> right_line );
AINFO << "Made right lane" ;

// When there is no lane lines available
} else { // if (!b_left_valid && !b_right_valid)
// Generate new egolane using yaw-rate and yaw-angle
MakeVirtualEgoLaneFromYawRate (yaw_rate, velocity, offset_distance,
& egolane_ground-> left_line ,
& egolane_ground-> right_line );
AINFO << "Made both lane_objects" ;

return true ;

// Get closest edge of an object in image cooridnate
bool Cipv::FindClosestEdgeOfObjectImage ( const ObjectPtr & object,
const EgoLane & egolane_image,
LineSegment2Df * closted_object_edge) {
float size_x = object-> length ;
float size_y = object-> width ;
float size_z = object-> height ;
if (size_x < 1.0e-2 && size_y < 1.0e-2 && size_z < 1.0e-2 ) {
// size_x = 0.1;
// size_y = 0.1;
// size_z = 0.1;
return false ;
float center_x = object-> center [ 0 ];
float center_y = object-> center [ 1 ];
float direction_x = object-> direction [ 0 ];
float direction_y = object-> direction [ 1 ];
float x1 = size_x / 2 ;
float x2 = 0 - x1;
float y1 = size_y / 2 ;
float y2 = 0 - y1;
double len = sqrt (direction_x * direction_x + direction_y * direction_y);
float cos_theta = direction_x / len;
float sin_theta = - direction_y / len;

// Check if object direction is less than +-45 degree
// angle = atan2(y, x)
if ( fabs ( atan2 (object-> direction [ 1 ], object-> direction [ 0 ])) <=
// get back of the vehicle
closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 0 ] =
x2 * cos_theta + y1 * sin_theta + center_x;
closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 1 ] =
y1 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;

closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 0 ] =
x2 * cos_theta + y2 * sin_theta + center_x;
closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 1 ] =
y2 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;

// If a vehicle faces side way, extract the side edge of a vehicle
} else if ( atan2 (object-> direction [ 1 ], object-> direction [ 0 ]) >
// get left side of the vehicle
closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 0 ] =
x2 * cos_theta + y1 * sin_theta + center_x;
closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 1 ] =
y1 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;

closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 0 ] =
x2 * cos_theta + y1 * sin_theta + center_x;
closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 1 ] =
y1 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;
} else if ( atan2 (object-> direction [ 1 ], object-> direction [ 0 ]) <
// get right side of the vehicle

closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 0 ] =
x1 * cos_theta + y2 * sin_theta + center_x;
closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 1 ] =
y2 * cos_theta - x1 * sin_theta + center_y;

closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 0 ] =
x2 * cos_theta + y2 * sin_theta + center_x;
closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 1 ] =
y2 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;
} else {
// don't get front of vehicle
closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 0 ] =
x1 * cos_theta + y1 * sin_theta + center_x;
closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 1 ] =
y1 * cos_theta - x1 * sin_theta + center_y;

closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 0 ] =
x1 * cos_theta + y2 * sin_theta + center_x;
closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 1 ] =
y2 * cos_theta - x1 * sin_theta + center_y;

return true ;
// Get closest edge of an object in ground cooridnate
// *** TO DO *** This funcion should be changed to find min-y and max-y edges
// to determine CIPV.
bool Cipv::FindClosestEdgeOfObjectGround ( const ObjectPtr & object,
const EgoLane & egolane_ground,
LineSegment2Df * closted_object_edge) {
if (debug_level_ >= 2 ) {
AINFO << "object->track_id: " << object-> track_id ;
// AINFO << "object->length: " << object->length;
// AINFO << "object->width: " << object->width;
// AINFO << "object->height: " << object->height;
float size_x = object-> length ;
float size_y = object-> width ;
float size_z = object-> height ;
if (size_x < 1.0e-2 && size_y < 1.0e-2 && size_z < 1.0e-2 ) {
// size_x = 0.1;
// size_y = 0.1;
// size_z = 0.1;
return false ;
if (debug_level_ >= 3 ) {
AINFO << "object->center[0]: " << object-> center [ 0 ];
AINFO << "object->center[1]: " << object-> center [ 1 ];
AINFO << "object->center[2]: " << object-> center [ 2 ];
AINFO << "object->direction[0]: " << object-> direction [ 0 ];
AINFO << "object->direction[1]: " << object-> direction [ 1 ];
AINFO << "object->direction[2]: " << object-> direction [ 2 ];
float center_x = object-> center [ 0 ];
float center_y = object-> center [ 1 ];
float direction_x = object-> direction [ 0 ];
float direction_y = object-> direction [ 1 ];
float x1 = size_x / 2 ;
float x2 = 0 - x1;
float y1 = size_y / 2 ;
float y2 = 0 - y1;
double len = sqrt (direction_x * direction_x + direction_y * direction_y);
if (len < B_FLT_EPSILON) {
return false ;
float cos_theta = direction_x / len;
float sin_theta = - direction_y / len;

Point2Df p[ 4 ];

p[ 0 ][ 0 ] = x2 * cos_theta + y1 * sin_theta + center_x; //曲线拟合
p[ 0 ][ 1 ] = y1 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;

p[ 1 ][ 0 ] = x2 * cos_theta + y2 * sin_theta + center_x;
p[ 1 ][ 1 ] = y2 * cos_theta - x2 * sin_theta + center_y;

p[ 2 ][ 0 ] = x1 * cos_theta + y1 * sin_theta + center_x;
p[ 2 ][ 1 ] = y1 * cos_theta - x1 * sin_theta + center_y;

p[ 3 ][ 0 ] = x1 * cos_theta + y2 * sin_theta + center_x;
p[ 3 ][ 1 ] = y2 * cos_theta - x1 * sin_theta + center_y;

if (debug_level_ >= 2 ) {
AINFO << "P0(" << p[ 0 ][ 0 ] << ", " << p[ 0 ][ 1 ] << ")" ;
AINFO << "P1(" << p[ 1 ][ 0 ] << ", " << p[ 1 ][ 1 ] << ")" ;
AINFO << "P2(" << p[ 2 ][ 0 ] << ", " << p[ 2 ][ 1 ] << ")" ;
AINFO << "P3(" << p[ 3 ][ 0 ] << ", " << p[ 3 ][ 1 ] << ")" ;

float closest_x = MAX_FLOAT;
float second_closest_x = MAX_FLOAT - 1.0f ;
int32_t closest_index = - 1 ;
int32_t second_closest_index = - 1 ;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
if (p[i][ 0 ] <= closest_x) {
second_closest_index = closest_index;
second_closest_x = closest_x;
closest_index = i;
closest_x = p[i][ 0 ];
} else if (p[i][ 0 ] <= second_closest_x) {
second_closest_index = i;
second_closest_x = p[i][ 0 ];
if (p[closest_index][ 1 ] >= p[second_closest_index][ 1 ]) {
closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 0 ] = p[closest_index][ 0 ];
closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 1 ] = p[closest_index][ 1 ];

closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 0 ] = p[second_closest_index][ 0 ];
closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 1 ] = p[second_closest_index][ 1 ];
} else {
closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 0 ] = p[second_closest_index][ 0 ];
closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 1 ] = p[second_closest_index][ 1 ];

closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 0 ] = p[closest_index][ 0 ];
closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 1 ] = p[closest_index][ 1 ];

if (debug_level_ >= 2 ) {
AINFO << "start(" << closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 0 ] << ", "
<< closted_object_edge-> start_point [ 1 ] << ")->" ;
AINFO << "end(" << closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 0 ] << ", "
<< closted_object_edge-> end_point [ 1 ] << ")" ;
return true ;

// Check if the distance between lane and object are OK 检查车辆行驶中,左右距离是否在正常范围
bool Cipv::AreDistancesSane ( const float distance_start_point_to_right_lane,
const float distance_start_point_to_left_lane,
const float distance_end_point_to_right_lane,
const float distance_end_point_to_left_lane) {
float distance = - 1.0f ;
if (distance_start_point_to_right_lane > MAX_DIST_OBJECT_TO_LANE_METER) {
if (debug_level_ >= 1 ) {
AINFO << "distance from start to right lane(" << distance
<< " m) is too long" ;
return false ;
if (distance_start_point_to_left_lane > MAX_DIST_OBJECT_TO_LANE_METER) {
if (debug_level_ >= 1 ) {
AINFO << "distance from start to left lane(" << distance
<< " m) is too long" ;
return false ;
if (distance_end_point_to_right_lane > MAX_DIST_OBJECT_TO_LANE_METER) {
if (debug_level_ >= 1 ) {
AINFO << "distance from end to right lane(" << distance
<< " m) is too long" ;
return false ;
if (distance_end_point_to_left_lane > MAX_DIST_OBJECT_TO_LANE_METER) {
if (debug_level_ >= 1 ) {
AINFO << "distance from end to left lane(" << distance
<< " m) is too long" ;
return false ;
distance = fabs (distance_start_point_to_right_lane -
if (distance > MAX_VEHICLE_WIDTH_METER) {
if (debug_level_ >= 1 ) {
AINFO << "width of vehicle (" << distance << " m) is too long" ;
return false ;

distance =
fabs (distance_end_point_to_left_lane - distance_start_point_to_left_lane);
if (distance > MAX_VEHICLE_WIDTH_METER) {
if (debug_level_ >= 1 ) {
AINFO << "width of vehicle (" << distance << " m) is too long" ;
return false ;
// put more conditions here if required.

// AINFO << "Distances are sane!";

return true ;

// Check if a point is left of a line segment
bool Cipv::IsPointLeftOfLine ( const Point2Df & point,
const Point2Df & line_seg_start_point,
const Point2Df & line_seg_end_point) {
float cross_product = ((line_seg_end_point[ 0 ] - line_seg_start_point[ 0 ]) *
(point[ 1 ] - line_seg_start_point[ 1 ])) -
((line_seg_end_point[ 1 ] - line_seg_start_point[ 1 ]) *
(point[ 0 ] - line_seg_start_point[ 0 ]));

if (cross_product > 0.0f ) {
if (debug_level_ >= 2 ) {
AINFO << "point (" << point[ 0 ] << ", " << point[ 1 ]
<< ") is left of line_segment (" << line_seg_start_point[ 0 ] << ", "
<< line_seg_start_point[ 1 ] << ")->(" << line_seg_end_point[ 0 ]
<< ", " << line_seg_end_point[ 1 ]
<< "), cross_product: " << cross_product;
return true ;
} else {
if (debug_level_ >= 2 ) {
AINFO << "point (" << point[ 0 ] << ", " << point[ 1 ]
<< ") is right of line_segment (" << line_seg_start_point[ 0 ] << ", "
<< line_seg_start_point[ 1 ] << ")->(" << line_seg_end_point[ 0 ]
<< ", " << line_seg_end_point[ 1 ]
<< "), cross_product: " << cross_product;
return false ;
// Check if the object is in the lane in image space
bool Cipv::IsObjectInTheLaneImage ( const ObjectPtr & object,
const EgoLane & egolane_image) {
return true ;

// Check if the object is in the lane in ego-ground space
// | |
// | *------* |
// | *-+-----*
// | | *--------* <- closest edge of object
// *+------* |
// | |
// l_lane r_lane
bool Cipv::IsObjectInTheLaneGround ( const ObjectPtr & object,
const EgoLane & egolane_ground) {
LineSegment2Df closted_object_edge;
bool b_left_lane_clear = false ;
bool b_right_lane_clear = false ;
float shortest_distance = 0.0f ;
float distance = 0.0f ;
float shortest_distance_start_point_to_right_lane = 0.0f ;
float shortest_distance_start_point_to_left_lane = 0.0f ;
float shortest_distance_end_point_to_right_lane = 0.0f ;
float shortest_distance_end_point_to_left_lane = 0.0f ;

int closest_index = - 1 ;
// Find closest edge of a given object bounding box
float b_valid_object = FindClosestEdgeOfObjectGround (object, egolane_ground,
& closted_object_edge);
if ( ! b_valid_object) {
if (debug_level_ >= 1 ) {
ADEBUG << "The closest edge of an object is not available" ;
return false ;

if (debug_level_ >= 3 ) {
AINFO << "egolane_ground.left_line.line_point.size(): "
<< egolane_ground. left_line . line_point . size ();
if (egolane_ground. left_line . line_point . size () <= 1 ) {
if (debug_level_ >= 1 ) {
ADEBUG << "No left lane" ;
return false ;

// Check end_point and left lane
closest_index = - 1 ;
shortest_distance = MAX_FLOAT;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i + 1 < egolane_ground. left_line . line_point . size (); ++ i) {
// If a end point is in the clostest left lane line segments
distance = MAX_FLOAT;
if ( DistanceFromPointToLineSegment (
closted_object_edge. end_point ,
egolane_ground. left_line . line_point [i],
egolane_ground. left_line . line_point [i + 1 ], & distance) == true ) {
if (distance < shortest_distance) {
closest_index = i;
shortest_distance = distance;
// When the clostest line segment was found
if (closest_index >= 0 ) {
// Check if the end point is on the right of the line segment
if (debug_level_ >= 3 ) {
AINFO << "[Left] closest_index: " << closest_index
<< ", shortest_distance: " << shortest_distance;
if ( IsPointLeftOfLine (
closted_object_edge. end_point ,
egolane_ground. left_line . line_point [closest_index],
egolane_ground. left_line . line_point [closest_index + 1 ]) == false ) {
b_left_lane_clear = true ;

if (debug_level_ >= 3 ) {
AINFO << "egolane_ground.right_line.line_point.size(): "
<< egolane_ground. right_line . line_point . size ();
// Check start_point and right lane
if (egolane_ground. right_line . line_point . size () <= 1 ) {
if (debug_level_ >= 1 ) {
ADEBUG << "No right lane" ;
return false ;
closest_index = - 1 ;
shortest_distance = MAX_FLOAT;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i + 1 < egolane_ground. right_line . line_point . size (); ++ i) {
// If a end point is in the clostest right lane line segments
distance = MAX_FLOAT;
if ( DistanceFromPointToLineSegment (
closted_object_edge. start_point ,
egolane_ground. right_line . line_point [i],
egolane_ground. right_line . line_point [i + 1 ], & distance) == true ) {
if (distance < shortest_distance) {
closest_index = i;
shortest_distance = distance;
// When the clostest line segment was found
if (closest_index >= 0 ) {
if (debug_level_ >= 3 ) {
AINFO << "[right] closest_index: " << closest_index
<< ", shortest_distance: " << shortest_distance;
// Check if the end point is on the right of the line segment
if ( IsPointLeftOfLine (
closted_object_edge. start_point ,
egolane_ground. right_line . line_point [closest_index],
egolane_ground. right_line . line_point [closest_index + 1 ]) == true ) {
b_right_lane_clear = true ;

// Check if the distance is sane
if ( AreDistancesSane (shortest_distance_start_point_to_right_lane,
shortest_distance_end_point_to_left_lane)) {
return (b_left_lane_clear && b_right_lane_clear);

} else {
return false ;

return true ;

// Check if the object is in the lane in ego-ground space
bool Cipv::IsObjectInTheLane ( const ObjectPtr & object,
const EgoLane & egolane_image,
const EgoLane & egolane_ground) {
if (b_image_based_cipv_ == true ) {
return IsObjectInTheLaneImage (object, egolane_image);
} else {
return IsObjectInTheLaneGround (object, egolane_ground);

// =====================================================================
// Determine CIPV among multiple objects
bool Cipv::DetermineCipv (std::shared_ptr < SensorObjects > sensor_objects,
CipvOptions * options) {
if (debug_level_ >= 3 ) {
AINFO << "Cipv Got SensorObjects size " << sensor_objects-> objects . size ();
AINFO << "Cipv Got lane object size "
<< sensor_objects-> lane_objects -> size ();
float yaw_rate = options-> yaw_rate ;
float velocity = options-> yaw_rate ;
int32_t old_cipv_index = sensor_objects-> cipv_index ;
int32_t cipv_index = - 1 ;
// int32_t old_cipv_track_id = sensor_objects->cipv_track_id;
int32_t cipv_track_id = - 1 ;
// AINFO<<"static_cast<int32_t>(sensor_objects->objects.size(): "
// << static_cast<int32_t>(sensor_objects->objects.size());
bool b_left_valid = false ;
bool b_right_valid = false ;
EgoLane egolane_image;
EgoLane egolane_ground;

// Get ego lanes (in both image and ground coordinate)
GetEgoLane (sensor_objects-> lane_objects , & egolane_image, & egolane_ground,
& b_left_valid, & b_right_valid);
ElongateEgoLane (sensor_objects-> lane_objects , b_left_valid, b_right_valid,
yaw_rate, velocity, & egolane_image, & egolane_ground);

for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < static_cast < int32_t > (sensor_objects-> objects . size ());
++ i) {
if (debug_level_ >= 2 ) {
AINFO << "sensor_objects->objects[i]->track_id: "
<< sensor_objects-> objects [i]-> track_id ;
if ( IsObjectInTheLane (sensor_objects-> objects [i], egolane_image,
egolane_ground) == true ) {
if (cipv_index < 0 ||
sensor_objects-> objects [i]-> center [ 0 ] <
sensor_objects-> objects [cipv_index]-> center [ 0 ]) {
// cipv_index is not set or if objects[i] is closer than
// objects[cipv_index] in ego-x coordinate

// AINFO << "sensor_objects->objects[i]->center[0]: "
// << sensor_objects->objects[i]->center[0];
// AINFO << "sensor_objects->objects[cipv_index]->center[0]: "
// << sensor_objects->objects[cipv_index]->center[0];
cipv_index = i;
cipv_track_id = sensor_objects-> objects [i]-> track_id ;
if (debug_level_ >= 2 ) {
AINFO << "current cipv_index: " << cipv_index;
// AINFO << "old_cipv_index: " << old_cipv_index;
if (old_cipv_index != cipv_index && cipv_index >= 0 ) {
// AINFO << "sensor_objects->objects[cipv_index]->b_cipv: "
// << sensor_objects->objects[cipv_index]->b_cipv;
// AINFO << "sensor_objects->cipv_index: "
// << sensor_objects->cipv_index;
// AINFO << "sensor_objects->cipv_track_id: "
// << sensor_objects->cipv_track_id;
if (old_cipv_index >= 0 ) {
// AINFO << "sensor_objects->objects[old_cipv_index]->b_cipv: "
// << sensor_objects->objects[old_cipv_index]->b_cipv;
sensor_objects-> objects [old_cipv_index]-> b_cipv = false ;
sensor_objects-> objects [cipv_index]-> b_cipv = true ;
sensor_objects-> cipv_index = cipv_index;
sensor_objects-> cipv_track_id = cipv_track_id;
if (debug_level_ >= 1 ) {
AINFO << "final cipv_index: " << cipv_index;
AINFO << "final cipv_track_id: " << cipv_track_id;
// AINFO << "CIPV Index is changed from " << old_cipv_index << "th
// object to "
// << cipv_index << "th object.";
// AINFO << "CIPV Track_ID is changed from " << old_cipv_track_id <<
// " to "
// << cipv_track_id << ".";
} else {
if (debug_level_ >= 1 ) {
AINFO << "No cipv" ;

return true ;

std::string Cipv::Name () const { return "Cipv" ; }

// Register plugin.

} // namespace perception
} // namespace apollo

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