
Experimental evaluation of a cascade refrigeration system

prototype with CO2 and NH3 for freezing process applications

ABSTRACT:A prototype of a cascade refrigeration system using NH3 and CO2 as refrigerants has been designed and built. The prototype is used to supply a 9 kWrefrigeration capacity horizontal plate freezer at an evaporating temperature of 50  ªC as design conditions. The prototype includes a specific control system and a data acquisition system. The experimental evaluation started with the real conditions within the design operating parameters. Subsequently, several tests were performed fixing four CO2 evaporating temperatures (-50ªC,-45ªC, -40ªC and -35  ªC). At each one of the evaporating temperatures evaluated, the CO2 condensing temperature was varied from -17.5ªC to -7.5 ªC and an experimental optimum value of CO2 condensing temperature was determined. The discussions on the experimental results include the influence of the operating parameters on the cascade system’s performance. In addition, the experimental results are compared with two common double stage refrigeration systems using NH3 as refrigerant.

Key words:   Refrigeration system   Cascade system   Carbon dioxide

            Ammonia-development   Prototype-experiment


  Currently the refrigeration industry is witnessing important changes owing to the fact that the synthetic refrigerants, which have a negative impact on the ozone layer or considered responsible for global warming, have been banned or are in the process of being outlawed or restricted in the near future. As better long-term alternatives replace them, Lorentzen (1994) suggested the use of natural substances such as ammonia, carbon dioxide and the hydrocarbons as refrigerants, thus causing a renewed interest in this area.

      At the beginning of the last century another naturalsubstance, CO2, was used as refrigerant. This was replaced in the middle of the 1900’s by artificial refrigerants presently banned (Kim et al., 2004). Recently published researches by Lorentzen (1994) and Pearson (2005) point out that to recommence the employment of CO2 as a refrigerant offers high potential when used in lowtemperature refrigeration systems.Included within the advantages of CO2 is that it is environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-explosive, easily available and can be used in refrigeration processes within a wide range of temperatures (from50 C). In addition, it is compatible with the oils commonly usedinactual refrigerationsystems (Baolian and Yufeng, 2007). It offers low pressure ratios and lowspecific volume values, which when coupled with high pressure levels allows for reduction in size of refrigeration components (Cabello et al., 2008). The main disadvantages of CO2 as a refrigerant are the high work pressures (7.2 MPa at 30 C).

     Lorentzen (1994) laid special emphasis on the high potential of reinitiating the use of CO2 as a refrigerant in trans critical cycles and in cascade refrigeration systems. With relation tothe first case, experimental results obtained from refrigeration system prototypes developed by the automotive industry(Brown et al., 2002; Liu et al., 2005), and in heat pumps and refrigeration systems for domestic applications (Neksa, 2002;Hwang and Radermacher, 1999; Hrnjak et al., 2000), showed

similar COP values compared to the COP obtained from systems that use actual refrigerants. Groll and Kim (2007)carried out an extensive compilation of results obtained from researches developed over the last several years, related to the use of CO2 in transcritical systems. Regarding the use of CO2 in cascade refrigeration systems, the pair of CO2e NH3 has beenthe centre of attention of much research developed in recent years, generating high expectations. Eggen and Aflekt (1998),Pearson and Cable (2003), and Van Riessen (2004) showed practical examples of the use of cascade refrigeration systems for cooling in supermarkets. Eggen and Aflekt (1998) focused their attention on the development of a refrigeration system prototype for amediumsized supermarket inNorway. Pearson and Cable (2003) published collected data from a refrigeration system installed in a local line of Scottish supermarkets (ASDA).Van Riessen (2004) performed the economical and technical feasibility of a cooling system to be introduced into a Dutch supermarket.

        The main scope of this research was the design,construction and experimental evaluation of a cascade refrigeration system prototype using NH3 and CO2 as refrigerants, to supply a horizontal plate freezer with 9 kW of refrigeration capacity at 50 C of evaporating temperature.The experimental facility is equipped with a systemcontrol to maintain the operating conditions constant. The prototype design includes a data acquisition system based on a 16-bits data acquisition card and a PCwhich allows real time reading and storage of the necessary variables to calculate and analyze the operating parameters that outline the performance of the prototype and it’s main components. The discussions on the experimental results obtained include the influence of the operating parameters on the cascade system’s performance. Finally, the experimental results obtained from the prototype are compared with two common double stage refrigeration systems using NH3 as refrigerant, and with the same operating conditions.

Experimental prototype

      The cascade refrigeration system is made of two single stage systems connected by a heat exchanger (cascade heatexchanger). CO2 is used as refrigerant in the low temperature system and NH3 is the refrigerant for the high temperature system. In the low temperature system CO2 is evaporated in a stainless steel horizontal plate freezer. The plate freezer is overfed with CO2 liquid using an ejector, which also acts as an expansion device, and allows the liquid coming from the CO2 gaseliquid separator to recirculate. In the plate freezer, the CO2 at evaporating temperature absorbs the cooling duty (Qe, CO2) from the cooling tins, commonly used in the food refrigeration industry, and enters the CO2 gaseliquid separator.The CO2 is suctioned from the gaseliquid separator and compressed in a semi-hermetic compressor. The discharged superheated CO2 flows from the compressor unit and enters into the cascade heat exchanger where it is condensed, ejecting the heat into the cold refrigerant (NH3), and then enters into a liquid reservoir tank. From the liquid reservoir, the flowof CO2 enters into a sub-cooling process through a coil located inside the gaseliquid separator. The sub-cooled CO2 flows through a valve, and then enters the ejector, in which it is expanded to evaporating pressure. A secondary flow of saturated liquid of CO2 coming fromthe gaseliquid separator, passes into the ejector and the two flows aremixed inside. The resultant mixture enters into the plate freezer where it is Evaporated.

      All the temperature sensors used in the experimental facility are A Pt100 inserted in 3mm diameter stainless steel pockets. The pressure trans ducers are WIKA ECO 1 type, with an accuracy of  0.5% of the full scale (40 bar). The refrigerant mass flows of the CO2 system are measured by using Coriolis flow-meters, with an accuracy of 0.25% of the measured

value. The volumetric flows of the NH3 system are measured by using electromagnetic flow-meters, with an accuracy of 0.25% of the measured value. The electric power of each compressor is measured by using watt-meters, with an accuracy of 2% of the measured value.

     The mass flow of the liquid refrigerant is controlled by means of the valves located at the ejectors inlet lines of each System.

      Any time the experimental prototype becomes non functional, the pressure of the low temperature system will be controlled using an auxiliary refrigeration unit. This auxiliary unit will cool the CO2 of the low temperature system with a coil located in the gaseliquid CO2 separator.

Data reduction

     During the experimental evaluation of the cascade refrigeration system, several operating parameters for each of the main components of the facility, as well as the low and high temperature systems and global COPwere calculated from the data experimentally measured. The calculations from the previously mentioned parameters were formulated from the mass and energy balances applied to each one of the main

prototype components.

     On the other hand, a detailed analysis of the experimental uncertainties was carried out according to ISO (1995). This analysis revealed that the maximum for typical uncertainties was estimated to be 0.35% for Qe,CO2, 0.43% for Qc,CO2, 1.84% for Qe,NH3, 1.83% for Qc,NH3, 2.02% for COPCO2, 2.72% for COPNH3 and 1.67% for COPCO2/NH3.

Results and discussion

     The refrigeration capacity of the prototype measured during the experimental evaluation diminishes from9.45 kW,for Tc,CO2 at 17.5 C, to 8.07 kW, for Tc,CO2 at 10 C.When the optimum value of Tc,CO2 was fixed the refrigeration capacityobserved was 9.31 kW, which is 3.4% higher than the design condition (9 kW).

      The NH3 condenser capacity shows similar behaviour to that observed in the electric power consumption of the NH3 compressor. In this case, the value drops from 17.17 kW to 14.93 kW. The experimental results obtained for the condensing and evaporating capacities calculated in the cascade exchanger show an acceptable energetic balance in all the cases which were evaluated. The maximum absolute unbalance measured was 0.58 kW(4.39% of Qc,CO2), and it was obtained at Tc,CO2 at 12.5 C.


     This paper has dealt with the design, construction and experimental valuation in stationary conditions of an experimental prototype of a cascade refrigeration system with CO2 and NH3, to supply a horizontal plate freezer of 9 kW of nominal refrigeration capacity at 50 C of evaporating temperature.


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摘要:使用氨和二氧化碳作为串联式制冷系统的制冷剂的原型机已经设计制造出来。这种原型机能够在蒸发温度设置为50摄氏度的情况下,相当于能够提供9 kW制冷量水平的制冷剂机。这种原型机包括一特殊的控制系统和数据收集系统。该实验性探究在在设置好的参数下据真实情况进行的。紧接着,围绕四种二氧化碳四种蒸发温度(-50ªC,-45ªC, -40ªC and -35  ªC)进行多组实验,在每一组评估的蒸发温度下,二氧化碳的冷凝温度从-17.5ªC t到 -7.5 ªC变化,并且每一组实验的最佳冷凝温度已经确定了。对实验结果的讨论包括实验参数对串联式系统效率的影响。另外,实验还对两个普通的使用氨制冷剂的双极制冷系统进行了比较。

关键词:制冷系统     串联系统    二氧化碳       氨发展      原型实验


最近,由于合成制冷剂对臭氧层的负面作用或被认为是全暖变暖的始作俑者,制冷业正经历重要的变化。在不久的未来有些已经被禁止使用或者正在被取缔的过程中,或者限制使用。为了更好的长期替换它们,Lorentzen (1994)建议使用天然的物质如氨,二氧化碳,碳氢化合物作为制冷剂,在这个领域引起了全新的研究热潮。


      Lorentzen(1994年)奠定了对reinitiating的CO2作为制冷剂的跨临界循环使用高潜力和复叠式制冷系统的特殊重视。相对着第一种情况,从制冷系统获得的实验结果研制的原型汽车工业(Brown等,2002;。Liu等人,2005年。),并在热泵及从国内使用的制冷剂中实验性验证中获得,同合成的制冷剂相比(Neksa,2002年国内申请制冷系统;黄禹锡和Radermacher,1999年;Hrnjak等,2000),显示类似的COP值。格罗尔和金(2007)在过去的纪念中进行了一个对有关CO2跨临界系统中广泛使用得到的结果研究开发,进行编制。关于复叠式制冷系统中CO2的使用,二氧化碳和氨一直是近年来开发的许多研究关注的中心,产生很高的期望。 Eggen和Aflekt(1998年),Pearson和Cable(2003年),与Van Riessen(2004年)显示,在超市冷却制冷系统的梯级利用的实际例子。 Eggen和Aflekt(1998年)的重点是为amediumsized超市inNorway制冷系统样机开发他们的制冷系统。Pearson和Cable(2003)从一家(阿斯达)超市中收集数据。凡Riessen(2004)苏格兰超市本地安装了制冷系统中所收集的数据进行冷却系统的经济和技术可行性,介绍给一个荷兰超市使用。

     这项研究最主要的领域便是对二氧化碳串联式原型制冷系统 在蒸发温度为50摄氏度下提供9 kW制冷量水平的制冷剂机的设计,制造。这项实验装置由控制系统保持运行条件为常数。原型设计包括为基础和PCwhich允许实时读取和必要的变量的存储,计算和分析操作参数,勾勒出样机的性能和它的主要组件数据采集系统的16位数据采集卡。包括对级联系统的性能的操作参数的影响所获得的实验结果的讨论,最后,从原型获得的实验结果两种常见的采用氨作为制冷剂,并以同样的工作条件工作的双级制冷系统进行了比较。


     这种串联式制冷系统有两个独立的制冷系统组成,一个串联式热交换器将这两个单独的系统连接起来。这两个独立的系统个分别为低温制冷该系统和高温制冷系统,低温系统中的制冷气体是CO2,高温系统中的制冷气体是NH3。在低温系统中,CO2从一个水平放置的不锈钢平板冷冻室中蒸发出来,这个平板冷冻室里面充满了液态CO2,充当着驱逐器和膨胀设备的角色,允许来自于液态CO2隔离室中的液态气体再循环。在这个平板冷冻室中,达到气化温度的CO2从制冷行业中经常用到的冷却罐中吸收冷却负荷,并进入到液态CO2隔离室中。随后,CO2从液态气体隔离器中北释放出来而被压入到半球形的压缩机中。从压缩装置中释放出来的CO2气体进入到串联式热交换器中,在这里CO2被浓缩降温,向使用NH3制冷的系统中释放热量,随之,CO2进入到一个液体储备槽中,从这个液体储备槽中,CO2流通过一种内置于液体隔离器中的线圈进入制冷过程,被冷却的CO2通过阀门进入到可以将液态CO2变为气态的驱逐设备中 。CO2饱和溶液的第二道液流从液气隔离器中流出,流入达到驱逐设备中与其中第一道CO2液流混合,结果混合液流进入到平板冷冻室中,在这里等待蒸发。

在本次实验装置中所用到的所有温度传感器均为Apt100,嵌入直径为3毫米的不锈钢管中的那种,压力传感器的型号为WIKA ECO 1,精确到误差范围仅为0.5%的幅度(40bar),低温制冷系统的液态CO2的集中流量用Coriolis flow-meters来测量,误差范围经测量为0.25%,高温制冷系统中NH3的单位流量用electromagnetic flow-meters来测量,误差范围经测量为2%,制冷气体的流量被相应系统内置在驱逐器中的阀门控制。当实验设备失控时,低温制冷系统中的气压将被制冷负荷所控制,制冷负荷将用内置在液态气体隔离器中的线圈来冷却CO2制冷系统,经过串联式冷却系统实验的估计,做为设备重要组成部分和高低温制冷系统以及通过实验所能计算出来的COPwere的参数均具有可操作性。之前提到的形成于气流与能量之间平衡的参数的计算成为每一部件的原型的重要应用。

另一方面,实验误差的详细分析根据ISO (1995).而得到,该分析显示,典型误差估计的最大值如下:Qe,CO2为0.35%,Qc,CO2为0.43% ,Qe,NH3为 1.84%,Qc,NH3为1.83%,COPCO2为2.02%,COPNH3为2.72%,COPCO2/NH3为1.67%,误差范围已经被包括在表Figs. 4e6中,显示各种情况的典型误差



在另一方面,根据ISO(1995)对实验的不确定性进行了详细分析。这项分析显示,典型不确定性最大因素估计为, Qe,CO2为0.35% ,Qc,CO2为 0.43% , Qe,NH3为1.84% ,  Qc,NH3为1.83% ,  COP CO2为2.02% , COP NH3 为 2.72% 和 COP CO2/NH3为1.67% 。


原型机的制冷能力,从9.45 kW, Tc,CO2 ,17.5 ℃, 到8.07 kW, Tc,CO2 ,10 ℃,逐渐减弱。当二氧化碳处在最佳的参数时,制冷量为9.31 kW,比设定的参数下制冷能力高3.4%。

氨冷凝器容量同在氨压缩机在相同的电力消耗情况显示类似的行为。在这种情况下,该值从17.17千瓦至14.93千瓦下降。从冷凝和蒸发器的级联计算能力的实验结果显示,在所有这些案件进行评估可以接受的能量平衡。在Tc,CO2 at 12.5 ℃情况下,测得的绝对最高不平衡0.58千瓦。


本文论述了在一个具有二氧化碳和氨制冷系统的实验样机级联平稳条件下,实验估值供应蒸发温度在50 C是9千瓦的名义制冷量水平板冰柜的设计,施工。

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