
Comfort Zones in Building Construction

Thermal comfort is the condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment and is assessed by subjective evaluation (ANSI/ASHRAE Standard .Maintaining this standard of thermal comfort for occupants of buildings or other enclosures is one of the important goals of HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) design engineers.

Thermal neutrality is maintained when the heat generated by human metabolism is allowed to dissipate, thus maintaining thermal equilibrium with the surroundings. The main factors that influence thermal comfort are those that determine heat gain and loss, namely metabolic rate, clothing insulation, air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air speed and relative humidity. Psychological parameters such as individual expectations also affect thermal comfort.

The Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) model stands among the most recognized thermal comfort models. It was developed using principles of heat balance and experimental data collected in a controlled climate chamber under steady state conditions.The adaptive model, on the other hand, was developed based on hundreds of field studies with the idea that occupants dynamically interact with their environment. Occupants control their thermal environment by means of clothing, operable windows, fans, personal heaters, and sun shades.

The PMV model can be applied to air conditioned buildings, while the adaptive model can be generally applied only to buildings where no mechanical systems have been installed. There is no consensus about which comfort model should be applied for buildings that are partially air conditioned spatially or temporally.

Similar to ASHRAE Standard 55 there are other comfort standards like EN 15251 and the ISO 7730 standard.

Satisfaction with the thermal environment is important for its own sake and because it influences productivity and health. Office workers who are satisfied with their thermal environment are more productive.[8] Thermal discomfort has also been known to lead to sick building syndrome symptoms.[9] The combination of high temperature and high relative humidity serves to reduce thermal comfort and indoor air quality.

Although a single static temperature can be comfortable, thermal delight, alliesthesia is usually caused by varying thermal sensations. Adaptive models of thermal comfort allow flexibility in designing naturally ventilated buildings that have more varying indoor conditions.Such buildings may save energy and have the potential to create more satisfied occupants.

Factors influencing thermal comfort[edit] Since there are large variations from person to person in terms of physiological and psychological satisfaction, it is hard to find an optimal temperature for everyone in a given space. Laboratory and field data have been collected to define conditions that will be found comfortable for a specified percentage of occupants.

There are six primary factors that directly affect thermal comfort that can be grouped in two categories: personal factors - because they are characteristics of the occupants - and environmental factors - which are conditions of the thermal environment. The former are metabolic rate and clothing level, the latter are air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air speed and humidity. Even if all these factors may vary with time, standards usually refer to a steady state to study thermal comfort, just allowing limited temperature variations.

People have different metabolic rates that can fluctuate due to activity level and environmental conditions.The ASHRAE 55-2010 Standard defines metabolic rate as the level of transformation of chemical energy into heat and mechanical work by metabolic activities within an organism, usually expressed in terms of unit area of the total body surface. Metabolic rate is expressed in met units, which are defined as follows:

ASHRAE Standard 55 provides a table of met rates for a variety of activities. Some common values are 0.7 met for sleeping, 1.0 met for a seated and quiet position, 1.2-1.4 met for light activities standing, 2.0 met or more for activities that involve movement, walking, lifting heavy loads or operating machinery. For intermittent activity, the Standard states that is permissible to use a time-weighted average metabolic rate if individuals are performing activities that vary over a period of one hour or less. For longer periods, different metabolic rates must be considered.

According to ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, estimating metabolic rates is complex, and for levels above 2 or 3 met – especially if there are various ways of performing such activities – the accuracy is low. Therefore, the Standard is not applicable for activities with an average level higher than 2 met. Met values can also be determined more accurately than the tabulated ones, using an empirical equation that takes into account the rate of respiratory oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production. Another physiological yet less accurate method is related to the heart rate, since there is a relationship between the latter and oxygen production.

The Compendium of Physical Activities is used by physicians to record physical activities. It has a different definition of met that is the ratio of the metabolic rate of the activity in question to a resting metabolic rate.[16] As the formulation of the concept is different from the one that ASHRAE uses, these met values cannot be used directly in PMV calculations, but it opens up a new way of quantifying physical activities.

Food and drink habits may have an influence on metabolic rates, which indirectly influences thermal preferences. These effects may change depending on food and drink intake.[17] Body shape is another factor that affects thermal comfort. Heat dissipation depends on body surface area. A tall and skinny person has a larger surface-to-volume ratio, can dissipate heat more easily, and can tolerate higher temperatures more than a person with a rounded body shape.

The amount of thermal insulation worn by a person has a substantial impact on thermal comfort, because it influences the heat loss and consequently the thermal balance. Layers of insulating clothing prevent heat loss and can either help keep a person warm or lead to overheating. Generally, the thicker the garment is, the greater insulating ability it has. Depending on the type of material the clothing is made out of, air movement and relative humidity can decrease the insulating ability of the material.

Air temperature: Dry-bulb temperature

The air temperature is the average temperature of the air surrounding the occupant, with respect to location and time. According to ASHRAE 55 standard, the spatial average takes into account the ankle, waist and head levels, which vary for seated or standing occupants. The temporal average is based on three-minutes intervals with at least 18 equally spaced points in time. Air temperature is measured with a dry-bulb thermometer and for this reason it is also known as dry-bulb temperature.

The radiant temperature is related to the amount of radiant heat transferred from a surface, and it depends on the material’s ability to absorb or emit heat, or its emissivity. The mean radiant temperature, depends on the temperatures and emissivities of the surrounding surfaces as well as the view factor, or the amount of the surface that is “seen” by the object. So the mean radiant temperature experienced by a person in a room with the sunlight streaming in varies based on how much of her body is in the sun.

Operative temperature attempts to combine the effects of air and mean radiant temperatures into one metric. It is often approximated as the average of the air dry-bulb temperature and of the mean radiant temperature at the given place in a room. In buildings with low thermal mass, the operative temperature is sometimes considered to be simply the air temperature.

Air speed is defined as the rate of air movement at a point, without regard to direction. According to ASHRAE Standard 55, it is the average speed of the air to which the body is exposed, with respect to location and time. The temporal average is the same as the air temperature, while the spatial average is based on the assumption that the body is exposed to a uniform air speed, according to the SET thermo-physiological model. However, some spaces might provide strongly nonuniform air velocity fields and consequent skin heat losses that cannot be considered uniform. Therefore, the designer shall decide the proper averaging, especially including air speeds incident on unclothed body parts, that have greater cooling effect and potential for local discomfort.

Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to the amount of water vapor that the air could hold at the specific temperature and pressure. While the human body has sensors within the skin that are fairly efficient at feeling heat and cold, relative humidity (RH) is detected indirectly. Sweating is an effective heat loss mechanism that relies on evaporation from the skin. However at high RH, the air has close to the maximum water vapor that it can hold, so evaporation, and therefore heat loss, is decreased. On the other hand, very dry environments (RH < 20-30%) are also uncomfortable because of their effect on the mucous membranes. The recommended level of indoor humidity is in the range of 30-60% in air conditioned buildings, but new standards such as the adaptive model allow lower and higher humidities, depending on the other factors involved in thermal comfort.

A way to measure the amount of relative humidity in the air is to use a system of dry-bulb and wet-bulb thermometers. While the former measures the temperature with no regard to moisture - such in weather reports - the latter has a small wet cloth wrapped around the bulb at its base, so the measurement takes into account water evaporation in the air. The wet-bulb reading will thus always be at least slightly lower than the dry bulb one. The difference between these two temperatures can be used to calculate the relative humidity: the larger the temperature difference between the two thermometers, the lower the level of relative humidity.

The wetness of skin in different areas also affects perceived thermal comfort. Humidity can increase wetness on different areas of the body, leading to a perception of discomfort. This is usually localized in different parts of the body, and local thermal comfort limits for skin wettedness differ by locations of the body.[24] The extremities are much more sensitive to thermal discomfort from wetness than the trunk of the body. Although local thermal discomfort can be caused from wetness, the thermal comfort of the whole body will not be affected by the wetness of certain parts.

Recently, the effects of low relative humidity and high air velocity were tested on humans after bathing. Researchers found that low relative humidity engendered thermal discomfort as well as the sensation of dryness and itching. It is recommended to keep relative humidity levels higher in a bathroom than other rooms in the house for optimal conditions.

Thermal comfort models:when discussing thermal comfort, there are two main different models that can be used: the static model (PMV/PPD) and the adaptive model.

Two alternative representations of thermal comfort for the PMV/PPD method.

The PMV/PPD model was developed by P. O. Fanger using heat balance equations and empirical studies about skin temperature to define comfort. Standard thermal comfort surveys ask subjects about their thermal sensation on a seven point scale from cold (-3) to hot (+3). Fanger’s equations are used to calculate the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) of a large group of subjects for a particular combination of air temperature, mean radiant temperature, relative humidity, air speed, metabolic rate, and clothing insulation.[3] Zero is the ideal value, representing thermal neutrality, and the comfort zone is defined by the combinations of the six parameters for which the PMV is within the recommended limits (-0.5<PMV<+0.5).Although predicting the thermal sensation of a population is an important step in determining what conditions are comfortable, it is more useful to consider whether or not people will be satisfied. Fanger developed another equation to relate the PMV to the Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied (PPD). This relation was based on studies that surveyed subjects in a chamber where the indoor conditions can be precisely controlled.

This method treats all occupants the same and disregards location and adaptation to the thermal environment.[26] It basically states that the indoor temperature should not change as the seasons do. Rather, there should be one set temperature year-round. This is taking a more passive stand that humans do not have to adapt to different temperatures since it will always be constant.

ASHRAE Standard 55-2010 uses the PMV model to set the requirements for indoor thermal conditions. It requires that at least 80% of the occupants be satisfied.

The CBE Thermal Comfort Tool for ASHRAE 55 allows users to input the six comfort parameters to determine whether a certain combination complies with ASHRAE 55. The results are displayed on a psychrometric or a temperature-relative humidity chart and indicate the ranges of temperature and relative humidity that will be comfortable with the given the values input for the remaining four parameters.

Elevated air speed method:ASHRAE 55 2013 accounts for air speeds above 0.2 m/s separately than the baseline model. Because air movement can provide direct cooling to people, particularly if they are not wearing too much clothing, higher temperatures can be more comfortable than the PMV model predicts. Air speeds up to 0.8 m/s are allowed without local control, and 1.2 m/s is possible with local control. This elevated air movement increases the maximum temperature for an office space in the summer to 30 °C from 27.5 °C.

Local thermal discomfort:Although thermal comfort is usually discussed for the body as a whole, thermal dissatisfaction may also occur just for a particular part of the body, due to local sources of unwanted heating, cooling or air movement.According to the ASHRAE 55-2010 standard,[1] there are four main causes of thermal discomfort to be considered. A section of the standard specifies the requirements for these factors, that apply to a lightly clothed person engaged in near sedentary physical activity. This is because people with higher metabolic rates and/or more clothing insulation are less thermally sensitive, and consequently have less risk of thermal discomfort.

Radiant temperature asymmetry:Large differences in the thermal radiation of the surfaces surrounding a person may cause local discomfort or reduce acceptance of the thermal conditions. ASHRAE Standard 55 sets limits on the allowable temperature differences between various surfaces. Because people are more sensitive to some asymmetries than others, for example that of a warm ceiling vs. that of hot and cold vertical surfaces, the limits depend on which surfaces are involved. The ceiling is not allowed to be more than 5 °C (9.0 °F) warmer, whereas a wall may be up to 23 °C (41 °F) warmer than the other surfaces.

Draft:While air movement can be pleasant and provide comfort in some circumstances, it is sometimes unwanted and causes discomfort. This unwanted air movement is called draft and is most prevalent when the thermal sensation of the whole body is cool. People are most likely to feel a draft on uncovered body parts such as their head, neck, shoulders, ankles, feet, and legs, but the sensation also depends on the air speed, air temperature, activity, and clothing.

Vertical air temperature difference:Thermal stratification that results in the air temperature at the head level being higher than at the ankle level may cause thermal discomfort. ASHRAE Standard 55 recommends that the difference not be greater than 3 °C (5.4 °F).

Floors that are too warm or too cool may cause discomfort. ASHRAE 55 recommends that floor temperatures stay in the range of 19–29 °C (66–84 °F) in spaces where occupants will be wearing lightweight shoes.

Adaptive chart according to ASHRAE Standard 55-2010.

The adaptive model is based on the idea that outdoor climate influences indoor comfort because humans can adapt to different temperatures during different times of the year. The adaptive hypothesis predicts that contextual factors, such as having access to environmental controls, and past thermal history influence building occupants' thermal expectations and preferences.Numerous researchers have conducted field studies worldwide in which they survey building occupants about their thermal comfort while taking simultaneous environmental measurements. Analyzing a database of results from 160 of these buildings revealed that occupants of naturally ventilated buildings accept and even prefer a wider range of temperatures than their counterparts in sealed, air conditioned buildings because their preferred temperature depends on outdoor conditions. These results were incorporated in the ASHRAE 55-2004 standard as the adaptive comfort model. The adaptive chart relates indoor comfort temperature to prevailing outdoor temperature and defines zones of 80% and 90% satisfaction.

The ASHRAE-55 2010 Standard has introduced the prevailing mean outdoor temperature as the input variable for the adaptive model. It is based on the arithmetic average of the mean daily outdoor temperatures over no fewer than 7 and no more than 30 sequential days prior to the day in question.It can also be calculated by weighting the temperatures with different coefficients, assigning increasing importance to the most recent temperatures. In case this weighting is used, there is no need to respect the upper limit for the subsequent days. In order to apply the adaptive model, there should be no mechanical cooling system for the space, occupants should be engaged in sedentary activities with metabolic rates of 1-1.3 met, and a prevailing mean temperature greater than 10 °C (50 °F) and less than 33.5 °C (92.3 °F).

This model applies especially to occupant-controlled, natural conditioned spaces, where the outdoor climate can actually affect the indoor conditions and so the comfort zone. In fact, studies by de Dear and Brager showed that occupants in naturally ventilated buildings were tolerant of a wider range of temperatures. This is due to both behavioral and physiological adjustments, since there are different types of adaptive processes.ASHRAE Standard 55-2010 states that differences in recent thermal experiences, changes in clothing, availability of control options and shifts in occupant expectations can change people thermal responses.

There are basically three categories of thermal adaptation, namely Behavioral, Physiological and Psychological. The latter, that refers to an altered thermal perception and reaction due to past experiences and expectations, is an important factor in explaining the difference between field observations and PMV predictions (based on the static model) in naturally ventilated buildings. In these buildings the relationship with the outdoor temperatures is twice as strong as predicted.

Adaptive models of thermal comfort are implemented in other standards such as European EN 15251 and ISO 7730 standard. While the exact derivation methods and results are slightly different from the ASHRAE 55 adaptive standard, they are substantially the same. A larger difference is in applicability. The ASHRAE adaptive standard only applies to buildings without mechanical cooling installed, while EN15251 can be applied to mixed-mode buildings provided the system is not running.


   热舒适是心灵的状态,与热环境表示满意,并受主观评价标(ANSI / ASHRAE标准55)。保持热舒适标准的建筑物或其它附件住户是暖通空调系统设计工程师的重要目标(加热,通风,空调)。










代谢率:不同的人有不同的代谢率,波动由于活动水平和环境条件。ASHRAE 55-2010标准定义了代谢率作为一个生物体内的化学能转化为热能,通过代谢活动的机械改造工作水平,在总体表面单位面积通常表示。代谢率在遇到单位表示,它的定义如下:




空气温度是乘客周围空气的平均温度,位置和时间方面的。根据ASHRAE 55标准,空间平均考虑到脚踝,腰头的水平,而改变为坐或站立乘客。的时间平均是基于三分钟的间隔至少18个等距点的时间。空气温度的测量是用干球温度计,因此它也被称为干球温度。











PMV和PPD模型是由P. O. Fanger使用皮肤温度定义舒适热平衡方程和发展的实证研究。标准的热舒适性调查,询问他们的热感觉的对象从寒冷的规模一七点(-3)热(+ 3)。Fanger公式计算预测平均投票(PMV)为一个特定的组合的空气温度大组受试者,平均辐射温度,相对湿度,风速,代谢率,服装绝缘。零是理想值,表示热中性,和舒适区的定义由六个参数,PMV是组合的建议的范围内(0.5 < PMV<±0.5)。[尽管预测人口的热感觉是在确定什么条件舒适的一个重要步骤,它是考虑是否会满意更有用。Fanger开发的另一个方程与PMV的预测不满意百分比(PPD)。这种关系是基于研究,调查对象在腔室内条件下可精确控制。



CBE的热舒适性的工具,ASHRAE 55允许用户输入六个舒适的参数来确定一个特定的组合符合ASHRAE 55。结果显示在湿度或温度相对湿度图,显示的温度和相对湿度的范围,将舒适与给定的其余四个参数值的输入。


ASHRAE 55占空气的2013以上的速度0.2米/秒,分别比基线模型。由于空气的运动可以提供直接冷却的人,特别是如果他们不穿太多的衣服,较高的温度可比PMV模型预测更舒适。空气速度可达0.8米/秒,是不允许本地控制,和1.2米/秒,可能与局部控制。这升高的空气运动增加了办公空间在夏天30°C 27.5 C的最高温度°

局部热不适虽然热舒适性通常是讨论的身体作为一个整体,热的不满也可能发生在身体的某一部分,由于不需要冷却或加热局部源,空气的流动。根据ASHRAE标准[ 1 ] 55-2010,原因主要有四种被认为是热不适。一个标准节指定这些因素的要求,适用于轻衣的人从事体育活动在久坐不动的。这是由于较高的代谢率和/或更多服装绝缘不热敏感的人,因此不热不适的风险。




地板表面温度地板是太热或太凉会感到不适。ASHRAE 55建议,地面温度在19–29°c的范围内(66–84°F)在空间中,居住者都会穿轻便的鞋子。


自适应模型的基础上的想法,室外气候的影响室内舒适因为人类可以适应在一年中不同温度和不同时间。自适应假说预测,环境因素,如使用环境的控制,和过去的热历史的影响居住者的热的期望和偏好。许多研究人员已经进行了现场研究在他们调查住户的热舒适性的同时,同时环境测量。分析从160这些建筑显示,住户的自然通风建筑接受甚至更喜欢一个较宽的温度比他们的同行在密封的结果数据库,空调建筑因为他们喜欢的温度取决于室外条件。这些结果纳入ASHRAE 55-2004标准为适应性模型。自适应图表涉及室内舒适温度普遍流行的室外温度和定义80%和90%的满意区。

2010的ashrae-55标准介绍了当时的平均室外温度作为自适应模型的输入变量。它是基于的室外平均温度在不少于7个,不超过30天的算术平均数的顺序前一天的问题。它也可以通过加权系数不同的温度计算,到最近的温度分配日益增加的重要性。如果使用该加权,没有必要尊重的随后几天的上限。为了应用该自适应模型,应该有空间没有机械冷却系统,乘客应该从事与1-1.3代谢率久坐的活动,满足,和当时的平均温度大于10 C(50 F°°)小于33.5°C(92.3°F)。

该模型特别适用于居住者的控制,自然条件的空间,在室外气候会影响室内环境的舒适区,所以。事实上,研究表明,德亲爱的布拉格居住在自然通风的建筑物被容忍宽范围的温度。[ 2 ]这是由于双方的行为和生理的调整,因为有不同类型的自适应过程。ASHRAE标准55-2010指出,在最近的热经验的差异,服装的变化控制选项,在乘客的期望的变化可用性可以改变人的热响应。


热舒适适应性模型实施的其他标准,如欧洲EN 15251和ISO 7730标准。虽然确切的推导方法和结果从ASHRAE标准55自适应略有不同,他们基本上是相同的。较大的差异性。ASHRAE自适应标准仅适用于建筑,无机械制冷安装,而en15251可以应用于混合模式的建筑物提供系统没有运行。

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