A thorough understanding of on-policy and off-policy in Reinforcement learning

一句话区分on-policy and off-policy: 看behaviour policy和current policy是不是同一个就OK了!


首先从DDPG说起,今天把DDPG这篇文章看完了,不得不感叹DeepMind不仅学术厉害,文章也写得好啊。读完DDPG,感觉就很容易理解,结论的得出也顺理成章。文章中虽然说,DDPG是基于DPG的,但是行文中也没有看到DPG推理过程的影子,而是另辟蹊径地从一个简单的fitted action-value function出发,轻松地推出了DPG,看完这个推理觉得没毛病。而且联想到为什么Sergey Levine在CS294中讲Advanced Q-learning algorithms的时候提到了DDPG,并且说它其实也可以看作是Q-learning with continuous actions的一个处理方法,就是learn an approximate maximizer,联系DDPG原文的阐述,这样看确实是有道理的!


The action-value function is used in many reinforcement learning algorithms. It describes the expected return after taking an action at a t in state st s t and thereafter following policy π π :
Qπ(st,at)=Erit,si>tE,ai>tπ[Rt|st,at]                                                 (1) Q π ( s t , a t ) = E r i ≥ t , s i > t ∼ E , a i > t ∼ π [ R t | s t , a t ]                                                                                                   ( 1 )
Many approaches in reinforcement learning make use of the recursive relationship known as the Bellman equation:
Qπ(st,at)=Ert,st+1E[r(st,at)+γEat+1π[Qπ(st+1,at+1)]]                (2) Q π ( s t , a t ) = E r t , s t + 1 ∼ E [ r ( s t , a t ) + γ E a t + 1 ∼ π [ Q π ( s t + 1 , a t + 1 ) ] ]                                 ( 2 )
If the target policy is deterministic we can describe it as a function μ:SA μ : S ← A and avoid the inner expectation:
Qπ(st,at)=Ert,st+1E[r(st,at)+γQπ(st+1,μ(st+1))]                         (3) Q π ( s t , a t ) = E r t , s t + 1 ∼ E [ r ( s t , a t ) + γ Q π ( s t + 1 , μ ( s t + 1 ) ) ]                                                   ( 3 )

继续说DDPG,看完文章中(1)(2)(3)三个式子的推导,借着deterministic的名头,把原本对action的期望去掉了,正是由于这一招,DPG成功甩掉了on-policy的包袱(因为不需要sample from current policy来对action求期望了)。从此,谁要是说DPG是off-policy的,那么我也不敢反驳了。但是,说DPG是off-policy其实还是不严谨的。因为DPG只能算一个theorem,只能说从这个theorem出发的算法,不再像从PG theorme出发的算法那样必须戴上on-policy的枷锁。事实上,off-policy的算法也可以用on-policy的方式去训练,因为off-policy本来就对behaviour policy不做要求了,那么用current policy自然也可以。这样的例子,比如说Q-learning,如果你要用SARSA那样的方式去训练,那就成on-policy算法了。不得不感叹一句,off-policy真是自由的象征啊。再比如,下面的截图,来自于DPG原文,使用Sarsa updates,强行弄出一个On-Policy Deterministic Actor-Critic,作者说到on-policy的弊端是exploration不够,但是假如environments中的noise已经够多了,那么说不定on-policy也可以用(因为不需要再担心exploration不够的问题了)。


我当时看完DDPG用deterministic甩掉on-policy的包袱之后,一方面觉得推理顺畅,另一方面又在纳闷那么Q-learning呢?毕竟Q-learning也是在fit action-value function,那么Q-learning是怎么甩掉on-policy的包袱的呢?带着这样的问题,我又回看了CS294 fitted Q-iteration部分的PPT。我发现…fitted Q-iteration的推导也没毛病啊(笑哭)。感觉公说公有理婆说婆有理了。但是,后来我发现,其实仔细看,fitted Q-iteraion的算法过程中,它其实也会走到下面这一步:

Qπ(st,at)=Ert,st+1E[r(st,at)+γEat+1π[Qπ(st+1,at+1)]]                (2) Q π ( s t , a t ) = E r t , s t + 1 ∼ E [ r ( s t , a t ) + γ E a t + 1 ∼ π [ Q π ( s t + 1 , a t + 1 ) ] ]                                 ( 2 )

不过,由于fitted Q-iteration的current policy使用的是greedy policy,而不是一个stochastic policy,所以对于 at+1 a t + 1 的期望也用不着求了。某种程度上,fitted Q-iteration其实也可以看作是一个特殊的DPG,它的actor是 argmaxaQ(s,a) a r g m a x a Q ( s , a ) ,可以看作是一个deterministic actor。当然咯,这其实只能在脑海中这么理解,实际去证明的话还是不好证明的(至少我是这么感觉的)。原因是因为,DPG其实应该用在continuous aciton的控制中,不然 μ(st+1) μ ( s t + 1 ) 就不好解释了,如果非要用到discret action中,可能需要一些trick。

An LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a type of display technology that uses liquid crystals to display information. LCDs are commonly used in electronic devices such as digital watches, calculators, and mobile phones, and can also be used in more complex systems such as embedded systems and microcontrollers. A matrix keypad, on the other hand, is a type of input device that allows users to input data through a combination of buttons arranged in a matrix pattern. A typical matrix keypad has rows and columns of buttons that can be pressed to input data. The arrangement of the buttons in a matrix pattern allows for a large number of buttons to be accommodated in a small space. To interface an LCD and a matrix keypad with a microcontroller, several specifications need to be considered. These include: 1. Pinout: The pinout of the LCD and matrix keypad needs to be understood in order to connect them to the microcontroller. The pinout typically includes pins for power, ground, data, and control signals. 2. Voltage levels: The voltage levels of the LCD and matrix keypad need to be compatible with the microcontroller. Most microcontrollers operate at 5V or 3.3V, so the LCD and matrix keypad should also operate at these voltage levels. 3. Data communication protocol: The data communication protocol between the microcontroller, LCD, and matrix keypad needs to be understood in order to transfer data between them. The most common data communication protocols used are SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) and I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit). 4. LCD commands: The LCD has a set of commands that can be used to control its behavior, such as clearing the screen, setting the cursor position, and displaying text. These commands need to be understood in order to control the LCD using the microcontroller. 5. Matrix keypad scanning: The matrix keypad needs to be scanned in order to detect which buttons are being pressed. This is typically done using a technique called matrix scanning, where the rows and columns of the keypad are scanned sequentially to detect button presses. Overall, interfacing an LCD and matrix keypad with a microcontroller requires a thorough understanding of their specifications and how they can be connected and controlled.




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