智能可穿戴系统(Smart wearable system)——电子导盲犬设计(Guide Dog Design)

Guide Dog Design 

For this subject,it about smart wearable system-guide dog design.We give subject name is “IHearColors”.


1.0 Introduction Of Inspired Guide Dog

2.0 Problem Statement
3.0 Objective
4.0 Literature Review
5.0 Methodology
6.0 Design And Prototype
7.0 Production Cost
8.0 Feedback From Interview Session
9.0 Future Enhancement On Assistive Device          

10.0 Mini Exhibition
11.0 Conclusion

12.0 References




Guide dogs have been around since 1931, shaping and coloring blind people's lives. However, only 2% of blind people and the visually impaired own a guide dog globally. This is because of the financial burden and responsibility of owning a guide dog. Mobility difficulties for people with vision problems can arise from obstacles in their environment, difficulty navigating unfamiliar spaces, and challenges with transportation. To overcome this impediment, we designed IHearColors-a, a guide-dog-inspired device that eliminates the challenges of owning a living animal. IHearColors is a wearable gadget that identifies obstacles, and alerts, and provides safe navigation for the visually impaired.




Based on the research, the number of people who lose vision is predicted to increase by as much as 55% in the next 30 years (Fleck, 2024). 1.1 billion people are facing vision impairment. Vision problems can lead to mobility difficulties because they cannot identify the obstacles even though their muscles and bones are healthy. To solve the mobility issue, therapists started to train dogs and designated them as guide dogs. However, the criteria for guide dogs are strict and only 20,000 guide dogs are currently in service. With the increasing number of patients, it is significant that we need an alternative solution. Thus, this report shows our process of designing an assistive device that can address the shortage of guide dogs by using technology to help people with vision impairment overcome mobility difficulties.




  • To understand the specific difficulties in mobility faced by individuals with vision impairment.
  • To design an assistive device to solve the mobility issues of people with vision impairment.
  • To analyze the feedback from individuals who suffer from eye disease regarding the effectiveness and usability of the assistive device.
  • To investigate the future improvements of the designed assistive device based on technological advancement.
  • To ensure the price of the assistive device is affordable and effective.




Case Study
A robotic guide dog was developed by Robotic Club Members from the Lowell Association of Blind. The robot can climb stairs and remain steady on the ground. It can also be programmed to recognize unfamiliar buildings and navigate people to the right places. The youngsters created their robotic guide dog with a mobility cane that can be inserted into the top of the robot and used as a handle by those individuals with disabilities. The robot itself has customized wheels that can climb stairs and curves while staying in position when it is not moving, and it sits low to the ground to maintain stability.
To detect objects, the robot's top sensor uses a laser to generate light waves. It receives light that is reflected off of various surfaces and uses a computer and a small amount of artificial intelligence. A depth-sensing camera (SICK Multi-scan sensor) is added to the robot's setup to enhance object detection. To allow individuals to follow the whereabouts of their loved ones, the students intend to add a GPS device that sends data to the website.





5.1 Observe Difficulties Faced by People with Vision Impairment

The lives of blind patients can be challenging and isolating, making daily activities such as reading, cooking, and navigating unfamiliar environments difficult. The lack of visual cues makes it harder to detect hazards like steps, uneven surfaces, or obstacles in their path. Additionally, relying on public transportation can be daunting due to inaccessible signage or unclear announcements. Learning orientation and mobility skills through training programs can significantly improve independence and safety for individuals with vision impairments.


5.2 Research on the current solution and disadvantages of the current solution


Methods used by blind people to solve their vision problems
Service Dogs: Are trained to help their owner with a specific disability. For example, dogs can be trained to pick things up, visually guide those with visual impairments, remind you to take medication or help those with poor balance.
- As per our research, guide dogs are not easy to train and only have a small number compared to the number of people with vision impairment. Furthermore, handlers need to work diligently to maintain their dog's training.

5.3 Proposed Idea


We proposed a new idea which is a machine with a system that detects obstacles. The appearance of obstacles can stimulate the system to provide feedback by using a soundtrack to the vision impairment patients. We chose the head-mounted method, because it can better enhance space perception, better improve comfort and mobility, free hands, and enable the blind person to move without restriction.

5.4 Research on The Gadget’s Sensors


  •  Ultrasonic Sensors: The ultrasound sensor could help provide real-time feedback to the user and assist in avoiding obstacles safely by detecting obstacles in the environment.



Figure 5.4.1 Detection of obstacles by ultrasonic sensors on vehicles  

Ambient Light Sensor: an electronic guide dog could potentially use an ambient light sensor to detect changes in lighting conditions and adjust its behavior or provide feedback to the user accordingly.

6.0 Design And Prototype

6.1 Design

Designed process:





Final Design:




6.1.1 Materials


  • Main Frame: Durable and lightweight material for comfort and robustness
  •  Exterior Finish: Soft-touch coating for smooth, comfortable surface against the skin.


6.1.2 Key Features

Minimalist Design :

  • Clean, unobtrusive look suitable for everyday attention

Embedded Components :

  • Circular button for the control button for On/Off and a pair of buttons for Volume Up/Down.
  • Visible ports on the side for charging and connectivity.
  • Ambient light sensor: measure environmental light & conserve battery.


  • The inner side of the headband, which rests against the user’s head, is likely cushioned with soft padding material for comfort and even pressure distribution.

Discrete Design :

  • Ensure any embedded electronics are housed internally, maintaining a sleek exterior. This approach avoids protruding parts that catch on hair or clothing.

Color Scheme :

  • Predominantly black, matching various styles and hiding dirt.


6.1.3 Overall Appearance

The headband is a sleek and modern wearable device designed to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. It features a streamlined, curved design that fits comfortably to the user.



6.2 Component Inside The Headband 




6.3 Detachable Accessories And User Customization 


 c3eff9d403644f23878c5bb8643c15c8.pngFigure 6.3.1 Customize Design 


1. Sunproof Tennis Cap
Description: A lightweight cap that can be attached to the headband.
Function: Provides shade and protection from the sun, enhancing comfort during outdoor use. 2. Headphone
Description: Wireless headphones are designed to fit over the headband.
Function: Ensure that audio alerts are private and can only be heard by the user.
3. Personalized Engravings
- Name or Initials: Allow users to have their name or initials engraved on the headband.
- Custom Logos: Offer the option to add custom logos or symbols.
4. Custom Designs:
- Offer a platform where users can design their own headband covers with any kind of pattern, choice of colors, and even personal photos or preferences.

6.4 Prototype

The prototype is done by using recycled materials. The main body part (figure 6.2.1) used
cardboard, plastic bottles, unused type-C wire, unused waist belts, and printed paper with patterns to show the shape and adjustable function. The electrical components part (figure 6.2.2) used a cup holder to contain the electrical components.
The unused wire is used to show the DC jack while the unused battery set is combined with it to show a full charging part. Other components are shown by using small pieces of cardboard. The rubber bands are cut to make wires connected.

7a649a01dd5a48aa9c6973965f76f1a4.pngFigure 6.2.1 


Figure 6.2.2 

7.0 Estimation Production Cost

This estimate includes the costs for all components, materials for the headband, and labor for assembly. Prices can vary based on supplier, quality, and production scale.




8.0 Feedback From Interview Session


 We went to Pertubuhan Kebajikan Dan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Kurang Upaya Negeri Johor.
Our purpose was twofold: to understand the unique challenges faced by remarkable kids and to explore how we can create technology that can empower them.

What problems do visually impaired children face? The PIC introduced us to a lovely girl named Umairah, who is visually impaired. She can not see unless there are striking colors or if she stares at the place for a long time without moving. Umairah also can not speak, so communication is difficult. Maneuvering obstacles while moving is also a difficult task for her.
For children, we are thinking about customizing for each child with AI generation the voice of the child's mom (or someone close to the child). it would be like talking to Siri but Siri is the mom's voice, which provides more comfort to the child.
What do you think of incorporating that?
Since children are familiar with their parent's voices, their responses would be faster. Personalized care is vital since each kid has their journey.


9.0 Future Enhancement On Assistive Device


9.1 Hearing Aids

People with vision problems might face hearing problems while aging. Speakers on the device might not work on them. Enhancing the device by adding hearing aids to amplify the soundtrack can provide necessary alerts.

9.2 Camera Recording and Analysis

Cameras are another type of sensor commonly used in obstacle detection systems. Multiple cameras are used to generate a 3-D image of the surroundings. This method provides highly accurate depth measurements once calibrated. It could identify the obstacles and the people in front of users based on saved data.

9.3 Artificial Intelligence System: SiriKit

In the context of Industry Revolution 4.0, many devices incorporate AI systems. By adding the SiriKit to IhearColors can provide a chatting service to avoid the users feeling lonely when the caregivers are not around.


10.0 Mini Exhibition




11.0 Conclusion 


In conclusion, addressing the mobility challenges faced by people with vision impairments is crucial. Due to some limited requirements and availability, conventional options like guide dogs are short of addressing the demands of patients. Therefore, creating IHearColors uses modern technology to present an adequate substitute for patients. It's very easy and convenient for the patients to use to ease their daily lives. This simple device will function optimally by improving connections of electronic components and programming. A user-centered design and constant innovation will be necessary for this gadget to make an impact in enhancing the quality of life for this expanding population affordably and effectively. This is to ensure that visually impaired people can have better mobility and independence. Furthermore, our IHearColors device attempts to fill the void left by the shortage of expensive guide dogs.



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