The Alpha Dash of Team Witness Paradox from 11.28-11.29

Which course does this assignment belong toEE308
Where are the requirements for this assignment?Requirement of this project
Team NameWitness Paradox
Reference documentsCSDN, 《构建之法》

This is a blog about the day4 of Alpha Dash of Team witness Paradox.

①.Teamwork description

Team leader:Teng Junyi(832101329)

1.The progress from yesterday to now:The progress of each group is collected, and the current project has entered the end stage, and the task allocation is made for the follow-up of the follow-up

2.Existing problems/difficulties encountered: The project’s puzzles and environment can still be optimized (more complex and element) and we are discussing whether to do so

3.Arrangement from now to tomorrow:Ready to proceed to the final testing and
feedback phase

4.Experience: We’re almost there!

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member: Wei Mingjiang(832101330)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: Scene modeling

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: some objects are difficult to model

3.Schedule from now until tomorrow: to improve the total scene

4.Experience and feelings: It is a little interesting to create the scene

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team member Yao Shutong(832101322)

1.Progress: Added audio effects and music, fine-tuned mechanics, conducted testing and debugging.

2.Problems: Optimizing audio playback, addressing UI issues.

3.Schedule: Polish UI, implement scoring and level progression, final testing and bug

4.Feelings: Rewarding progress, determined to deliver a polished game.

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member: Zhu Rundong(832101304)

1.Progress from yesterday to now:
Yesterday, I started learning Unity and focused on creating and manipulating GameObjects. Today, I continued my learning journey by exploring Unity’s UI system and creating user interfaces for my game project.

2.Problems/difficulties encountered:
I encountered some difficulties understanding the UI system in Unity, especially when it came to layout and responsiveness. It took me some time to figure out how to properly design UI elements and make them adapt to different screen sizes.

3.Schedule from now until tomorrow:
For the remainder of today, I plan to dive deeper into Unity’s UI system and learn about UI components and events. Tomorrow, I aim to start working on the UI for my game project and implement basic functionality.

4.Experience and feelings:
Learning Unity’s UI system has been an interesting experience. It’s incredible how easily I can create interactive and visually appealing user interfaces. Although I faced some challenges, the satisfaction of seeing my UI elements come to life and respond to user input is highly rewarding.

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member: Lu Weitao(832101303)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: Design the puzzle correlation between the second scene and the first scene

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: Not yet

3.Arrange from now until tomorrow: Make the scene relevant to the story and the

4.Experience: Still need to work hard

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member Deng Hongyu (832101302)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: Watched tutorial videos on advanced PowerPoint features, especially on animations, charts, and video embedding.

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: Faced some technical challenges in applying advanced charts and complex animation settings.

3.Schedule from now until tomorrow: Plan to practice these advanced features, particularly their application in real projects.

4.Experience and feelings: Felt a sense of achievement in learning new skills. Despite challenges, optimistic about mastering these techniques in the future.

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team member: Lei Wutong(832101327)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: Finish the blog of Alpha Dash of Day3

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: Not yet,everything is under control

3.Schedule from now until tomorrow: Wait more information to finish other blogs, and
participate in the discussion of software.

4.Experience and feelings: Our teamwork is excellent

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member: Yang Xiao(832101309)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: improve the last small game, and optimize the game page

2.Problems/difficulties: Puzzle design needs to fit the game concept

3.Arrange from now until tomorrow: Connect the scene with the plot and the story line

4.What you’ll learn: Although you’ve seen and played a lot of games, it’s not easy to
design your own puzzles

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team member Wang Xuebin(832101301)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: actively communicate with teammates, provide creative opinions and learn and query relevant information.

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: The content is relatively complex, there are many kinds of information to identify and select, and time is limited.

3.Plan from now until tomorrow: Get the job done according to the needs of your teammates.

4.experience: Teammates are still working really hard and great

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member: Lai Binyu(832101326)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: Design some game levels.

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: For me, who doesn’t play games, designing game levels is difficult.

3.Schedule from now until tomorrow: Continue to design the game level.

4.Experience and feelings: Be able to play a team role in a team, different teammates play different roles. Some team members work together to complete the game level design, and some team members are responsible for the realization of the desired features.

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member: Sun Jiahong(832101306)

1.Progress from yesterday to now:Summarize and improve game projects, assist in the completion of ppt, and prepare speeches

2.Existing problems: no problem

3.Arrangements from now to tomorrow: Continue to summarize and understand the progress of each member’s tasks.

4.Experience: In order to report the results, I need to do a lot of preparation, which is what I should do.

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team member Chen Xuqi(832101314)

1.Process from yesterday to now: Completed writing the game plot and main storylineExisting

2.problems/difficulties encountered: need to consider the rationality and fun of the plotSchedule

3.from now to tomorrow: Completing games with classmates

4.Experience: Designing captivating plots is difficult and requires empathy

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member: Li Xingda(832101308)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: Learn the basic writing methods and requirements of game stories, and learn other people’s game stories

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: The details of the story are not well thought out

3.Schedule from now until tomorrow: Successfully improve the main story of our game

4.Experience and feelings: Our games have become much richer

5.Screenshot of completed results:

②.Current project progress

The phase goal is almost complete, Our characters are free to walk around the scene and interact with objects, and this is a short video to show the main things we achieved:

demonstrate video

③.Project burn out diagram


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