Scrum和敏捷开发有什么区别? [关闭]

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What is the difference between Scrum and Agile Development? Scrum和敏捷开发有什么区别? Are Sprint and Iterations the same? Sprint和Iterations是一样的吗?




Scrum is just one of the many iterative and incremental agile software development methods. Scrum只是众多迭代和增量敏捷软件开发方法中的一种。 You can find here a very detailed description of the process. 您可以在这里找到有关该过程的非常详细的描述。

In the SCRUM methodology, a Sprint is the basic unit of development. 在SCRUM方法中,Sprint是开发的基本单位。 Each Sprint starts with a planning meeting, where the tasks for the sprint are identified and an estimated commitment for the sprint goal is made. 每个Sprint都会从计划会议开始,其中确定sprint的任务并确定sprint目标的估计承诺。 A Sprint ends with a review or retrospective meeting where the progress is reviewed and lessons for the next sprint are identified. Sprint以审核或回顾会议结束,审核进度并确定下一个sprint的课程。 During each Sprint, the team creates finished portions of a Product. 在每个Sprint期间,团队创建产品的完成部分。

In the Agile methods each iteration involves a team working through a full software development cycle, including planning, requirements analysis, design, coding, unit testing, and acceptance testing when a working product is demonstrated to stakeholders. 在敏捷方法中,每次迭代都需要一个团队完成整个软件开发周期,包括计划,需求分析,设计,编码,单元测试和验收测试,同时向利益相关者展示工作产品。

So if in a SCRUM Sprint you perform all the software development phases (from requirement analysis to acceptance testing), and in my opinion you should, you can say SCRUM Sprints correspond to AGILE Iterations. 因此,如果在SCRUM Sprint中执行所有软件开发阶段(从需求分析到验收测试),我认为您应该这样说,SCRUM Sprint与AGILE迭代相对应。


At an outset what I can say is - Agile is an evolutionary methodology from Unified Process which focuses on Iterative & Incremental Development (IID). 首先我要说的是 - 敏捷是一种来自统一过程的渐进式方法,专注于迭代和增量开发(IID)。 IID emphasizes iterative development more on construction phases (actual coding) and incremental deliveries. IID强调在构建阶段(实际编码)和增量交付方面的迭代开发。 It wouldn't emphasize more on Requirements Analysis (Inception) and Design (Elaboration) being handled in the iterations itself. 它不会更多地强调迭代本身处理的需求分析(初始)和设计(精化)。 So, Iteration here is not a "mini project by itself". 因此,迭代不是一个“迷你项目本身”。

In Agile, we take this IDD a bit further, adding more realities like Team Collaboration, Evolutionary Requirements and Design etc. And SCRUM is the tool to enable it by considering the human factors and building around 'Wisdom of the Group' principle. 在Agile中,我们更进一步考虑这个IDD,增加了团队协作,进化要求和设计等更多现实.SCRUM是通过考虑人为因素并围绕“集团智慧”原则建立起来的工具。 So, Sprint here is a "mini project by itself" bettering a pure IID model. 因此,Sprint在这里是一个“迷你项目”,可以改善纯IID模型。

So, iterations implemented in Agile way are, yes, theoretically Sprints (highlighting the size of the iterations being small and deliveries being quick). 因此,以敏捷方式实现的迭代是,理论上是Sprint(突出显示迭代的大小很小,交付很快)。 I don't really differentiate between Agile and SCRUM and I see that SCRUM is a natural way of putting the Agile principles into use. 我并没有真正区分敏捷和SCRUM,我发现SCRUM是一种将敏捷原则付诸实践的自然方式。


As mentioned above by others, 如上所述,

Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development method for managing software projects and product or application development. Scrum是一种迭代和增量敏捷软件开发方法,用于管理软件项目和产品或应用程序开发。 So Scrum is in fact a type of Agile approach which is used widely in software developments. 因此Scrum实际上是一种敏捷方法,广泛用于软件开发。

So, Scrum is a specific flavor of Agile, specifically it is referred to as an agile project management framework. 因此,Scrum是敏捷的特定风格,特别是它被称为敏捷项目管理框架。

Also Scrum has mainly two roles inside it, which are: 1. Main/Core Role 2. Ancillary Role 此外,Scrum主要有两个角色,分别是:1。主要/核心角色2.辅助角色

Main/Core role: It consists of mainly three roles: a). 主要/核心角色:它主要由三个角色组成:a)。 Scrum Master, b). Scrum Master,b)。 Product Owner, c). 产品负责人,c)。 Development Team. 开发团队。

Ancillary Role: The ancillary roles in Scrum teams are those with no formal role and infrequent involvement in the Scrum procession but nonetheless, they must be taken into account. 辅助角色:Scrum团队中的辅助角色是那些没有正式角色并且不经常参与Scrum游行的角色,但是必须考虑到这些角色。 viz. Stakeholders, Managers. 利益相关者,经理。

Scrum Master:- There are 6 types of meetings in scrum: Scrum Master: - scrum中有6种类型的会议:

  • Daily Scrum / Standup 每日Scrum / Standup
  • Backlog grooming: storyline 积压修饰:故事情节
  • Scrum of Scrums Scrum的Scrum
  • Sprint Planning meeting Sprint计划会议
  • Sprint review meeting Sprint评审会议
  • Sprint retrospective Sprint回顾展

Let me know if any one need more inputs on this. 如果有人需要更多的投入,请告诉我。


Waterfall methodology is a sequential design process. 瀑布方法是一种顺序设计过程。 This means that as each of the eight stages (conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, implementation, and maintenance) are completed, the developers move on to the next step. 这意味着,当完成八个阶段(概念,启动,分析,设计,构建,测试,实施和维护)中的每个阶段时,开发人员将继续进行下一步。

As this process is sequential, once a step has been completed, developers can't go back to a previous step – not without scratching the whole project and starting from the beginning. 由于这个过程是顺序的,一旦完成一个步骤,开发人员就无法回到上一步 - 不是没有抓住整个项目并从头开始。 There's no room for change or error, so a project outcome and an extensive plan must be set in the beginning and then followed careful 没有变更或错误的余地,因此必须在开始时设置项目结果和广泛计划,然后小心谨慎

ACP Agile Certification came about as a “solution” to the disadvantages of the waterfall methodology. ACP Agile认证是对瀑布方法缺点的“解决方案”。 Instead of a sequential design process, the Agile methodology follows an incremental approach. 敏捷方法不是采用顺序设计过程,而是采用渐进方法。 Developers start off with a simplistic project design, and then begin to work on small modules. 开发人员从简单的项目设计开始,然后开始研究小模块。 The work on these modules is done in weekly or monthly sprints, and at the end of each sprint, project priorities are evaluated and tests are run. 这些模块的工作是在每周或每月冲刺中完成的,并且在每个冲刺结束时,评估项目优先级并运行测试。 These sprints allow for bugs to be discovered, and customer feedback to be incorporated into the design before the next sprint is run. 这些冲刺允许发现错误,并且在下一个sprint运行之前将客户反馈合并到设计中。

The process, with its lack of initial design and steps, is often criticized for its collaborative nature that focuses on principles rather than process. 由于缺乏初始设计和步骤,该过程经常因其协作性质而受到批评,这种协作性质侧重于原则而非流程。


Agile and Scrum are terms used in project management. 敏捷和Scrum是项目管理中使用的术语。 The Agile methodology employs incremental and iterative work beats that are also called sprints. 敏捷方法采用增量和迭代工作节拍,也称为冲刺。 Scrum, on the other hand is the type of agile approach that is used in software development. 另一方面,Scrum是用于软件开发的敏捷方法的类型。

Agile is the practice and Scrum is the process to following this practice same as eXtreme Programming (XP) and Kanban are the alternative process to following Agile development practice. 敏捷是一种实践,Scrum是遵循这种做法的过程,与极限编程(XP)相同,看板是遵循敏捷开发实践的替代过程。

Scrum敏捷软件开发》是敏捷联盟及Scrum联盟创始人之一、敏捷估算及计划的鼻祖Mike Cohn三大经典著作中影响最为深厚的扛鼎之作,也是全球敏捷社区中获得广泛肯定的企业敏捷转型权威参考。作者花四年时间,把自己近十五年的敏捷实践经验,特别是近四年中针对各种敏捷转型企业的咨询和指导工作,并结合旁征博引的方式,从更高的思想层次对敏捷与Scrum多年来的经验和教训进行深入而前面的梳理和总结,最终集大成者便是这本令人醍醐灌顶的佳作。 《Scrum敏捷软件开发》是软件企业及其管理团队成功进行敏捷转型战略及实施的必备参考书,适合经理、开发人员、教练、ScrumMaster、产品负责人、分析师、团队领导或项目领导,是帮助他们成功完成项目,甚至造就敏捷企业的重要参考。 第Ⅰ部分 启航 第1章 为什么敏捷转型难(但值得) 第2章 ADAPT模型 第3章 Scrum实施模式 第4章 渐进敏捷 第5章 试点项目 第Ⅱ部分 个体 第6章 克服抵触 第7章 新角色 第8章 角色转换 第9章 技术实践 第Ⅲ部分 团队 第10章 团队结构 第11章 团队协作 第12章 领导自组织团队 第13章 产品Backlog 第14章 Sprint 第15章 做计划 第16章 质量 第Ⅳ部分 组织 第17章 扩展Scrum 第18章 分布式团队 第19章 与其他方法论共存 第20章 人力资源、后勤和PMO 第Ⅴ部分 下一站 第21章 看看进展如何 第22章 没有终点




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