ICRA2022论文汇总 | 跟踪/检测/分割/传感器标定/SLAM/轨迹预测/导航规划等





  • Robotic Perception and Mapping: Emerging Techniques - Website

  • Future of Construction: Build Faster, Better, Safer - Together with Robots - Website


  • Canonical DIY Tutorials on Non-Gaussian SLAM and Computation - Website


  1. Depth Estimation Matters Most: Improving Per-Object Depth Estimation for Monocular 3D Detection and Tracking

  2. Full Surround Monodepth from Multiple Cameras

  3. Adaptive Cost Volume Fusion Network for Multi-Modal Depth Estimation in Changing Environments

  4. Lightweight Monocular Depth Estimation through Guided Decoding

  5. UFODepth: Unsupervised Learning with Flow-Based Odometry Optimization for Metric Depth Estimation

  6. Monocular Depth Distribution Alignment with Low Computation

  7. Improving Depth Estimation Using Map-Based Depth Priors


  1. PF-MOT: Probability Fusion Based 3D Multi-Object Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles


  1. Learning to Remove Bad Weather: Towards Robust Visual Perception for Self-Driving

  2. Combined Fast Control of Drifting State and Trajectory Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles Based on MPC Controller

  3. Keypoints-Based Deep Feature Fusion for Cooperative Vehicle Detection of Autonomous Driving

  4. De-Snowing LiDAR Point Clouds with Intensity and Spatial-Temporal Features

  5. VISTA 2.0: An Open, Data-Driven Simulator for Multimodal Sensing and Policy Learning for Autonomous Vehicles

  6. Adaptive Cubature Split Covariance Intersection Filter for Multi-Vehicle Cooperative Localization

  7. A Two-Stage Optimization-Based Motion Planner for Safe Urban Driving

  8. Autonomous Single-Image Drone Exploration with Deep Reinforcement Learning and Mixed Reality

  9. Control-Aware Prediction Objectives for Autonomous Driving

  10. Localization of a Smart Infrastructure Fisheye Camera in a Prior Map for Autonomous Vehicles

  11. Vision-Based Large-Scale 3D Semantic Mapping for Autonomous Driving Applications


  1. Star-Convolution for Image-Based 3D Object Detection

  2. Exploiting Playbacks in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Object Detection in Self-Driving Cars

  3. Rethinking LiDAR Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions

  4. Multi-Class 3D Object Detection with Single-Class Supervision

  5. End-to-End Optimization of LiDAR Beam Configuration for 3D Object Detection and Localization


  1. Dilated Continuous Random Field for Semantic Segmentation

  2. Realtime Global Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation

  3. EfficientLPS: Efficient LiDAR Panoptic Segmentation

  4. SMAC-Seg: LiDAR Panoptic Segmentation Via Sparse Multi-Directional Attention Clustering

  5. Contrastive Instance Association for 4D Panoptic Segmentation for Sequences of 3D LiDAR Scans


  1. Extrinsic Calibration and Verification of Multiple Non-Overlapping Field of View Lidar Sensors

  2. LB-L2L-Calib: Accurate and Robust Extrinsic Calibration for Multiple 3D LiDARs with Long Baseline and Large Viewpoint Difference

  3. Accurate Calibration of Multi-Perspective Cameras from a Generalization of the Hand-Eye Constraint

  4. LTSR: Long-Term Semantic Relocalization Based on HD Map for Autonomous Vehicles

  5. HDMapNet: An Online HD Map Construction and Evaluation Framework

  6. Spatiotemporal Multisensor Calibration Via Gaussian Processes Moving Target Tracking

  7. Extrinsic Calibration of Multiple Inertial Sensors from In-Flight Data

  8. Information-Theoretic Online Multi-Camera Extrinsic Calibration

  9. Self-Supervised Camera Self-Calibration from Video

  10. FusionNet: Coarse-To-Fine Extrinsic Calibration Network of LiDAR and Camera with Hierarchical Point-Pixel Fusion

  11. Graph-Based Multi-Sensor Fusion for Consistent Localization of Autonomous Construction Robots


  1. Burst Imaging for Light-Constrained Structure-From-Motion

  2. Self-Supervised Depth and Ego-Motion Estimation for Monocular Thermal Video Using Multi-Spectral Consistency Loss

  3. LoopNet: Where to Focus? Detecting Loop Closures in Dynamic Scenes

  4. SimVODIS++: Neural Semantic Visual Odometry in Dynamic Environments

  5. PANet: A Novel Pixel-Level Attention Network for 6D Pose Estimation with Embedding Vector Features

  6. Overhead Image Factors for Underwater Sonar-Based SLAM

  7. MotionHint: Self-Supervised Monocular Visual Odometry with Motion Constraints

  8. Non-Penetration Iterative Closest Points for Single-View Multi-Object 6D Pose Estimation

  9. Translating Images into Maps

  10. EDPLVO: Efficient Direct Point-Line Visual Odometry

  11. DEVO: Depth-Event Camera Visual Odometry in Challenging Conditions

  12. Precise 3D Reconstruction of Plants from UAV Imagery Combining Bundle Adjustment and Template Matching

  13. ROW-SLAM: Under-Canopy Cornfield Semantic SLAM

  14. Loop Closure Detection and SLAM in Vineyards with Deep Semantic Cues

  15. Spatial Acoustic Projection for 3D Imaging Sonar Reconstruction

  16. Robust Semantic Mapping and Localization on a Free-Flying Robot in Microgravity

  17. 360VO: Visual Odometry Using a Single 360 Camera

  18. SAGE: SLAM with Appearance and Geometry Prior for Endoscopy

  19. Towards Scale Consistent Monocular Visual Odometry by Learning from the Virtual World

  20. Continuous-Time vs. Discrete-Time Vision-Based SLAM: A Comparative Study

  21. DKNAS: A Practical Deep Keypoint Extraction Framework Based on Neural Architecture Search

  22. Precise 3D Reconstruction of Plants from UAV Imagery Combining Bundle Adjustment and Template Matching

  23. MSC-VO: Exploiting Manhattan and Structural Constraints for Visual Odometry

  24. A Model for Multi-View Residual Covariances Based on Perspective Deformation

  25. Incremental Abstraction in Distributed Probabilistic SLAM Graphs

  26. UV-SLAM: Unconstrained Line-Based SLAM Using Vanishing Points for Structural Mapping

  27. A Right Invariant Extended Kalman Filter for Object Based SLAM

  28. Self-Supervised Ego-Motion Estimation Based on Multi-Layer Fusion of RGB and Inferred Depth

  29. Visual Localization and Mapping Leveraging the Constraints of Local Ground Manifolds

  30. Panoptic Multi-TSDFs: A Flexible Representation for Online Multi-Resolution Volumetric Mapping and Long-Term Dynamic Scene Consistency

  31. FD-SLAM: 3-D Reconstruction Using Features and Dense Matching

  32. AirDOS: Dynamic SLAM Benefits from Articulated Objects

  33. A Real-Time Online Learning Framework for Joint 3D Reconstruction and Semantic Segmentation of Indoor Scenes

  34. Vision-Based Large-Scale 3D Semantic Mapping for Autonomous Driving Applications

  35. Efficient and Robust Semantic Mapping for Indoor Environments

  36. Asynchronous Optimisation for Event-Based Visual Odometry

  37. Optimizing Terrain Mapping and Landing Site Detection for Autonomous UAVs

  38. Exploration with Global Consistency Using Real-Time Re-Integration and Active Loop Closure

  39. SO-SLAM: Semantic Object SLAM with Scale Proportional and Symmetrical Texture Constraints

  40. Accurate and Robust Object-Oriented SLAM with 3D Quadric Landmarks in Outdoors


  1. Learning Spatiotemporal Occupancy Grid Maps for Lifelong Navigation in Dynamic Scenes

  2. Reconstruction and Synthesis of Lidar Point Clouds of Spray

  3. CT-ICP: Real-Time Elastic LiDAR Odometry with Loop Closure

  4. GCLO: Ground Constrained LiDAR Odometry with Low-Drifts for GPS-Denied Indoor Environments

  5. Robust Self-Supervised LiDAR Odometry Via Representative Structure Discovery and 3D Inherent Error Modeling

  6. Direct LiDAR Odometry: Fast Localization with Dense Point Clouds

  7. Ensemble Kalman Filter Based LiDAR Odometry for Skewed Point Clouds Using Scan Slicing

  8. LLOL: Low-Latency Odometry for Spinning Lidars

  9. Performance Guarantees for Spectral Initialization in Rotation Averaging and Pose-Graph SLAM

  10. ART-SLAM: Accurate Real-Time 6DoF LiDAR SLAM

  11. Performance Models in Robotics with a Use Case on SLAM

  12. LT-Mapper: A Modular Framework for LiDAR-Based Lifelong Mapping

  13. DynamicFilter: An Online Dynamic Objects Removal Framework for Highly Dynamic Environments

  14. Memory-Efficient Gaussian Fitting for Depth Images in Real Time

  15. Reconstructing Occluded Elevation Information in Terrain Maps with Self-Supervised Learning


  1. Translation Invariant Global Estimation of Heading Angle Using Sinogram of LiDAR Point Cloud

  2. Generalized 3D Rigid Point Set Registration with Anisotropic Positional Error Based on Bayesian Coherent Point Drift

  3. Fast and Robust Registration of Partially Overlapping Point Clouds

  4. Deep Bayesian ICP Covariance Estimation

  5. A Single Correspondence Is Enough: Robust Global Registration to Avoid Degeneracy in Urban Environments

  6. K-Closest Points and Maximum Clique Pruning for Efficient and Effective 3-D Laser Scan Matching

  7. FuzzyPSReg: Strategies of Fuzzy Cluster-Based Point Set Registration


  1. A Deep Feature Aggregation Network for Accurate Indoor Camera Localization


  1. Learning to Ground Objects for Robot Task and Motion Planning

  2. Autonomous and Adaptive Navigation for Terrestrial-Aerial Bimodal Vehicles

  3. VOILA: Visual-Observation-Only Imitation Learning for Autonomous Navigation

  4. Multi-Modal Motion Prediction with Transformer-Based Neural Network for Autonomous Driving

  5. Proactive Anomaly Detection for Robot Navigation with Multi-Sensor Fusion

  6. Autonomous Exploration Development Environment and the Planning Algorithms


  1. DIRECT: A Differential Dynamic Programming Based Framework for Trajectory Generation

  2. Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving with Topometric Map

  3. Domain Generalization for Vision-Based Driving Trajectory Generation


  1. Aerial-Ground Robots Collaborative 3D Mapping in GNSS-Denied Environments


史上最全综述 | 3D目标检测算法汇总!(单目/双目/LiDAR/多模态/时序/半弱自监督)











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