摄像机标定matlab工具包 Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab

Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab


This is a release of a Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab ®  with a complete documentation. This document may also be used as a tutorial on camera calibration since it includes general information about calibration, references and related links. 
Please report bugs/questions/suggestions to Jean-Yves Bouguet at "jbouguet at gmail dot com". 

The C implementation of this toolbox is included in  OpenCV , an open source computer vision library freely available  online


 System requirements

This toolbox works on Matlab 5.x to Matlab 8.x on Windows, Unix and Linux systems and does not require any specific Matlab toolbox (for example, the optimization toolbox is not required). 
Note:  Please help me maintaining this toolbox by reporting them to me. Include in the email subject the type of the bug, and copy in the body the complete error message. Thank you!

 Getting started

  • Go to the download page, and retrieve the latest version of the complete camera calibration toolbox for Matlab.
  • Store the individual matlab files (.m files) into a unique folder TOOLBOX_calib (default folder name).
  • Run Matlab and add the location of the folder TOOLBOX_calib to the main matlab path. This procedure will let you call any of the matlab toolbox functions from anywhere. Under Windows, this may be easily done by using the path editing menu. Under Unix or Linux, you may use the command path or addpath (use the helpcommand for function description).
  • Run the main matlab calibration function calib_gui (or calib). 
    A mode selection window appears on the screen: 

    This selection window lets you choose between two modes of operation of the toolbox: standard or memory efficient. In standard mode, all the images used for calibration are loaded into memory once and never read again from disk. This minimizes the overall number of disk access, and speeds up all image processing and image display functions. However, if the images are large, or there are a lot of them, then the OUT OF MEMORY error message may be encountered. If this is the case, the new memory efficient version of the toolbox may be used. In this mode, every image is loaded one by one and never stored permanently in memory. 
    If you choose to run the standard version of the toolbox now, you can always switch to the other memory efficient mode later in case the OUT OF MEMORY error message is encountered. The two modes of operation are totally compatible (for input and output) and interchangeable.

    Since both modes have the exact same user interface, in the context of this documentation, let us select the standard mode by clicking on the top button of the window. The main calibration toolbox window appears on the screen (replacing the mode selection window): 

    Note that the mode selection step can be bypassed altogether by directly running calib_gui(0) for the normal mode or calib_gui(1) for the memory efficient mode (try help calib_gui for more information).
  • You are now ready to use the toolbox for calibration.

 Calibration examples

 Description of the calibration parameters

After calibration, the list of parameters may be stored in the matlab data file  Calib_Results.mat  by clicking on  Save . This section gives a detailed description of all the calibration parameters (Intrinsic and Extrinsic) and their corresponding matlab variable names. In addition, one to one correspondences between our notation and  Heikkil�'s  and  Willson's  notations are given. 

 Description of the functions in the calibration toolbox

This sections gives a short description of all the main functions in the calibration toolbox. 

 Doing your own calibration

This section contains some information regarding the initial steps of calibration: designing the calibration rig, naming the calibration images, image formats to use,... Very useful to get started. For the lazy ones, a calibration pattern is even provided! 

 Undocumented features of the toolbox

This section contains a list of features that have been added to the toolbox since the first release of the documentation. 


A list of reference papers that were used to design that toolbox. 

 A few links related to camera calibration

A short list of links related to camera calibration. 

Jean-Yves Bouguet
Last updated October 14 th , 2015

Back to main page

from: http://www.vision.caltech.edu/bouguetj/calib_doc/

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摄像机标定是指将摄像机的内部参数(包括焦距、主点位置等)和外部参数(包括摄像机的旋转矩阵和平移向量等)进行确定的过程。这个过程非常重要,因为标定后的摄像机可以用来测量真实世界中的物体的尺寸、位置和姿态等信息。 在Matlab中进行摄像机标定,可以使用Computer Vision Toolbox中的相机标定工具箱(Camera Calibration Toolbox)来完成。以下是标定的基本步骤: 1. 收集标定图像:在不同位置和角度下,使用已知尺寸的标定板(如棋盘格)拍摄一组图像。 2. 检测标定板角点:对于每个标定图像,使用函数detectCheckerboardPoints来检测标定板的角点。 3. 估计相机的内部参数:使用函数estimateCameraParameters来估计相机的内部参数。该函数基于角点坐标信息进行标定,并输出相机的内部参数和标定误差等信息。 4. 对标定结果进行评估:根据标定误差等指标,评估相机的标定结果的质量。通常,较小的标定误差表示较准确的标定。 5. 应用标定:将标定结果应用于实际的计算机视觉任务,如物体跟踪、3D重建等。 需要注意的是,在收集标定图像时应尽量避免图像模糊、透视畸变等问题,以提高标定结果的准确性。此外,建议使用多个标定图像以获取更可靠的标定结果。 总结来说,Matlab提供了便捷且有效的工具箱来进行摄像机标定实验,通过采集标定图像、检测角点、估计相机内部参数等步骤,可以获得准确的摄像机标定结果,并将其应用于各种计算机视觉任务中。




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