[paper] MNC

(CVPR 2016) Instance-aware Semantic Segmentation via Multi-task Network Cascades
Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.04412
Code: https://github.com/daijifeng001/MNC

we present Multitask Network Cascades for instance-aware semantic segmentation. Our model consists of three networks, respectively differentiating instances, estimating masks, and categorizing objects. Our solution is a clean, single-step training framework and can be generalized to cascades that have more stages.


Problems: Current methods all require mask proposal methods that are slow at inference time.

Instance-aware semantic segmentation task can be decomposed into three different and related sub-tasks:

  1. Differentiating instances. In this sub-task, the instances can be represented by bounding boxes that are class-agnostic.

  2. Estimating masks. In this sub-task, a pixel-level mask is predicted for each instance.

  3. Categorizing objects. In this sub-task, the category-wise label is predicted for each mask-level instance.

Multi-task Network Cascades (MNCs)

Our network cascades have three stages, each of which addresses one sub-task. The three stages share their features.

Feature sharing greatly reduces the test-time computation, and may also improve feature learning thanks to the underlying commonality among the tasks.

To achieve theoretically valid back-propagation, we develop a layer that is differentiable with respect to the spatial coordinates, so the gradient terms can be computed.

Object detection methods [10, 15, 9, 26] involve predicting object bounding boxes and categories.

Using mask-level region proposals, instance-aware semantic segmentation can be addressed based on the R-CNN philosophy, as in R-CNN [10], SDS [13], and Hypercolumn [14]. a bottleneck at inference time. Its accuracy for instance-aware semantic segmentation is yet to be evaluated.

Category-wise semantic segmentation is elegantly tackled by end-to-end training FCNs [23]. not able to distinguish instances of the same category.

Multi-task Network Cascades

Input: the network takes an image of arbitrary size

Output: instance-aware semantic segmentation results

The cascade has three stages:

  1. proposing box-level instances

  2. regressing mask-level instances

  3. categorizing each instance

Each stage involves a loss term, but a later stage’s loss relies on the output of an earlier stage, so the three loss terms are not independent.

We train the entire network cascade end-to-end with a unified loss function.

Figure 2. Multi-task Network Cascades for instance-aware semantic segmentation. At the top right corner is a simplified illustration.

Regressing Box-level Instances

The network structure and loss function of this stage follow the work of Region Proposal Networks (RPNs).

An RPN predicts bounding box locations and objectness scores in a fully-convolutional form.

We use the RPN loss function given in [26]. This loss function serves as the loss term L1 of our stage 1. It has a form of:


Here Θ represents all network parameters to be optimized, B is the network output of this stage, representing a list of boxes.

Regressing Mask-level Instances

Input: the shared convolutional features and stage-1 boxes.

Output: a pixel-level segmentation mask for each box proposal.

Given a box predicted by stage 1, we extract a feature of this box by Region-of-Interest (RoI) pooling [15, 9]. The purpose of RoI pooling is for producing a fixed-size feature from an arbitrary box.

We append two extra fully-connected (fc) layers to this feature for each box. The first fc layer (with ReLU) reduces the dimension to 256, followed by the second fc layer that regresses a pixel-wise mask.

the loss term L2 of stage 2 for regressing masks exhibits the following form:


Here M is the network outputs of this stage, representing a list of masks.

Categorizing Instances

Input: the shared convolutional features, stage-1 boxes, and stage-2 masks.

Output: category scores for each instance.
mask-based pathway: (inspired by the feature masking strategy in [7])


box-based pathway: the RoI pooled features directly fed into two 4096-d fc layers.

The mask-based and box-based pathways are concatenated. On top of the concatenation, a softmax classifier of N +1 ways is used for predicting N categories plus one background category.

mask-based pathway: focused on the foreground of the prediction mask.

box-based pathway: may address the cases when the feature is mostly masked out by the mask-level pathway (e.g., on background).

The loss term L3 of stage 3 exhibits the following form:


Here C is the network outputs of this stage, representing a list of category predictions for all instances.

End-to-End Training

We define the loss function of the entire cascade as:


This loss function is unlike traditional multi-task learning, because the loss term of a later stage depends on the output of the earlier ones.

The main technical challenge: spatial transform of a predicted box Bi(Θ) that determines RoI pooling.

we develop a differentiable RoI warping layer to account for the gradient w.r.t. predicted box positions and address the dependency on B(Θ) . The dependency on M(Θ) is also tackled accordingly.

  • Differentiable RoI Warping Layers

we perform RoI pooling by a differentiable RoI warping layer followed by standard max pooling.

The RoI warping layer crops a feature map region and warps it into a target size by interpolation.



Here F(Θ) is reshaped as an n-dimensional vector, with n=WH for a full-image feature map of a spatial size W×H . G represents the cropping and warping operations, and is an n-by- n matrix where n=WH corresponds to the pre-defined RoI warping output resolution W×H . FRoIi(Θ) is an n -dimensional vector representing the RoI warping output.

Cascades with More Stages

Next we extend the cascade model to more stages within the above MNC framework.

The new stages 4 and 5 share the same structures as stages 2 and 3, except that they use the regressed boxes from stage 3 as the new proposals.

Implementation Details

We use the ImageNet pre-trained models (e.g., VGG-16 [27]) to initialize the shared convolutional layers and the corresponding 4096-d fc layers. The extra layers are initialized randomly as in [17].

We do not adopt multi-scale training/testing [15, 9], as it provides no good trade-off on speed vs. accuracy [9].

We use 5-stage inference for both 3-stage and 5-stage trained structures.
We evaluate the mean Average Precision, which is referred to as mean APr [13] or simply mAPr .


Experiments on PASCAL VOC 2012

Experiments on MS COCO Segmentation

This dataset consists of 80 object categories for instance-aware semantic segmentation.
On our baseline result, we further adopt global context modeling and multi-scale testing as in [16], and ensembling.

Our final result on the test-challenge set is 28.2%/51.5%, which won the 1st place in the COCO segmentation track3 of ILSVRC & COCO 2015 competitions.


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