Optimizing Unity UI(三):Unity UI Profiling Tools

版本检查: 2017.3-难度: 高级


  • Unity Profiler
  • Unity Frame Debugger
  • Xcode’s Instruments or Intel VTune
  • Xcode’s Frame Debugger or Intel GPA


Unity Profiler






UI类别是Unity2017.1和更高版本中的新内容。不幸的是,UI更新过程的某些部分没有正确分类,所以在查看UI曲线时要小心,因为它可能不包含所有与UI相关的调用。例如,Canvas.endWillRenderCanvases被归类为“UI”,而Canvas.BuildBatch被归类为“Others” and “Rendering”.






最常见的原因之一,如截图所示,是使用不同纹理或材料的UI元素。在许多情况下,这可以很容易地通过使用sprite atlases来解决。最后一列显示与批处理关联的游戏对象的名称。您可以双击名称以在编辑器中选择游戏对象(当您有几个同名对象时,这特别有用)。


Unity Frame Debugger


特别要注意的是,框架调试器将使用生成的抽签调用更新自身,以在“Unity 编辑器”中显示“游戏视图”,因此可以用于尝试不同的UI配置,而无需进入“播放模式”。


  • Screen Space –  覆盖将出现在Canvas.RenderOverlay组中。
  • Screen Space – 相机将出现在Camer.Render组中,作为Render的一个子组。
  • World Space 将作为Render的一个子组出现。每个可见画布的世界空间相机的透明几何







以进一步讨论这一问题, see the Child order section of the Canvas chapter.

Instruments & VTune

Xcode’s Instruments and Intel’s VTune allow for extremely deep profiling of Unity UI rebuilds and Canvas batch calculations on Apple or Intel CPUs, respectively. The method names are nearly identical to the profiler labels discussed above in the Unity Profiler section:

  • Canvas::SendWillRenderCanvases is the C++ parent that calls the Canvas.SendWillRenderCanvases C# method and governs that line in the Unity Profiler. It will contain the code used to run the Rebuild process, as described in the previous chapter.

  • Canvas::UpdateBatches is identical to Canvas.BuildBatch, but includes additional boilerplate code not covered by the Unity Profiler label. It runs the actual Canvas Batch Building process, described above.

When used in conjunction with a Unity app built via IL2CPP, these tools can be used to drill down deeper into the transpiled C# code of Canvas::SendWillRenderCanvases. Of primary interest will be the cost of the following methods. (Note: transpiled method names are approximate.)

  • IndexedSet_Sort and CanvasUpdateRegistry_SortLayoutList are used to sort the list of dirty Layout components before the layouts are recalculated. As described above, this involves calculating the number of parent transforms above each Layout component.
  • ClipperRegistry_Cull calls all registered implementers of the IClipRegion interface. Built-in implementers include RectMask2D, which uses the IClippable interface. During ClipperRegistry.Cull calls, RectMask2D components loop over all clippable elements contained within their hierarchy and asks them to update their culling information.
  • Graphic_Rebuild will contain the cost of actually calculating the meshes needed to represent Image, Text or other Graphic-derived components. Beneath this will be several other methods like Graphic_UpdateGeometry and, most notably, Text_OnPopulateMesh.
    • Text_OnPopulateMesh is generally a hotspot when Best Fit is enabled. This is discussed in more detail later in this guide.
    • Mesh modifiers, such as Shadow_ModifyMesh and Outline_ModifyMesh, will also run here. The cost of calculating component drop shadows, outlines and other special effects can be seen via these methods.

Xcode Frame Debugger & Intel GPA

Low-level frame debugging tools are essential for profiling the cost of individual portions of the batched UI as well as monitoring the cost of UI overdraw. UI overdraw is discussed in more detail later in this guide.

Using the Xcode Frame Debugger

To test whether a given UI is overstressing the GPU, Xcode’s built-in GPU diagnostics tools can be employed. First, configure the project in question to use Metal or OpenGLES3, then make a build and open the resulting Xcode project. Some Xcode version and device combinaisons may support OpenGLES 2 frame captures, but there’s no guarantee it will work.

Note: On some versions of Xcode, it is necessary to select the appropriate Graphics API in the Build Scheme in order to make the graphics profiler work. To do this, go to the Product menu in Xcode, expand the Scheme menu item, and choose Edit Scheme.... Select the Run target and go to the Options tab. Change the GPU Frame Capture option to match the API used by your project. Assuming the Unity project is set up to automatically select a graphics API, then most modern iPads will default to using Metal. If in doubt, start the project and look at the debug logs in Xcode. One of the early lines should indicate which rendering path (Metal, GLES3 or GLES2) is being initialized.

Build and run the project on an iOS device. The GPU profiler can be found by showing the Debug pane in Xcode’s Navigator sidebar, and clicking on the FPS entry.

The first point of interest in the GPU profiler is the set of three bars in the center of the screen, labeled “Tiler”, “Renderer”, and “Device”. Of these two:

  • “Tiler” is generally a measure of how stressed the GPU is by processing geometry, which includes time spent in vertex shaders. Generally, a high “Tiler” usage indicates either excessively slow vertex shaders or an excessive number of vertices being drawn.
  • “Renderer” is generally a measure of how stressed the GPU’s pixel pipelines are. Generally, high “Renderer” usage indicates that an application is exceeding the maximum fill-rate of the GPU, or has inefficient fragment shaders.
  • “Device” is a composite measure of overall GPU usage, which includes both “Tiler” and “Renderer” performance. It can generally be ignored, as it will roughly track the higher of the “Tiler” or “Renderer” measurements.

For more information on Xcode’s GPU profiler, see this documentation article.

Xcode’s Frame Debugger can be triggered by clicking on the small ‘Camera’ icon hidden at the bottom of the GPU profiler. It is highlighted by an arrow and a red box in the following screenshot.

After a brief pause, the Frame Debugger’s summary view should appear, like so:

When using the default UI shader, the cost of rendering geometry generated by the Unity UI system will show up under the “UI/Default” shader pass, assuming the default UI shader has not been replaced with a custom shader. It is possible to see this default UI shader in the above screenshot as Render Pipeline “UI/Default.”

Unity UI only generates quads and so the vertex shader is unlikely to stress the tiler pipeline of the GPU. Any problems that appear in this shader pass are likely due to fill-rate issues.

Analyzing profiler results

After gathering profiling data, several conclusions might be drawn. If Canvas.BuildBatch or Canvas::UpdateBatches seems to be using an excessive amount of CPU time, then the likely problem is an excessive number of Canvas Renderer components on a single Canvas. See the Splitting Canvases section of the Canvas chapter.

If an excessive amount of time is spent drawing the UI on the GPU, and the frame debugger indicates that the fragment shader pipeline is the bottleneck, then the UI is likely exceeding the pixel fill rate which the GPU is capable of. The most likely cause is excessive UI overdraw. See the Remediating fill-rate issues section of the Fill-rate, Canvases and input chapter.

If Graphic Rebuilds are using excessive CPU, as seen by a large portion of CPU time going to Canvas.SendWillRenderCanvases or Canvas::SendWillRenderCanvases, then deeper analysis is needed. Some portion of the Graphic Rebuild process is likely responsible.

In the case that a large portion of WillRenderCanvas is spent inside IndexedSet_Sort or CanvasUpdateRegistry_SortLayoutList, then time is being spent sorting the list of dirty Layout components. Consider reducing the number of Layout components on the Canvas. See Replacing layouts with RectTransforms and Splitting Canvases sections for possible remediations.

If excessive time seems to be spent in Text_OnPopulateMesh, then the culprit is simply the generation of text meshes. See the Best Fit and Disabling Canvases sections for possible remediations, and consider the advice inside Splitting Canvases if much of the text being rebuilt is not actually having its underlying string data changed.

If time is spent inside Shadow_ModifyMesh or Outline_ModifyMesh (or any other implementation of ModifyMesh), then the problem is excessive time spent calculating mesh modifiers. Consider removing these components and achieving their visual effect via static images.

If there is no particular hotspot within Canvas.SendWillRenderCanvases, or it appears to be running every frame, then the problem is likely that dynamic elements have been grouped together with static elements and are forcing the entire Canvas to rebuild too frequently. See the Splitting Canvases section.

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