Stepwise Metric Promotion for Unsupervised Video Person Re-identification

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Stepwise Metric Promotion for Unsupervised Video Person Re-identification

Reference[原文]: & 夏木青 | Stepwise Metric Promotion for Unsupervised Video Person Re-identification


two assumptions two assumptions

  1. different video track-lets typically contain different persons。

2)within each tracklet, the frames are mostly of the same per-son.

Our method is built onreciprocal nearest neighbor search and can eliminate thehard negative label matches, i.e., the cross-camera nearestneighbors of the false matches in the initial rank list. Thetracklet that passes the reciprocal nearest neighbor checkis considered to have the same ID with the query.


our workis motivated from three aspects.
First, videos contain muchricher information than single images,
Second, video tracklets, produced by pedestrian detec-tion and tracking (Fig. 1), are reliable data source for unsu-pervised learning methods.
Third, feature learning using tracklets from the sameview may result in low discriminative ability.



In brief,two steps are involved:

  1. classifier initialization using thetracklets in the same camera

  2. iterations between cross-camera tracklet association and featurelearning.

Our Method.

The proposed metric promotion approachiterates between model update and label estimation. Forlabel estimation, under camera A, we use each tracklet asquery to search for its k nearest neighbors (NNs) in cameraB. Among these k candidates, the best match is selected asbeing associated with the query tracklet. We employ neg-ative mining to reduce the impact of false positive matchesin the k-NNs. This k-NN search process is then reverselyrepeated using the best match as query to see whether theinitial query is its best match, a confirmation protocol toensure that the initial query and the best match are truly as-sociated. The the associated pairs are adopted for modelupdating.



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