2、Error while importing package:coudn't decompess package.
3、You can't rtace widgets on a layer different than the uipanel that manages then. If you want to move widgets to adifferents layer.parent then to a new panel instead.
4、unassigneReferenceException:The wariable newobject of"create" has not been assigned.You probably need to assign the newobject variable of the create script in the inspector. create 是我创建的挂在相机下的C#脚本,newobject 为Transform对象--public Transform newobject ; (暴露变量,加上public,在试图中可见这个变量且易修改); //解决:为newobject 赋值,可直接拖曳一个Transfrom对象(如:Cube)挂在这个暴露变量身上
5、NullReferenceExeption:UnityEngine Object,Internal-InstantiateSingle(unityEngine.object...)
6、ArgumentException:The prefab you want to instantiate is null . unityEngine.object.CheckNullArgument
7、error CS1502:The best overloaded methoalde match for'unityEngine Debug.Log(、、)has some invalid arguments. error CS1503:Arguments '# 2' cannot 'convert' float'expressimt tyoe'unityengine.Object'.// 解决:在Log("speed ",speed)中,用+-------------Log("speed"+speed).
8、error CS0120:An object reference is requrired to access non-static member
//解决:其实就是静态函数中用到了未实例化的非静态字段的问题 如:public int m_itest; public static addTest(){ m_itest = 1;} 将public int m_itest;改成static int m_itest;即可
9、error CS0165: use of unassigned local variable
// 解决:定义了一个变量 将其写在函数外就好了
10、IEnumerator PlayAni(float timer); 直接调用PlayAni(0.5f),不出错但也怎么都不进函数执行动画内容,
// 解决:必须要StartCoroutnie(PlayAni(0.5f)); 开始协同程序(MonoBehaviour)
// 解决:设置Layer -- Everything
12、IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
UIManager.PollMouseAndTouchpad () (at Assets/Plugins/EZ/GUI/Management/UIManager.cs:1208)
UIManager.Update () (at Assets/Plugins/EZ/GUI/Management/UIManager.cs:870)
// 解决:方案一:File-- Build Settings--Android--Switch Platform
二:修改UIManager--Pointer Type 对应的值
13、Material doesn't have a color property '_Color'
Cache:Obtain() (at Assets/Daikon Forge/DFGUI/Scripts/dfGUIManager.cs:2808)
MaterialCache:Lookup(Material) (at Assets/Daikon Forge/DFGUI/Scripts/dfGUIManager.cs:2715)
dfGUIManager:gatherMaterials() (at Assets/Daikon Forge/DFGUI/Scripts/dfGUIManager.cs:1997)
dfGUIManager:Render() (at Assets/Daikon Forge/DFGUI/Scripts/dfGUIManager.cs:1611)
dfGUIManager:LateUpdate() (at Assets/Daikon Forge/DFGUI/Scripts/dfGUIManager.cs:987)
// 解决:打包资源对应平台是手机平台,然后在unity编辑器上运行,有时会报此错误,有时游戏会直接显示不明,
BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(Selection.activeObject,null,path,BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies| BuildAssetBundleOptions.CompleteAssets,BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64)
14、error CS0621: `LoadAssetbundleManager.LoadGameMenuMode()': virtual or abstract members cannot be private
15:、error CS0201: Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions can be used as a statement
void Start ()
//解决://开启协同加载 这句话 去掉即好 不解 其实就是加了一句注释
16、error CS1519: Unexpected symbol `{' in class, struct, or interface member declaration 不解
public bool bIsUse_OneSlef_Camera = false;//此默认为UICamera 新加的实例将默认挂在UIRoot下
void Start ()
函数与bIsUse_OneSlef_Camera之间加个回车空格就好了 这是怎么了?
17、error CS0200: Property or indexer `UnityEngine.GameObject.camera' cannot be assigned to (it is read only)
18、error CS0246: The type or namespace name `Dictionary' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
public Dictionary <string,GameObject> m_InstanceObj = new Dictionary();
public Dictionary<string, GameObject> m_InstanceObj= new Dictionary<string,GameObject >();
19、ArrayList m_arrayListTemp;
20、Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to convert classes into dex format. See the Console for details.
D:\Tools\jdk\bin\java.exe -Xmx1024M -Dcom.android.sdkmanager.toolsdir="D:/Tools/androidTools/android_sdk_windows/android_sdk_windows\tools" -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -jar "D:/Program Files (x86)/Unity/Editor/Data/BuildTargetTools/AndroidPlayer\sdktools.jar" -
//解决:在你的Android工程中的AndroidManifest.xml、strings.xml等.xml文件中前加 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 然后到处.jar再unity工程加入此.jar 打包.apk就没此问题了
21、Exception: JNI: Init'd AndroidJavaClass with null ptr!
UnityEngine.AndroidJavaClass..ctor (IntPtr jclass) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/Runtime/Export/AndroidJavaImpl.cs:539)
// 解决:需真机测试
22:No Compatible targets were foound.Do you wish to add a new Android Virtual Device
// 解决:没有Device
22、Level 'mainmenu' (-1) couldn't be loaded because it has not been added to the build settings.
To add a level to the build settings use the menu File->Build Settings...// 解决:这句是解决方案
<LoadDetailedAssetbundle>c__Iterator17:MoveNext() (at Assets/Scripts/mode/loading/LoadAssetbundleManager.cs:120)
UnityException: Tag: Player2 is not defined!
OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider)
if(other.gameObject.CompareTag ("Player2"))
//解决:改成 if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player2") 或者 if(other.name == "Player2")
Assets/Scripts/Player/WeaponController.js(60,25): BCE0018: The name 'SkeletonAnimation' does not denote a valid type ('not found'). Did you mean 'UnityEngine.SkeletonBone'?
// 解决:将 SpineTool的所有.cs 放到项目 Assests-Plugins文件夹下
25、BCE0023: No appropriate version of 'Spine.AnimationState.AddAnimation' for the argument list '(int, String, boolean)' was found.
我是这么写的 skeletonAnimation.state.AddAnimation(0,"idle",true);
// 解决:少传了一个参数 skeletonAnimation.state.AddAnimation(0,"idle",true,0.5f);
26、有时候 Spine 人物骨骼动画 不播放或者说播放帧数不对:
27、An asset is marked as dont save, but is included in the build:
Asset: 'Assets/Resources/Player/PlayerModels/shamozhiying/data/shamozhiying Atlas.asset'
Building - Failed to write file: 5b97ffcec9b15e740aa4b4efd295fe1d
Error building Player: Couldn't build player because of unsupported data on target platform.
:用的Spine插件 做的 shamozhiying Atlas.asset
//解决:不能直接复制改名重用 (可怜我做的那么多人物模型,都得重新再做一遍!)
Assets/Scripts/Player/WeaponController.js(85,41): BCE0120: 'Spine.AnimationState.data' is inaccessible due to its protection level.--Data
BCE0156: Event 'Complete' can only be triggered from within its declaring type ('Spine.AnimationState').
BCE0032: The event 'Spine.AnimationState.Complete' expects a function reference compatible with 'function(Object, Spine.CompleteArgs): void'.
BCE0043: Unexpected token: state.
function AniComplete(AnimationState state, int index, int loopCount)
playerController.bIsFinishFireAni = true;
function AniComplete(state:AnimationState, index:int, loopCount:int):void
playerController.bIsFinishFireAni = true;
即使就算函数写对了 ,对于用到skeletonAnimation.state.Complete的Comlete还是无法用,
我用JS这么写的skeletonAnimation.state.Complete += AniComplete;它会编译报错说skeletonAnimation.state.Complete不能用作表达式,
可是C# 或是cocos2dX 这么写就OK!于是我只能放弃使用Spine提供的Complete ,我在Spine.AnimationState加了一个动画完成与否的标示符
public bool bIsComplete = false;在它的Update()函数中current.OnComplete(this, i, count);一行后加了一个判断
if (i == (tracks.Count -1)) bIsComplete = true;
后我在js中用这个bIsComplete ,确实是实现了动画完成的判断,如果你还在愁,找不到js+spine判断动画完成的方案,就用这个咯 !
29、Skeleton DataAsset 加载骨骼模型 头部不显示
//解决:修改Intial Skin
30、Material doesn't have a color property '_Color'
//解决:修改shader 属性
31、skeletonAnimation.state.SetAnimation(0,"attack", true); 这个好像并没有起实际作用 就真的只是把名字改了而已,
改成这样就好了skeletonAnimation.animationName = "attack";
(之后我每个SetAnimation 动画都改成了skeletonAnimation.animationName = 除了死亡)
var direction : Vector3 = Vector3.left * dir;
var hit : RaycastHit;
var layerMask : int = 1 << 9;
if (Physics.Raycast (thisTransform.position - Vector3( -0.4 * dir,2,0), direction, hit, attackRange, layerMask)) //射线碰撞
在子弹预设加入 Rigidody BoxCollider
在Npc身上加入 Character Controller
纯碰撞盒碰撞OnTriggerEnter() (记得BoxCollider里的属性isTrigger勾选,否则不起作用)
UnityException: Unable to find suitable JDK installation. Please make sure you have a suitable JDK installation. Android development requires at least JDK 7 (1.7), having JRE only is not enough. The latest JDK can be obtained from the Oracle website
计算机--系统属性--高级--环境变量--新建: JAVA_HOME C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0
环境变量--新建 CLASSPATH %JAVA_HOME%\lib;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar
系统变量--新建 Path %JAVA_HOME%\bin
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19
MaxCol = 5;
MaxRow = 4;
CurRow = index/Max_Col;
CurCol = index%Max_Col;
if(CurCol >= Max_Col)
CurCol= 0;
if(CurRow >= Max_Row)
CurRow= 0;
if(CurCol < 0)
CurCol= Max_Col-1;
if(CurRow < 0)
CurRow= Max_Row-1;
CurIndex= CurRow*Max_Col + CurCol;
黄色警告:Tiled GPUperf. warning: RenderTexture color surface (240x150) was not cleared/discarded, doing <run with profiler forinfo>
UnityEngine.Graphics:Blit(Texture,RenderTexture, Material, Int32)
修改unity - Edit - GraphicsEmulation下选择No Emulation
unity导入Fbx模型看不到贴图只能看到线框,---untiy编辑器 右上角Layers点击-show--Everything
Gizmos.DrawLine(newVector3(LevelSetupTemp.LevelX,LevelSetupTemp.LevelY, 0),newVector3(LevelSetupTempTo.LevelX,LevelSetupTempTo.LevelY, 0));
UnityException: Gizmo drawing functionscan only be used in OnDrawGizmos and OnDrawGizmosSelected.
Error building Player: UnityException: Bundle Identifier has not been set up correctly
Please set the Bundle Identifier in the Player Settings. The value must follow the convention 'com.YourCompanyName.YourProductName' and can contain alphanumeric characters and underscore.
Each segment must not start with a numeric character or underscore.
Error building Player: UnityException: Bundle Identifier has not been set up correctly
Please set the Bundle Identifier in the Player Settings. The value must follow the convention 'com.YourCompanyName.YourProductName' and can contain alphanumeric characters and underscore.
Each segment must not start with a numeric character or underscore.
Player Settings--Inspector-- Bundle Identifie(r -- package name--包名 --com.myGameName.MyGame)
CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources. See the Console for details.
E:/sdk/sdk\platform-tools\aapt.exe package --auto-add-overlay -v -f -m -J gen -M AndroidManifest.xml -S "res" -I "E:/sdk/sdk\platforms\android-14\android.jar" -F bin/resources.ap_
Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources. See the Console for details.
E:/sdk/sdk\platform-tools\aapt.exe package --auto-add-overlay -v -f -m -J gen -M AndroidManifest.xml -S "res" -I "E:/sdk/sdk\platforms\android-14\android.jar" -F bin/resources.ap_