LuatOS ESP32C3 > esp_lcd_st7735


参考链接:ESP32 IDF5.0版本下添加个人组件(st7735s驱动)_managed_components-CSDN博客

[教程] esp32平台下运行lvgl,使用屏幕st7735s 128*128详细配置-C/C++-繁花云 (





 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * @file
 * @brief ESP LCD: ST7735

#pragma once

#include "hal/spi_ll.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_vendor.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define ESP_LCD_ST7735_VER_MAJOR 1
#define ESP_LCD_ST7735_VER_MINOR 0
#define ESP_LCD_ST7735_VER_PATCH 0

// 原理:ST7735s是为128*160屏幕设计的,我们是128*128的屏幕,需要跳过一部分像素。
#define ST7735_GREENTAB160x80 // For 160 x 80 display (BGR, inverted, 26 / 1 offset) 0.96 tft
#define XOFFSET            26
#define YOFFSET            1

// Delay between some initialisation commands
#define TFT_INIT_DELAY      0x80

#define TFT_INVOFF          0x20
#define TFT_INVON           0x21

// ST7735 specific commands used in init
#define ST7735_NOP          0x00
#define ST7735_SWRESET      0x01
#define ST7735_RDDID        0x04
#define ST7735_RDDST        0x09

#define ST7735_SLPIN        0x10
#define ST7735_SLPOUT       0x11
#define ST7735_PTLON        0x12
#define ST7735_NORON        0x13

#define ST7735_INVOFF       0x20
#define ST7735_INVON        0x21
#define ST7735_DISPOFF      0x28
#define ST7735_DISPON       0x29
#define ST7735_CASET        0x2A
#define ST7735_RASET        0x2B
#define ST7735_RAMWR        0x2C
#define ST7735_RAMRD        0x2E

#define ST7735_PTLAR        0x30
#define ST7735_VSCRDEF      0x33
#define ST7735_COLMOD       0x3A
#define ST7735_MADCTL       0x36
#define ST7735_VSCRSADD     0x37

#define ST7735_FRMCTR1      0xB1
#define ST7735_FRMCTR2      0xB2
#define ST7735_FRMCTR3      0xB3
#define ST7735_INVCTR       0xB4
#define ST7735_DISSET5      0xB6

#define ST7735_PWCTR1       0xC0
#define ST7735_PWCTR2       0xC1
#define ST7735_PWCTR3       0xC2
#define ST7735_PWCTR4       0xC3
#define ST7735_PWCTR5       0xC4
#define ST7735_VMCTR1       0xC5

#define ST7735_RDID1        0xDA
#define ST7735_RDID2        0xDB
#define ST7735_RDID3        0xDC
#define ST7735_RDID4        0xDD

#define ST7735_PWCTR6       0xFC

#define ST7735_GMCTRP1      0xE0
#define ST7735_GMCTRN1      0xE1

 * @brief LCD panel initialization commands.
typedef struct {
    int cmd;                /*<! The specific LCD command */
    const void *data;       /*<! Buffer that holds the command specific data */
    size_t data_bytes;      /*<! Size of `data` in memory, in bytes */
    unsigned int delay_ms;  /*<! Delay in milliseconds after this command */
} st7735_lcd_init_cmd_t;

 * @brief LCD panel vendor configuration.
 * @note  This structure needs to be passed to the `vendor_config` field in `esp_lcd_panel_dev_config_t`.
typedef struct {
    const st7735_lcd_init_cmd_t *init_cmds;     /*!< Pointer to initialization commands array. Set to NULL if using default commands.
                                                 *   The array should be declared as `static const` and positioned outside the function.
                                                 *   Please refer to `vendor_specific_init_default` in source file.
    uint16_t init_cmds_size;                    /*<! Number of commands in above array */
} st7735_vendor_config_t;

 * @brief Create LCD panel for model ST7735
 * @note  Vendor specific initialization can be different between manufacturers, should consult the LCD supplier for initialization sequence code.
 * @param[in] io LCD panel IO handle
 * @param[in] panel_dev_config general panel device configuration
 * @param[out] ret_panel Returned LCD panel handle
 * @return
 *          - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG   if parameter is invalid
 *          - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM        if out of memory
 *          - ESP_OK                on success
esp_err_t esp_lcd_new_panel_st7735(const esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io, const esp_lcd_panel_dev_config_t *panel_dev_config, esp_lcd_panel_handle_t *ret_panel);

 * @brief LCD panel bus configuration structure
 * @param[in] sclk SPI clock pin number
 * @param[in] mosi SPI MOSI pin number
 * @param[in] max_trans_sz Maximum transfer size in bytes
#define ST7735_PANEL_BUS_SPI_CONFIG(sclk, mosi, max_trans_sz)  \
    {                                                           \
        .sclk_io_num = sclk,                                    \
        .mosi_io_num = mosi,                                    \
        .miso_io_num = -1,                                      \
        .quadhd_io_num = -1,                                    \
        .quadwp_io_num = -1,                                    \
        .max_transfer_sz = max_trans_sz,                        \

 * @brief LCD panel IO configuration structure
 * @param[in] cs SPI chip select pin number
 * @param[in] dc SPI data/command pin number
 * @param[in] cb Callback function when SPI transfer is done
 * @param[in] cb_ctx Callback function context
#define ST7735_PANEL_IO_SPI_CONFIG(cs, dc, callback, callback_ctx) \
    {                                                               \
        .cs_gpio_num = cs,                                          \
        .dc_gpio_num = dc,                                          \
        .spi_mode = 0,                                              \
        .pclk_hz = 40 * 1000 * 1000,                                \
        .trans_queue_depth = 10,                                    \
        .on_color_trans_done = callback,                            \
        .user_ctx = callback_ctx,                                   \
        .lcd_cmd_bits = 8,                                          \
        .lcd_param_bits = 8,                                        \

#ifdef __cplusplus


#define XOFFSET            26
#define YOFFSET            1



 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_interface.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_io.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_vendor.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_ops.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_commands.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "esp_check.h"

#include "esp_lcd_st7735.h"

static const char *TAG = "st7735";

static esp_err_t panel_st7735_del(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel);
static esp_err_t panel_st7735_reset(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel);
static esp_err_t panel_st7735_init(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel);
static esp_err_t panel_st7735_draw_bitmap(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel, int x_start, int y_start, int x_end, int y_end, const void *color_data);
static esp_err_t panel_st7735_invert_color(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel, bool invert_color_data);
static esp_err_t panel_st7735_mirror(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel, bool mirror_x, bool mirror_y);
static esp_err_t panel_st7735_swap_xy(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel, bool swap_axes);
static esp_err_t panel_st7735_set_gap(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel, int x_gap, int y_gap);
static esp_err_t panel_st7735_disp_on_off(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel, bool off);

typedef struct {
    esp_lcd_panel_t base;
    esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io;
    int reset_gpio_num;
    bool reset_level;
    int x_gap;
    int y_gap;
    uint8_t fb_bits_per_pixel;
    uint8_t madctl_val; // save current value of LCD_CMD_MADCTL register
    uint8_t colmod_val; // save current value of LCD_CMD_COLMOD register
    const st7735_lcd_init_cmd_t *init_cmds;
    uint16_t init_cmds_size;
} st7735_panel_t;

esp_err_t esp_lcd_new_panel_st7735(const esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io, const esp_lcd_panel_dev_config_t *panel_dev_config, esp_lcd_panel_handle_t *ret_panel)
    esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
    st7735_panel_t *st7735 = NULL;
    gpio_config_t io_conf = { 0 };

    ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(io && panel_dev_config && ret_panel, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "invalid argument");
    st7735 = (st7735_panel_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(st7735_panel_t));
    ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(st7735, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "no mem for st7735 panel");

    if (panel_dev_config->reset_gpio_num >= 0) {
        io_conf.mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT;
        io_conf.pin_bit_mask = 1ULL << panel_dev_config->reset_gpio_num;
        ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(gpio_config(&io_conf), err, TAG, "configure GPIO for RST line failed");

    switch (panel_dev_config->color_space) {
        st7735->madctl_val = 0;
        st7735->madctl_val |= LCD_CMD_BGR_BIT;
        ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(false, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, err, TAG, "unsupported color space");
    switch (panel_dev_config->rgb_endian) {
        st7735->madctl_val = 0;
        st7735->madctl_val |= LCD_CMD_BGR_BIT;
        ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(false, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, err, TAG, "unsupported rgb endian");

    switch (panel_dev_config->bits_per_pixel) {
    case 16: // RGB565
        st7735->colmod_val = 0x55;
        st7735->fb_bits_per_pixel = 16;
    case 18: // RGB666
        st7735->colmod_val = 0x66;
        // each color component (R/G/B) should occupy the 6 high bits of a byte, which means 3 full bytes are required for a pixel
        st7735->fb_bits_per_pixel = 24;
        ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(false, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, err, TAG, "unsupported pixel width");

    st7735->io = io;
    st7735->reset_gpio_num = panel_dev_config->reset_gpio_num;
    st7735->reset_level = panel_dev_config->flags.reset_active_high;
    if (panel_dev_config->vendor_config) {
        st7735->init_cmds = ((st7735_vendor_config_t *)panel_dev_config->vendor_config)->init_cmds;
        st7735->init_cmds_size = ((st7735_vendor_config_t *)panel_dev_config->vendor_config)->init_cmds_size;
    st7735->base.del = panel_st7735_del;
    st7735->base.reset = panel_st7735_reset;
    st7735->base.init = panel_st7735_init;
    st7735->base.draw_bitmap = panel_st7735_draw_bitmap;
    st7735->base.invert_color = panel_st7735_invert_color;
    st7735->base.set_gap = panel_st7735_set_gap;
    st7735->base.mirror = panel_st7735_mirror;
    st7735->base.swap_xy = panel_st7735_swap_xy;
    st7735->base.disp_off = panel_st7735_disp_on_off;
    st7735->base.disp_on_off = panel_st7735_disp_on_off;
    *ret_panel = &(st7735->base);
    ESP_LOGD(TAG, "new st7735 panel @%p", st7735);

    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "LCD panel create success, version: %d.%d.%d", ESP_LCD_ST7735_VER_MAJOR, ESP_LCD_ST7735_VER_MINOR,

    return ESP_OK;

    if (st7735) {
        if (panel_dev_config->reset_gpio_num >= 0) {
    return ret;

static esp_err_t panel_st7735_del(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel)
    st7735_panel_t *st7735 = __containerof(panel, st7735_panel_t, base);

    if (st7735->reset_gpio_num >= 0) {
    ESP_LOGD(TAG, "del st7735 panel @%p", st7735);
    return ESP_OK;

static esp_err_t panel_st7735_reset(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel)
    st7735_panel_t *st7735 = __containerof(panel, st7735_panel_t, base);
    esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io = st7735->io;

    // perform hardware reset
    if (st7735->reset_gpio_num >= 0) {
        gpio_set_level(st7735->reset_gpio_num, st7735->reset_level);
        gpio_set_level(st7735->reset_gpio_num, !st7735->reset_level);
    } else { // perform software reset
        ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io, LCD_CMD_SWRESET, NULL, 0), TAG, "send command failed");
        vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(20)); // spec, wait at least 5ms before sending new command

    return ESP_OK;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t cmd;
    uint8_t data[16];
    uint8_t data_bytes; // Length of data in above data array; 0xFF = end of cmds.
} lcd_init_cmd_t;

static const st7735_lcd_init_cmd_t vendor_specific_init[] = {
    {ST7735_SWRESET, (uint8_t []){0}, 0x80, 0},         		// Software reset, 0 args, w/delay 150
    {ST7735_SLPOUT, (uint8_t []){0}, 0x80, 0},                 // Out of sleep mode, 0 args, w/delay 500
    {ST7735_FRMCTR1, (uint8_t []){0x05, 0x3A, 0x3A}, 3, 0},    // Frame rate ctrl - normal mode, 3 args: Rate = fosc/(1x2+40) * (LINE+2C+2D)
    {ST7735_FRMCTR2, (uint8_t []){0x05, 0x3A, 0x3A}, 3, 0},    // Frame rate control - idle mode, 3 args:Rate = fosc/(1x2+40) * (LINE+2C+2D)
    {ST7735_FRMCTR3, (uint8_t []){0x05, 0x3A, 0x3A, 0x05, 0x3A, 0x3A}, 6, 0}, //Frame rate ctrl - partial mode, 6 args:Dot inversion mode. Line inversion mode
    {ST7735_INVCTR, (uint8_t []){0x03}, 1, 0},                 // Display inversion ctrl, 1 arg, no delay:No inversion
    {ST7735_PWCTR1, (uint8_t []){0x62, 0x02, 0x04}, 3, 0},      // Power control, 3 args, no delay:-4.6V AUTO mode
    {ST7735_PWCTR2, (uint8_t []){0xC0}, 1, 0},                 // Power control, 1 arg, no delay:VGH25 = 2.4C VGSEL = -10 VGH = 3 * AVDD
    {ST7735_PWCTR3, (uint8_t []){0x0D, 0x00}, 2, 0},           // Power control, 2 args, no delay: Opamp current small, Boost frequency
    {ST7735_PWCTR4, (uint8_t []){0x8D, 0x6A}, 2, 0},           // Power control, 2 args, no delay: BCLK/2, Opamp current small & Medium low
    {ST7735_PWCTR5, (uint8_t []){0x8D, 0xEE}, 2, 0},           // Power control, 2 args, no delay:
    {ST7735_VMCTR1, (uint8_t []){0x0E}, 1, 0},                 // Power control, 1 arg, no delay:
    {ST7735_INVON, (uint8_t []){0}, 0, 0},                     // set inverted mode
    //{ST7735_INVOFF, (uint8_t []){0}, 0, 0},                    // set non-inverted mode
    {ST7735_COLMOD, (uint8_t []){0x05}, 1, 0},               	// set color mode, 1 arg, no delay: 16-bit color
    {ST7735_GMCTRP1, (uint8_t []){0x10, 0x0E, 0x02, 0x03, 0x0E, 0x07, 0x02, 0x07, 0x0A, 0x12, 0x27, 0x37, 0x00, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x10}, 16, 0},           // 16 args, no delay:
    {ST7735_GMCTRN1, (uint8_t []){0x10, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x03, 0x0F, 0x06, 0x02, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x13, 0x26, 0x36, 0x00, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x10}, 16, 0},           // 16 args, no delay:
    {ST7735_NORON, (uint8_t []){0}, TFT_INIT_DELAY, 0},       	// Normal display on, no args, w/delay 10 ms delay
    {ST7735_DISPON, (uint8_t []){0}, TFT_INIT_DELAY, 0},       // Main screen turn on, no args w/delay 100 ms delay
    {0, (uint8_t []){0}, 0xff, 0}

static esp_err_t panel_st7735_init(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel)
    st7735_panel_t *st7735 = __containerof(panel, st7735_panel_t, base);
    esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io = st7735->io;

    // LCD goes into sleep mode and display will be turned off after power on reset, exit sleep mode first
    ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io, LCD_CMD_SLPOUT, NULL, 0), TAG, "send command failed");
    ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io, LCD_CMD_MADCTL, (uint8_t[]) {
    }, 1), TAG, "send command failed");
    ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io, LCD_CMD_COLMOD, (uint8_t[]) {
    }, 1), TAG, "send command failed");

    const st7735_lcd_init_cmd_t *init_cmds = NULL;
    uint16_t init_cmds_size = 0;
    if (st7735->init_cmds) {
        init_cmds = st7735->init_cmds;
        init_cmds_size = st7735->init_cmds_size;
    } else {
        init_cmds = vendor_specific_init;
        init_cmds_size = sizeof(vendor_specific_init) / sizeof(st7735_lcd_init_cmd_t);

    bool is_cmd_overwritten = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < init_cmds_size; i++) {
        // Check if the command has been used or conflicts with the internal
        switch (init_cmds[i].cmd) {
        case LCD_CMD_MADCTL:
            is_cmd_overwritten = true;
            st7735->madctl_val = ((uint8_t *)init_cmds[i].data)[0];
        case LCD_CMD_COLMOD:
            is_cmd_overwritten = true;
            st7735->colmod_val = ((uint8_t *)init_cmds[i].data)[0];
            is_cmd_overwritten = false;

        if (is_cmd_overwritten) {
            ESP_LOGW(TAG, "The %02Xh command has been used and will be overwritten by external initialization sequence", init_cmds[i].cmd);

        ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io, init_cmds[i].cmd, init_cmds[i].data, init_cmds[i].data_bytes), TAG, "send command failed");
    ESP_LOGD(TAG, "send init commands success");

    return ESP_OK;

static esp_err_t panel_st7735_draw_bitmap(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel, int x_start, int y_start, int x_end, int y_end, const void *color_data)
    st7735_panel_t *st7735 = __containerof(panel, st7735_panel_t, base);
    assert((x_start < x_end) && (y_start < y_end) && "start position must be smaller than end position");
    esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io = st7735->io;

    x_start += st7735->x_gap;
    x_end += st7735->x_gap;
    y_start += st7735->y_gap;
    y_end += st7735->y_gap;

    // define an area of frame memory where MCU can access
    ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io, LCD_CMD_CASET, (uint8_t[]) {
        (x_start >> 8) & 0xFF,
        (x_start + XOFFSET) & 0xFF,
        ((x_end - 1) >> 8) & 0xFF,
        ((x_end - 1) + XOFFSET) & 0xFF,
    }, 4), TAG, "send command failed");
    ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io, LCD_CMD_RASET, (uint8_t[]) {
        (y_start >> 8) & 0xFF,
        (y_start + YOFFSET) & 0xFF,
        ((y_end - 1) >> 8) & 0xFF,
        ((y_end - 1) + YOFFSET) & 0xFF,
    }, 4), TAG, "send command failed");
    // transfer frame buffer
    size_t len = (x_end - x_start) * (y_end - y_start) * st7735->fb_bits_per_pixel / 8;
    esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_color(io, LCD_CMD_RAMWR, color_data, len);

    return ESP_OK;

static esp_err_t panel_st7735_invert_color(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel, bool invert_color_data)
    st7735_panel_t *st7735 = __containerof(panel, st7735_panel_t, base);
    esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io = st7735->io;
    int command = 0;
    if (invert_color_data) {
        command = LCD_CMD_INVON;
    } else {
        command = LCD_CMD_INVOFF;
    ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io, command, NULL, 0), TAG, "send command failed");
    return ESP_OK;

static esp_err_t panel_st7735_mirror(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel, bool mirror_x, bool mirror_y)
    st7735_panel_t *st7735 = __containerof(panel, st7735_panel_t, base);
    esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io = st7735->io;
    if (mirror_x) {
        st7735->madctl_val |= LCD_CMD_MX_BIT;
    } else {
        st7735->madctl_val &= ~LCD_CMD_MX_BIT;
    if (mirror_y) {
        st7735->madctl_val |= LCD_CMD_MY_BIT;
    } else {
        st7735->madctl_val &= ~LCD_CMD_MY_BIT;
    ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io, LCD_CMD_MADCTL, (uint8_t[]) {
    }, 1), TAG, "send command failed");
    return ESP_OK;

static esp_err_t panel_st7735_swap_xy(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel, bool swap_axes)
    st7735_panel_t *st7735 = __containerof(panel, st7735_panel_t, base);
    esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io = st7735->io;
    if (swap_axes) {
        st7735->madctl_val |= LCD_CMD_MV_BIT;
    } else {
        st7735->madctl_val &= ~LCD_CMD_MV_BIT;
    ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io, LCD_CMD_MADCTL, (uint8_t[]) {
    }, 1), TAG, "send command failed");
    return ESP_OK;

static esp_err_t panel_st7735_set_gap(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel, int x_gap, int y_gap)
    st7735_panel_t *st7735 = __containerof(panel, st7735_panel_t, base);
    st7735->x_gap = x_gap;
    st7735->y_gap = y_gap;
    return ESP_OK;

static esp_err_t panel_st7735_disp_on_off(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel, bool on_off)
    st7735_panel_t *st7735 = __containerof(panel, st7735_panel_t, base);
    esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io = st7735->io;
    int command = 0;

    on_off = !on_off;

    if (on_off) {
        command = LCD_CMD_DISPON;
    } else {
        command = LCD_CMD_DISPOFF;
    ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io, command, NULL, 0), TAG, "send command failed");
    return ESP_OK;


static const st7735_lcd_init_cmd_t vendor_specific_init[] = {
    {ST7735_SWRESET, (uint8_t []){0}, 0x80, 0},         		// Software reset, 0 args, w/delay 150
    {ST7735_SLPOUT, (uint8_t []){0}, 0x80, 0},                 // Out of sleep mode, 0 args, w/delay 500
    {ST7735_FRMCTR1, (uint8_t []){0x05, 0x3A, 0x3A}, 3, 0},    // Frame rate ctrl - normal mode, 3 args: Rate = fosc/(1x2+40) * (LINE+2C+2D)
    {ST7735_FRMCTR2, (uint8_t []){0x05, 0x3A, 0x3A}, 3, 0},    // Frame rate control - idle mode, 3 args:Rate = fosc/(1x2+40) * (LINE+2C+2D)
    {ST7735_FRMCTR3, (uint8_t []){0x05, 0x3A, 0x3A, 0x05, 0x3A, 0x3A}, 6, 0}, //Frame rate ctrl - partial mode, 6 args:Dot inversion mode. Line inversion mode
    {ST7735_INVCTR, (uint8_t []){0x03}, 1, 0},                 // Display inversion ctrl, 1 arg, no delay:No inversion
    {ST7735_PWCTR1, (uint8_t []){0x62, 0x02, 0x04}, 3, 0},      // Power control, 3 args, no delay:-4.6V AUTO mode
    {ST7735_PWCTR2, (uint8_t []){0xC0}, 1, 0},                 // Power control, 1 arg, no delay:VGH25 = 2.4C VGSEL = -10 VGH = 3 * AVDD
    {ST7735_PWCTR3, (uint8_t []){0x0D, 0x00}, 2, 0},           // Power control, 2 args, no delay: Opamp current small, Boost frequency
    {ST7735_PWCTR4, (uint8_t []){0x8D, 0x6A}, 2, 0},           // Power control, 2 args, no delay: BCLK/2, Opamp current small & Medium low
    {ST7735_PWCTR5, (uint8_t []){0x8D, 0xEE}, 2, 0},           // Power control, 2 args, no delay:
    {ST7735_VMCTR1, (uint8_t []){0x0E}, 1, 0},                 // Power control, 1 arg, no delay:
    {ST7735_INVON, (uint8_t []){0}, 0, 0},                     // set inverted mode
    //{ST7735_INVOFF, (uint8_t []){0}, 0, 0},                    // set non-inverted mode
    {ST7735_COLMOD, (uint8_t []){0x05}, 1, 0},               	// set color mode, 1 arg, no delay: 16-bit color
    {ST7735_GMCTRP1, (uint8_t []){0x10, 0x0E, 0x02, 0x03, 0x0E, 0x07, 0x02, 0x07, 0x0A, 0x12, 0x27, 0x37, 0x00, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x10}, 16, 0},           // 16 args, no delay:
    {ST7735_GMCTRN1, (uint8_t []){0x10, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x03, 0x0F, 0x06, 0x02, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x13, 0x26, 0x36, 0x00, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x10}, 16, 0},           // 16 args, no delay:
    {ST7735_NORON, (uint8_t []){0}, TFT_INIT_DELAY, 0},       	// Normal display on, no args, w/delay 10 ms delay
    {ST7735_DISPON, (uint8_t []){0}, TFT_INIT_DELAY, 0},       // Main screen turn on, no args w/delay 100 ms delay
    {0, (uint8_t []){0}, 0xff, 0}


在panel_st7735_draw_bitmap函数中添加 XOFFSET 和 YOFFSET

static esp_err_t panel_st7735_draw_bitmap(esp_lcd_panel_t *panel, int x_start, int y_start, int x_end, int y_end, const void *color_data)
    st7735_panel_t *st7735 = __containerof(panel, st7735_panel_t, base);
    assert((x_start < x_end) && (y_start < y_end) && "start position must be smaller than end position");
    esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io = st7735->io;

    x_start += st7735->x_gap;
    x_end += st7735->x_gap;
    y_start += st7735->y_gap;
    y_end += st7735->y_gap;

    // define an area of frame memory where MCU can access
    ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io, LCD_CMD_CASET, (uint8_t[]) {
        (x_start >> 8) & 0xFF,
        (x_start + XOFFSET) & 0xFF,
        ((x_end - 1) >> 8) & 0xFF,
        ((x_end - 1) + XOFFSET) & 0xFF,
    }, 4), TAG, "send command failed");
    ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io, LCD_CMD_RASET, (uint8_t[]) {
        (y_start >> 8) & 0xFF,
        (y_start + YOFFSET) & 0xFF,
        ((y_end - 1) >> 8) & 0xFF,
        ((y_end - 1) + YOFFSET) & 0xFF,
    }, 4), TAG, "send command failed");
    // transfer frame buffer
    size_t len = (x_end - x_start) * (y_end - y_start) * st7735->fb_bits_per_pixel / 8;
    esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_color(io, LCD_CMD_RAMWR, color_data, len);

    return ESP_OK;


idf_component_register(SRCS "esp_lcd_st7735.c"
                       INCLUDE_DIRS "include"
                       REQUIRES "driver" "esp_lcd")

# include(package_manager)
# cu_pkg_define_version(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR})



下一篇将整合 button 和 st7735 实现 air101-lcd 扩展板的功能

评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


