[论文精读]Disease prediction using graph convolutional networks: Application to Autism Spectrum Disorder

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2.1. Abstract

2.2. Introduction

2.2.1. Graph convolutional neural networks

2.2.2. Graph-based models for disease prediction

2.3. Methods

2.3.1. Databases and preprocessing

2.3.2. Population graph construction

2.3.3. Feature selection strategies

2.3.4. Graph labelling using graph convolutional neural networks

2.4. Results

2.4.1. Experimental set-up

2.4.2. ABIDE feature selection strategy

2.4.3. Influence of polynomial order K

2.4.4. Graph construction strategy

2.4.5. Influence of the phenotypic measures

2.4.6. Comparison to other methods

2.5. Discussion

3. 知识补充

3.1. Kronecker delta function

4. Reference

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2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

        ①Node can be represented as participant with features

        ②Existing problems: models care more about the similarity between participants rather than feature of themselves

        ③Innovation: adopting imaging and non-imaging data

        ④Classification accuracy: 70.4% in ABIDE and 80.0%in ADNI

2.2. Introduction

        ①Introducing relevant methods

2.2.1. Graph convolutional neural networks

        ①Introducing models based on CNN and spectral GNN

2.2.2. Graph-based models for disease prediction

        ①Introducing models based on spatial GNN

        ②Contributions: expanded work of previous paper in conference; combining two type of data; feature selection strategy

2.3. Methods

        ①Overall framework:

        ②Number of subject: S with total N image data

        ③Graph: G=\left \{ V,E,W \right \}

        ④num_node_feature: C

        ⑤Task: node classification

        ⑥Label: 0 denotes HC and 1 denotes diseased 

2.3.1. Databases and preprocessing


        ①Samples: 871 with 403 ASD and 468 HC

        ②Site: 20(imaging site? 不是站点?是什么东西

        ③Atlas: the Harvard Oxford (HO) with 111 ROI

        ④Functional connectivity (FC): Fisher transformed Pearson’s correlation coefficient act on time signal series

        ⑤Task: classifying ASD and HC



        ②Samples: 1674 subjects with 5074 images

        ③Task: classifying stable MCI (sMCI) and progressive MCI (pMCI)

        ④num_node_feature: C=138

2.3.2. Population graph construction

(1)Feature vector

        ①For ADNI: 138

        ②For ABIDE: up triangular elements of the square adjacency matrices (FC?)

(2)Graph edges

        ①Adjacency matrix of the population graph:


where Sim(S_{v},S_{w}) denotes the similarity between subjects, \gamma denotes the the measure of distance between phenotypic measures, and \mathbf{M}=\{M_{h}\} denotes the non-imaging phenotypic measures(作者意思就是同时考虑节点相似度和表型数据距离来得到边缘权重)

        ②Applying different \gamma for different phenotypic measures. For instance, adopting Kronecker delta function \delta for sex measures:

\gamma\left(M_{h}\left(v\right),M_{h}\left(w\right)\right)=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}1&\mathrm{if} \left|M_{h}\left(v\right)-M_{h}\left(w\right)\right|<\theta\\0&\mathrm{otherwise}.\end{array}\right.

when they get the same sex, the weight might be 1 (higher than 0 and more similar). If researchers consider the age, there are threshold \theta to measure the similarity.(说白了就是性别的话\theta存在就可以定义为1,不存在的话就是性别相等计数1,不相等计数0。年龄的话因为很难想等所以来了个阈值\theta但这玩意儿也不一定好设计。总之这边是一个表型特征要么0要么1,然后1越多就是越相似)

        ③Phenotypic measures on ABIDE: site, sex and age.

        ④Similarity function for ABIDE:


where \rho denotes the correlation distance, \sigma denotes the width of the kernel

        ⑤Phenotypic measures on ADNI: sex and age.

        ⑥Similarity measurements for ADNI: brain volumes, which strongly be affected by age and sex, and genetic information APOE ϵ4, which is the major risk factor for the development of AD

        ⑦Similarity function for ADNI:

Sim\left(A_v,A_w\right)=\lambda\text{with}\left\{\begin{array}{ll}\lambda>1&\text{if} S_v=S_w\\\lambda=0&\text{otherwise.}\end{array}\right.

        ⑧Even though handedness constitutes influence the results, the information lacks.

allele  n.等位基因

2.3.3. Feature selection strategies

(1)Node feature in ABIDE possesses high dimentional property

        ①Solution 1: introducing ridge classifier and Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE)

        ②Solution 2: PCA(作者说因为特征数(6105)远大于样本数(871)所以不太适合)

        ③Solution 3: supervised MLP

        ④Solution 4: unsupervised antoencoders with MSE for loss function

2.3.4. Graph labelling using graph convolutional neural networks

(1)Spectral graph convolutions

        ①Introducing spectral graph convolutions(不过现在GCN一阶近似出来了感觉不太需要传统的谱图卷积了?可能我比较深度学习吧)

(2)GCN model

        ①Model structure:

        ②Activation function: ReLU

        ③Classifier: softmax

        ④Loss function: cross entropy

2.4. Results

2.4.1. Experimental set-up

        ①Cross validation: 10 fold

        ②Parameters of GCN: same as Parisot et al. (2017), optimized by grid search

        ③Default polynomial order K=3


        ①Hidden layer: L=1

        ②Dropout rate: 0.3

        ③l2 regularisation: 5\times 10^{-4}

        ④Learning rate: 0.005

        ⑤Epochs: 150


        ①Hidden layer: L=6

        ②Dropout rate: 0.02

        ③l2 regularisation: 1\times 10^{-5}

        ④Learning rate: 0.01

        ⑤Epochs: 200

        ⑥Hyperparameters in similarity function: \lambda =10 and \theta =2

2.4.2. ABIDE feature selection strategy

        ①Grid search for num_node_feature: C=\left \{ 250,500,1000,2000 \right \}

        ②For PCA, they define C=\left \{ 250,500 \right \} for 85% and 95% explained variance

        ③Epoch of AE: 100, learning rate: 5E-4

        ④They applied MLP and PCA with the defualt parameter in scikit-learn

        ⑤Ablation study:

2.4.3. Influence of polynomial order K

        ①Testing K \in \left \{ 1,2,3,4,5 \right \}

        ②Ablation study on ABIDE:

        ③Ablation study on ADNI:

2.4.4. Graph construction strategy


2.4.5. Influence of the phenotypic measures

        ①Ablation study on ADNI:

        ②Ablation study on ABIDE:

        ③Combining comparison:

2.4.6. Comparison to other methods

        ①Comparison of RF, ridge and MLP:

2.5. Discussion

        Discussion and conclusion

3. 知识补充

3.1. Kronecker delta function

(1)Kronecker delta function(又称Kronecker符号或克罗内克δ函数)是数学中的一个重要概念,尤其在线性代数、数字信号处理、物理学等领域有着广泛的应用。以下是关于Kronecker delta function的详细解释:

        ①定义:Kronecker delta function是一个二元函数,通常用于描述两个整数或实数之间的关系;如果两个输入值相等,则函数的输出值为1;如果两个输入值不相等,则输出值为0。

        ②性质:对称性:Kronecker delta函数具有对称性,即δ(i,j) = δ(j,i)。这意味着函数的输出值不依赖于输入值的顺序;;筛选性:Kronecker delta函数具有筛选性,可以在计算中用于选择或过滤特定的元素;收缩性:在计算中,如果一个指标被重复两次并通过求和符号相连,Kronecker delta函数会起到约简的作用。当两个指标相同时,函数约简求和的结果为1;当两个指标不同时,函数约简的结果为0。

        ③应用:线性代数:在线性代数中,Kronecker delta function被广泛应用于向量和矩阵运算。例如,在矩阵乘法中,它可以帮助表示两个矩阵的相等性,从而简化计算。此外,它还可以用于计算向量的内积和外积;数字信号处理:在数字信号处理中,Kronecker delta function用于表示离散时间信号的采样和重建过程;物理学:在物理学中,Kronecker delta function有着广泛的应用。例如,在电磁学中,它可以用来描述电流分布和电荷分布的关系;在量子力学中,它用于表示量子态之间的变换关系;在统计物理学中,它用于表示两个状态之间的转化概率。

        ④符号表示:Kronecker delta function通常使用δ符号表示,但在使用时需要注意与狄拉克δ函数的区别。克罗内克δ函数在使用时带两个下标,而狄拉克δ函数则只有一个变量。

        ⑤广义形式:除了基本的Kronecker delta function外,还存在广义克罗内克函数的概念,它涉及到矩阵的行列式和张量函数等更高级的数学概念。

(2)参考学习:张量学习(4):Kronecker delta(换标符号) and Eddington(排列符号)-CSDN博客

4. Reference

Parisot, S., Ktena, S. I., Ferrante, E., Lee, M., Guerrero, R., Glocker, B., & Rueckert, D. (2018) 'Disease prediction using graph convolutional networks: Application to Autism Spectrum Disorder and Alzheimer’s disease', Medical Image Analysis, 48: 117-130. doi: Redirecting

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