Video Evaluation by Python

Here is the code to calculate for PSNR and SSIM of YUV.
My code has its advantage that it can process the problem by batch processing.

If U have any problem, U can contact me without hesitation.


Create on 2015/11/16 9:05:59
@author: Chen Yu in RockChip Internship 

import os
import sys
import re
import string
import math
import win32api
import win32process
import win32event
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE

# processing folder path
dirGood = r"E:\ErrorConcealment\Sequence\Sequence_Bat_Good"
dirCopy = r"E:\ErrorConcealment\Sequence\Sequence_Bat"
dirFirstBatch = r"E:\ErrorConcealment\Sequence\Sequence_Bat\First Batch"
dirSecondBatch = r"E:\ErrorConcealment\Sequence\Sequence_Bat\Second Batch"  

def MyGetFileList(dir, filelist):
    if os.path.isdir(dir):
        for s in os.listdir(dir):
            if re.match(r"([\s\S]*)\.yuv", s):
    return filelist             

def CalculateForTwoFolder(fileList1, fileList2, dir1, dir2, directive):
    for f1 in fileList1:
        for f2 in fileList2:
            if f1 == f2:
                if directive == 1:
                    CalculateSSIMForTwoYUVs(f1, f2, dir1, dir2)
                elif directive == 0:
                    CalculatePSNRForTwoYUVs(f1, f2, dir1, dir2)
                    print "---------------------------Sorry, Ur directive is wrong------------------------------\n"
                    print "---------------------------0: Count PSNR for two YUV files---------------------------\n"
                    print "---------------------------1: Count SSIM for two YUV files---------------------------\n" 

def CalculateSSIMForTwoYUVs(f1, f2, dir1, dir2):
    d1 = dir1 + '\\' + f1
    d2 = dir2 + '\\' + f2
    result = re.findall("([\s\S]*)\_(\d+)x(\d+)\_([\s\S]*)",d1) 
    storagePath = re.findall("([\s\S]*)\.yuv", d2)
    fpPath = storagePath[0] + "SSIM.txt"    
    ssim = 0
    ssimList = []
    AvaregeSsim = 0
    AverageSsimNum = 0
    frameNum = 0
    for line in result:
        width = string.atoi(line[1])
        height = string.atoi(line[2])   
    chunkSize = (width * height * 3) >> 1
    Area = width * height   
    frame0 = [range(height) for i in range(width)] 
    frame1 = [range(height) for i in range(width)] 
    if (os.path.isfile(d1) and os.path.isfile(d2)):
        file1Object = open(d1, 'rb')
        file2Object = open(d2, 'rb')    
        fP = open(fpPath, "w")
        fP.write("%s\n" % d1)
        fP.write("%s\n" % d2)           
        print d1
        print d2    
        SumOfDev = 0
        stdDev = 0
        while True:
            chunk0 =
            chunk1 =
            if not chunk0:  
            if not chunk1:  
            l0 = list(chunk0)
            l1 = list(chunk1)
            for i in range (Area):      
                if i:
                    ck0 = ord(l0[i])
                    ck1 = ord(l1[i])
                    frame0[i % width][i / width] = ck0      
                    frame1[i % width][i / width] = ck1      
            ssim = Ssim(frame0, frame1, width, height)
            if ssim < 1:
                AvaregeSsim += ssim
                AverageSsimNum += 1
            fP.write("------------------------The %-3d------------------- frame's SSIM is | %f \n" % (frameNum, ssim))  
            print ("------------------------The %-3d------------------- frame's SSIM is | %f \n" % (frameNum, ssim))
            frameNum += 1  
        if AverageSsimNum != 0:
            AvaregeSsim /= AverageSsimNum
            for itemSSIM in ssimList:
                SumOfDev += ((itemSSIM - AvaregeSsim) ** 2)
            stdDev = math.sqrt(SumOfDev*1.0/AverageSsimNum)             
            fP.write("\n------------------------The Average SSIM for %-3d frames is %f------------------- \n" % (AverageSsimNum, AvaregeSsim))
            print ("\n------------------------The Average SSIM for %-3d frames is %f------------------- \n" % (AverageSsimNum, AvaregeSsim))
            fP.write("\n------------------------The Standard Deviation is %f------------------- \n\n\n" % (stdDev))
            print ("\n------------------------The Standard Deviation is %f------------------- \n\n\n" % (stdDev))
            fP.write("\n---------------------------------------There is NO error in this YUV-------------------------\n\n\n")   
            print ("\n---------------------------------------There is NO error in this YUV-------------------------\n\n\n")     


def CalculatePSNRForTwoYUVs(f1, f2, dir1, dir2):                
    d1 = dir1 + '\\' + f1
    d2 = dir2 + '\\' + f2
    result = re.findall("([\s\S]*)\_(\d+)x(\d+)\_([\s\S]*)",d1)
    storagePath = re.findall("([\s\S]*)\.yuv", d2) 
    fpPath = storagePath[0] + ".txt"
    for line in result:
        width = string.atoi(line[1])
        height = string.atoi(line[2])
    Area = width * height   
    chunkSize = (Area * 3) >> 1  # 420
    frameNum = 0
    MSE = 0
    MAXDivMSE = 0
    PSNR = 0
    AveragePSNR = 0
    CountAveragePSNRFrame = 0
    ListPSNR = []
    if (os.path.isfile(d1) and os.path.isfile(d2)):
        file1Object = open(d1, 'rb')
        file2Object = open(d2, 'rb')
        fP = open(fpPath, "w")
        fP.write("%s\n" % d1)
        fP.write("%s\n" % d2)
        while True:
            chunk1 =
            chunk2 =
            if not chunk1:  
            if not chunk2:  
            sumOfMSE = 0    
            l1 = list(chunk1)
            l2 = list(chunk2)
            for i in range (Area):      
                ck1 = ord(l1[i])
                ck2 = ord(l2[i])    
                sumOfMSE += (abs(ck1 - ck2)**2)
            MSE = math.sqrt(sumOfMSE*1.0/Area)
            if MSE != 0:
                MAXDivMSE = 255 / MSE   
                MAXDivMSE = 0
            if MAXDivMSE > 0:
                PSNR = 20 * math.log10(MAXDivMSE)
                PSNR = 0        
            print ("------------------------The %-3d------------------- frame's PSNR is | %f \n" % (frameNum, PSNR))  
            fP.write("----------------------The %-3d---------------------- frame's PSNR is | %f \n" % (frameNum, PSNR))         
            frameNum += 1       
            if PSNR != 0:
                CountAveragePSNRFrame += 1
                AveragePSNR += PSNR
        AveragePSNR = 0 if CountAveragePSNRFrame == 0 else (AveragePSNR*1.0/CountAveragePSNRFrame)  
        SumOfDev = 0    
        stdDev = 0
        if CountAveragePSNRFrame != 0:  
            for itemPSNR in ListPSNR:
                SumOfDev += ((itemPSNR - AveragePSNR) ** 2)
            stdDev = math.sqrt(SumOfDev*1.0/CountAveragePSNRFrame)    
        print ("------------------------The Average PSNR is %f-------------------\n" % (AveragePSNR))  
        print("----------------------The Standard Deviation is %f----------------------\n" % (stdDev))  
        fP.write ("------------------------The Average PSNR is %f-------------------\n" % (AveragePSNR)) 
        fP.write("----------------------The Standard Deviation is %f----------------------\n" % (stdDev))     
        print "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"            

def BatchCalculate(directive):
    FileListOfGood = MyGetFileList(dirGood, [])
    FileListOfCopy = MyGetFileList(dirCopy, [])
    FileListOfFirstBatch = MyGetFileList(dirFirstBatch, [])
    FileListOfSecondBatch = MyGetFileList(dirSecondBatch, [])

    CalculateForTwoFolder(FileListOfGood, FileListOfCopy, dirGood, dirCopy, directive)
    CalculateForTwoFolder(FileListOfGood, FileListOfFirstBatch, dirGood, dirFirstBatch, directive)  
    CalculateForTwoFolder(FileListOfGood, FileListOfSecondBatch, dirGood, dirSecondBatch, directive)    

def SsimEnd1(s1, s2, ss, s12):
    ssim_c1 = (int)(.01*.01*255*255*64 + .5)
    ssim_c2 = (int)(.03*.03*255*255*64*63 + .5)    
    vars = ss*64 - s1*s1 - s2*s2
    covar = s12*64 - s1*s2
    return (float)(2*s1*s2 + ssim_c1) * (float)(2*covar + ssim_c2)\
         / ((float)(s1*s1 + s2*s2 + ssim_c1) * (float)(vars + ssim_c2));

# Here I make the decision that for a list list[x][y], x stands column(like a picture)
def SsimEnd4(l1, l2, width):
    ssim = 0
    for i in range(width):
        ssim += SsimEnd1(l1[i][0] + l1[i + 1][0] + l2[i][0] + l2[i + 1][0], 
                         l1[i][1] + l1[i + 1][1] + l2[i][1] + l2[i + 1][1],
                         l1[i][2] + l1[i + 1][2] + l2[i][2] + l2[i + 1][2],
                         l1[i][3] + l1[i + 1][3] + l2[i][3] + l2[i + 1][3])
    return ssim

# Size is 32 for pix1 and pix2, and sums is [2][4]
def ssim_4x4x2_core( pix1, pix2, sums):
    for z in range(2):
        s1 = 0
        s2 = 0
        ss = 0
        s12 = 0
        for x in range(16):
            a = pix1[x + (z << 4)]
            b = pix2[x + (z << 4)]
            s1  += a
            s2  += b
            ss  += a*a
            ss  += b*b
            s12 += a*b
        sums[z][0] = s1
        sums[z][1] = s2
        sums[z][2] = ss
        sums[z][3] = s12

# Calculate Two Frame's SSIM
def Ssim(pixel0, pixel1, width, height):
    Sums0 = [range(4) for i in range((width >> 2) + 3)] # width x 4( column x row = width x height )
    Sums1 = [range(4) for i in range((width >> 2) + 3)]
    width = (width >> 2)
    height = (height >> 2)
    z = 0   
    ssim = 0.0  
    pix0Ck = range(32)
    pix1Ck = range(32)
    sums0 = [range(4) for i in range(2)]
    sums1 = [range(4) for i in range(2)]

    for y in range(1,height):
        while(z <= y):
            for x in range(0, width, 2):
                for i in range(4):
                    for j in range(8):
                        if j >= 4:
                            pix0Ck[(i << 2) + j + 12] = pixel0[(x << 2) + j][(z << 2) + i] 
                            pix1Ck[(i << 2) + j + 12] = pixel1[(x << 2) + j][(z << 2) + i]
                            pix0Ck[(i << 2) + j] = pixel0[(x << 2) + j][(z << 2) + i] 
                            pix1Ck[(i << 2) + j] = pixel1[(x << 2) + j][(z << 2) + i]                                
                if z % 2 == 0:
                    ssim_4x4x2_core(pix0Ck, pix1Ck, sums0)
                    Sums0[x] = sums0[0]
                    Sums0[x + 1] = sums0[1]
                    ssim_4x4x2_core(pix0Ck, pix1Ck, sums1)  
                    Sums1[x] = sums1[0]
                    Sums1[x + 1] = sums1[1]     
            z += 1                              
        for x in range(0, width - 1, 4):
            ssim += SsimEnd4(Sums0[x : x + 5], Sums1[x : x + 5], min(4, width - 1 - x))

    return 0 if (width - 1 == 0) or (height - 1 == 0) else ssim * 1.0/((width - 1.0)*(height - 1.0)) 

if __name__ == "__main__":
    directive = raw_input("Please input Ur directive: ( 0 for PSNR and 1 for SSIM ) ")

Some tips:
To deal with chunk data.
1、thelist = list(thestring)
2、for character in thestring:
3、results = [do_something_with(c) for c in thestring]
4、results = map(do_something, thestring)
5、import sets
magic_chars = sets.Set(‘abracadabra’)
poppins_chars = sets.Set(’supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’)
print ”.join(magic_chars & poppins_chars) # set intersection
6、 Sums1 = [range(4) for i in range((width >> 2) + 3)]
Above method maybe the best.
7、Passing parameter:
r‘“C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\videoDetection\Debug\videoDetection.exe” -i %s -w 1 -l 20 -t 30’ % L0
Remember %, this can be used in passing parameter.
8、What’s the difference between pointer array and array pointer:

9、Some basic file operation:

您好!对于Python中的video2x,您是指使用Python编写的将视频放大的工具吗?如果是的话,您可以使用一些现有的视频处理库来实现这个功能,比如OpenCV和moviepy。下面是一个简单的示例代码: ```python import cv2 def video2x(input_file, output_file, scale_factor): # 打开视频文件 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(input_file) # 获取原始视频的宽度和高度 width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) # 创建输出视频的编码器 fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_file, fourcc, 30.0, (width * scale_factor, height * scale_factor)) while cap.isOpened(): ret, frame = if ret: # 调整帧的大小 frame_resized = cv2.resize(frame, (width * scale_factor, height * scale_factor)) # 写入调整后的帧到输出视频文件 out.write(frame_resized) cv2.imshow('frame', frame_resized) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break else: break cap.release() out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() # 调用video2x函数,将input.mp4放大两倍后保存为output.mp4 video2x('input.mp4', 'output.mp4', 2) ``` 上述代码使用OpenCV库来处理视频。首先,它打开输入视频文件,然后获取视频的宽度和高度。接下来,它创建一个输出视频文件,并指定编码器和帧速率。然后,它循环读取每一帧,调整帧的大小,并将调整后的帧写入输出视频文件中。最后,释放资源并关闭窗口。 需要注意的是,上述代码只是一个简单的示例,可能无法处理所有类型的视频文件。如果您需要更复杂的视频处理功能,可以进一步探索相关的视频处理库和算法。




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