
Introduce yourself 自我介绍

I'm an undergraduate from the School of Mathematics, Southeast University. My Gpa is 3.05. And my SRTP credits are 10.2, reaching an excellent level. I was once the leader of a national level Student Research Training Program. The program result is the publication of an EI paper, and I am a co-author. Last year, I went to the University of California, Davis for a semester of study and exchange.



I come from Guangdong Province.

My hometown, Huazhou, is located in the west part of Guangdong Province. It is a small city with honest and kind-hearted people.


My family is warm and harmonious, my parents are both kind and hard-working. What's more , I have a sister and a brother. My sister is a policewoman and my brother is test engineer. 


I enjoy photography and fitness because photography can record the beauty of the world that I see and fitness can make me healthy.

why pursue a master's degree 为什么要读研

Because it is a good way for me to learn more professional knowledge of this field and further enhance my abilities.

During the past three years, I have learned a lot of professional knowledge and practical skills, but gradually, I realize it is not enough. In my opinion, further study is actually urgent for me to realize and finally achieve self-value. It is necessary to catch any opportunity for self-development. Therefore, I prefer to go on for further education.


During the postgraduate period, I will actively learn professional knowledge, assist my supervisor to complete various tasks, and play my role in the research team. Find the topic Iwant to study as early as possible, and strive to research results.

why choose the major of Intelligent Science and Technology 为什么选择智能科学与技术专业

First of all, I'm very interested in machine learning and programming algorithms, and I have good programming skills. For example, I usually achieve good grades in programming courses. Secondly, There are a lot of problems in the field of AI that require the application of mathematics to solve. Last but not least, I hope to achieve success in the field of AI. What's more, I think AI is amazing and powerful. That's why I choose the major of Intelligent Science and Technology.


what courses have you taken 学过哪些课程

Such as mathematical analysis, advanced algebra, C++, numerical analysis, graph theory, complex networks and artificial intelligence.


introduce your strengths and weaknesses 介绍一下你的优点和缺点

My strength is that I am very patient. And my weakness is relatively poor concentration.  So I don't really enjoy attending classes, but I prefer learning on my own. 

I feel that my strongest advantage is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I’d planned. At the same time, I also have good self-management and self-learning ability.

state the content of your project 陈述你的项目内容

The main content of the project is to optimize multi robot collaborative handling based on distributed theory and robot control methods.


please state your job responsibilities 陈述你的工作内容

As the leader of the project, I was involved in every part of the project, including but not limited to reading papers, theoretical analysis, simulation modeling, writing papers, and academic reports.


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这是一篇经验分享,我将分享我参加复旦和人大计算机保研夏令营英语面试回忆。 复旦计算机保研夏令营英语面试回忆: 面试时间:2019年6月 面试官:一位年轻的女教授 面试内容: 1. 自我介绍 2. 介绍一下你的科研项目 3. 你觉得计算机科学最有趣的方向是什么,为什么? 4. 你觉得计算机科学对社会的影响是什么? 5. 你的职业规划是什么? 6. 如果你有机会去学习一门新技术,你会选择学习什么? 7. 你有什么问题想问我们? 面试感受: 整个面试过程比较轻松,面试官也很友好。自我介绍后,面试官就开始问我关于科研项目的问题,需要我详细介绍。之后是一些关于计算机科学的普遍问题,需要我表达自己的观点。最后面试官还让我自由发挥,问我有什么问题想问他们。我询问了一些有关复旦计算机专业的问题,面试官都耐心回答了我的问题。整个面试过程持续了大约20分钟。 人大计算机保研夏令营英语面试回忆: 面试时间:2019年6月 面试官:一位年轻的男博士 面试内容: 1. 自我介绍 2. 你有什么计算机科学的项目经验吗? 3. 你觉得计算机科学最有趣的方向是什么,为什么? 4. 你觉得计算机科学对社会的影响是什么? 5. 你的职业规划是什么? 6. 你有什么问题想问我们? 面试感受: 整个面试过程比较严肃,面试官也比较严肃。自我介绍后,面试官就开始问我关于项目经验的问题,并要求我详细介绍。之后是一些关于计算机科学的普遍问题,需要我表达自己的观点。最后面试官还让我自由发挥,问我有什么问题想问他们。我询问了一些有关人大计算机专业的问题,面试官都耐心回答了我的问题。整个面试过程持续了大约30分钟。 总的来说,这两个夏令营英语面试都比较正常,没有出现特别刁钻的问题。只要你对自己的项目经验和职业规划有清晰的认识,并且对计算机科学有一定的了解,应该不会遇到太大的困难。




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