

engagement metrics

Every time someone types in a search query on Google, they’re given a list of results.


The way in which those results are ordered is a highly complex algorithmic process that takes into account over 200 factors, and those factors are constantly changing.

排序这些结果的方式是一个高度复杂的算法过程 ,其中考虑了200多个因素,并且这些因素在不断变化。

One thing that Google hasn’t changed, however, since they first started in 1998, is their main objective — which is to provide the most relevant and useful search results to their users every time they perform a search.

但是, 自从他们于1998年首次成立以来 ,Google一直没有改变过, 是他们的主要目标-每次用户执行搜索时,都向他们提供最相关,最有用的搜索结果

In recent years, one element of the ranking algorithm has increased greatly in importance, and that is on-site engagement — which was recently ranked 5th in terms of importance on the bi-annual ranking factors study from Moz. When you think about it, it makes perfect sense: the more engaged the user is with your content, the more likely they are finding it useful.

近年来,排名算法的一个要素的重要性大大提高,那就是现场参与度。最近,在Moz的两年一次排名因子研究中 ,该指标在重要性方面排名第五。 当您考虑它时,这很有意义:用户对您的内容越感兴趣,他们就越有可能找到有用的内容。

参与度指标 (Engagement Metrics)

It’s not easy to algorithmically determine how engaged someone is with a piece of content, but there are certain metrics that give a good indication, such as those below.


页面停留时间 (Time on page)

Definition: the amount of time between the user landing on your webpage to leaving it.

定义 :从用户登陆您的网页到离开您的网页为止的时间。

Why it matters: the longer a user is spending on a page, the more likely they are finding the content useful and relevant to their search query.

重要性 :用户在页面上花费的时间越长,他们找到与搜索查询相关且有用的内容的可能性就越大。

跳出率 (Bounce rate)

Definition: the percentage of users that land on your webpage and then leave without visiting another page.

定义 :登陆您的网页然后离开而又不访问另一页面的用户的百分比。

Why it matters: in short, it probably doesn’t in terms of the ranking algorithms. The problem with bounce rate is, someone could visit your web page, read the content for ten minutes, get exactly what they needed from it, and then leave the page. This would count as a bounce, but in reality they’ve found that page very useful. Bounce rate should be considered, as a high bounce rate could indicate a problem, but the other metrics are more important.

重要性的原因 :简而言之,排名算法可能并不重要。 跳出率的问题是,有人可以访问您的网页,阅读内容十分钟,从中获取所需的内容,然后离开该页面。 这将被视为反弹,但实际上,他们发现该页面非常有用。 应该考虑跳出率,因为高跳出率可能表明存在问题,但其他指标则更为重要。

停留时间 (Dwell time)

Definition: the time between a user landing on your webpage and clicking back to the search results,

定义 :从用户登陆您的网页到单击返回搜索结果之间的时间,

Why it matters: If people are consistently landing on your content and then quickly clicking back to the search results and clicking on another result, it indicates that the page is not very relevant to that specific search query and will likely lead to the page being demoted. If this happens rarely, it indicates that the page is very relevant.

为何重要 :如果人们持续访问您的内容,然后快速单击返回搜索结果并单击另一个结果,则表明该页面与该特定搜索查询不太相关,并且很可能导致该页面被降级。 如果这种情况很少发生,则表明该页面非常相关。

点击率(CTR) (Click Through Rate (CTR))

Definition: the percentage of users that click on your result in the search results compared to the total number of people that are served it for a search query.

定义 :在搜索结果中点击您的结果的用户所占的百分比,与为搜索查询提供该结果的总人数相比。

Why it matters: if a larger percentage of people are clicking on your result ranked 4th than the result above you in 3rd, it indicates a preference for your result. Of course, page titles and meta descriptions can be inaccurate, irrelevant or manipulative, so CTR is likely looked at in conjunction with the other metrics e.g. high CTR + high dwell time = a highly relevant result.

为何如此重要 :如果点击您排名第四的结果的人所占的百分比高于排名第三的结果,则表明您对结果的偏爱。 当然,页面标题和元描述可能是不准确,不相关或可操纵的,因此CTR可能与其他指标(例如,高CTR +高停留时间=高度相关的结果)结合使用。

So, now we’ve established the metrics that are important, can we do anything to improve them?


Of course we can!


Whether writing new content or going back and optimizing current content, the following steps can help push those all-important engagement metrics.


1.根据受众的需求创建内容 (1. Create Content Based on the Needs of Your Audience)

The first step when creating content is to work out who your audience are and what sort of content they’re looking for. This can be done in a number of ways, such as by:

创建内容的第一步是弄清楚您的受众群体是谁,以及他们正在寻找什么样的内容。 这可以通过多种方式来完成,例如:

  • asking them directly via user surveys

  • using audience reports in Google Analytics

    在Google Analytics(分析)中使用受众群体报告
  • analyzing your audience on social media

  • reviewing past content on your site that has performed well

  • looking at other people’s content that has performed well using Buzzsumo


  • looking on related forums and seeing what types of questions people are asking.


Make sure that any content you create is both tailored to your audience and the types of questions they’re asking and you’ll can be sure to see some amazing engagement metrics for what you produce.


2.磁性词和情感页面标题 (2. Magnet Words and Emotive Page Titles)

It’s very important to have keywords in your page title for SEO, but just as important is potential to persuade people to click on your listing in the search results.

SEO 的页面标题中添加关键字非常重要,但是说服人们在搜索结果中单击您的列表也很重要。

CTR is of huge importance in SEO, and that one line of blue text could be your opportunity to stand out, so great care should be taken when crafting your page titles.

点击率在SEO非常重要 ,蓝色一行文字可能是您脱颖而出的机会,因此在制作页面标题时应格外小心。

To improve your CTR there are certain (magnet) words that are known to attract clicks, and you can also use emotive language to persuade people. Some examples of magnet word include:

要提高您的点击率,可以使用某些(吸引人的)吸引眼球的单词,您还可以使用情感性语言来说服人们。 磁铁字的一些示例包括:

  • free

  • new

  • secret

  • now

  • you

  • numbers


See an extensive list here.


3.使内容具有视觉吸引力 (3. Making Content Visually Appealing)

First impressions are very important. If a user lands on a web page and doesn’t like what they see, you can be sure they’ll be pressing that back button. This is known as “pogo sticking“, and it sends a negative signal to Google.

第一印象非常重要。 如果用户登陆网页并且不喜欢他们看到的内容,则可以确定他们将按下该后退按钮。 这就是所谓的“ pogo sticking ”,它会向Google发送负面信号

Relevant, high-quality images should be used to break up the text and make the page more attractive to encourage people to stay on the page.


The way the text is structured is also important. Large blocks of text and overly long paragraphs can seem daunting and can put people off reading your content. Shorter, more succinct paragraphs should be used with gaps in-between.

文本的结构方式也很重要 。 大块的文本和过长的段落似乎令人生畏,并且可能使人们无法阅读您的内容。 较短,更简洁的段落之间应留有空隙。

Different sections should be broken up using relevant subheadings. This not only provides a logical structure to your content, but also informs the user what each section is about and can persuade them to read it.

应使用相关的子标题将不同的部分分解。 这不仅为您的内容提供了逻辑结构,而且还告知用户每个部分的内容,并可以说服他们阅读。

4.水桶旅 (4. Bucket Brigades)

Credit to Brian Dean for this awesome tip. Bucket Brigades are basically a device that’s designed to keep people reading a piece of text content.

感谢Brian Dean的出色提示。 基本上,桶式旅是一种旨在使人们阅读一段文本内容的设备。

They are short words or sentences that have a colon at the end and are added to copy at points where you feel the user may lose interest with the aim of keeping them on the page.


Again this relates to making sure your time on page is as high as it possibly can be.


Here are the example bucket brigades Brian gives in his article:


  • Here’s the deal:

  • Now:

  • What’s the bottom line?

  • You might be wondering:

  • This is crazy:

  • It gets better/worse:

  • But here’s the kicker:

  • Want to know the best part?


5.使用支持视频 (5. Using Supporting Videos)

Videos are a great way of enhancing your content and can be very effective at improving time on page. If someone stops to watch a five-minute video all the way through, you can add five minutes to the time they’re on that page reading through your content.

视频是增强内容的一种好方法,并且可以有效地缩短页面停留时间。 如果有人停下来一直观看5分钟的视频,则可以在他们浏览该页面的时间上增加5分钟。

Videos can also be a great way to get your point across and break up the text for a more interesting overall piece of content.


综上所述 (In Summary)

When writing content for your website, it’s important to write well-researched, useful and interesting content, but it’s just as important to consider how people will engage with that content. This aim has the dual benefit of ensuring both that your users are getting what they need from your content, and giving the engagement signals to the search engines that indicates “this content is high quality and should be ranked above other content with less engagement”.

在为您的网站编写内容时,编写经过精心研究,有用和有趣的内容很重要,但是考虑人们如何与该内容互动也同样重要。 此目标具有双重好处,既可以确保用户从您的内容中获得所需的东西,又可以向搜索引擎提供参与度信号,指示“该内容质量高,应以较少的参与度排在其他内容之上”。







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