

Our new, free live learning series offers actionable insights and inspiration for Unity educators to arm their students with the skills to lead the real-time 3D revolution. Check out the session details and register for Unity Educators Live.

我们免费的全新实时学习系列为Unity教育工作者提供了切实可行的见解和启发,使他们的学生掌握了领导实时3D革命的技能。 查看会议详细信息并 注册Unity Educators Live

The future has never seemed more uncertain. Students are graduating into a job market where the prevailing wind is economic insecurity. The COVID-19 crisis is also hugely impacting how education is being delivered, with teachers adapting to new learning and teaching models. All of us are relying on technology in new ways to support and educate each other

未来似乎从未如此不确定。 学生们正在进入一个以经济不安全为主导的就业市场。 COVID-19危机还极大地影响着教育的交付方式,教师们正在适应新的学与教模式。 我们所有人都以新的方式依靠技术来相互支持和教育

Despite the challenges, more educators than ever are using Unity to prepare their students for high-demand technology jobs. Our growing global community of educators is driven by the belief that the world is a better place with a diverse range of creators in it, and works hard to ensure today’s students are equipped with the real-time 3D development skills they need for the jobs of tomorrow. 

尽管面临挑战,但有越来越多的教育工作者使用Unity来为学生准备高要求的技术工作。 我们不断成长的全球教育者社区受到以下信念的驱动:世界是一个拥有更多创作者的更美好的世界,并努力确保当今的学生具备他们从事工作所需要的实时3D开发技能。明天。

Our new series of free live learning sessions starts on September 15, bringing together thought leaders from education and industry so educators can engage in honest conversations with their peers and live Q&A with Unity experts. These sessions were designed specifically to provide education professionals from all levels and at every stage of their career with actionable learning, inspiration, and insights.  

我们的新系列免费在线学习课程将于9月15日开始,来自教育和行业的思想领袖汇聚一堂,以便 教育工作者可以与同行进行诚实的对话,并与Unity专家进行实时问答 。 这些课程是专门为在各个职业阶段和各个阶段的教育专业人员提供可行的学习,启发和见解的。

You’ll learn about teaching emerging subjects like extended reality (XR) and new media, helpful pedagogical approaches, and potential use cases for these technologies to solve real-world problems. Read about the first sessions and speaker lineup below. 

您将学到如何教授新兴主题,例如扩展现实(XR)和新媒体,有用的教学方法以及这些技术解决现实世界问题的潜在用例。 在下面阅读有关第一期会议和演讲者阵容的信息。

Register now for the full Unity Educators Live series, and every two weeks we’ll bring you a new hour-long session. It’s free, so you can attend whichever sessions interest you.

立即注册 以观看完整的Unity Educators Live系列视频,每两周我们将为您带来一个新的为时一小时的课程。 它是免费的,因此您可以参加感兴趣的任何会议。

第一场:教育家实况系列赛开赛-9月15日 (Session 1: Educators Live Series Kickoff – September 15 )

We kick things off by examining the current state of interactive 3D development, the ways in which it’s disrupting fields like film and animation, architecture, engineering and construction, art and design, and how educational institutions are thinking about preparing students for these changes. A panel of industry and education luminaries will discuss where the opportunities for people with these skill sets will be, what learning and teaching in these areas should look like, and how we might design spaces in which this learning can happen. 

我们通过检查交互式3D开发的当前状态,破坏电影和动画,建筑,工程和建筑,艺术和设计等领域的方式,以及教育机构如何考虑为这些变化做好准备的思考来拉开序幕。 工业和教育领域的专家小组将讨论具有这些技能的人们的机会将在哪里,这些领域中的学习和教学应该是什么样的,以及我们如何设计可以进行这种学习的空间。

Charlie Fink, XR’s explainer-in-chief (according to Variety), writes about XR on Forbes and elsewhere. Joining him on the panel to discuss their work designing and developing next-generation learning environments at Arizona State University’s Innovation Collaboratory are co-executive directors Heather Haseley and Dan Munnerley. And curriculum and career pathways specialist Harvey Wright, who has been leading the development of Seattle Public Schools’ new XR pathway, will also share his perspective.

XR的首席解释员Charlie Fink(根据《综艺》) 在《福布斯》 和其他地方 撰写了有关XR的文章 。 联合执行董事Heather Haseley和Dan Munnerley与 他一起参加了小组讨论,在 亚利桑那州立大学的创新协作 所 讨论他们设计和开发下一代学习环境的工作 。 领导西雅图公立学校新的XR途径开发的课程和职业道路专家Harvey Wright也将分享他的观点。

第二节:为快速变化的产业做准备的学生– 9月29日 (Session 2: Preparing Students for Rapidly Changing Industries – September 29)

New innovations daily change the way we live, work and communicate. So how do you prepare students for interactive development jobs that haven’t yet been defined and that are likely to change throughout their careers? What skills and mindsets matter?  

每天都有新的创新改变我们的生活,工作和交流方式。 那么,您如何为学生准备尚未定义的,可能在整个职业生涯中发生变化的交互式开发工作呢? 什么技能和思维方式很重要?

Bob Nicoll has had a front row seat to these rapid industry changes and joins us to explore this critical question. Bob’s expertise in both animation and gaming has made him an integral part of companies such as Sony, SGI, EA, and Blizzard. Join us to discuss how we might enable students to successfully navigate the complexity and uncertainty of jobs of the future. 

鲍勃·尼科尔(Bob Nicoll)在这些快速的行业变化中处于前排,并与我们一起探讨了这个关键问题。 鲍勃在动画和游戏领域的专业知识使他成为索尼,SGI,EA和暴雪等公司不可或缺的一部分。 加入我们,讨论如何使学生成功地应对未来工作的复杂性和不确定性。

第三节:远距离的学习,教学与合作– 10月13日 (Session 3: Learning, Teaching and Collaborating at a Distance – October 13)

Schools and educators continue to be significantly impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Many still face uncertainty about when on-campus, in-classroom learning will resume, and are quickly figuring out how to address the needs of their students at distance. 

COVID-19危机继续严重影响学校和教育工作者。 许多人仍无法确定何时在校内进行课堂学习,并很快想出如何解决远距离学生的需求。

Carrie Beth Rykowski has spent the last few years developing online courses, including game design, virtual reality and digital technology courses, at the Forsyth Virtual Academy in Georgia. She joins us to share insights and practical strategies for teaching Unity remotely. 

Carrie Beth Rykowski最近几年在佐治亚州的Forsyth虚拟学院开发了在线课程,包括游戏设计,虚拟现实和数字技术课程。 她和我们一起分享了远程教学Unity的见解和实用策略。

As well as bringing significant challenges to education, the current crisis has accelerated the innovation of distance learning technologies. Educational technologist and XR strategist David Bass-Clark will share a glimpse of what the future of distance learning might look like. His work focuses on XR experiences, immersive learning design, and innovative distance learning.  

当前的危机在给教育带来巨大挑战的同时,也加速了远程学习技术的创新。 教育技术专家和XR策略师David Bass-Clark将分享远程学习的未来前景。 他的工作重点是XR体验,沉浸式学习设计和创新的远程学习。

即将举行的会议 (Upcoming sessions)

Our final three sessions will explore ways to empower the diverse creators of the future, how to design and facilitate projects that solve real-world problems and how to start developing XR learning experiences with Unity. Learn more about these sessions on Unity Learn and stay tuned to find out who will be speaking.

我们的最后三场会议将探讨增强未来各种创作者能力的方法,如何设计和推动解决现实问题的项目,以及如何开始使用Unity开发XR学习体验。 在 Unity上了解 有关这些会议的更多信息。 继续 学习 ,以了解谁将发言。

Unity Educators Live starts on Tuesday, September 15, at 5 pm PT, with a new hour-long session every two weeks. Register for the entire series and attend the sessions that fit your schedule. 

Unity Educators Live在9月15日星期二下午5点(太平洋时间)开始,每两周进行一次为时一小时的新课程。 注册整个系列并参加适合您日程的会议。

Register now for the free live series


Visit Unity Learn: Educators Live Series to learn more about the free program.

访问 Unity学习:教师直播系列, 以了解有关免费计划的更多信息。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/09/11/register-for-our-new-live-learning-series-aimed-at-supporting-unity-educators/






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