

This week at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference 2016, Unity was very excited to announce that Unity Certified Developer Courseware, Certification Exams, and education software license bundles are now available for purchase to academic institutions to support their game development programs.


Unity Education bundles were designed to help educators teach key concepts in technical art and coding as well as foundational game production principles with Unity, the industry’s leading tool for the creation of games and interactive experiences. By supporting educators as they seek to teach valuable STEM skills, Unity hopes to help close the loop between education and the game industry employers by ensuring that students are equipped with the relevant, marketable skills that will help them successfully transition into the workforce.

Unity Education捆绑包旨在帮助教育工作者使用Unity(业界领先的游戏创建和互动体验工具)来教授技术美术和编码的关键概念以及基本的游戏制作原理。 通过支持教育工作者寻求有价值的STEM技能,Unity希望通过确保学生具备相关的,适销对路的技能来帮助他们成功过渡到劳动力队伍,从而帮助封闭教育与游戏行业雇主之间的循环。

专为教育者而设计 (Designed with educators in mind)

The Unity Certified Developer Courseware was developed on the foundations of modern educational science, using Bloom’s Taxonomy (R1) to guide the levels of learning and assessment, in order to complement and support the way educators teach. It features 20 video-rich modules that cover key concepts in both coding and game design, with a focus on industry-validated, foundational skills for game development and has been designed to integrate into curricula using Common Core, STEM, 21st Century Skills, and Next-Generation Standards. The Courseware accommodates both linear and nonlinear learning formats, and includes learning outcomes, grading rubrics, and summative assessments for each chapter.

Unity认证的开发人员课件是在现代教育科学的基础上开发的,使用Bloom的分类法(R1)指导学习和评估的水平,以补充和支持教育者的教学方式。 它具有20个视频丰富的模块,涵盖编码和游戏设计中的关键概念,侧重于行业验证的游戏开发基础技能,并已设计为使用Common Core,STEM,21st Century Skills和下一代标准。 课件包含线性和非线性学习格式,并包括学习成果,评分标准和每章的总结性评估。

通过Unity认证使您的学生为成功做好准备 (Set your students up for success with Unity Certification)

The Courseware also directly maps to preparation for the Unity Certified Developer Exam. Certification provides a measurable end-point for educational programs, as well as a credential which allows students to better communicate their skills to prospective employers and stand out from the competition. In turn, employers are able to hire with a greater degree of confidence knowing that an applicant’s knowledge and skills have been validated against a common benchmark of proficiency for game production with Unity.

课件还直接映射到Unity认证开发人员考试的准备 。 认证为教育计划提供了可衡量的终点,并提供了证书,使学生可以更好地与潜在雇主交流他们的技能,并在竞争中脱颖而出。 反过来,雇主只要知道申请人的知识和技能已经根据Unity的游戏制作熟练度的通用基准进行了验证,便可以更加自信地雇用。

免费教育资源 (Free resources for education)

Unity Technologies is dedicated to working with educational institutions worldwide to help foster innovative learning and exploration in variety of areas including game development and interactive experiences and content, including virtual reality. To that end, Unity is proud to provide a variety of free resources in support of educators and academic programs; the Unity Educator Toolkit includes curricular development resources and is available for download at no charge. The Unity License Grant Program provides free educational licenses to primary and secondary schools seeking to develop gaming and interactive programs. Since launch of the program, Unity has issued 64,000 educational license grants worldwide, including to governments in Latin America who are using Unity to teach digital literacy to underserved youth communities.

Unity Technologies致力于与世界各地的教育机构合作,以帮助促进各个领域的创新学习和探索,包括游戏开发以及交互式体验和内容(包括虚拟现实)。 为此,Unity自豪地提供各种免费资源来支持教育者和学术计划; Unity Educator Toolkit包含课程开发资源,可免费下载。 Unity许可证授予计划为寻求开发游戏和互动程序的中小学提供免费的教育许可证。 自该计划启动以来,Unity已在全球范围内颁发了64,000份教育许可赠款,其中包括拉丁美洲的政府,这些政府正在使用Unity为服务欠佳的青年社区教授数字素养。

To download the Unity Educator Toolkit or apply for the Unity License Grant Program, please visit unity3d.com/education.

要下载Unity Educator Toolkit或申请Unity License Grant Program,请访问unity3d.com/education

即将推出:Unity培训和认证合作伙伴计划 (Coming soon: the Unity Training and Certification Partner Program)

Unity will also soon be launching its new Training and Certification Partner Program to help expand the reach of high-quality Unity training courses and certification on a global scale. The Program will give academic institutions, training businesses, and resellers the opportunity to tap into the growing community of Unity developers seeking professional development. Organizations that are interested in becoming Unity Training or Certification Partners may request more information by visiting certification.unity.com.

Unity还将很快启动其新的培训和认证合作伙伴计划,以帮助在全球范围内扩展高质量Unity培训课程和认证的范围。 该计划将为学术机构,培训企业和转售商提供机会,加入不断壮大的寻求专业发展的Unity开发人员社区。 有兴趣成为Unity培训或认证合作伙伴的组织可以通过访问certification.unity.com请求更多信息。

要了解有关Unity教育和认证产品和计划的更多信息,请驻足并在ISTE 2016的4208号展位上访问我们,或访问edu.unity3d.com/iste(To learn more about Unity Education and Certification products and programs, stop by and visit us at booth #4208 at ISTE 2016, or visit edu.unity3d.com/iste.)

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/06/27/now-available-unity-certification-courseware-for-academic-institutions-and-educational-programs/






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