SIGGRAPH 2020大会上的Unity:在线汇集创作者社区

Unity is proud to be a Champion Sponsor of the SIGGRAPH 2020 Virtual Conference, enabling creators everywhere to take part together with thousands of computer graphics professionals from around the world in research and learning.

Unity荣幸地成为 SIGGRAPH 2020 虚拟会议 的冠军赞助商 ,使世界各地的创作者能够与来自世界各地的数千名计算机图形专业人士一起参与研究和学习。

Join us online during SIGGRAPH 2020, the world’s leading conference for computer graphics, taking place online August 17–28. We are excited to share with you how creators are using Unity to tell their stories using our high-fidelity graphics, flexible real-time 3D platform, integrated artist tools and workflows and AI/machine learning.

在线参加我们 SIGGRAPH 2020 ,这是全球领先的计算机图形学会议,将于8月17日至28日在网上举行。 我们很高兴与您分享创作者如何使用我们的高保真图形,灵活的实时3D平台,集成的艺术家工具和工作流程以及AI /机器学习来讲述Unity的故事。

We’re also bursting to premiere our animated short film, Windup, at the SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival 2020. Created in real-time with Unity, Windup explodes with texture and heart.

我们还将 在SIGGRAPH 2020年计算机动画节 上首映动画短片 Windup 。通过Unity实时创建, Windup 充满质感和 震撼力

In addition to the panels and presentations we are participating in (we’ve listed some highlights below), you can visit our Virtual Booth (registration required), where our Technical and Community team will be on hand to answer your important questions directly. They’ll be there 9:00–10:30 am and 3:00–5.30 pm from Tuesday, August 25 to Thursday, August 27mn (PT). 

除了我们参加的小组讨论和演示(我们在下面列出了一些要点)之外,您还可以访问我们的 虚拟展台 (需要注册),我们的技术和社区团队将在现场直接回答您的重要问题。 从8月25日(星期二)至8月2700日(星期四)(太平洋时间),他们将在9:00–10:30和3:00–5.30 pm到达那里。

Unity技术讲座 (Unity Technical Talks)

The Unity technical sessions will be available on-demand starting August 24, 9 am PT. 


  • How to achieve eye-catching visuals in your AR/VR project: Dan Miller, Senior Developer Advocate, XR, walks through the latest developments of Unity’s rendering technology and new Unity features that give you the power to raise the bar and deliver augmented and virtual reality experiences with stunning visuals.

    如何在您的AR / VR项目中实现引人注目的视觉效果: XR高级开发者倡导者Dan Miller介绍了Unity渲染技术的最新发展和新的Unity功能,这些功能使您有能力提高标准并交付增强和虚拟的功能逼真的视觉效果。


  • AI-assisted artistry with Unity ArtEngine: Artomatix has joined the Unity family! Learn more about powerful 3D material-creation workflows and quality-of-life enhancements made available with AI-assisted artistry, in ArtEngine, an example-based workflow.

    AI辅助使用Unity ArtEngine艺术性: Artomatix 加入了团结的大家庭! 在基于示例的工作流程ArtEngine中 ,了解有关AI辅助艺术性提供的强大3D素材创建工作流程和生活质量增强的更多信息。



  • Real-time animation: Create an ad campaign lightning-fast in Unity: Zac Dixon, co-founder of IV Studio, walks through how the animation studio used Unity to deliver a “video game meets anime” look for a global brand’s fast-turnaround, four-spot campaign.

    实时动画:在Unity中快速创建广告系列: IV Studio的共同创始人Zac Dixon演示了动画工作室如何使用Unity来交付“视频游戏和动漫”,以寻求全球品牌的快速发展,四点广告系列。


  • ComicCon@home: Creating a first virtual event experience: Join us for a panel about the creation of the ComicCon@home virtual app. Guests include Dylan Urquidi, Senior Design Engineer, Unity; Aaron Moon, Solutions Engineer, Unity; Sebastian Herscher, CEO/CTO, Parallux Inc.; and Mark Murphy, Principal, Whatnot?! Entertainment, Inc. – hosted by Isabelle Riva, Head of M&E Research, Unity Labs.

    ComicCon @ home:创建第一个虚拟事件体验: 加入我们,参加有关创建ComicCon @ home虚拟应用程序的小组讨论。 嘉宾包括Unity高级设计工程师Dylan Urquidi; Aaron Moon,Unity解决方案工程师; Parallux Inc.首席执行官/首席技术官Sebastian Herscher; 还有校长马克·墨菲(What More)! Entertainment,Inc. –由Unity Labs M&E Research主管Isabelle Riva主持。

  • Synthetic data: A scalable way to train your computer vision models: Synthetic data, pre-labelled and annotated, addresses the security and compliance challenges of real-world data collection and can be generated in abundance for better machine-learning (ML) models. Learn how to use Unity to generate synthetic data and train a performant ML model using a combination of real and synthetic data.

    合成数据:一种可扩展的方式来训练计算机视觉模型: 预先标记和注释的合成数据可解决现实世界中数据收集的安全性和合规性挑战,并且可以大量生成更好的机器学习(ML)模型。 了解如何使用Unity生成合成数据并结合使用真实数据和合成数据来训练性能ML模型。

  • The Heretic short film: The graphics technology, artist tools and devs that power: Unity’s award-winning Demo team discuss the features they used and the team’s journey to create the stunning high-fidelity visuals in Unity’s short film, The Heretic.

    Heretic 短片:强大的图形技术,艺术家工具和开发人员: Unity屡获殊荣的演示团队讨论了他们使用的功能以及团队在Unity短片 The Heretic中 创建令人惊叹的高保真视觉效果的过程 。

SIGGRAPH官方程序中的Unity (Unity in the SIGGRAPH official program)

Beyond the Unity sessions, you will also find Unity employees sharing their expertise throughout the conference. Be sure to check out the full list of sessions. Here are some the highlights (all times are PT):

除了Unity会议之外,您还将发现Unity员工在整个会议期间分享他们的专业知识。 确保检查 完整的会话列表 。 以下是一些亮点(所有时间均为PT):

  • Jesse Barker, Head of HDRP Mobile: Jesse will be speaking on Moving Mobile Graphics – a half-day course that provides a technical introduction to the state of the art in mobile graphics from practitioners at the forefront. Jesse will be joined by Kay-Leng Chang (Unity), Sam Martin (Arm), Jose-Emilio Muñoz-Lopez (Arm), Arseny Kapoulkine (Roblox), and Romain Guy (Google). (August 24, 9:00 am)

    HDRP Mobile负责人Jesse Barker: Jesse 将在 移动图形学 ( Moving Mobile Graphics) 上发表演讲, 该课程为期半天,向最前沿的从业者提供了有关移动图形学的最新技术介绍。 杰西(Jesse)将与张凯(统一),山姆·马丁(Arm),何塞·埃米利奥·穆尼奥斯·洛佩兹(Arm),阿森尼·卡普尔金(Roblox)和罗曼·盖伊(Google)见面。 (8月24日上午9:00)

  • Natalya Tatarchuk, VP of Graphics: Natalya will be leading a panel discussion on the Advances in Real-time Games – a look at state-of-the-art and production-proven rendering techniques for fast, interactive rendering of complex and engaging virtual worlds. This discussion will feature Unity’s HDRP-DXR Graphics Programmer Emmanuel Turquin as he presents on the topic of Path Tracing, as well as speakers from industry-leading game development teams, including the creators of Call of Duty and Hellscape of DOOM Eternal. (August 25, 9:00 am)

    Natalya Tatarchuk,图形副总裁: Natalya 将 主持 有关 实时游戏进展 的小组讨论,探讨 先进技术和经过生产验证的渲染技术,以快速,交互方式渲染复杂且引人入胜的虚拟世界。 本次讨论将采用统一的HDRP-DXR图形程序员灵光Turquin为他介绍了关于 路径追踪 的话题 ,以及来自业界领先的游戏开发团队,包括 使命召唤DOOM永恒的Hellscape 的创造者扬声器 。 (8月25日上午9:00)

  • Arisa Scott, Product Manager, Graphics: Arisa will serve as a Judge for Real-time Live!, a live, fan-favorite competition that celebrates the top jury-reviewed interactive novelties of the year. Every presentation treats the audience to a sampling of what’s new in real-time. (August 25, 4:00 pm)

    图形产品经理Arisa Scott: Arisa将担任 Real-time Live 的评委 ,这是一场现场粉丝最喜欢的竞赛,旨在庆祝本年度评委评审最多的互动新事物。 每个演示文稿都会使观众实时了解最新动态。 (8月25日下午4:00)



SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival


Unity’s short film, The Heretic, both parts 1 and 2, is on the program. You don’t have to wait to see it there though – you can watch it now on our YouTube channel. This was created using the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) and artist tools like Shader Graph and VFX Graph. You can also download the Digital Human character package and VFX Graph Character package here.

节目的第一部分和第二部分都是 Unity的短片 《异教徒》 。 您不必等待在那里看到它-现在就可以在我们的 YouTube频道 上观看它 。 这是使用 高清渲染管道 (HDRP)和美工工具(如 Shader GraphVFX Graph)创建的 。 您也可以在 此处 下载Digital Human字符包和VFX Graph字符包 。


Attend SIGGRAPH with a Unity discount code


Use UNITY20 for a free basic registration at the show. Or you can also use this code to upgrade your registration from Basic to Enhanced or the Ultimate registration level. Learn more about SIGGRAPH registration here

在展会上 使用 UNITY20 免费进行基本注册。 或者,您也可以使用此代码将注册从基本升级到增强或最终注册级别。 在此处 了解有关SIGGRAPH注册的更多信息 。

We hope to see you at SIGGRAPH! Together we’ll explore what’s possible with computer graphics. Even though we can’t be face to face this year, this is a great opportunity for like minds to meet and inspire each other.

我们希望在SIGGRAPH见到您! 我们将一起探索计算机图形学的可能性。 即使我们今年不能面对面,这也是一个让喜欢的人见面并相互启发的绝好机会。






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