

We launched Live Help so that anyone – whether a beginner or an advanced Unity user – could get help with Unity on demand. Live Help lets you connect with an expert one-on-one to learn about any given topic.

我们启动了实时帮助,以便任何人(无论是初学者还是高级Unity用户)都可以按需获得有关Unity的帮助。 实时帮助使您可以与专家一对一联系,以了解任何给定主题。

Have you ever taken guitar lessons? Piano lessons? How about game development lessons? No? Well now’s your chance. Since its beta launch in August 2019, Live Help has been effective in matching creators with our community experts. Based on your feedback, we’ve updated and streamlined the process, from topic selection to payment.

您上过吉他课吗? 钢琴课? 游戏开发课程怎么样? 没有? 好吧,现在是您的机会。 自2019年8月发布Beta版以来,Live Help一直有效地将创作者与我们的社区专家相匹配。 根据您的反馈,我们更新和简化了从主题选择到付款的整个流程。

There are two basic ways to use Live Help: you can have a one-on-one session with an expert to learn about a topic of your choice, or you can ask an expert to help you troubleshoot a specific aspect of a project you’re working on.

使用Live Help有两种基本方法:您可以与专家进行一对一的会话,以了解您选择的主题,或者可以请专家帮助您解决项目的特定方面正在努力。

Here’s what’s new and improved in Live Help to help move your Unity projects forward.

这是Live Help的新增功能和改进功能,可帮助您推进Unity项目。

在线1:1课程的精选主题 (Curated topics for online 1:1 lessons)

Creators come to Unity Live Help to get expert-led lessons on a specific topic. You can choose from our suggested subjects or you can request to learn about a topic of your choice.

创建者可以使用Unity Live Help获得有关特定主题的专家指导的课程。 您可以从我们建议的主题中选择,也可以请求了解您选择的主题。

Our experts have curated our resources to highlight some of the most popular topics for creators like you. You can now see topics directly on the Live Help homepage, review the lesson plan and description, and message experts before connecting with them. 

我们的专家精选了我们的资源,为像您这样的创作者介绍了一些最受欢迎的主题。 现在,您可以直接在Live Help主页上查看主题,查看课程计划和说明,并在与主题专家联系之前与消息专家联系。

The topics cover a wide range, including an introduction to UI Fundamentals in Unity, scripting in C#, best practices on game design, an overview of the scriptable render pipelines, and much more. If you want to explore another topic, you can submit a lesson request and you’ll be promptly matched with one of our community experts. 

主题涵盖广泛,包括对Unity中的UI基础知识的介绍,C#中的脚本编写,游戏设计的最佳实践,可脚本化渲染管道的概述等等。 如果您想探索另一个主题,则可以提交课程请求,并且会Swift与我们的一位社区专家相匹配。

You can schedule a lesson according to your own availability. The length of the sessions can vary depending on the topic. You can find these details on every lesson page.

您可以根据自己的时间安排课程。 会议的时长可能会因主题而异。 您可以在每个课程页面上找到这些详细信息。

改进了付款选项以进行故障排除 (Improved payment options for troubleshooting )

If you need help with a specific issue with your project, you can call on a community expert to help you troubleshoot. The troubleshooting path now has improved payment options.

如果您在项目的特定问题上需要帮助,则可以请社区专家来帮助您进行故障排除。 现在,故障排除路径具有改进的付款方式。

In addition to per-minute pricing for troubleshooting, you can now book fixed price sessions. If you choose this option, you’ll be billed the indicated amount when you book your session. 

除了按分钟计费以进行故障排除外,您现在还可以预订固定价格的会议。 如果您选择此选项,则在预订课程时会向您收取指定金额的费用。

However, you may still choose to pay by the minute. You’ll be charged for the duration of your session based on the price you set in your troubleshooting request. If your session is under five minutes, it’s free.

但是,您仍然可以选择按分钟付款。 系统会根据您在问题排查请求中设置的价格向您收取会话期间的费用。 如果您的会话时间少于五分钟,则免费。

Note that for 1:1 lessons, you’ll be billed at the end of your session based on the set price.


开始在虚拟工作区中进行协作 (Start collaborating in a virtual workspace)

Whether you’re setting up a lesson or requesting troubleshooting help, once your session has been booked and confirmed, you and your expert will enter a virtual workspace where you can chat by voice or text and you can share screens. The workspace also includes a visual code editor to ensure smooth collaboration. You can post code snippets, collaborate on code, or even show your expert exactly what your project looks like in Unity.

无论是设置课程还是请求故障排除帮助,一旦预订并确认了会话,您和您的专家都将进入一个虚拟工作区,您可以在其中进行语音或文本聊天,还可以共享屏幕。 该工作区还包括一个可视代码编辑器,以确保流畅的协作。 您可以发布代码段,在代码上进行协作,甚至可以向专家确切显示项目在Unity中的外观。

给您的专家和会议留下评论 (Leave a review for your expert and session)

After your session, you will be asked to review the expert and the quality of your one-on-one session overall. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve this service. 

会议结束后,您将被要求审查专家和整体一对一会议的质量。 您的反馈对于帮助我们改善这项服务非常宝贵。

确保查看您的会话记录 (Make sure to review your session transcript)

When the session is over, you’ll have access to your session chat transcripts, as well as any attachments shared during the session. This is a great way to reinforce everything you learned, so make sure to track these down in your Live Help account. 

会话结束后,您将可以访问会话聊天记录以及会话期间共享的所有附件。 这是巩固您学到的一切的好方法,因此请确保在Live Help帐户中进行跟踪。

安排另一个会议 (Schedule another session)

If you enjoyed your session, you can book another one with the same expert to go into more detail or explore related areas. If you want to learn about different topics, you can look for experts that are knowledgeable in that subject area. 

如果您喜欢本次会议,则可以与同一位专家预定另一个会议,以进行更详细的介绍或探索相关领域。 如果您想了解不同的主题,则可以寻找在该主题领域知识丰富的专家。

了解有关Unity Live帮助的更多信息 (Learn more about Unity Live Help)

Check out Live Help to see if it can help you move forward with your projects or just learn more about a specific feature of Unity.

查看 实时帮助 ,看看它是否可以帮助您继续进行项目,或者只是了解有关Unity特定功能的更多信息。

Connect with an expert


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/04/03/introducing-a-new-way-for-you-to-connect-11-with-unity-community-experts/






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