
With a new release candidate version of 2019.3, we’re entering the final stages of testing for release readiness.


When we label a Unity version a “release candidate,” it means that we’re finalizing the last step of the beta testing phase and are in the final stage just before the full official release. Each release candidate goes through a further set of Release Acceptance tests before we make a decision whether it’s ready for publishing. 

当我们将Unity版本标记为“发行候选”时,这意味着我们正在完成beta测试阶段的最后一步,并且正处于正式版正式发布之前的最后阶段。 在确定是否准备好发布之前,每个候选发布版本都要经过一组进一步的发布接受测试。

Unity 2019.3 is our largest and most complex release to date, with new foundational tech across the board and more than 170 features and improvements on top of a ton of fixes. We want to ensure all these tools work well together before the release leaves the beta testing phase.

Unity 2019.3是迄今为止我们最大,最复杂的发行版,其中包括全面的新基础技术以及除大量修复之外的170多项功能和改进功能。 我们希望在发行版离开Beta测试阶段之前,确保所有这些工具都能很好地协同工作。

Based on the feedback we have received and expect to receive during the end of the year, we aim to hit the quality bar needed to enter the official full release status in January 2020.


If you can’t wait to get your hands on it, the latest release candidate is available to download today. Unity 2019.3 has a ton of quality of life improvements, and lots of new big features (like HDRP and our new 2D tools) are becoming production-ready with this release. Feel free to take the latest version for a spin over the holidays.

如果您迫不及待地想要获得它, 今天就可以下载最新版本的候选软件。 Unity 2019.3的生活质量得到了极大的提高,许多新的重要功能(例如HDRP和我们的新2D工具)已通过此版本投入生产。 在假期期间,可以随意使用最新版本。

The Unity 2019.3 public beta has been our most active yet, with around three thousand bug reports from the community. We take this feedback very seriously and really appreciate the contributions you have made throughout the 2019 TECH stream. Please reach out via bug reports or in the 2019.3 beta forum if you are encountering any unknown issues with this latest release so we can address them.

Unity 2019.3公开测试版是我们迄今为止最活跃的测试版,社区发布了大约三千个错误报告。 我们非常重视此反馈,非常感谢您在2019年 TECH 流程中 所做的贡献 。 如果您在此最新版本中遇到任何未知问题 , 请通过 错误报告 或在 2019.3 Beta论坛中 进行查找, 以便我们解决。

For those of you who have projects in production or want to update live projects, we highly recommend waiting for the 2019 Long-Term Support (LTS) release. While the TECH stream offers you the latest features and improvements, in the LTS releases we focus entirely on stability and quality. Therefore, the LTS version of Unity 2019 will only add fixes that address crashes, regressions, and issues that affect the wider community. It is our recommended version for those projects that are past the pre-production phase. We expect to ship the 2019 LTS in the spring of 2020 along with the first 2020.1 TECH Stream.

对于那些正在生产项目或想要更新实时项目的人,我们强烈建议您等待2019年长期支持( LTS )版本。 尽管TECH流为您提供了最新的功能和改进,但在LTS版本中,我们完全专注于稳定性和质量。 因此,Unity 2019的LTS版本将仅添加解决崩溃,回归和影响整个社区的问题的修复程序。 对于那些超出预生产阶段的项目,这是我们的推荐版本。 我们预计将在2020年Spring与首批2020.1 TECH Stream一起交付2019 LTS。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/12/12/2019-3-is-now-in-the-final-stages-of-beta-testing/





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