unity 2019.2_这是全新的Unity 2019.2中的内容

unity 2019.2

We have over 1000 developers dedicated to extending and improving Unity for you. In this release, you get more than 170 new features and enhancements for artists, designers, and programmers. We’ve updated ProBuilder, Shader Graph, 2D Animation, Burst Compiler, UI Elements, and many more. Read on for the highlights.

我们有1000多名开发人员致力于为您扩展和改进Unity。 在此版本中,为艺术家,设计师和程序员提供170多种新功能和增强功能。 我们更新了ProBuilder,Shader Graph,2D Animation,Burst Compiler,UI Elements等。 继续阅读以了解亮点。

更多功能,更新工具,更好的工作流程 (More features, updated tools, better workflows)

But before we tell you about all the great new additions and improvements, note that we’ve revamped our release announcement too. You no longer have to scroll/scan a super-long post just to find what’s most pertinent for you or your team. Here we give you just the highlights, plus handy links to dedicated webpages featuring all the update info organized by an overview, artist and designer tools, programmer tools, graphics, and supported platforms.

但是在我们向您介绍所有重大的新增功能和改进之前,请注意,我们也已对发布公告进行了修订。 您不再需要滚动/扫描超长帖子,只需查找与您或您的团队最相关的内容。 在这里,我们只为您提供重点介绍,以及指向 专门网页的 便捷链接,这些 网页 包含 概述艺术家和设计者工具程序员工具图形 以及 支持的平台 组织的所有更新信息 。


But before you dive in, why not start downloading 2019.2 now.

但是你在潜水前,为什么不开始下载2019.2 现在

ProBuilder 4.0 ships as verified with 2019.2 and is our unique hybrid of 3D modeling and level design tools, optimized for building simple geometry but capable of detailed editing and UV unwrapping as needed. 

ProBuilder 4.0 已通过2019.2的验证,是我们3D建模和关卡设计工具的独特组合,已针对构建简单的几何体进行了优化,但能够根据需要进行详细的编辑和UV展开。

Polybrush is now available via Package Manager as a Preview package. This versatile tool lets you sculpt complex shapes from any 3D model, position detail meshes, paint in custom lighting or coloring, and blend textures across meshes directly in the Editor. 

Polybrush 现在可以通过“程序包管理器”作为“预览”程序包使用。 这个多功能的工具使您可以从任何3D模型中雕刻复杂的形状,定位细节网格物体,使用自定义照明或着色进行绘制,以及直接在编辑器中跨网格物体混合纹理。

DSPGraph is the new audio rendering/mixing system, built on top of Unity’s C# Job System. It’s now available as a Preview package. 

DSPGraph 是新的音频渲染/混合系统,建立在Unity的C#工作系统之上。 现在可以作为预览包使用。

We have improved how UI Elements, Unity’s new UI framework, renders UI for graph-based tools such as Shader Graph, Visual Effect Graph, and Visual Scripting. These changes provide a much smoother and responsive feel when you author more complex graphs in the Editor.

我们改进了 Unity新的UI框架 UI Elements 如何 为基于图的工具(例如Shader Graph,Visual Effect Graph和Visual Scripting)呈现UI。 当您在编辑器中编写更复杂的图形时,这些更改将提供更加平滑和响应的感觉 。

To help you better organize your complex graphs, we have added subgraphs to Visual Effect Graph. You can share, combine, and reuse subgraphs for blocks and operators, and also embed complete VFX within VFX. We’ve also improved the integration between Visual Effect Graph and the High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP), which pulls VFX Graph in by default, providing you with additional rendering features.

为了帮助您更好地组织复杂的图形,我们在 视觉效果图中 添加了子 。 您可以为块和运算符共享,组合和重用子图,也可以在VFX中嵌入完整的VFX。 我们还改善了视觉效果图和高清渲染管线(HDRP)之间的集成,该默认情况下会将VFX图拉入,为您提供其他渲染功能。

With Shader Graph you can now use Color Modes to highlight nodes on your graph with colors based on various features or select your own colors to improve readability. This is especially useful in large graphs. 

使用“ 着色器图”, 您现在可以使用“ 颜色模式” 使用 基于各种功能的颜色突出显示图上的节点,或者选择自己的颜色以提高可读性。 这在大型图形中特别有用。

We’ve added swappable Sprites functionality to the 2D Animation tool. With this new feature, you can change a GameObject’s rendered Sprites while reusing the same skeleton rig and animation clips. This lets you quickly create multiple characters using different Sprite Libraries or customize parts of them with Sprite Resolvers. Now you can swap Sprites to create characters that are completely different visually but use the same animation rig.

我们在 2D动画工具中 添加了可互换的Sprites功能 。 借助此新功能,您可以在重新使用相同的骨架装备和动画剪辑的同时更改GameObject的渲染精灵。 这使您可以使用不同的Sprite库快速创建多个字符,或使用Sprite Resolvers自定义其中的部分。 现在,您可以交换精灵以创建视觉上完全不同但使用相同动画装备的角色。

程序员工具 (Tools for programmers)

The Burst Compiler came out of Preview in 2019.1. With this release, Burst Compiler 1.1 includes several improvements to JIT compilation time and some C# improvements.

突发编译器 在2019.1来到预览出来。 在此发行版中,Burst Compiler 1.1包括 对JIT编译时间的一些改进和一些C#的改进。

TypeCache provides a fast way to access types or methods marked with specific attributes, as well as types derived from a specific class or interface. It utilizes an internal native cache that is built for all assemblies loaded by the Editor.

TypeCache 提供了一种快速的方法来访问带有特定属性标记的类型或方法,以及从特定类或接口派生的类型。 它利用为编辑器加载的所有程序集构建的内部本机缓存。

For developers of mobile apps we have introduced screen brightness controls via the new Screen.brightness property (iOS and Android) and improved the ReplayKit API (iOS). We’ve also made it easier to adjust your UI by adding support for detecting the bounding box around the notch(es).

对于 移动应用程序的开发人员, 我们通过新的Screen.brightness属性(iOS和Android)引入了屏幕亮度控件,并改进了ReplayKit API(iOS)。 通过增加对检测槽口周围边界框的支持,我们还使调整UI更加容易。

We’ve migrated the PhysX Cloth Library from the previous PxCloth to NvCloth as part of our transition from PhysX 3.4 to PhysX 4.x.

从PhysX 3.4到PhysX 4.x的过渡过程中, 我们已经将 PhysX布库 从以前的PxCloth迁移到了NvCloth 。

In this release, we updated the default editors to Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio 2019 for Mac. We’ve also started to move the Code Editor Integrations (and thus IDEs) from core to packages, and exposed our C# APIs. With this release, the Visual Studio Code and JetBrains Rider integrations are available as packages; Visual Studio will be available as a package in an upcoming release.

在此版本中,我们将默认编辑器更新为Visual Studio 2019和Visual Studio 2019 for Mac。 我们也已经开始将代码编辑器集成 (以及IDE)从核心转移到软件包,并公开了我们的C#API。 在此版本中, Visual Studio CodeJetBrains Rider集成是作为软件包提供的。 Visual Studio将在即将发行的版本中作为软件包提供。

We’ve removed the old .NET 3.5 Equivalent Scripting Runtime. Any projects that use the .NET 3.5 Equivalent Scripting Runtime will be automatically updated to use the .NET 4.x Equivalent Scripting Runtime.

我们已经删除了旧的 .NET 3.5 等效脚本运行时。 使用.NET 3.5等效脚本运行时的任何项目都将自动更新为使用.NET 4.x等效脚本运行时。

Incremental Garbage Collection, released as experimental on some platforms in Unity 2019.1, now supports all platforms except WebGL. 

在Unity 2019.1的某些平台上作为实验版本发布的 Incremental Garbage Collection 现在支持除WebGL之外的所有平台。

This release also includes support for the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for the Windows Standalone Player (x86, 64-bit) and Windows Editor, including sampling profiling of C# code.

此版本还包括了英特尔 ® 支持 VTune™可视化 ™放大器,用于在Windows独立播放器(86,64位)和Windows编辑器,包括采样的C#代码剖析。

图形 (Graphics)

In this release, our High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) includes an Arbitrary Output Variables (AOV) API, allowing you to output material properties only, lighting only, depth buffer, and other passes from the Scene. As well, this API is now used in the Unity Recorder, which makes it easy to export specific outputs for rendering with HDRP.

在此版本中,我们 的高清渲染管道(HDRP) 包括 任意输出变量(AOV)API ,使您可以仅输出材质属性,仅照明,深度缓冲以及场景中的其他传递。 同样,该API现在也用于 Unity Recorder中 ,这使得导出特定输出以使用HDRP进行渲染变得容易。

We’ve also added Dynamic resolution, which allows you to scale the resolution at which the world is rendered, with hardware dynamic resolution support. This gives you better performance compared to software dynamic resolution. 

我们还添加了动态分辨率,通过硬件动态分辨率支持,您可以缩放渲染世界的分辨率。 与软件动态分辨率相比,这可以提供更好的性能。

The MatCap debug view mode replaces the material and lighting of objects with a simple environment texture. This mode is useful for navigating and getting a sense of the Scene without having to set up the Scene lighting. For example, if you are editing a dark area, like the inside of a cave, this makes it easier to navigate in low lighting. 

所述 MatCap调试视图模式 替换对象的材料和照明用一个简单的环境纹理。 此模式对导航和获得场景感很有用,而无需设置场景照明。 例如,如果您正在编辑黑暗区域(例如洞穴内部),则可以更轻松地在弱光下导航。

The new Ambient Occlusion effect is a screen-space shading and rendering algorithm that improves the quality of ambient lighting simulation in your Scene, especially for small-scale details, while providing good performance. You can choose from several options to optimize for performance and quality.

新的“ 环境光遮挡” 效果是一种屏幕空间阴影和渲染算法,可提高场景中环境照明模拟的质量,尤其是对于小比例的细节,同时还具有良好的性能。 您可以从几个选项中进行选择,以优化性能和质量。

There are new 2D features in the Lightweight Render Pipeline (LWRP) such as the experimental 2D Renderer, which now contains 2D Pixel Perfect and 2D Lights. The new 2D Lights enable you to easily enhance visuals of 2D projects directly without having to use 3D lights or custom shaders.

轻量级渲染管线(LWRP)中新的2D功能, 例如实验性2D渲染器,现在包含2D Pixel Perfect和2D灯光。 新的2D灯光使您可以直接轻松轻松地增强2D项目的视觉效果,而不必使用3D灯光或自定义着色器。

Shader Graph now has 2D Master nodes to create 2D Unlit and Lit Sprite Shaders. Additionally, precision modes let you set nodes to use less GPU memory, which helps increase performance on diverse platforms, including mobile. 

现在, Shader Graph 具有2D Master节点,可以创建2D Unlit和Lit Sprite Shaders。 此外, 精确模式可 让您将节点设置为使用较少的GPU内存,从而有助于提高各种平台(包括移动平台)的性能。

Lightmap denoising now works on all Editor platforms, regardless of GPU manufacturer. We have also made a fundamental change in how you configure the baking, giving you new possibilities for speeding up lightmap baking. As well, we’re introducing new probe workflows.

现在,无论GPU制造商如何, Lightmap降噪功能 都可以在所有Editor平台上使用。 我们还对烘烤的配置进行了根本性的更改,从而为加快光照贴图的烘烤提供了新的可能性。 同样,我们正在引入新的 探测工作流程

With Probe-Lit GI Contributors, you can choose if objects that Contribute Global Illumination should receive GI from Light Probes or lightmaps. This allows Mesh Renderers to contribute to bounced lighting calculations without occupying texels in the lightmap, which can lead to huge improvements in bake times and reduced memory usage.

使用Probe-Lit GI贡献者,您可以选择“贡献全局照明”的对象是否应从“光探测器”或光照贴图接收GI。 这样,Mesh Renderer可以在不占用光照贴图中的纹理像素的情况下,对反弹的光照计算做出贡献,从而可以大大改善烘焙时间并减少内存使用。

This release also includes major speed improvements in our GPU Lightmapper, especially during lighting iterations. New features include Multiple Importance Sampling support for environment lighting and increased sampling performance when using view prioritization or small/low occupancy lightmaps.

此版本还包括我们的 GPU Lightmapper的 重大速度改进 ,尤其是在照明迭代期间。 新功能包括对环境照明的多重重要性采样支持,并在使用视图优先级或小/低占用光照图时提高了采样性能。

The NVIDIA OptiX AI Denoiser has been upgraded for better performance and lower memory usage, and to add support for NVIDIA Turing GPUs. It is supported in the GPU Lightmapper.

NVIDIA Optix的AI降噪器 已经升级了更好的性能和更低的内存使用率,并且加入了对NVIDIA GPU的图灵支持。 GPU Lightmapper支持该功能。

Lightmapping now supports the Intel Open Image Denoise library, which is a machine-learning-based filter. It will improve your lightmapping workflow and lightmap quality by post-processing lightmaps. Noise and unwanted artifacts are removed so that you can get smooth, noise-free lightmaps that use far fewer samples. 

现在,Lightmapping支持Intel Open Image Denoise ,该 是基于机器学习的过滤器。 通过后期处理光照贴图,可以改善光照贴图的工作流程和光照贴图的质量。 去除了噪声和不必要的伪影,因此您可以获得使用更少样本的平滑,无噪声的光照贴图。

平台和编辑器工作流程 (Platforms and Editor workflows)

Optimized Frame Pacing for Android, developed in partnership with Google’s Android Gaming and Graphics team, provides consistent frame rates and hence smoother gameplay experience by enabling frames to be distributed with less variance.

与Google的Android游戏和图形团队合作开发的 针对Android的优化帧步速功能 ,通过使帧分布更均匀,可提供一致的帧频,从而提供更流畅的游戏体验。

Mobile developers will also benefit from improved OpenGL support, as we have added OpenGL multithreading support (iOS) to improve performance on low-end iOS devices that don’t support Metal. We also added OpenGL support for SRP batcher for both iOS and Android to improve CPU performance in projects that use the Lightweight Render Pipeline (LWRP).

移动开发人员还将受益于改进的 OpenGL支持 ,因为 我们添加了 OpenGL多线程支持(iOS), 以提高不支持Metal的低端iOS设备的性能。 我们还 为iOS和Android 添加了 对SRP批处理程序的OpenGL支持, 以提高使用轻量级渲染管道(LWRP)的项目中的CPU性能。

We have added an APK size check using Android App Bundle so you can see the final APK size of different targets for large apps.

我们 使用Android App Bundle 添加了 APK大小检查, 因此您可以查看大型应用的不同目标的最终APK大小。

If you are working with VR, try out HDRP, which now supports VR too. 

如果您正在使用VR,请尝试 HDRP,它现在也支持VR

We’re also introducing a revamped SDK loading and management system for your target platforms to help streamline your development workflow. The system is currently in Preview and we’re looking for users to try out the new workflow and to give us feedback.

我们还将 为目标平台 引入经过改进的 SDK加载和管理系统 ,以帮助简化开发流程。 该系统目前处于“预览”状态,我们正在寻找用户尝试新的工作流程并提供反馈。

The updated AR Foundation 2.2 includes support for face-tracking, 2D image-tracking, 3D object-tracking, and environment probes. See this recent blog post for details about AR Foundation support for ARKit 3 features.

更新的 AR Foundation 2.2 包括对面部跟踪,2D图像跟踪,3D对象跟踪和环境探针的支持。 有关AR Foundation对ARKit 3功能的支持的详细信息, 请参见最近的 博客文章

Vuforia support has migrated from Player Settings to the Package Manager, giving you access to the latest version of Vuforia Engine 8.3.

Vuforia支持 已从“播放器设置”迁移到“程序包管理器”,使您可以访问最新版本的 Vuforia Engine 8.3

错误修复,改进和API更新 (Bug fixes, improvements, and API updates)

We’re continuing to make the Editor leaner and more modular by converting several existing features into packages, including Unity UI, 2D Sprite Editor, and 2D Tilemap Editor. They can be easily integrated, upgraded or removed via the Package Manager.

通过将几个现有功能转换为程序包,包括 Unity UI2D Sprite Editor2D Tilemap Editor , 我们将继续使 Editor 更加精简和模块化 。 它们可以通过Package Manager轻松集成,升级或删除。

As with all releases, 2019.2 includes a large number of improvements and bug fixes. A special thanks goes out to our alpha and beta community for using and testing all the new tools and capabilities. Your pertinent and timely feedback helped us fix a large number of issues and finalize this release.

与所有版本一样,2019.2包含大量改进和错误修复。 特别感谢我们的alpha和beta社区使用和测试所有新工具和功能。 您的相关及时反馈可帮助我们解决大量问题并最终确定此版本。

You can find the full list of features, improvements, and fixes in the Release Notes, which are available here. You can also use the Issue Tracker to find specific ticket information.

您可以在发行说明中找到功能,改进和修复的完整列表,可从此处获得 您还可以使用 问题跟踪 程序查找特定的故障单信息。

2019.2 Beta抽奖活动获奖者 (2019.2 beta sweepstakes winners)

We are happy to announce that we’ve declared the five lucky winners of our Unity 2019.2 beta sweepstakes. They each won a Samsung Galaxy S10+, and all winners have been contacted. Stay tuned for updates about future sweepstakes and other beta news by signing up for our newsletter

我们很高兴地宣布,我们宣布了Unity 2019.2 Beta抽奖活动的五个幸运儿。 他们每个人都赢得了三星Galaxy S10 +,并且已经联系了所有获奖者。 订阅我们的 新闻通讯, 随时关注有关未来抽奖活动和其他Beta版新闻的更新 。

Unity接下来会发生什么? (What’s coming next in Unity?)

Are you curious about what’s going to be in Unity 2019.3? You can get access to the alpha version now or wait for the beta, which we expect to launch later this summer. The full release of 2019.3 is scheduled for the fall of 2019. If you’re interested in knowing more about our Preview packages, check out the overview here.
Not only will you get early access to the latest new features, but you can ensure that your project will be compatible with the new version. You can also help influence the future of Unity by sharing your feedback with our R&D teams in our forums or in person. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to get invited to Unity events, roundtables and much more. Start by downloading our latest alpha or beta and have a look at this guide for how to be an effective beta tester

您是否对Unity 2019.3中的内容感到好奇? 您可以立即访问 Alpha版本, 也可以等待Beta版本,我们预计将在今年夏天晚些时候发布该版本。 完整版2019.3计划于2019年秋季发布。如果您想了解有关我们的Preview软件包的更多信息,请在 此处 查看概述 。
您不仅可以尽早使用最新功能,而且可以确保您的项目与新版本兼容。 您还可以在 论坛上亲自 与我们的研发团队分享您的反馈,从而帮助影响Unity的未来 。 此外,您将有机会被邀请参加Unity活动,圆桌会议等等。 首先 下载我们最新的alpha或beta版本, 然后查看本 指南,了解如何成为有效的beta测试人员

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/07/30/heres-whats-in-the-brand-new-unity-2019-2/

unity 2019.2





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