团结的面Kong:安德鲁·曼尼里(Andrew Maneri)

Unity is made up of talented people, including artists, engineers, and project managers, whose work is as varied as their interests! Get to know who they are, what exciting projects they’re working on, and what drives them through the Faces of Unity Blog series.

Unity由人才组成,包括艺术家,工程师和项目经理,他们的工作随他们的兴趣而变化! 通过Faces of Unity Blog系列了解他们是谁,正在从事哪些激动人心的项目,以及推动他们发展的因素。

In our first post, we profiled Sarah Stumbo, a Producer on our Made With Unity team. This week, we’re spotlighting Andrew Maneri, an Engineer on the Unity Labs team, a group within Unity committed to exploring how game authoring, AI, computer visualization, deep learning, XR, and storytelling will evolve over the next ten years and impact how games will be created and played. Get to know a bit more about him and his team by reading on below!

在我们的第一篇文章中,我们介绍了Made With Unity团队的制作人Sarah Stumbo 。 本周,我们将重点介绍Unity实验室团队的工程师Andrew Maneri,该团队致力于研究在未来十年内游戏创作,AI,计算机可视化,深度学习,XR和故事讲述将如何发展并产生影响如何创建和玩游戏。 阅读以下内容,进一步了解他和他的团队!

您在Unity做什么? (What do you do at Unity?)

I’m the tech lead on various experimental authoring tools projects. This entails a few things, such as playing with, developing for, and imagining new ways to author with experimental hardware; envisioning and championing new code architecture to internal and external developers and making sure the results of our experiments make for a better future.

我是各种实验性创作工具项目的技术负责人。 这需要做一些事情,例如玩,开发和想象使用实验硬件进行创作的新方法。 为内部和外部开发人员设想并倡导新的代码体系结构,并确保我们的实验结果创造出更美好的未来。

您的日常状况如何? (What does your day-to-day look like?)

On average, part of my day is spent meeting up with companies that are on the cutting edge in new XR software and hardware. We share ideas, talk about potential collaborations, test out new products, that sort of thing. We’ve seen a lot of experimental input devices lately, which is fantastic! This also includes meeting up with other internal teams in Unity for similar purposes. Knowledge is power – share it!

平均而言,我每天的一部分时间是花在与最新的XR软件和硬件最前沿的公司会面上。 我们分享想法,谈论潜在的合作,测试新产品,诸如此类。 最近我们看到了许多实验性的输入设备,这太棒了! 这还包括出于类似目的与Unity中的其他内部团队开会。 知识就是力量–分享!

Another part of the day is spent doing code-reviews, which doesn’t sound super exciting, but a  part of growing up as a developer is learning to let go of the need to do everything yourself and trust your coworkers :)


The last part of my day is getting my hands dirty and actually developing directly.


加入Unity之前,您在哪里? (Where were you before joining Unity?)

I was an indie and professional game developer. I specialized in programming, art, and design, basically an engineering-focused technical artist. I still develop indie projects – as anyone working on a game engine should!

我是一个独立的专业游戏开发商。 我专门研究编程,艺术和设计,基本上是一名以工程学为主的技术艺术家。 我仍在开发独立项目-从事游戏引擎工作的人都应该这样做!

是什么让您决定在Unity工作? (What made you decide to work at Unity?)

I had been using Unity on projects for many years:  I liked the editor and the workflow so much I wanted to have that be my daily routine.


Whenever I am looking to do a career change, I make a list of what I want. In this case, it was: working with or for Unity, working with VR, and working somewhere close to Bellevue. Instead of looking for a job, I specifically look for things that match my list.

每当我想改变职业时,我都会列出我想要的东西。 在这种情况下,它是:与Unity合作或与Unity合作,与VR合作,以及在Bellevue附近工作。 我没有寻找工作,而是专门寻找与我的清单匹配的东西。

What followed was extremely good fortune on my part – I soon discovered that Unity had an office in Bellevue and that they had a job opening that was well suited for me – making VR content.


Try making your list – it’s magical.


您从事/从事过哪些很棒的项目? (What cool projects have you worked/are you working on?)

Many of the early demo projects I worked on are confidential or internal. I did a large portion of the first HoloLens demo we showed at Unite 2015. I’ve been able to collaborate with NASA (one for the bucket list). With Labs, I’ve overseen quite a few releases of EditorXR (previously EditorVR), including the move off of experimental builds, and integrating the Poly Toolkit.

我从事的许多早期演示项目都是机密的或内部的。 在我们在Unite 2015上展示的首个HoloLens演示中,我做了很大一部分。我已经能够与NASA合作(清单中的一个)。 在实验室中,我监督了许多EditorXR版本(以前是EditorVR),包括脱离实验版本,以及集成Poly Toolkit

I created a system to remap any body size and proportions to another in VR, including the user’s own perception of their size and limbs. This one is probably my favorite project, as there is something very magical about the experience and feeling your brain adapt to it.

我创建了一个系统,可以将任何身体大小和比例重新映射到VR中的另一个,包括用户自己对自己的大小和四肢的感知。 这可能是我最喜欢的项目,因为关于体验和感觉您的大脑适应它有些神奇。

I also was the tech lead on the XR interaction system last year, which you should see released as various useful packages over the next year.


Just recently at Labs, we started up a GitHub repository to hold all the useful algorithms and other little bite-sized projects that could be useful to the community outside of the larger offerings like EditorVR. We call it “SuperScience” and it’s located here. The first project there is one I made – used for stabilizing virtual objects being held by real-world controllers.

就在最近的Labs,我们启动了GitHub存储库,以容纳所有有用的算法和其他小项目,这些项目可能对较大的产品(如EditorVR)之外的社区有用。 我们称之为“超科学”,它就在这里 。 我做的第一个项目–用于稳定现实世界控制器持有的虚拟对象。

您在Unity遇到了任何专业里程碑吗? 如果是这样,该怎么办? (Have you met any professional milestones at Unity? If so, what?)

I’ve definitely matured here. I was promoted to Senior Software Engineer, given plenty of talks at conferences, and become a Technical Lead, among other things.

我肯定在这里成熟了。 我被提升为高级软件工程师,在会议上进行了大量演讲,并成为技术主管等。

您最喜欢Unity的是什么? (What is your favorite thing about Unity?)

I like the challenge – my skills as a developer sharpened at a rate I’d never experienced before when I started working here. There is always something new and exciting to tackle here, and it’s great for making the mind grow.

我喜欢挑战-开发人员的技能以我在这里开始工作之前从未经历过的速度不断提高。 这里总是有新的事物和令人兴奋的事物来解决,这对于使思想成长很有帮助。

您最喜欢与非团结相关的活动是什么? (What’s your favorite non-Unity related activity?)

Playing Minecraft with my son.


关于Unity的一般想法? (General thoughts on Unity?)

Unity is a ‘small’ big company. The more effort you put in, the more you get out. It’s fairly straightforward to do something that feels important, and people appreciate it. I’ve been around the industry, and I have not found any other place quite like Unity. It’s a very empowering company – that’s an overloaded or overused term these days, but it’s true. Nothing has felt out of reach or beyond the power of this amazing place. If you’re considering a career here, don’t wait!

Unity是一家“小”大公司。 您投入越多的努力,您越能摆脱困境。 做一件重要的事情很简单,人们对此表示赞赏。 我到过行业,没有找到像Unity一样的地方。 这是一家非常强大的公司-如今,这是一个过载或过度使用的术语,但这是事实。 在这个令人惊叹的地方,没有什么感觉超出或超出了它。 如果您正在考虑在这里工作,请不要等待!


To learn more about Unity Labs, check out our website. If you’re interested in joining Andy, his team, and Unity in general in our missions to re-shape the way stories are told, visit our careers page.

要了解有关Unity Labs的更多信息,请访问我们的网站 。 如果您有兴趣加入安迪,他的团队和整个Unity来重塑故事的讲述方式,请访问我们的职业页面。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/05/18/faces-of-unity-andrew-maneri/





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