

Unity 2017.2 brought the Tilemap tool and with it, a major workflow change to many 2D developers. And they report that it makes an incredible difference. Without Tilemap, it can feel like you’re a 3rd-grader carefully filling in a coloring book between the lines of each tile. With it, you can spray-paint your layout and let Tilemap worry about things like corners or even collisions.

Unity 2017.2带来了Tilemap工具,它对许多2D开发人员进行了重大工作流更改。 他们报告说,它产生了不可思议的变化。 如果没有Tilemap,您会感觉像是三年级的学生,正在认真地在每个图块的线条之间填写填色本。 借助它,您可以对布局进行喷涂,并让Tilemap担心诸如拐角甚至碰撞之类的事情。

Russ Scammell, Unity’s technical product manager for 2D, explains why we developed Tilemap and what you can do with it in this Unite Austin interview:

Unity的2D技术产品经理Russ Scammell在Unite Austin的这次采访中解释了我们开发Tilemap的原因以及您可以使用该方法做什么:

从卡纸到Unity Showcase (From game-jam to Unity Showcase)

When we originally introduced experimental versions of Tilemap in betas, creators immediately took to it. For example, the tool played a major role in the creation of the 2D shape-shifting platformer, Phased, which was showcased at Unite Europe 2017.

当我们最初在Beta版中引入Tilemap的实验版时,创建者立即开始使用它。 例如,该工具在2D变形平台平台Phased的创建中发挥了重要作用,该平台在2017年欧洲联合展上展出。

The creators were Tim van het Kaar and Joshua Boren, who worked on it in their spare time. Tim is a student and Joshua holds down a full-time job, so they worked on Phased at night and on weekends, and every other free moment they had. During development, they decided to try the preview version of Tilemap and found that it saved them 10-20 hours of development time per week.

创作者是Tim van het Kaar和Joshua Boren,他们在业余时间从事这项工作。 蒂姆(Tim)是一名学生,约书亚(Joshua)担任全职工作,因此他们在晚上和周末以及每个其他的空闲时间都从事Phased的工作。 在开发过程中,他们决定尝试使用Tilemap的预览版,发现它每周节省了10-20个小时的开发时间。

“We soon realized that we could extend it with brushes and features that matched our own workflow, and it was making it very easy to prototype and iterate on new levels,” van het Kaar says. “That meant we could just try out a feature in a separate scene and then once everything worked, put it in the main level, and we didn’t have to break things before they were ready.”

van het Kaar说:“我们很快意识到,我们可以使用与我们自己的工作流程相匹配的画笔和功能对其进行扩展,这使得原型制作和迭代到新的层次变得非常容易。” “这意味着我们可以在单独的场景中试用某个功能,然后在一切正常后,将其放到主要级别,而不必在事情准备就绪之前就将其破坏。”

Get the whole low-down of how they developed Phased from our developer story.


使用Tilemap学习2D世界建筑 (Learn 2D World building with Tilemap)

Interested in learning new features like Tilemap? Remember that we hold regular live seminars on our Live Training site! All past sessions are always available in the archive. In this one, Matt Schell shows you how you can paint levels using the tile and brush tools which allow you to define rules for how tiles behave when placed, creating platforms with dynamic edges, animated tiles, random tiles, and more.

有兴趣学习Tilemap等新功能吗? 请记住,我们在实时培训站点上定期举办实时研讨会! 存档中始终提供所有过去的会话。 在这一篇中, Matt Schell向您展示了如何使用平铺和画笔工具绘制级别,该工具允许您定义平铺时的行为规则,创建具有动态边缘,动画平铺,随机平铺等的平台。

For step by step advice on how to use Tilemap to create 2D levels starting with a sprite, check out this post by Andy Touch!

有关如何使用Tilemap创建从精灵开始的2D级别的逐步建议, 请查看Andy Touch的这篇文章

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/01/22/the-2d-tool-thats-changing-how-levels-are-built/






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