
The South by Southwest 2018 “Panelpicker” has opened for community voting! We have  Unity representatives who are excited to share their stories on topics ranging from emerging VR/AR tools to the future of media, and they need your help. Vote for your favorite topics below on SXSW’s website to see them there!

South by Southwest 2018“ Panelpicker”已开始接受社区投票! 我们有Unity代表,他们很高兴与他们分享有关新兴VR / AR工具到未来媒体等话题的故事,他们需要您的帮助。 在SXSW网站上投票选出您喜欢的主题,然后在此处查看!

好莱坞2.0-21世纪的电影摄制 (Hollywood 2.0 – Filmmaking for the 21st century)

Featuring Adam Myhill and Sara from Sonder 

由Sonder饰演的Adam Myhill和Sara

Stories are endless, but budgets aren’t. The visual gap between real-time rendering and traditional CG pipelines is narrowing, making the advantages and time savings of emerging technologies a powerful and economically attractive solution. Find out how parallel content authoring allows you to make creative decisions much later into a project with the ability to see everything in context. We’ll reveal how the commercial grade tools that are powering this trend are available to everyone.

故事层出不穷,但预算却没有。 实时渲染与传统CG管道之间的视觉差距正在缩小,这使得新兴技术的优势和节省的时间成为一种功能强大且在经济上有吸引力的解决方案。 了解并行内容创作如何使您能够在很晚的时间内对项目进行创意决策,并能够查看上下文中的所有内容。 我们将揭示推动这种趋势发展的商业级工具如何为所有人所用。

设置VR叙事的视觉语言 (Setting the Visual Language of VR Storytelling)

Featuring Timoni West and Natalie Grant

饰演Timoni West和Natalie Grant

VR is an immersive interactive storytelling medium, but the rules of the game are still being defined. What are the terms, the tools, the visual language that help your stories connect with your audience? Get a live demonstration of the latest advances being made in VR immersion and storytelling, and then get a crash course on how they all come together to bring your vision to life.

VR是一种身临其境的交互式讲故事媒体,但游戏规则仍在定义中。 有哪些术语,工具和视觉语言可以帮助您的故事与听众建立联系? 现场演示VR沉浸和讲故事方面的最新进展,然后获得速成课程,了解它们如何融合在一起,将您的愿景变为现实。

学生可以构建未来的VR / AR世界 (Students Can Build the VR/AR Worlds of the Future)

Featuring Jessica Lindl

杰西卡·林德尔(Jessica Lindl)

As virtual and augmented reality applications make headlines, teachers may be wondering how they can meaningfully bring these tools to their classrooms. Not only do these technologies allow students to understand the world around them in new ways, they are also allowing kids to create their own worlds. Come learn from a panel of cutting-edge educators who are utilizing Unity tools to teach students 21st century skills, empowering the next generation of coders, artists and designers.

随着虚拟现实和增强现实应用程序成为头条新闻,教师们可能想知道如何将这些工具有意义地带入课堂。 这些技术不仅可以让学生以新的方式了解周围的世界,还可以让孩子们创造自己的世界。 快来学习由最先进的教育者组成的小组,他们将利用Unity工具教授学生21世纪的技能,从而增强下一代编码人员,艺术家和设计师的能力。

面向未来的媒体:吸引明天的受众 (Future Proof Media: Engaging Tomorrow’s Audience)

Featuring Isabelle Riva

伊莎贝尔·里瓦(Isabelle Riva)

Our smartphones offer infinite options: movies, TV, games, pornography, VR, and AR is poised to take over. In an expanding market, how do creators make a case for our content? This panel will attempt to answer how meaningful connections to our audiences are made. We will discuss the extra care we must take to succeed, by creating specifically with today’s rapidly changing marketplace in mind. We can no longer create for passive viewing, we must create to engage.

我们的智能手机提供了无限的选择:电影,电视,游戏,色情,VR和AR即将接管。 在不断扩大的市场中,创作者如何为我们的内容辩护? 该小组将尝试回答与观众之间有意义的联系。 我们将讨论如何通过着眼于当今快速变化的市场来创建成功所必须采取的额外措施。 我们不能再为被动观看而创建,我们必须进行参与。






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