amplify aws_Amplify Shader Editor的聚光灯:使用自定义着色器使您的游戏脱颖而出

amplify aws

The first opportunity your game has to grab a potential player’s attention is always through what they see on the screen. Before they even have a chance to feel how well your game controls, hear the great sound effects or understand how fun it is, they look at it. In that brief first glance you have a chance to make an impression that may lead to them deciding whether or not they are interested to buy your game. As game production technology becomes increasingly available and more and more games are being released, standing out from the crowd becomes a challenge. Having unique, compelling visuals becomes more important every day.

您的游戏吸引潜在玩家注意力的第一个机会始终是通过他们在屏幕上看到的内容。 他们甚至没有机会体验到您的游戏控制效果,聆听出色的音效或了解游戏的趣味性,然后便开始对其进行观察。 乍一看,您就有机会给人留下深刻的印象,使他们可以决定他们是否有兴趣购买您的游戏。 随着游戏制作技术的日益普及以及越来越多的游戏发行,在人群中脱颖而出成为一个挑战。 每天拥有独特而引人注目的视觉效果变得越来越重要。

免费获取Amplify Shader Editor (Special Offer:
Get Amplify Shader Editor Free)

Until May 31, Amplify Shader Editor is included free with Unity Plus subscriptions as part of the Accelerator Pack, which also includes 2 other top-selling productivity assets that will help you fast track your development and get your project to the finish line faster. And now the sweetest deal just got sweeter — all subscribers will also receive a bonus Essentials Pack (for a total value up to $375).

在5月31日之前,Unity Plus订阅中将免费包含Amplify Shader Editor作为Accelerator Pack的一部分,其中还包括其他两项最畅销的生产力资产,这些资产将帮助您快速跟踪开发并使项目更快地到达终点。 现在,最甜蜜的交易变得更加甜美-所有订阅者还将获得 一个额外的Essentials Pack(总价值高达375美元)。

学到更多 (Learn more)

Having great art direction and stylish assets are a positive start, but there is an additional ingredient which can be overlooked by developers. The way that those assets are rendered — specifically, their shaders. When a game engine is preparing to render a frame to the screen there are a few key pieces of data that are required. These pieces include the mesh (or 3D model), the position of the camera, and any lights. We can think of this data as what we are going to render. The missing ingredient is how that data will be rendered as colored pixels on the screen using a program called a shader.

拥有出色的艺术指导和时尚资产是一个积极的开端,但是还有其他要素可以被开发人员忽略。 这些资产的渲染方式,特别是其着色器。 当游戏引擎准备将边框渲染到屏幕上时,需要一些关键数据。 这些部件包括网格(或3D模型),相机的位置以及任何灯光。 我们可以认为这个数据 我们将要呈现 的 。 缺少的成分是 如何 使用称为着色器的程序将数据呈现为屏幕上的彩色像素。

In Unity, shaders must be assigned to a Material. Each Material holds a set of property values. Properties may define things like colors to use, how smooth or metallic a surface should appear, or fields for textures or normal maps. The shader uses the values stored in the material along with its specific rendering instructions to transform all of this data into a two dimensional image on your player’s screen.

在Unity中,必须将着色器分配给材质。 每种材料都有一组属性值。 属性可以定义诸如要使用的颜色,表面应显示的光滑度或金属性,纹理或法线贴图的字段之类的内容。 着色器使用存储在材质中的值及其特定的渲染指令将所有这些数据转换为播放器屏幕上的二维图像。

Creating custom shaders by writing them in code, either CG or HLSL, is challenging, and has a fairly steep learning curve. Fortunately, graphical shader editing helps to reduce some of the challenges that may arise from typing or syntax errors, and allows you to quickly see the visual effect you are creating. Tools like Amplify Shader Editor offer user-friendly node based visual tools to allow you to create your own custom shaders without typing code. Working in a visual, graphical environment allows you to quickly experiment and try new shader ideas. This improved pace of iteration allows you to hone in on a unique visual style to make your game stand out. In the following Live Training session we will create a transparent, refractive material to simulate an ‘invisibility cloak’ effect using Amplify Shader Editor.  

通过以CG或HLSL的代码编写来创建自定义着色器非常困难,而且学习曲线相当陡峭。 幸运的是,图形着色器编辑有助于减少键入或语法错误可能带来的一些挑战,并允许您快速查看所创建的视觉效果。 Amplify Shader Editor之类的工具提供了基于用户友好的基于节点的视觉工具,使您无需输入代码即可创建自己的自定义着色器。 在可视化的图形环境中工作,使您可以快速进行实验并尝试新的着色器构想。 改进的迭代速度使您可以磨练独特的视觉风格,使您的游戏脱颖而出。 在接下来的实时培训课程中,我们将使用Amplify Shader Editor创建一种透明的折射材料来模拟“隐形斗篷”效果。


For additional learning material on Amplify Shader Editor check out this tutorial on the Learn area of the Unity website. 

有关Amplify Shader Editor的其他学习资料,请 在Unity网站的“学习”区域中 查看 本教程



在5月31日之前 ,新的Unity Plus订阅将免费提供 Accelerator Pack,其中包括Playmaker,Ultimate FPS和Amplify Shader Editor, 现在还包括额外的Essentials Pack(总价值不超过375美元)。 (Until May 31, the Accelerator Pack, which includes Playmaker, Ultimate FPS, and Amplify Shader Editor, is included free with new Unity Plus subscriptions — now including a bonus Essentials Pack (a total value up to $375).)

Along with the amazing value of the Accelerator Pack and Essentials Pack, you’ll enjoy the enhanced features of Unity Plus:

加上Accelerator Pack和Essentials Pack的惊人价值,您将享受 Unity Plus 的增强功能 :

  • Editor Dark Skin UI

    编辑器Dark Skin UI

  • 1 month of free access to Unity Certification Courseware


  • Performance Reporting: troubleshoot and identify issues in real time


  • VIP Cloud Build Queue, enhanced Unity Analytics, Multiplayer, and more!

    VIP云构建队列,增强的Unity Analytics,多人游戏等!

For more information and frequently asked questions, please visit the Accelerator Pack page.

有关更多信息和常见问题,请访问Accelerator Pack页面。

Get the Accelerator Pack

已经是订阅者? (Already a subscriber?)

The Accelerator Pack is included with new Unity Plus and Pro subscriptions. If you subscribed to Plus or Pro in the past 30 days, you are eligible to receive the Accelerator Pack at no charge, simply contact Unity Support for assistance.

Accelerator Pack包含在新的Unity Plus和Pro订阅中。 如果您在过去30天内订阅了Plus或Pro,则有资格免费获得Accelerator Pack,只需与 Unity支持 联系即可 获得帮助。

For current Unity Plus and Pro subscribers, we are pleased to be able to offer you the Accelerator Pack for $75 —  a significant discount of 60% off the retail price of these assets. To claim your Accelerator Pack at this special discounted price, simply contact us at Inquiries will be processed in the order they are received.

对于当前的Unity Plus和Pro订户 ,我们很高兴能以75美元的价格为您提供Accelerator Pack,这些资产的零售价可享受60%的大幅折扣。 要以这个特别的折扣价申领您的Accelerator Pack,只需通过 与我们联系 。 查询将按照接收到的顺序进行处理。


amplify aws

内置的渲染器,HD,URP和轻量级SRP支持 NEW!HDRP矢量位移样本 新!URP和HDRP的镶嵌选项 新!URP的半透明和透射选项 新!新的“开始屏幕”窗口 NEW!轻松的图形共享和画布截图按钮 新功能!SRP包自动导入程序 NEW!与Unity 2019的兼容性 新!支持后期处理堆栈着色器 新功能!与Unity插件中的Substance 兼容 !支持自定义渲染纹理 新增!同时支持高清,URP和轻量级SRP 。多遍模板 !Xbox One / PS4 / Switch支持 新增!地形支持 NEW! 着色器模板 •通用PBR /未照明SRP •通用2D点亮/未照明SRP •HD点亮/未照明/头发/织物/贴花SRP •轻量PBR /未照明SRP •自定义RT初始化/更新 •后处理效果,包括后处理堆栈 • Alpha混合颗粒 •雪碧 •熄灭 •不亮光照贴图 •UI 新工具 •后处理堆栈工具 新样本 •HDRP向量位移 •独立于比例的图块 • Raphael Ernaelsten的体积像素化 •SRP HD全贴图 •马赛克效果 •未使用光照贴图 新模板 •通用PBR /未照明 •HD点亮/ 未照明/毛发/织物 •后处理堆栈 •未照明光图 新节点 •反投影矩阵 •反视图投影矩阵 •HD发射 •Voronoi •渐变 •渐变样本 新增的着色器功能 •反勒普 •随机范围 •SRP附加光 •流量 •旋转 •高处法线 •噪声正弦波 •锯齿波 •方波 •三角波 •棋盘格 •椭圆 •多边形 •矩形 •圆角矩形 最新改进 •添加了专门用于新通用渲染管线的 模板•添加了与Unity HDRP着色器检查器兼容的新HD Lit模板 •无限循环检测现在更快,减少了连接大型图形上的节点时的命中率。 •改进了节点预览渲染刷新行为 •创建了新的标记系统以改善节点搜索 •只需单击“屏幕截图”按钮即可获取整个画布的屏幕截图 •通过“共享”按钮轻松共享图形的选定部分 •添加了新的后处理堆栈工具它会使用给定着色器的PPS渲染器和设置生成cs脚本。 •Amplify Shader Editor通过高达v7.2.x的模板支持HD,Lightweight和Universal RP。 •Legacy HD和Lightweight SRP v3.xx / v4.xx / v5.xx模板也通过Legacy软件包提供。 •通过自定义RT模板支持在Unity 2017及更高版本上使用自定义渲染纹理。 •现在,也可以通过Unity插件中的Substance,在Unity 2018及更高版本的ASE画布上使用此Substance。 •现在在Unity 2018.2及更高版本上可以访问8个UV通道。 •可以通过键盘方向键平移和缩放ASE画布摄像机。 •支持HD PBR SRP模板中的材料类型。 •支持将Specular工作流程集成到Lightweight PBR SRP模板中。 •现在可以直接在模板上添加自定义选项。 了解更多: 在此处放大Wiki 讨论:Unity论坛线程 着色器示例:完整列表 编辑器在将来的更新中将继续得到改进,当前正在开发许多功能。 显着功能 •完整的源代码 •支持Xbox One / PS4 / Switch • 自定义节点API • 着色器模板 • 着色器功能 •多窗口支持 •直观,熟悉的节点界面 •广泛的节点库 •实例化支持 •用户贡献的节点和着色器 •不断增加的样本收集




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