unity 2017_加入Unity参加GDC 2017

unity 2017

Winter into spring always means one important thing for the gaming community: GDC. Yes, it’s that time of year and Unity is going to be at GDC in full force. From February 27 to March 3 we will be at the world’s largest professional game industry event at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco (just a block from Unity HQ). So, what does that mean? Stop by the booth, meet other Unity devs and hear what we’re up to. We’ll also be holding multiple Unity Certification exams during the week for devs looking to validate their skills.

冬季到Spring对游戏社区始终意味着一件重要的事情:GDC。 是的,每年的那个时候,Unity将全力参加GDC。 从2月27日到3月3日,我们将在旧金山Moscone会议中心(距Unity HQ仅有一个街区)参加世界上最大的专业游戏产业盛会。 那是什么意思呢? 在展位前停下来,与其他Unity开发人员见面,并听听我们在做什么。 我们还将 在一周内为希望验证其技能的开发人员 举行 多次Unity认证考试

Visit our GDC landing page for a full rundown of all Unity activity at GDC. Most importantly, you can visit us at our booth in South Hall, #1402 Wednesday through Friday. We have kiosks for all our Unity services, such as Unity Connect, where you can learn more about how you can showcase your skills or find help on your projects on the first talent marketplace dedicated to Unity creators. Not only that, but you can visit one of our many partners who are showing off their latest technologies such as Google, Oculus, Nintendo, Microsoft and Xiaomi to name a few.

请访问我们的 GDC登录页面 ,以获取GDC上所有Unity活动的完整 摘要 。 最重要的是,您可以在周三至周五#1402在南厅的展位参观我们。 我们为所有Unity服务(例如 Unity Connect) 提供信息亭 ,您可以在其中了解更多有关如何展示自己的技能或在致力于Unity创建者的第一个人才市场上找到项目帮助的信息。 不仅如此,您还可以访问我们的众多合作伙伴之一,这些合作伙伴展示了其最新技术,例如Google,Oculus,Nintendo,Microsoft和Xiaomi等。

Learn more about what we’re announcing at GDC at our Unity Keynote Tuesday, February 28 at 8:30am PDT which you will be able to livestream. And don’t forget that right afterwards, we’re putting on our annual Developer Day! We love working directly with our developers; it’s a part of our mission to democratize development, and we take it very seriously. You can join us at Moscone Center, West Hall, Tuesday, February 28, 10:00AM–5:30PM. You’ll get a chance to meet our product development teams in person and get deep insights on the latest features and discuss our roadmap.

请在2月28日(星期二)太平洋标准时间上午8:30在Unity主题演讲中了解有关我们在GDC上宣布的内容的更多信息,您可以在此直播。 并且不要忘了那之后,我们将举办年度 开发者日 ! 我们喜欢直接与开发人员合作; 这是我们使发展民主化的使命的一部分,我们对此非常重视。 您可以在2月28日,星期二,上午10:00至下午5:30在西大厅的Moscone中心加入我们。 您将有机会亲自见我们的产品开发团队,并对最新功能有深刻的见解并讨论我们的路线图。

You’ve probably seen some of our announcements around virtual and augmented reality — it’s been truly exciting seeing the foundations for these amazing platforms being laid. If you’re going to VRDC, come hear Unity’s panel on Narrative Design in VR, including storytelling techniques from Isabelle Riva (Head of Made With Unity), Timoni West (Principal Designer), Sarah Stumbo (VR/AR Evangelist), Silvia Rasheva (Producer), and Natalie Grant (Sr. Product Marketing Manager, VR/AR) on Tuesday, February 28 from 11:20am -12:20pm. They’ll be exploring new narrative mechanics and techniques across environment, character, conflict, audio, and more.

您可能已经看过我们关于虚拟现实和增强现实的一些公告-看到这些令人惊叹的平台奠定了基础,真是令人兴奋。 如果您要使用VRDC,请听一听Unity的VR叙事设计专题,其中包括来自Isabelle Riva(Made With Unity的负责人),Timoni West(首席设计师),Sarah Stumbo(VR / AR传播者),Silvia Rasheva的讲故事技术。 (制作人)和Natalie Grant(VR / AR高级产品市场经理)于2月28日星期二,上午11:20-下午12:20。 他们将在环境,角色,冲突,音频等方面探索新的叙事机制和技术。

Last but not least, I’m sure you’ll want to see some of the great things Unity devs are creating with our products at the Made with Unity showcase. We’ll have games and experiences from 22 different developers that span from 2D to 3D to VR. Swing by, play, and talk to the devs directly to understand how they built their games. You can also see more made with Unity developed at the Unity-sponsored Media Indie Exchange’s (MIX) annual GDC event on February 27, 2017 at 981 Mission Street. Visit their website to learn more about how you can play all of these awesome Made with Unity experiences (over 30 at our last count).

最后但并非最不重要的一点,我敢肯定,您会在Unity Made展示板上看到Unity开发人员使用我们的产品创建的一些很棒的东西。 我们将提供22种不同的开发人员的游戏和经验,这些开发人员的范围从2D到3D再到VR。 摇摆,玩耍并直接与开发人员交谈,以了解他们如何构建自己的游戏。 您还可以在2017年2月27日在Mission Street 981号举行的Unity赞助的Media Indie Exchange(MIX)年度GDC活动中看到Unity开发的更多功能。 访问他们的 网站, 以了解更多有关如何玩所有这些很棒的Unity制作体验的信息(最近一次超过30种)。

Don’t forget to have a great show, and stay up to date on the latest Unity @ GDC news by following us on Facebook and Twitter

不要忘记进行精彩的表演,并通过在FacebookTwitter上关注我们来了解Unity @ GDC的最新消息。

Photo by www.gdconf.com.


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/02/15/join-unity-at-gdc-2017/

unity 2017





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