unity 2017_Unity GDC 2017主题演讲的更新

unity 2017

Our GDC 2017 Keynote just ended a few moments ago here in San Francisco. For those who couldn’t join live, you can watch the recording here:

我们的GDC 2017主题演讲不久前在旧金山结束了。 对于那些无法现场直播的人,您可以在这里观看录音:


CEO John Riccitiello was joined on stage by CTO Joachim Ante, Technical Director Lucas Meijer, Founder David Helgason, along with other Unity Technologies staff and some of our esteemed partners to celebrate a few milestones, reflect on the Unity 5 lifecycle, and share our vision for 2017 and beyond.

首席技术官Joachim Ante,技术总监Lucas Meijer,创始人David Helgason以及其他Unity Technologies员工和我们一些受尊敬的合作伙伴一起加入了首席执行官John Riccitiello的舞台,庆祝一些里程碑,反思Unity 5生命周期,并分享我们的愿景适用于2017年及以后。

2016 was a pivotal year and after hard work we’re releasing more stable builds — a 38% drop in support tickets shows we’re making great progress! We’re more committed than ever to our pledge of improving the quality and stability of Unity and we can’t wait for you to see what we have in store for 2017.

2016年是关键的一年,经过艰苦的努力,我们发布了更稳定的版本-支持票数下降了38%表明我们正在取得巨大进步! 我们比以往任何时候都更加致力于提高Unity的质量和稳定性,我们迫不及待地希望您看到我们2017年的产品。

Unity 5.6 (Unity 5.6)

Unity 5 came to life two years ago at GDC 2015. It’s been an incredible era, with so many remarkable Made with Unity games and experiences created in that time such as Firewatch, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Lara Croft Go, Job Simulator, Assassin’s Creed Identity, and Super Mario Run. Today we announced that 5.6, the final installment of Unity 5, will be released on March 31.

两年前,Unity 5在GDC 2015上崭露头角。这是一个令人难以置信的时代,它创造了许多出色的Unity制作游戏,并在当时创造了许多经验,例如Firewatch,Star Wars:英雄银河,Lara Croft Go,Job Simulator,刺客信条:身份和超级马里奥奔跑。 今天我们宣布,Unity 5的最后一部分5.6将在3月31日发布。

Here’s a brief rundown of the key 5.6 features talked about in the keynote:


Progressive Lightmapper: Gives you immediate feedback when trying out different lighting scenarios, with selective baking, super fast iteration, and debugging.

渐进式光照贴图器: 在尝试不同的光照场景时,通过选择性烘焙,超快速迭代和调试为您提供即时反馈。

Vulkan: ARM, Infinite Dream & Unity built a demo with SkyForce Reloaded to demonstrate how how Vulkan maximizes performance and reduces battery usage.

Vulkan: ARM,Infinite Dream&Unity使用SkyForce Reloaded构建了一个演示, 以演示Vulkan如何最大程度地提高性能并减少电池消耗。


To learn how to get the most from Vulkan in Unity, be sure to attend the GDC session presented by ARM on Thursday, 10AM – Room 3022 West Hall.

要了解如何从Unity的Vulkan中获得最大收益,请务必参加 由ARM 在周四上午10点–西大厅3022室 举行的 GDC会议

Metal: Apple Metal graphics API gives you access to the raw power of the chipsets on your devices. Now, available directly in the editor on MacOS, you can view scenes in editor as it will appear when you deploy on a device. Unity 5.5 added instancing, the ability to write native Metal shaders — 5.6 brings Metal Compute. Developer nWay got on stage with their upcoming game Power Rangers: Legacy Wars to show off the full potential of Metal. Thank you to surprise special guests Ludi Lin and Jason David Frank of Power Rangers fame for joining us on stage!

金属: Apple Metal图形API使您可以访问设备上芯片组的原始功能。 现在,可以在MacOS上的编辑器中直接使用它,您可以在编辑器中查看场景,就像在设备上进行部署时所显示的那样。 Unity 5.5增加了实例化,可以编写本机的Metal着色器-5.6带来了Metal Compute。 开发人员nWay即将推出的游戏《电力别动队:传统战争》登场,以展示《合金》的全部潜力。 谢谢令特别嘉宾感到惊讶的是Power Rangers的Ludi Lin和Jason David Frank加入我们的舞台!


2D Tools: Unity 5.6 is adding CompositeCollider2D, an outline editor, 2D physics contacts API and more.

2D工具 :Unity 5.6添加了CompositeCollider2D,轮廓编辑器,2D物理接触API等。

New NavMesh tools: improving AI and Pathfinding to more easily control character navigation through giant game worlds.


Unity Collaborate Beta: A simple way for teams to save, share, and sync their Unity project — all Cloud hosted! Unity Collaborate has entered open beta so be sure to sign up now!

Unity Collaborate Beta: 团队保存,共享和同步其Unity项目的一种简单方法-全部托管在云端! Unity Collaborate已进入公开测试版,因此请务必立即注册!

Performance Reporting: Unity Performance Reporting automatically collects errors across various devices and platforms making it easier for you to find and fix issues in real time. New in Unity 5.6, it will capture and report native crashes recorded for iOS games.  

性能报告: Unity Performance Reporting自动收集各种设备和平台上的错误,使您可以更轻松地实时查找和解决问题。 Unity 5.6中的新增功能,它将捕获并报告为iOS游戏记录的本机崩溃。  

TextMesh Pro: We’re happy to announce that one of the top performing tools on the Unity Asset Store which features Advanced Text Rendering with Dynamic Visual Text Styling along with greatly improved control over text formatting and layout, will now be available for free to users of 5.3+ and natively integrated into Unity in the future.

TextMesh Pro: 我们很高兴地宣布,Unity Asset Store上性能最高的工具之一,将免费提供给用户免费,该工具具有高级文本渲染功能以及动态可视化文本样式功能,并大大改善了对文本格式和布局的控制5.3及更高版本,将来会本地集成到Unity中。

Visit the Unity Asset Store to get TextMesh Pro now.

访问Unity Asset Store立即获取TextMesh Pro

VR platforms: 5.6 will ship with Google Daydream and Cardboard which includes Android and iOS.

VR平台: Google Daydream和Cardboard附带5.6,其中包括Android和iOS。

平台类 (Platforms)

Because your success is our success, we’re grateful to work with wonderful partners like Facebook and Xiaomi to bring you new opportunities to seek global distribution and discovery.


As one of the top handset manufacturers and Android app stores in China, Xiaomi is now offering Western developers direct access to the Chinese market. Unity developers with global vision can learn more here.

作为中国最大的手机制造商和Android应用商店之一,小米现在为西方开发人员提供了直接进入中国市场的渠道。 具有全球视野的Unity开发人员可以 在此处 了解 更多信息

虚拟现实 (VR)

Since the alpha release in December, Editor VR has been downloaded more than 6,000 times. We’ve been so pleased to see all the useful and amazing tools the community’s created in response, that we’ve been inspired to hold a contest for the best EditorVR tool. There’s a cash prize and the winner will be chosen and showcased at Vision Summit 2017. We’ll have a few more details for you soon.

自从12月发布alpha版本以来,Editor VR已被下载超过6,000次。 我们很高兴看到社区创建的所有有用和令人惊叹的工具,以至于我们受到启发举办了关于最佳EditorVR工具的竞赛。 有现金奖,获奖者将被选出并在Vision Summit 2017上展示。 我们将尽快为您提供更多详细信息。

The Unity Labs team is also working with partners like Oculus, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR, and Daydream on a newly announced XR Foundation Toolkit, a framework for XR developers and artists to get up-to-speed as quickly as possible creating immersive experiences. We’ll have more info at our upcoming Vision VR/AR Summit, so stay tuned!

Unity Labs团队还与Oculus,HTC Vive,PlayStation VR和Daydream等合作伙伴合作,共同开发了新发布的XR Foundation Toolkit,该框架使XR开发人员和艺术家能够尽快掌握最新技术,从而创造沉浸式体验。 我们将在即将举行的Vision VR / AR峰会上提供更多信息,敬请期待!

As part of our commitment to artists using Unity, we are excited to announce our Artist in Residence program. Our first position is now open and you can apply here.

作为对使用Unity的艺术家的承诺的一部分,我们很高兴宣布我们的驻留艺术家计划。 我们现在的职位空缺,您可以在这里申请

展望Unity 2017 (A look ahead at Unity 2017)

We’re excited to enter this new generation of Unity with Unity 2017, entering beta in April. We’ll continue our commitment to improve key areas like graphics, stability, efficiency, and platform growth, as well as a new dedicated focus area: artists and designers. Unity has always been a tool for programmers, but to improve overall team productivity and collaboration for the entire team, we’re starting to introduce a series of features designed specifically for artists and designers across disciplines, from technical artists, to lighting artists, animators and more.

我们很高兴能与Unity 2017一起进入新一代Unity,并于4月进入beta版本。 我们将继续致力于改善关键领域,例如图形,稳定性,效率和平台增长,以及一个新的专注领域:艺术家和设计师。 Unity一直是程序员的工具,但是为了提高整个团队的整体生产力和整个团队的协作能力,我们开始引入一系列专为跨学科的艺术家和设计师而设计的功能,从技术艺术家到灯光艺术家,动画师和更多。

Upcoming features include:

即将推出的 功能包括:

  • New scriptable rendering pipeline that will allow developers to customize and extend render loops for mobile, HD and VR/AR.

    新的可脚本化渲染管道,使开发人员可以自定义和扩展针对移动,高清和VR / AR的渲染循环。

  • Timeline & Cinemachine:
    Timeline is a track-based sequencing tool that applies a “drag and drop” approach to choreograph animations, sounds, events, videos and more, will make it easier for storytellers to compose stunning cinematics. Cinemachine is Unity’s smart camera system, for gameplay cameras, cutscenes, film and TV pipelines and everything in between. It allows you to create cameras which follow your direction and dynamically compose shots of variable scenarios.

    时间轴是基于轨道的排序工具,可对编排动画,声音,事件,视频等应用“拖放”方法,使讲故事的人更容易创作出震撼人心的电影。 Cinemachine是Unity的智能相机系统,用于游戏机,过场动画,电影和电视管道以及介于两者之间的所有内容。 它使您可以按照自己的方向创建相机并动态地为可变场景构图。

You can check out the video of the demo presented at GDC, and best of all you can try the preview build of Timeline now.

您可以查看在GDC上演示的视频 ,而最好的是现在可以尝试 预览时间轴

Needless to say, we’re very excited about the year ahead, and thank you for being part of this journey.


We hope you enjoy the rest of GDC week! You can find out more about Unity at GDC by visiting our landing page, but don’t forget to visit our Made with Unity Showcase and Partner Pavilion at our booth South Hall #1402. Hope to see you there!

我们希望您喜欢GDC剩下的一周! 您可以访问我们的登录页面,在GDC上找到有关Unity的更多信息,但不要忘记在我们的展位South Hall#1402上访问我们的Unity展示柜和合作伙伴展厅 。 希望在那里见到你!

Not at GDC in person this year? Take your networking online! Now is a great time to join Unity Connect, our talent marketplace. Whether you’re an artist, programmer, VR/AR developer, Unity Connect is a place to showcase your work to industry talent seekers with a free online portfolio.

今年不亲自去GDC吗? 使您的网络在线! 现在是加入人才市场Unity Connect的绝佳时机。 无论您是艺术家,程序员,VR / AR开发人员,Unity Connect都可以通过免费的在线作品集向行业求职者展示您的作品。

Or, if you’re looking for help, try Tasks, where you can reach out to the Unity Connect community to find experts to help you overcome roadblocks and keep your project moving toward the finish line. You can also leverage your own skills to earn some extra income helping others with their projects. Whether you’re looking for talent or a place to use your strengths, take a look: nearly 1,000 companies have already joined Unity Connect looking for game dev talent and are posting jobs.

或者,如果您正在寻求帮助,请尝试“任务”,您可以在这里与Unity Connect社区联系,找到专家来帮助您克服障碍,并使您的项目步入终点。 您还可以利用自己的技能来获得一些额外的收入,从而帮助其他人完成他们的项目。 无论您是在寻找人才还是在发挥自己优势的地方,都请看一下:近1,000家公司已经加入Unity Connect,以寻找游戏开发人才并正在招聘职位。

使用Unity Plus:Accelerator Pack快速跟踪您的开发 (Fast Track Your Development with Unity Plus: Accelerator Pack)

And one more thing. We recently introduced the Unity Plus: Accelerator Pack designed to help developers, artists, or programmers fast track their development. For a limited time, every new Plus subscription will come with the Accelerator Pack, which includes three top-selling productivity assets (a $190 value) for FREE:

还有一件事情。 我们最近推出了Unity Plus:加速器包,旨在帮助开发人员,艺术家或程序员快速跟踪其开发。 在限定时间内,每个新的Plus订阅都将随附Accelerator Pack,其中包括免费提供的三项最畅销的生产力资产(价值190美元):

  • Playmaker, a powerful visual scripting tool


  • Amplify Shader Editor, an intuitive shader creator

    Amplify Shader Editor,直观的着色器创建者

  • Ultimate FPS, a first person controller solution  

    Ultimate FPS,第一人称控制器解决方案

Altogether, the pack helps boost your productivity and bypass time-consuming coding so you can focus your energy on the parts of their project that inspired you to get started in the first place.


Developers who are looking to get further faster can visit unity.com/accelerate to learn more and sign up.

希望更快发展的开发人员可以访问 unity.com/accelerate 了解更多信息并注册。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/02/28/updates-from-unitys-gdc-2017-keynote/

unity 2017





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