

Staying home for GDC this year? Here’s how you can join us online.

今年留在GDC在家吗? 您可以通过以下方式在线加入我们。

Soon, thousands of game developers will storm San Francisco for GDC, to spend a jam-packed week learning, exchanging ideas, getting inspired and making connections. It’s always one of my favorite industry events of the year, and luckily, because GDC happens in my hometown, I’ve been able to attend (nearly) every one of them for the past decade. I am particularly excited this year because we are going BIG for Unity at GDC, with a ton of amazing sessions and more across several locations — you don’t even need a badge for a lot of it!

很快,成千上万的游戏开发人员将赶赴旧金山前往GDC ,花费大量时间学习,交流思想,获得启发并建立联系。 这一直是我一年中最喜欢的行业盛会之一,而且幸运的是,由于GDC发生在我的家乡,所以过去十年来,我(几乎)每个人都能参加。 我今年特别激动,因为我们 在GDC参加Unity的 BIG大会,举行了许多令人惊叹的会议,并且在多个地方都有更多的会议–您甚至不需要很多徽章!

Unfortunately, many reasons can prevent a person from being able to attend GDC. Are you, like many others, watching from afar this year? While you will be missed, you are certainly not forgotten. Here are just some of the ways you can join us online, from the comfort of your own home or office. You can even stay in your pajamas — I won’t tell. Come chat with your fellow Unity community members in our live chats, on the forum, and on social media.

不幸的是,许多原因会阻止一个人参加GDC。 您是否像其他许多人一样,在今年远处观看? 虽然您会被错过,但您肯定不会被遗忘。 您可以在舒适的家中或办公室中通过以下方式在线加入我们。 您甚至可以留在睡衣中-我不会告诉您。 通过我们的实时聊天, 论坛和社交媒体与您的Unity社区成员聊天。

了解Unity的未来 (Catch a glimpse into the future of Unity)

Bookmark our Unity at GDC landing page or set a reminder on our YouTube channel so you don’t miss the Unity at GDC keynote on Monday, March 19 at 6:30pm PT.

在GDC登陆页面上为Unity加上书签或在我们的YouTube频道上设置提醒,这样您就不会错过3月19日星期一下午6:30的GDC Unity主题演讲。

This will be our first deep dive into Unity 2018 and beyond, and you’ll get to hear about our latest innovations covering artist tools, graphics, and the future of performance from John Riccitiello (CEO), Danny Lange (VP of AI & Machine Learning), Brett Bibby (VP of Engineering), Natasha Tatarchuk (Director of Global Graphics), Joachim Ante (CTO), and Lucas Meijer (Technical Director).

这将是我们第一次深入了解Unity 2018及以后的版本,您将听到John Riccitiello(首席执行官),首席执行官Danny Lange(人工智能与机器部门副总裁)讲述艺术家工具,图形以及性能未来的最新创新。学习),布雷特·比比(工程副总裁),娜塔莎·塔塔丘克(全球图形总监),约阿希姆·安特(CTO)和卢卡斯·梅耶尔(技术总监)。

GDC展会时间表上的Unity Live (Unity Live at GDC show schedule)

Hosted by Will Goldstone (Product Manager) and Liz Mercuri (Technical Evangelist), our interview style talk show will air at 9am (PT) on March 20 – 22 on YouTube and Facebook Live. We have an exciting lineup in store for you, so take a peek at the schedule below.

由我们的产品经理Will Goldstone和技术传播者Liz Mercuri主持的访谈风格脱口秀将于3月20日至22日上午9点(太平洋时间)在YouTubeFacebook Live上播出。 我们为您准备了激动人心的产品阵容,因此请查看下面的时间表。

Tuesday, March 20 – 9am – 10am (PT)


Oculus Start Program – Kasey Galang, Head of Developer Ecosystem, Oculus VR

Oculus启动计划 – Oculus VR开发者生态系统负责人Kasey Galang

Augmented Reality – Brad Weiers, AR/VR Technical Product Manager, Unity

增强现实 – Unity AR / VR技术产品经理Brad Weiers

Vuforia – Vinny Da Silva, Global Vuforia Evangelist

Vuforia –全球Vuforia传播者Vinny Da Silva

Porting Unity Experiences to Windows Mixed Reality – Jaime Rodriguez, Principal Program Manager, WDG

将Unity体验移植到Windows Mixed Reality – WDG首席项目经理Jaime Rodriguez

Unity Connect challenges – Nathan Ventura, Product Marketing Manager, Unity

Unity Connect挑战Unity产品营销经理Nathan Ventura

Wednesday, March 21 – 9am – 10am (PT)


Universal Game Dev Challenge – Learn more about one of the biggest developer challenges Unity’s ever run!

通用游戏开发挑战赛 –了解有关Unity有史以来最大的开发人员挑战之一的信息!

D.R.O.N.E. – Peter Rößl, Lead Game Designer & Tomasz Stobierski, Lead Graphics Programmer, Five Studios Interactive

无人机 -彼得ROSSL,首席游戏设计师和托马斯Stobierski,首席图形程序员,五影城互动



Visual Studio – Miguel de Icaza, Distinguished Engineer, Microsoft

Visual Studio – Miguel de Icaza,Microsoft杰出工程师

Zoink Developing in 2.5D With Unity – Klaus Lyngeled, Creative Director, Zoink

Zoink使用Unity在2.5D中开发 – Zoink创意总监Klaus Lyngeled

Thursday, March 22 – 9am – 10am (PT)


Unity Machine Learning – Jeff Shih, Senior Product Manager Machine Learning, Unity

Unity机器学习Unity机器学习高级产品经理Jeff Shih

Unity Education – Jessica Lindl, Global Head of Education, Unity

Unity教育Unity全球教育主管Jessica Lindl

Developing on new Oculus hardware – Unannounced guest

在新的Oculus硬件上进行开发 –尚未宣布的来宾

In the Valley of Gods – Sean Vanaman, Co-founder & Chris Remo, Designer/Composer, Campo Santo

在众神谷 –坎普·桑托(Campo Santo)联合创始人肖恩·瓦纳曼(Sean Vanaman)和设计师/作曲家克里斯·雷莫(Chris Remo)

Unity SDK for Mixer – Gersh Payzer, Software Engineer Lead, Mixer (Xbox)

Unity SDK for Mixer – Gersh Payzer,Mixer(Xbox)软件工程师主管

但是会话呢? (But what about sessions?)

UDPATE: Due to popular demand, we will be streaming select sessions from Unity Central. Check the landing page for the schedule and links. For other sessions, check back after GDC for the recordings. Subscribe to our YouTube channel if you want to be notified when they go live.

UDPATE:由于需求旺盛,我们将流式传输来自Unity Central的精选会话。 检查登录页面上的时间表和链接。 对于其他会话,请在GDC之后再回来查看录像。 如果您想在直播时收到通知,请订阅我们的YouTube频道

TwitterFacebookInstagram上关注我们 (Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram)

In fact, don’t just follow — say hello! Unity’s social media and community team (myself included) will be sending live #UnityatGDC updates throughout the week. We hope to see you in the comments!

实际上,不要只是跟随-打个招呼! Unity的社交媒体和社区团队(包括我本人)将在整个星期内发送实时#UnityatGDC更新。 我们希望看到您的评论!







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