gdc矫正_从前线发送:Pixelles @ GDC


It’s no secret: we’re passionate about getting more women into gaming and empowering the ones who are here. While we’ve kicked off our own talk series (and have yet-announced projects to come!), we’re also proud to partner with like-minded organizations, too.

这不是什么秘密:我们热衷于让更多的女性参与游戏并赋予这里的女性力量。 尽管我们已经开始了自己的演讲系列(并且尚未宣布项目!),但我们也很自豪能与志趣相投的组织合作。

Earlier this year we had the opportunity to support Pixelles — the Montreal-based non-profit focused on building a more diverse and inclusive game industry — and we couldn’t pass it up. Alongside friends including Square Enix and Eidos, Unity helped sponsor the Pixelles Ensemble, providing GDC attendance for a group of 25 women and genderqueer game developers from 8 countries. GDC is hands-down one of the most important events in our industry: it’s where we learn valuable skills, connect with friends and colleagues, advance career opportunities, with benefits for years to come. And without Pixelles and the work of its partners, these devs would have missed those same chances we too often take for granted.

今年早些时候,我们有机会支持 Pixelles (总部位于蒙特利尔的非营利性组织,致力于建立一个更加多元化和包容性的游戏产业),但我们不能一pass而就。 除Square Enix和Eidos等朋友外,Unity还赞助了Pixelles合奏团,为来自8个国家的25名女性和性别趣味游戏开发商提供了GDC出席。 GDC是我们行业中最重要的活动之一:在这里,我们可以学习宝贵的技能,与朋友和同事联系,发展职业机会,并受益匪浅。 如果没有Pixelles及其合作伙伴的帮助,这些开发人员将错过我们常常认为理所当然的那些机会。

 But don’t just take our word for it. Read on to hear directly from some of these developers and creators — who knows, you could see them onstage next year!

但是,不要仅仅相信我们的话。 请继续阅读,直接听取其中一些开发人员和创作者的信息-知道,明年您可以在舞台上看到他们!

“Pixelles Ensemble was life changing for me. At first I felt a bit like an impostor even though I realized that almost everybody feels the same way. There was even a talk about it which was really reassuring. But as the days passed, I felt more and more comfortable and realized that I have my place in this industry, but maybe not in the context I know which is fine and even more inspiring.” – Valerie L, Production Coordinator

“ Pixelles合奏为我改变了生活。 起初,我意识到自己几乎是个冒名顶替者,尽管我意识到几乎每个人都有相同的感觉。 甚至有一个关于它的谈话确实让人放心。 但是随着时间的流逝,我越来越感到自在,并意识到自己在这个行业中占有一席之地,但也许在我不知道哪种情况很好而且更有启发性的情况下,我却没有。 – Valerie L,生产协调员

“Attending GDC was one of the best experiences of my life. It was incredibly valuable for me to have the opportunity to meet and talk shop with my peers outside of Montreal. I have no doubt that the connections I made there will prove a source of professional insight for years to come.” – Jana S.V.G., Narrative Designer, Canada

“参加GDC是我一生中最好的经历之一。 有机会与蒙特利尔以外的同行会面和交谈对我来说是非常宝贵的。 我毫不怀疑,我在那里建立的联系将在未来几年证明是专业见解的来源。” – Jana SVG,加拿大叙事设计师

“The moment GDC was over, I was already thinking and making plans for the next one. It was my first time, and I feel I was able to get a lout of the experience. The biggest thing for me at GDC was making new friends who share my love for making games and who I can learn from and discuss my work with.” – Nataly C, Programmer, Israel

“当GDC结束时,我已经在思考并为下一个计划制定计划。 这是我的第一次,我觉得我可以从中获得很多经验。 在GDC上,对我来说最大的事情就是结识新朋友,他们分享我对制作游戏的热爱,并可以向我学习和讨论我的工作。” – 以色列程序员Nataly C

“Thank you so much for this opportunity! GDC was an amazing experience and I was able to bring valuable information that will improve my job localizing games. Two days ago, I submitted a paper proposal to LocWorld Montreal and will definitely apply to MIGS 2016 and GDC 2017. I hope I can also inspire translators and companies to have their games more accessible to all genders — everywhere.” – Isabela P, Localization, Canada

“非常感谢您这次机会! GDC是一次了不起的经历,我得以带来宝贵的信息,这些信息将改善我的游戏本地化工作。 两天前,我向蒙特利尔LocWorld提交了一份纸质提案,肯定会适用于MIGS 2016和GDC2017。我希望我也能启发翻译人员和公司,让他们的游戏在任何地方都更适合所有性别。 – Isabela P,加拿大本地化







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