项目 : 预测波士顿房价_团结波士顿更新:早鸟票销售将于明天结束。 部分时间表到了!

项目 : 预测波士顿房价

Unite Boston is just two months away! Early Bird ticket pricing ends tomorrow (Friday, July 24), so be sure to register now to save $70!

团结波士顿仅两个月之遥! 早鸟票的定价将于明天(7月24日,星期五)结束,因此请务必立即注册以节省$ 70!

As a reminder, the conference will take place at the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center in Boston on September 21-23. All details here: http://unity3d.com/unite/boston

作为提醒,会议将于9月21日至23日在波士顿的约翰·海因斯退伍军人纪念会议中心举行。 此处的所有详细信息: http : //unity3d.com/unite/boston

A partial conference schedule is available including sessions to be presented by experts in the Unity community. Scroll down to view the list (note: date/time of sessions still subject to change). Sessions range in topic from postmortems and best practices to tech-intensive and specific workflow presentations.

提供部分会议时间表,包括由Unity社区的专家介绍的会议。 向下滚动以查看列表( 注意 :会话的日期/时间仍可能更改)。 会议的主题范围从验尸和最佳实践到技术密集型和特定的工作流演示。

Details regarding sessions given by Unity reps will be added soon. In the meantime, here is what you can expect:

有关Unity代表提供的会话的详细信息将很快添加。 同时,这是您可以期望的:

    In addition to the learning and networking, there’s still a chance to submit your game for the 8th Unity Awards! Hurry, we close submissions on July 31, 2015. Details here.

    除了学习和建立网络,还有机会为第八届Unity大奖提交您的游戏! 快点,我们在2015年7月31日,详情关闭提交这里

    Here is the first batch of talks presented by experts in the Unity community. More to come (date/time of sessions still subject to change):

    这是Unity社区的专家进行的第一批演讲。 更多内容(会议日期/时间可能随时更改):

    11 Games for 30 Players in 12 Months by Peter Vigeant (ESC) – 09/23/15 01:30 PM

    Peter Vigeant(ESC)– 12月30日为11个游戏的30名玩家 15/9/23 PM

    ESC is a new, unique gaming platform where up to 30 players are immersed in a world supported by professional lighting and show effects, surround sound and a 30-foot curved screen that projects all of the action. Our team worked over five years to bring the experience to life and early this Spring, the first two public locations opened in Philadelphia and Riverside, California, with a third on the way. Discover the lessons learned and challenges faced as Kevin Harper, the lead developer, and Pete Vigeant, the lead game designer, present the story behind the 11 launch titles of ESC.

    ESC是一个独特的新游戏平台,多达30名玩家沉浸在一个由专业照明和表演效果,环绕声和30英尺弧形屏幕(可投射所有动作)支持的世界中。 我们的团队花了五年的时间使体验变得生动起来,今年春天初,前两个公共场所分别在加利福尼亚州的费城和里弗赛德市开业,而第三个公共场所也在路上。 了解首席开发人员Kevin Harper和首席游戏设计师Pete Vigeant总结的经验教训和面临的挑战,介绍ESC的11个发行头衔背后的故事。


    5 Must Know Design Strategies for Better VR Games by Nicole Lazzaro (XEODesign) – 09/21/15 04:00 PM

    Nicole Lazzaro(XEODesign)– 5/09/21/15 04:00 PM: 5种必须了解更好VR游戏 设计策略

    Virtual Reality. From the dawn of time games have always created it. It’s the magic circle where we transport our players for a few minutes, a few hours, a few days even years. With today’s new Virtual Reality Headsets and AR Smart Glasses we finally reach the intersection of movie like immersion and the interaction possibilities of games. On one hand Virtual Reality offers an unprecedented theater for engagement on the other it presents more physiological, psychological, and gameplay challenges than all other platform shifts in game’s history combined. The talk presents the 5 most common mistakes VR/AR developers make discovered in XEODesign’s year of VR research. We then present practical VR design strategies to overcome them. If you want to ship a VR/AR game and not a barfatorium you must see this talk!

    虚拟现实。 从时间的曙光开始,游戏总是创造出来的。 在这个魔术圈里,我们将球员运送了几分钟,几个小时,几天甚至几年。 借助当今新的虚拟现实耳机和AR智能眼镜,我们终于达到了沉浸式电影与游戏互动可能性的交集。 一方面,虚拟现实提供了前所未有的参与体验,另一方面,与游戏历史上所有其他平台变化的总和相比,虚拟现实提出了更多的生理,心理和游戏挑战。 演讲介绍了XEODesign在VR研究之年发现的VR / AR开发人员最常犯的5个错误。 然后,我们提出了实用的VR设计策略来克服它们。 如果您想发布VR / AR游戏而不是Barfatorium,那么您必须看这篇演讲!


    A coder’s guide to spline-based procedural geometry by Joachim Holmér (Neat Corporation) – 09/21/15 02:00 PM

    Joachim Holmér (Neat Corporation) 的基于样条曲线的过程几何的编码指南 15/09/21

    Procedural generation is a popular approach for creating content thanks to its flexibility and scalability – but how do you actually do it? This talk will blast you through everything you need to know for creating procedural geometry and manipulating them with splines.

    程序生成由于其灵活性和可伸缩性而成为创建内容的一种流行方法,但是您实际上是如何做到的呢? 本讲座将为您介绍创建过程几何并使用样条曲线进行操作所需的所有知识。


    A Little Math for Your Big Ideas by Ziba Scott (Popcannibal) – 09/22/15 01:30 PM

    Ziba Scott(Popcannibal) 的小数学为您的大创意 15/09/22下午01:30

    Unity has democratized game creation. Developers with wildly varying training and backgrounds are making brilliant games. Don’t let your “non-traditional” background stop you from chasing your best world bending ideas.

    Unity使游戏创作民主化。 经过不同培训和背景的开发人员正在制作出色的游戏。 不要让您的“非传统”背景阻止您追求最佳的世界创意。

    Feel a rush of empowerment as we adventure through simple examples of vector math and world/local space transforms to build a multi-threaded buoyancy system.


    Topics: vector manipulation (addition, scaling, cross product, normalizing, comparing), World/local space transforms, thread safe operations, reducing garbage collection, buoyancy.


    Best Practices for Multiplatform Distribution by Robert Baily (JumpStart) – 09/22/15 11:30 AM

    Robert Baily(JumpStart)的 多平台分发最佳实践 15/09/22 AM

    From the creators of School of Dragons, the wildly popular MMORPG based on DreamWorks Animation’s How to Train Your Dragon franchise, comes the best practices in multiplatform distribution. Available via Amazon, Google Play, Windows, the App Store, and Steam – among other platforms – School of Dragons has grown to more than 15 million players worldwide. Its creators will share insight in the areas of art, asset processing, build automation, runtime configuration, and auditing for developing multiplatform games.

    来自《龙之学院》的创作者,基于DreamFactory动画公司的《如何训练您的龙》专营权而广受欢迎的MMORPG,是多平台发行中的最佳实践。 可通过Amazon,Google Play,Windows,App Store和Steam等平台使用-Dragon Schools在全球范围内已拥有超过1500万播放器。 它的创建者将在艺术,资产处理,构建自动化,运行时配置以及开发多平台游戏的审核方面分享见解。


    Building Smart Toys with Unity by Jean-Philippe Auclair (Frima Studio) – 09/22/15 02:00 PM

    让-菲利普·奥克莱尔(Frima Studio)制作的 具有统一性 智能玩具 15/9/22

    Who has not heard of Skylanders, LEGO Dimension, the new talking Barbie or Disney Playmation? In this talk we’ll show you how Unity helped us make some cool connected toy experiences. From debugging the hardware to creating new smart toy interactions, we wanted something flexible enough. Unity was a great fit and we’ll show you how.

    谁没有听说过Skylanders,LEGO Dimension,新说话的芭比娃娃或迪士尼Playmation? 在本讲座中,我们将向您展示Unity如何帮助我们做出一些很棒的联网玩具体验。 从调试硬件到创建新的智能玩具交互,我们需要足够灵活的东西。 Unity非常适合,我们将向您展示。


    Complex Mecanim Machines by Aaron Horne (RatDog Games) – 09/21/15 05:30 PM

    亚伦·霍恩(RatDog Games) 制作的 复杂Mecanim机器 09/21/15 05:30 PM

    Ever tried to build an actual animation state machine?  Ever wanted to create something more complex and deep than what you might create with an online tutorial?  This talk will guide you into the next level of state machine design and show you the powerful features of Unity’s Mecanim animation system state machine.  We’ll explore the process and implementation of an actual character’s animation state machine, how and why it was set up a particular way for Unity v4.x and how it was enhanced after the Unity v5.x updates.

    是否曾经尝试构建实际的动画状态机? 是否曾经想创建比使用在线教程更复杂,更深入的东西? 本讲座将指导您进入状态机设计的新高度,并向您展示Unity的Mecanim动画系统状态机的强大功能。 我们将探讨实际角色的动画状态机的过程和实现,以及如何以及为何为Unity v4.x设置特定方式,以及如何在Unity v5.x更新后对其进行增强。

    Continuous Integration with Unity by Jonathan Peppers (Hitcents) – 09/21/15 06:00 PM

    Jonathan Peppers(Hitcents)– 15/9/21/15 与Unity 持续集成

    Continuous Integration is a concept that has not quite yet surfaced as a standard practice for game development. Learn the steps to set up continuous integration with Unity, including source control, using Unity Cloud Build, using Unity Test Tools for testing, distributing builds to services like HockeyApp or Dropbox, writing command-line build scripts with FAKE, and upgrading to your own CI server with TeamCity for more advanced scenarios.

    持续集成这个概念尚未作为游戏开发的标准实践浮出水面。 了解设置与Unity的持续集成的步骤,包括源代码控制,使用Unity Cloud Build,使用Unity Test Tools进行测试,将构建分发到HockeyApp或Dropbox等服务,使用FAKE编写命令行构建脚本以及升级到自己的具有TeamCity的CI服务器,用于更高级的方案。

    Taking a few steps towards full continuous integration will benefit any game and save you time: from starting to use source control or just setting up automated builds.


    Creating the Galaxy with Unity 5: Disruptor Beam on Star Trek Timelines by Jon Radoff (Disruptor Beam) – 09/23/15 11:30 AM

    使用Unity 5创建银河:《星际迷航》时间表上的干扰光束 ,乔恩·拉德夫(Jon Radoff)(干扰光束)– 2015 9 23日11:30

    Disruptor Beam CEO, Jon Radoff, and Senior Technical Designer, Jason Booth, will discuss how they’ve created a massively multiplayer 3D space game that delivers the same level of polish players expect to see in PC and console gaming, but on phones and tablets – all leveraging Unity 5 features.  They will go into detail about how the Disruptor Beam team has used real time reflection probes and physically based rendering, as well as the content streaming and procedural rendering technology that Disruptor Beam built on top of the Unity 5 engine.

    Disruptor Beam首席执行官Jon Radoff和高级技术设计师Jason Booth将讨论他们如何创建大型多人3D太空游戏,该游戏可以提供与PC和主机游戏相同的抛光水平,但可以在手机和平​​板电脑上看到–所有利用Unity 5功能。 他们将详细介绍Disruptor Beam团队如何使用实时反射探针和基于物理的渲染,以及Disruptor Beam在Unity 5引擎之上构建的内容流和程序渲染技术。


    Creating UniMerge: What happens when you fill a feature hole and put it on the Asset Store by Matthew Schoen (Defective Studios) – 09/23/15 02:00 PM

    创建UniMerge:填充特征Kong并将其放到Asset Store上时,会发生什么情况 Matthew Schoen(缺陷工作室)– 15/23/15 02:00 PM

    Matt Schoen is a long-time Unity developer and creator of the semi-popular Editor Extension UniMerge: a tool for merging scenes and prefabs within the Unity Editor.  He maintains UniMerge as an ongoing side-project and has a long history of building third-party collaboration tools for Unity.  You’ll be hearing the story behind UniMerge, some of the challenges faced during its development and initial release on the Asset Store, and seeing some Real Numbers on sales and marketing.  The talk will contain a bit of how-to information, for those curious about UniMerge and how to collaborate well while using Unity.  You’ll also be getting the inside scoop on Asset Store publishing from the perspective of a software engineer with a strictly technical editor extension.  Finally, you’ll be seeing what the future might hold for UniMerge, and collaborative Unity development.

    Matt Schoen是Unity的长期开发人员,也是半流行的Editor Extension UniMerge的创建者:UniMerge是一种在Unity Editor中合并场景和预制件的工具。 他将UniMerge保留为正在进行的附带项目,并且拥有为Unity构建第三方协作工具的悠久历史。 您将听到UniMerge背后的故事,在其开发和在Asset Store上首次发布期间面临的一些挑战,以及在销售和市场营销中看到的一些实数。 对于那些对UniMerge以及如何在使用Unity时进行良好协作感到好奇的人,该演讲将包含一些操作方法信息。 从具有严格技术编辑器扩展的软件工程师的角度,您还将获得有关Asset Store发布的独家新闻。 最后,您将看到UniMerge和Unity协作开发的未来前景。


    Everything Connects, or How Everyone is a Developer at Dots by Chris Deaner (Dots) – 09/22/15 03:00 PM

    一切联系在一起,或者每个人如何在Dots上开发 Chris Deaner(Dots)– 2015 9 22日03:00 PM

    Dots and TwoDots were born from individual creators that have the ability to game design, graphic design, and code their visions to life. This model works fine when one person is able to bring all these unique skill sets to the table, but what happens when you try to build a a team around this model? Dot’s Head of Engineering, Chris Deaner will talk about how he believes that everyone that works at dots should consider themselves an engineer, an artist, and a musician and how Unity helps make that effort a reality.

    Dots和TwoDots是由具有游戏设计,图形设计并为生活愿景编码的能力的个人创造者出生的。 当一个人能够将所有这些独特的技能带到桌面时,该模型可以很好地工作,但是当您尝试围绕此模型建立团队时会发生什么呢? Dot的工程负责人Chris Deaner将谈论他如何相信每个从事点工作的人都应该将自己视为工程师,艺术家和音乐家,以及Unity如何帮助实现这一目标。

    Fallen Utopia – Bringing the World of PAMELA to Life with Unity 5 by Adam Simonar (NVYVE Studios) – 09/22/15 11:30 AM

    堕落的乌托邦– 由亚当·西蒙纳(NVYVE Studios) 撰写的 Unity 5将PAMELA的世界带入生活 15/09/22 11:30

    Game and Level Designers looking for an example of how to design and create great looking game environments, specifically high-end sci-fi. 3D-Artists will also see examples of how to better translate their assets into finished scenes. Lastly, Programmers and Technical Artists may also be interested in broadening their knowledge base by exploring the visual tools in Unity.

    游戏和关卡设计师正在寻找如何设计和创建美观的游戏环境(尤其是高端科幻游戏)的示例。 3D艺术家还将看到一些示例,这些示例如何更好地将其资产转换为完成的场景。 最后,程序员和技术美术师也可能对通过探索Unity中的可视化工具来扩大他们的知识库感兴趣。


    Filming Giant Virtual Vehicles: Procedural Cinematography in Homeworld Shipbreakers by Adam Myhill (Blackbird Interactive) – 09/21/15 04:00 PM

    拍摄巨型虚拟车:家庭世界中的“破船 者”中的 程序性摄影作品, 由Adam Myhill(Blackbird Interactive)– 09/21/15 04:00 PM

    Homeworld: Shipbreakers is a real-time strategy game in which hundreds of massive vehicles battle it out over the surface of a vast desert planet, harvesting resources from crashed spaceships as they struggle for survival in a harsh environment.  This talk discusses the cinematic tools and procedural camera systems used to create beautiful cutscenes of actors with variable performances.

    Homeworld:Shipbreakers是一款实时战略游戏,其中数百辆大型载具在广阔的沙漠星球表面上与之作战,在坠落的太空船上挣扎着在艰苦的环境中生存所需的资源。 本讲座讨论了用于创建具有可变表演的演员的美丽过场动画的电影工具和程序性摄像头系统。

    Hand-keying cameras is great when the performers do exactly the same things each time, but what about when the actors are AI driven, or the level changes, or if their speed changes?   Blackbird Interactive has developed a procedural suite of camera tools which allow film-maker type controls and rule-sets to procedurally compose and translate cameras in order to get great shots of the events in-game.   These systems emulate the way a cameraman would compose shots and they adapt to variances with the characters or vehicles or even level design.

    当表演者每次都做完全相同的事情时,手动摄影机非常棒,但是当演员被AI驱动,水平改变或速度改变时,该怎么办呢? Blackbird Interactive开发了一套摄影机工具程序集,使电影制作人的类型控件和规则集能够按照程序合成和翻译摄影机,从而获得游戏中事件的精彩镜头。 这些系统模仿摄影师构图的方式,并适应角色或车辆甚至关卡设计的差异。

    This talk will show juicy visuals and describe the mechanics behind them.  Cinematic camera emulation from composition to noise and camera transport methods will be deconstructed and shown in action. It should be of interest to anyone involved with gameplay cameras or cinematic presentation.

    本讲座将展示多汁的视觉效果并描述其背后的机制。 从构图到噪点的电影摄影机仿真以及摄影机传输方法将被解构并显示出来。 任何与游戏机或电影放映有关的人都应该对此感兴趣。


    How Sago Sago transformed the build process: a Cloud Build Case Study by Luke Lutman (Sago Sago) – 09/22/15 05:30 PM

    Sago Sago如何改变构建过程: Luke Lutman(Sago Sago) 的云构建案例研究 15 9 22日下午5:30

    An in-depth look at how Sago Sago transformed the build process for their award winning children’s apps using Unity Cloud Build. Lead developer Luke Lutman will take attendees through the journey of creating a scaleable and sustainable build process in Unity step-by-step. Using his from-the-trenches experience getting eight different projects up and running in Cloud Build, he will discuss why it has been a big win for Sago and cover all the technical challenges they faced along the way.

    深入了解Sago Sago如何使用Unity Cloud Build改变了获奖儿童应用程序的构建过程。 首席开发人员Luke Lutman将逐步引导参与者逐步在Unity中创建可扩展且可持续的构建过程。 他将利用自己的实践经验,在Cloud Build中启动并运行八个不同的项目,他将讨论为什么这对于Sago来说是一个巨大的胜利,并涵盖了他们一路面临的所有技术挑战。


    Process, Pipeline, Performance: A Super Blunt Tech Art Direction Crash Course for Indies by Anton Hand (RUST LTD.) – 09/23/15 10:00 AM

    流程,管道,性能: Anton Hand(RUST LTD。)的 印度超级钝器技术艺术指导速成班 15/09/23

    So you want to make an Indie game. You’ve got you, Chet, Daria, Emilio, and Emilio’s cat (who insists she’s totally boss at retopo work meow). You’ve got this grand vision, and you’re beginning to map out your game, and then it hits you. How on earth are you going to get all this done?

    因此,您想制作一个独立游戏。 您已经拥有了Chet,Daria,Emilio和Emilio的猫(他们坚持认为她完全是retopo工作喵的老板)。 您已经有了这个宏伟的愿景,并且开始规划自己的游戏,然后打中了您。 您到底将如何完成所有这些工作?

    In this talk, we’ll be covering how an informed pre-production comprising aesthetic direction, modelling style, asset management, lighting approach, and more are the difference between success and careening into a brick wall. We’ll talk to making the most of your human resources, unpack the difference between having specialists and generalists for line-asset production, when and how to use the Unity Asset Store best, and what design/production decisions are critical to lock-in up front. Lastly, we’ll briefly cover some multi-platform strategies, and the sorts of things to be aware of if eventually planning to scale down to mobile, or scale up to VR. Expect a rapid-fire pace, a fair bit of ranting, and the bluntness you might expect from a veteran 3d modeler who’s tired of seeing great projects go off the rails.

    在本次演讲中,我们将介绍如何进行明智的预生产,包括美学指导,建模风格,资产管理,照明方法等,以及成功与磨合到砖墙之间的区别。 我们将充分利用您的人力资源,探讨在生产线资产方面配备专家和通才之间的区别,何时以及如何最佳使用Unity Asset Store,以及哪些设计/生产决策对于锁定至关重要在前面。 最后,我们将简要介绍一些多平台策略,以及最终计划缩小到移动规模或扩大到VR时需要注意的事情。 期待快速的步伐,相当大的抱怨,以及您可能对资深3D建模者的直言不讳,因为他厌倦了看到伟大的项目脱轨。

    Race the Sun Optimization by Aaron San Filippo (Flippfly) – 09/22/15 06:00 PM

    亚伦·圣菲利波(Flippfly) 的《太阳竞赛》最佳化 15/09/22 06:00 PM

    Flippfly will go into depth on their efforts to optimize Race The Sun for the Playstation Vita and other mobile platforms. As a high-speed, 3D “endless racer,” Race The Sun had some unique challenges. Flippfly will detail how they overcame these challenges, and will briefly review some of the fundamentals of optimization that apply to all Unity games.

    Flippfly将深入努力优化Playstation Vita和其他移动平台的RaceSun。 作为高速3D“无尽赛车手”,“太阳赛跑”面临一些独特的挑战。 Flippfly将详细介绍他们如何克服这些挑战,并将简要回顾适用于所有Unity游戏的一些优化基础知识。


    Super Dungeon Bros and Unity Networking by Ryan Adams (React Games) – 09/22/15 05:30 PM

    超级地牢兄弟和Unity网络 作者:瑞安·亚当斯(Ryan Adams)(React Games)– 09/22/15 05:30 PM

    We will be discussing how we have have used Unity 5 to help us develop a fully networked game on 4 different platforms, including 2 new gen consoles in under 9 months. We will discuss the new features including Networking, Unity Events, and UGUI, what problems we ran into, and how you can effectively use these tools to create amazing games quickly.

    我们将讨论如何使用Unity 5在9个月内在4个不同平台(包括2个新一代游戏机)上开发完全联网的游戏。 我们将讨论新功能,包括网络,Unity Events和UGUI,我们遇到的问题以及如何有效使用这些工具快速创建出色的游戏。


    The Holodeck is Here – Designing for Room-Scale VR by Alex Schwartz (Owlchemy Labs) – 09/21/15 02:30 PM

    Holodeck来了– Alex Schwartz(Owlchemy Labs)的 房间规模VR设计 09/21/15 02:30 PM

    The HTC Vive is the first but certainly not the last piece of VR hardware to bring standing, room-scale experiences to the living room or dedicated VR room. As designers, the thought of designing an experience that works in any configuration or size of living room / office is daunting, with the sheer amount of unknowns in the mix. Owlchemy Labs shares their experiences designing room-scale VR experiences, learned through the development of Job Simulator, an official launch title for SteamVR / HTC Vive. Watch as the team discusses tracked input, considerations for real-world ergonomics, skill transference in VR, designing for tethered experiences, locomotion, and more.

    HTC Vive是第一个(但不是最后一个)VR硬件,它可以为客厅或专用VR室带来站立的,房间规模的体验。 作为设计师,设计一种可在任何配置或大小的客厅/办公室中使用的体验的想法令人生畏,同时还有大量未知因素。 Owlchemy Labs通过开发Job Simulator(SteamVR / HTC Vive的正式发布名称)分享了他们设计房间级VR体验的经验。 观看团队讨论跟踪的输入,现实世界中的人体工程学考虑因素,VR中的技能转移,系留体验的设计,运动等等。

    Unity for Animated Productions by Etienne Whittom (Hibernum Creations) – 09/22/15 06:00 PM

    Etienne Whittom(Hibernum Creations) 动画制作 的统一性– 09/22/15 06:00 PM

    In early 2014, Montreal-based Hibernum Creations started work on a unified pipeline for game development and animation. Since then, the studio’s R&D team, Hibernum Labs, has been busy experimenting with in-game motion capture previsualization, interactive photorealistic rendering, and automated asset management, as well as developing Unity-based video montage and post-production tools. The result: some very promising new technologies and some very valuable lessons learned. Get the details from Etienne Whittom, head of Hibernum Labs, and Patrick Roussel, systems engineer at the Digital Imagery Research and Development Centre (CDRIN).

    2014年初,总部位于蒙特利尔的Hibernum Creations开始着手开发用于游戏开发和动画的统一渠道。 从那以后,工作室的研发团队Hibernum Labs一直在忙于试验游戏中的运动捕捉预可视化,交互式逼真的渲染和自动资产管理,以及开发基于Unity的视频剪辑和后期制作工具。 结果:一些非常有希望的新技术和一些非常有价值的经验教训。 从Hibernum Labs的负责人Etienne Whittom和Digital Imagery研究与开发中心(CDRIN)的系统工程师Patrick Roussel获得详细信息。


    Unity Maximus: Art Optimizations for Maximum Performance in Unity 5 by Elliott Mitchell (Vermont Digital Arts) – 09/21/15 06:00 PM

    Unity Maximus:在Unity 5中实现最高性能的艺术优化,作者: Elliott Mitchell(佛蒙特州数字艺术)– 2015 9 21日06:00 PM

    Many platforms, like VR and mobile, place high demands on developers to meet acceptable framerates or else risk failure. Often, the art assets in a Unity project look fantastic but no matter how optimized the codebase is, the build just doesn’t meet the desired frame rate. Unoptimized art assets, including some art which may be purchased on the Asset Store, can seriously hinder performance on demanding platforms. In this session, we will highlight some red flags to lookout for in a variety of art asset types and identify key optimizations that can be implemented into your art pipeline to significantly increase performance on demanding platforms. Art asset types covered will include: 3D Models, Animations and Rigs, 2D Textures and Sprites, Materials and Shaders.

    VR和移动平台等许多平台都对开发人员提出了很高的要求,以使其达到可接受的帧速率,否则将面临失败的风险。 通常,Unity项目中的艺术品看起来很棒,但是无论代码库如何优化,构建都无法满足所需的帧速率。 未优化的艺术品资产(包括可能在Asset Store上购买的某些艺术品)会严重阻碍要求苛刻的平台上的性能。 在本届会议中,我们将重点介绍各种艺术资产类型中需要注意的一些危险信号,并确定可在您的艺术管线中实施的关键优化措施,以显着提高要求苛刻的平台上的性能。 涵盖的艺术资产类型将包括:3D模型,动画和装备,2D纹理和精灵,材质和明暗器。


    Unity tools for seamless OTA updates for a f2p mobile MMO strategy game by Oleg Pridiuk (Game Insight) – 09/21/15 04:30PM

    Oleg Pridiuk 的f2p移动MMO策略游戏 无缝OTA更新的Unity工具 (Game Insight)– 2015 9 21日下午4:30

    Frequent content updates is what keeps your players in the game. We developed Unity editor tools and a bit of own technology to deliver new quests and game levels bypassing the store submission process. In this session we’re sharing insights in tools we built for our mobile f2p MMO strategy X-mercs to make seamless OTA possible.

    频繁的内容更新使您的玩家保持游戏状态。 我们开发了Unity编辑器工具和一些自有技术,以绕过商店提交流程交付新任务和游戏关卡。 在本次会议中,我们将分享为移动f2p MMO策略X-mercs构建的工具的见解,以使无缝OTA成为可能。


    Virtual Reality for Large Multi-User Environments by Roland Haring (Ars Electronica BmgH / Futurelab) – 09/21/15 06:00 PM

    大型多用户环境 虚拟现实, 作者Roland Haring(Ars Electronica BmgH / Futurelab)– 2015年 9月 21日06:00 PM

    In this talk a team from Ars Electronica Futurelab gives a postmortem overview on their latest VR project which was realized for the “Deep Space”, a huge L-Shaped virtual reality environment (wall and floor projection with approx. 16 by 9 meters each) for up to 200 visitors.

    在这次演讲中,来自Ars Electronica Futurelab的团队对最新的VR项目进行了事后概述,该项目是为“深空”而实现的,“深空”是一个巨大的L形虚拟现实环境(墙壁和地板投影,每个大约16 x 9米)最多可容纳200位访客。

    Learn what happens when latest VR hardware (8 Christie 4k projectors with 30 ANSI lumen each, render workstations running 4 Quadro M6000 each) meets Unity Engine with enhanced VR support in a classic stereoscopic distributed rendered VR environment.

    了解最新的VR硬件(每台8台Christie 4k投影仪,每台具有30 ANSI流明,每台渲染工作站运行4个Quadro M6000)在经典的立体分布式渲染VR环境中遇到具有增强VR支持的Unity Engine时会发生什么。

    Unity will be the new reference engine for this environment. The first big application developed is “The Human Body: A Cosmos Within” which is a travel into the human physiology and takes you on an interactive journey to discover the wonders of your human body.

    Unity将成为该环境的新参考引擎。 开发的第一个大型应用程序是“人体:内在的宇宙”,这是对人体生理学的一次旅行,它带您进行交互式旅程,以发现人体奇观。


    Writing Shaders: YOU can do it! by Yilmaz Kiymaz (Nordeus) – 09/22/15 03:00 PM

    编写着色器:您可以做到! by Yilmaz Kiymaz(Nordeus)– 15/09/22下午03:00

    We all love to pick and choose from the list of shaders that come with Unity or from the ones available on the Asset Store. Sometimes though, you have something so specific in mind that you have to write one yourself. Be not afraid! Though it may seem daunting at first, writing shaders just isn’t that hard, especially if you’re used to coding in C# or UnityScript already. Custom shaders that you write yourself will help you achieve a unique look for your game and having an understanding of shaders can even let you squeeze out extra performance on mobile devices.

    我们都喜欢从Unity随附的着色器列表中或从Asset Store中可用的着色器中进行选择。 但是有时候,您的想法如此具体,必须自己编写。 不要害怕! 尽管乍一看似乎令人生畏,但编写着色器并不难,特别是如果您已经习惯于使用C#或UnityScript进行编码。 您自己编写的自定义着色器将帮助您获得独特的游戏外观,并且了解着色器甚至可以使您在移动设备上获得额外的性能。

    In this session, we’ll go over the basics of shaders, how they work, how they’re written, what Unity already takes care of for you, and when  you have to fend for yourself. We’ll start with some very basic shaders and then work our way up to warping entire worlds in the vertex shader and pushing some really stunning pixels in the fragment shader. We’ll also briefly touch on some of the more advanced shader techniques as a starter for those looking to push the envelope.

    在本课程中,我们将介绍着色器的基础知识,着色器的工作原理,编写方式,Unity已经为您服务的内容以及何时需要自己照顾自己。 我们将从一些非常基本的着色器开始,然后逐步解决顶点着色器中的整个世界,并在片段着色器中推送一些非常令人惊叹的像素。 我们还将简要介绍一些更高级的着色器技术,以作为那些寻求突破极限的人的入门。

    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/07/23/unite-boston-update-early-bird-ticket-sales-end-tomorrow-partial-schedule-is-up/

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