ios unity_Unity中的Apple iOS 64位支持

ios unity

Technology and hardware moves fast these days! Many of you will have seen by now the announcement that Apple made to developers on October 20.

这些天技术和硬件发展Swift! 到目前为止,你们中的许多人都已经看到Apple在10月20日向开发人员发布的公告

Starting February 1, 2015, new iOS apps uploaded to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK, included in Xcode 6 or later. To enable 64-bit in your project, we recommend using the default Xcode build setting of “Standard architectures” to build a single binary with both 32-bit and 64-bit code.

从2015年2月1日开始,上传到App Store的新iOS应用程序必须包括64位支持,并使用Xcode 6或更高版本中包含的iOS 8 SDK进行构建。 要在您的项目中启用64位,我们建议使用默认的Xcode构建设置“标准体系结构”来构建包含32位和64位代码的单个二进制文件。

So what does this mean for you mobile developers? Starting in February, your newly released games (and other apps) will need to take advantage of iOS 8 SDK and the new 64-bit ARM chips in newer iOS devices.

那么这对您的移动开发人员意味着什么? 从2月开始,您新发行的游戏(和其他应用)将需要在较新的iOS设备中利用iOS 8 SDK和新的64位ARM芯片。

The good news is that we already support iOS 8 and have been hard at work on our 64-bit iOS solution for some months. The solution is IL2CPP.

好消息是我们已经支持iOS 8,并且在我们的64位iOS解决方案上努力了几个月。 解决方案是IL2CPP。

What is IL2CPP?


Most of you will know that we’ve been developing our own runtime solution, IL2CPP, for quite a while now. It allows a range of flexibility for developers and internally here at Unity. We’re expecting big increases in performance experienced by end users as well. In short, we’re very excited about it.

你们中的大多数人都知道我们已经在开发自己的运行时解决方案IL2CPP了一段时间。 它为开发人员和Unity内部人员提供了多种灵活性。 我们预计最终用户也将获得巨大的性能提升。 简而言之,我们对此感到非常兴奋。

IL2CPP came about when we were investigating how to approach WebGL while we were also researching new ways to make continued support for various platforms more efficient. The runtime combines an ahead of time compiler with a virtual machine to convert assemblies to C++ while leveraging standard platform C++ compilers to produce native binaries. The result are games and apps that run at native speeds. It allows us to push new core features to all of our supported platforms at the same time for a much more efficient schedule of updates. For a complete rundown of the technology, please see our previous blog post “The Future of Scripting in Unity”.

IL2CPP是在我们研究如何处理WebGL的同时出现的,同时我们也在研究使各种平台的持续支持更加有效的新方法。 运行时将预先编译器与虚拟机结合在一起,以将程序集转换为C ++,同时利用标准平台的C ++编译器生成本机二进制文件。 结果是游戏和应用程序以本机速度运行。 它使我们可以将新的核心功能同时推送到我们所有受支持的平台,以实现更高效的更新计划。 有关该技术的完整介绍,请参见我们以前的博客文章“ Unity中脚本的未来”

We’ve already seen tremendous results in WebGL and are expecting big increases in performance across all of Unity’s supported platforms, including iOS, which is already in development.


When can I get my hands on the tech?


IL2CPP is already being used for WebGL and if you’ve seen any of the Unity-authored WebGL demos, you’ve seen it in action. Hot on WebGL’s heels is iOS. In the next few weeks, first Unity 5 based alpha builds of the iOS ARM64 preview using IL2CPP are going to be released to closed alpha testing group. Shortly after, it will be made available to our closed beta groups.

IL2CPP已经用于WebGL,如果您看过Unity编写的任何WebGL演示,那么您已经在实际中看到了它。 iOS紧随WebGL之后。 在接下来的几周中,将使用封闭式alpha测试小组发布使用IL2CPP的iOS ARM64预览版基于Unity 5的第一个alpha版本。 此后不久,我们的封闭Beta组将可以使用它。

Once we’ve had a round of intense and focused testing, we’ll roll the beta preview out to the pre-order beta group. The timeline for that completely depends on how that initial round of testing goes. We think it’s reasonable to plan a beta for pre-order customers and subscribers for January 2015.

经过一轮紧张而集中的测试后,我们会将Beta预览版推出到预定的Beta组。 时间表完全取决于第一轮测试的进行方式。 我们认为为2015年1月的预购客户和订户计划Beta版是合理的。

The official release of iOS ARM 64-bit feature preview in Unity 5 series depends on the Unity 5 launch schedule, so we can’t say much about a specific timeline.The preview can be expected to run games with scripting of medium complexity.

Unity 5系列中iOS ARM 64位功能预览版的正式发布取决于Unity 5的发布时间表,因此我们不能对特定的时间表说太多,可以预期预览版将以中等复杂度的脚本运行游戏。

[UPDATE] The term “medium complexity” was a bit too ambiguous. To clarify, we are confident that the majority of iOS projects will work with little or no modifications. There is a chance that some infrequently used functionality is currently incomplete or contains bugs. These issues will be addressed and resolved quickly. We are currently testing a range of iOS games and will keep you updated on progress leading up to the February deadline.

[更新]术语“中等复杂性”有点含糊。 需要澄清的是,我们有信心大多数iOS项目将几乎不需要修改就可以工作。 当前一些不常用的功能可能不完整或包含错误。 这些问题将得到Swift解决。 我们目前正在测试一系列iOS游戏,并将在2月截止日期之前为您提供最新进展。

What about 4.6?


We have begun work on supporting that version as well. Unity 4.6 recently entered Release Candidate cycle, so it is going to be out really soon now. The plan right now is to ship beta preview of iOS ARM64-bit feature based on Unity 4.6.x before the February deadline. We’re very aware of people having nearly completed games on Unity 4.x and we’re working hard to deliver a solid solution for Unity 4.6. Due to heavy code reuse, the preview of iOS ARM64-bit in Unity 4.6.x is expected to be on par with Unity 5 implementation: games with scripting of medium complexity will be able to run.

我们也已经开始支持该版本。 Unity 4.6最近进入了Release Candidate周期 ,因此它现在将很快推出。 目前的计划是在2月的截止日期之前发布基于Unity 4.6.x的iOS ARM64位功能的beta预览版。 我们非常了解人们已经在Unity 4.x上完成了几乎所有的游戏,我们正在努力为Unity 4.6提供可靠的解决方案。 由于大量的代码重用,Unity 4.6.x中的iOS ARM64位预览版有望与Unity 5实现相提并论:具有中等复杂度的脚本的游戏将能够运行。

What about earlier than 4.6?


We will not add iOS 64-bit support for versions of Unity prior to Unity 4.6. Bringing this technology to older versions of Unity is getting exponentially more difficult due to large differences in codebase. In order to ship iOS 64-bit apps support as soon as possible we chose to focus only on latest Unity 4.x version – 4.6. If you have unreleased games currently in production that are still being developed in an older Unity 4.x version, you will need to upgrade either to Unity 4.6.x or Unity 5 in order to publish it on the iOS App Store. Please note you can update 32 bit apps already released on the iOS App Store with any Unity 4.x or Unity 5 version. There is no requirement of 64-bit for games and apps already published on iOS App Store before the February deadline.

在Unity 4.6之前的版本中,我们不会添加iOS 64位支持。 由于代码库的巨大差异,将这项技术应用于旧版本的Unity变得越来越困难。 为了尽快提供iOS 64位应用程序支持,我们选择仅专注于最新的Unity 4.x版本4.6。 如果您有尚未发布的游戏仍在生产中,并且仍在旧版Unity 4.x版本中进行开发,则需要升级到Unity 4.6.x或Unity 5才能在iOS App Store上发布。 请注意,您可以使用任何Unity 4.x或Unity 5版本更新已在iOS App Store上发布的32位应用程序。 在2月的截止日期之前,iOS App Store上已经发布的游戏和应用程序都不需要64位。

Will I be able to ship my game on time?


Your success is our entire reason for being, so we’re pushing hard to get everything ready on time. The best approach to be ready is to start testing early, so we encourage you to get a public preview in January and start upgrading.

您的成功是我们赖以生存的全部理由,因此我们正在努力争取按时准备好一切。 最好的准备方法是尽早开始测试,因此我们建议您在一月份进行公开预览并开始升级。

If you’re working on something very complex, it will likely take a little while longer to have everything in place but you should be good to go if you’re targeting April.


We’re really, really happy with where IL2CPP is already and where it’s going!


It’s going to make a big difference not only to performance in games, but also in how quickly we can develop and share new features to all of you in the community.


Summary Q&A


What does this mean for my existing apps? Nothing in the short term. Apple will not be removing any apps that don’t comply with 64-bit that have been uploaded and made available for sale before February 1, 2015.

这对我现有的应用程序意味着什么? 短期内没有。 在2015年2月1日之前,Apple不会删除已上传并可供销售的任何不符合64位标准的应用程序。

What if I need to update my apps after the deadline? The current word from Apple is that existing games and apps will not need to include support for iOS 8 and 64-bit architecture at the February 1, 2015 deadline. It’s important to note that while Apple has confirmed this, there is still the possibility that all apps need to support iOS 8 and 64-bit at a separate date down the line.

如果在截止日期之后需要更新我的应用程序该怎么办? 苹果公司目前的说法是,现有游戏和应用将不需要在2015年2月1日截止日期之前包括对iOS 8和64位体系结构的支持。 需要注意的重要一点是,尽管Apple已经确认了这一点,但仍有可能所有应用程序都需要在下线的另一个日期支持iOS 8和64位。

What if I’m planning to release after Feb 1? Then you’ll need to comply with Apple’s demands. New apps will need to support iOS 8 and 64-bit architecture to ensure they’re making the most out of new iOS devices. For assistance from Apple developer support, visit

如果我打算在2月1日之后发布,该怎么办? 然后,您需要遵守Apple的要求。 新应用将需要支持iOS 8和64位体系结构,以确保它们能够充分利用新的iOS设备。 要获得Apple开发人员支持的帮助,请访问。


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