

The morning after our annual Unite party is never the easiest, and 2012 proved to be no different. A fantastic event at Amsterdam’s gorgeous Muziekgebouw concert hall brought all Unite attendees together for a night to remember, with spectacular views over the old city and a spacious bar overlooking the River IJ. The night began with the Unite 2012 Awards Ceremony, which honored the developers creating the best videogames and interactive apps using Unity. And without further ado, this year’s winners are:

一年一度的团结派对之后的早晨从来都不是最容易的事情,而事实证明,2012年也是如此。 在阿姆斯特丹美丽的Muziekgebouw音乐厅举办的一场奇妙的活动将所有Unite与会者聚集在一起,度过一个难忘的夜晚,欣赏旧城区的壮丽景色,并设有俯瞰IJ河的宽敞酒吧。 那天晚上是从Unite 2012颁奖典礼开始的,该颁奖典礼向开发人员致敬,他们使用Unity创造了最好的视频游戏和交互式应用程序。 事不宜迟,今年的获奖者是:

Golden Cube – Total War Battles by The Creative Assembly and SEGA Community Choice – Dead Trigger by Madfinger Games Best Gameplay – Beat Sneak Bandit by Simogo Best Visual Experience – Escape Plan by FunBits and SCEA Best Technical Achievement – Dead Trigger by Madfinger Games Best Student Game – Pulse by Team Pixel Pi from the Vancouver Film School Best Serious Game – Powers of Minus Ten by Green Eye Visualization Best Non-game – Bats! Furry Fliers of the Night by Bookerella and Story Worldwide

Golden Cube –由创意大会和SEGA社区选择进行的全面战争–由Madfinger Games最佳完成游戏–由Simogo击败Beat Sneak Bandit最佳视觉体验–由FunBits和SCEA获得的逃生计划最佳技术成就–由Madfinger Games完美完成触发学生游戏–温哥华电影学院最佳严肃游戏的Pixel Pi团队的脉冲–绿眼可视化的最佳零负游戏–最佳蝙蝠游戏! Bookerella and Story Worldwide的《夜间毛茸茸的传单》

The judging for the awards was done by the Unity Technologies team over a series of several weeks; nominees were then narrowed down to a group of finalists, which were then voted on in a blind poll. Open nominations for the next Unity Awards will begin in Spring 2013.

奖项的评审是由Unity Technologies团队进行的,历时数周。 然后将提名人缩小为一组决赛入围者,然后在盲人投票中对它们进行投票。 下一届Unity大奖的公开提名将于2013年Spring开始。

Its worth noting that this year we had by far the hardest selection of games to pick winners from. Each and every game that made it as a finalist is a superb example of the flexibility of Unity and the incredible work the community is doing with the engine. I would recommend going over to the full finalists page to really get a sense of the great work that is being done.

值得一提的是,今年我们是迄今为止最难挑选的游戏选择。 每个入围决赛的游戏都是Unity灵活性以及社区使用引擎所做的令人难以置信的出色工作的绝佳例证。 我建议转到完整的决赛入围者页面,以真正了解正在完成的出色工作。

The Unity award-winning team of Renaud Charpentier, Nick Farley and Mattijs van Delden kicked off the final day of Unite with the show’s first session. Their talk, entitled Design, Code and Art: Total War Battles Postmortem, discussed how the team put together their Unite-award-winning RTS, and shared some key workflow tips that they learned during the game’s 18-month development cycle.

Renaud Charpentier,Nick Farley和Mattijs van Delden的Unity获奖团队在该节目的第一届会议上揭开了Unite的最后一天的序幕。 他们的主题为“设计,代码和艺术:全面战役事后验尸”的演讲,讨论了团队如何组合获得获奖的RTS,并分享了他们在游戏的18个月开发周期中学到的一些关键工作流程技巧。

Meanwhile, a series of roundtables throughout the day discussed a broad range of topics, from how to go about PR and pitching media editors for coverage of your game, to a dialogue about building and optimizing your gaming experience in the Cloud. Palmer Luckey showed off his game-changing Oculus Rift VR headset (and talked about how to create Unity games in for it), while Unity’s Lucas Meijer, Na’Tosha and Levi Bard talked about Linux and Flash publishing in Unity 4.0. Not to mention talks from Microsoft, Interactive Lab, Universe Sandbox and many more.

同时,全天举行的一系列圆桌会议讨论了广泛的主题,从如何开展公关和推销媒体编辑对您的游戏进行报道,到有关在云中构建和优化游戏体验的对话。 Palmer Luckey展示了改变游戏规则的Oculus Rift VR耳机(并讨论了如何为其创建Unity游戏),而Unity的Lucas Meijer,Na'Tosha和Levi Bard谈到了Unity 4.0中的Linux和Flash发布。 更不用说来自Microsoft,Interactive Lab,Universe Sandbox等的演讲了。

And that’s it for another fantastic Unite. We’ll be releasing videos of Unite 2012 sessions through the coming weeks, so stay tuned for that. See you all again next year!

这就是另一个梦幻般的团结。 我们将在接下来的几周内发布有关Unite 2012会议的视频,敬请期待。 明年再见!

Here is a super awesome video to give those who were unable to attend a little insight into how things were this year. It really gives a sense for what the event is like.

这是一个超棒的视频,为那些无法参加会议的人提供一些有关今年情况的见解。 它确实使人对事件的感觉。


I look forward to seeing you next time, if not sooner :)




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