unity 团队协作_Unity ID使您更容易管理团队

unity 团队协作

Our user account experience is evolving to support a more diverse range of teams, whose members are often spread out geographically and include a mix of full-time contributors and freelancers on time-limited contracts. Here’s what’s changing:

我们的用户帐户体验正在不断发展,以支持更多种类的团队,这些团队的成员通常分布在不同的地理位置,并且包括有时间限制合同的全职贡献者和自由职业者。 这是正在发生的变化:

Personal and public organizations


When you open a Unity ID account, you are automatically assigned an organization. This default organization gets the same name as your user name and consists only of yourself. You can make purchases for this organization for your own personal and commercial development.

当您打开Unity ID帐户时,系统会自动为您分配组织。 该默认组织的名称与您的用户名相同,仅由您自己组成。 您可以为自己的个人和商业发展购买该组织的商品。

You can also create an organization on behalf of a company. You can make purchases for your company via its Unity ID organization. You can invite others to join the organization and tailor their access level to Unity based on their role within the organization.

您也可以代表公司创建组织。 您可以通过其Unity ID组织为您的公司购买商品。 您可以邀请其他人加入组织,并根据他们在组织中的角色来调整他们对Unity的访问级别。

An example of an organization with its members and groups. 具有成员和组的组织的示例。

一种使团队成员轻松协作的新方法 (A new way to make it easy for team members to collaborate)

The latest feature we added to Unity ID is Groups, which helps customers to more easily manage their teams. An owner or manager of a company’s Unity ID organization can put members of the organization into a group, and give that group access to a specific Unity project.

我们添加到Unity ID的最新功能是组,它可以帮助客户更轻松地管理团队。 公司Unity ID组织的所有者或经理可以将组织的成员放入一个组中,并赋予该组访问特定Unity项目的权限。

An overview of an organization’s groups. 组织组的概述。

A note about projects: A project lives inside a Unity ID organization and any member of that organization can have access to that project. But you can also invite people from outside the organization into one particular project through the editor or through a project’s user page on the developer portal. The guest project members will have access to everything in that project, but not to anything else in the organization.

关于项目的注释:一个项目位于Unity ID组织内,该组织的任何成员都可以访问该项目。 但是,您也可以通过编辑器或通过开发人员门户上的项目用户页面邀请组织外部的人员加入一个特定项目。 来宾项目成员将有权访问该项目中的所有内容,但不能访问组织中的其他任何内容。

An overview of members associated with this project. 与该项目关联的成员的概述。
An overview of one of the organization’s groups, with its members and projects. 该组织的一个小组及其成员和项目的概述。

所有者,经理和用户可以做什么? (What can owners, managers and users do?)

Currently there are three roles a customer can have in an Unity ID organization:

当前,客户在Unity ID组织中可以具有三个角色:

Owners have full control over the Unity licenses for their organizations, across all projects. Owners are the only users who have access to the payment instruments and billing data at the organization level.

所有者可以在所有项目中完全控制其组织的Unity许可证。 所有者是唯一有权在组织级别访问付款方式和帐单数据的用户。

Managers can do most of the things an owner can do, except see billing and credit card information for the organization.


Users can only read and view information in Unity ID (with the exception of revenue data from Ads) but not edit it.

用户只能读取和查看Unity ID中的信息(广告收入数据除外),而不能对其进行编辑。

For more information, see the Unity ID FAQ or go to our Unity ID support page.

有关更多信息,请参见Unity ID常见问题解答或转到我们的Unity ID支持页面

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/05/09/unity-id-is-making-it-easier-to-manage-your-team/

unity 团队协作





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