

Friendly greetings, Unity developers!


我想欢迎您参加每两周一次的系列社论的第一部分,其中展示了Unity Asset Store上一些最酷,最有用的宝石。 我将专注于非凡的内容,这些内容将帮助您创建对游戏玩法影响最大,对预算影响最小的项目。 (I’d like to welcome you to the first of a series of bi-weekly editorials showcasing some of the coolest, most useful gems on the Unity Asset Store. I’ll be focusing on extraordinary content that will help you create projects with a maximal impact on gameplay and minimal impact on budget.)

During my many years here at the Asset Store, I’ve closely followed the growth of third person controller frameworks because quite simply, it’s my personal favorite type of gameplay!  From Assassin’s Creed to Zelda, third person action adventures have been consistently engaging gamers like me with high-action, ninja-like modes of movement in dangerous and exciting environments,  from adventuring into the deepest dungeons, to leaping across rooftops, to high energy melee in alien worlds.  This style of gaming naturally lends itself to exploration, combat and rich worlds, and many folks who enjoy world design find it to be one of the most satisfying genres to work in.  If you’re eager to create the next great action adventure, read on!

在资源商店的许多年中,我一直密切关注第三方控制器框架的发展,因为很简单,这是我个人最喜欢的游戏类型! 从刺客信条到塞尔达传说,第三人称动作冒险一直使像我这样的游戏玩家在危险和令人兴奋的环境中以高动作,忍者般的动作方式参与进来,从冒险到最深的地牢,再到跨越屋顶,再到高能近战在外星世界。 这种游戏风格自然适用于探索,战斗和丰富的世界,许多喜欢世界设计的人会发现它是最令人满意的游戏类型之一。如果您渴望创建下一个精彩的动作冒险,请阅读上!

Opsive 第三人称控制器 (Third Person Controller by Opsive)

Dual wielding pistol.jpg

Get your gun fu on with Opsive’s built-in dual-pistol wielding.  John Woo would approve!

借助Opsive的内置双手枪挥杆功能,使您的枪支更上一层楼。 吴宇森会批准!

Third Person Controller by Opsive is relatively new to the Asset Store, but is quickly becoming one of the community’s favorites. Opsive have consistently proven themselves with highly rated tools on the store, including Behavior Designer &  Infinite Runner Starter Pack Pro, so it’s no surprise that their latest offering is gaining so much traction.  The Opsive framework is an extremely well-rounded solution built from a powerful c# code base, but you needn’t touch a line of code.  The great minds at Opsive have made things easy with wizard-like tools to handle scene set-up, character and world configuration, health & respawn, input management, as well as managing essential action-adventure mechanic items like sliding physics objects, levers, weaponry, and chests.

第三人称控制器 通过 Opsive 是相对较新的资源商店,但Swift成为了社会各界的最爱之一。 Opsive一直在商店中使用高度评价的工具来证明自己,包括 Behavior Designer 和   Infinite Runner Starter Pack Pro ,因此他们的最新产品获得如此大的吸引力也就不足为奇了。 Opsive框架是基于功能强大的c#代码库构建的非常全面的解决方案,但是您无需碰到任何代码。 Opsive的才智使您可以使用类似于向导的工具轻松处理场景设置,角色和世界配置,运行状况和重生,输入管理,以及管理基本的动作冒险机械项目,例如滑动物理对象,控制杆,武器和箱子。

Opsive provides most movement modes you’ll need in an action adventure and platformer, combining your standard running, jumping walking, strafing movements modes with pole and wall climbing, crawling, ledge strafing, and an impressively comprehensive weapons system.  You’ll find preconfigured melee and range weapons and a ready to use weapon selection interface.    

Opsive提供了您在动作冒险和平台游戏中所需的大多数运动模式,将您的标准跑步,跳跃行走,横冲直撞的运动模式与杆和墙攀爬,爬行,壁架横扫以及令人印象深刻的综合武器系统相结合。 您会发现预配置的近战和远程武器以及随时可用的武器选择界面。    

While the Opsive framework takes advantage of the flexible root-motion functionality of Mecanim, you can also use it without root motion movement, if your game calls for wilder or less realistic movement (as you often find in platformers).  Unlike most Mecanim-driven solutions, Opsive drives animation state transitions mostly by script, making it easy for the system to add functionality.  

尽管Opsive框架利用了Mecanim灵活的根运动功能,但如果您的游戏需要更狂野或更不现实的运动(如在平台游戏中经常发现的),您也可以在不进行根运动的情况下使用它。 与大多数Mecanim驱动的解决方案不同,Optive主要通过脚本来驱动动画状态转换,从而使系统易于添加功能。

Comprehensive documentation is available on the Opsive website and a variety of example scenes demonstrating different types of third person games, including a top-down shooter mechanic, action-adventure, RPG, 2D platformer, even a working multiplayer version.  The team has taken great care to provide integrations with some of the most popular design frameworks on the store, including Playmaker, plyGame, Adventure Creator and Ork Framework.  The net effect is a solid tool that allows you create a third person action adventure in a short time, without heavy programming.  Community reviews indicate that the Opsive team is highly regarded for quick and friendly support, which can make a huge difference when you’re stuck in the middle of a complex project.  This package is going places and is easily worth the price.  

可以在Opsive网站上获得全面的文档,以及各种示例场景,这些场景演示了不同类型的第三人称游戏,包括自上而下的射击技师,动作冒险,RPG,2D平台游戏,甚至是有效的多人游戏版本。 团队非常注意提供与商店中一些最受欢迎的设计框架的集成,包括 PlaymakerplyGameAdventure CreatorOrk Framework 。 最终效果是一个可靠的工具,可让您在短时间内创建第三人称动作冒险,而无需进行繁重的编程。 社区审查表明,Opsive团队以快速友好的支持而著称,当您陷于复杂项目的中间时,这可能会产生很大的不同。 这个软件包正在地方,很容易值得的价格。

Ootii的 运动控制器冒险摄像机 装备 (Motion Controller & Adventure Camera Rig by Ootii)


Motion Controller by Ootii is straightforward, well crafted and easy to use.


The folks at Ootii have created a tight, smooth running and well-supported controller system, the Ootii Motion Controller, which when supplemented with their excellent Adventure Camera Rig, provides an AAA grade  third person controller system.  Ootii solution is built around Unity’s Mecanim animation system, taking full advantage of Mecanim state machines, dynamically adjustable root motion, and application of physics.  You’ll find a complete set of animations which naturally retarget with any Mecanim Humanoid compatible character, including walking, running, sneaking, climbing, jumping and sliding. I’m particularly partial to Ootii’s over-the-ledge climbing, which smoothly brings your character up and over the top of your climbable surfaces.

Ootii的人们已经创建了一个紧密,平稳运行且得到良好支持的控制器系统,即Ootii Motion Controller,该系统与出色的Adventure Camera Rig相辅相成,可提供AAA级的第三人称控制器系统。 Ootii解决方案基于Unity的Mecanim动画系统构建,充分利用了Mecanim状态机,可动态调整的根运动以及物理应用。 您会发现一整套动画,这些动画自然可以与任何与Mecanim Humanoid兼容的角色重新定位,包括行走,跑步,偷偷摸爬,攀爬,跳跃和滑动。 我特别喜欢Ootii的过壁式攀爬,这种攀爬可将您的角色平稳地带到攀爬表面的上方。

If you need to take things further, Ootii provides the tools you need to easily add additional animations you may find on the Asset Store or provide yourself.  Great care has also been taken to make sure the controller works smoothly & easily with the XBox 360– so if that’s your platform of choice, you’ll be up and running very quickly.  

如果需要进一步处理,Ootii提供了所需的工具,可以轻松添加 您可以在Asset Store上找到的 其他动画 或自己提供。 还特别注意确保控制器与XBox 360一起轻松顺畅地工作,因此,如果这是您选择的平台,则可以非常快速地启动并运行。

With the upcoming mid-November release of Motion Controller v2, ootii promises the ability to walk on walls and ceilings, an easier way to share motions using Unity 5’s Animation Asset API, and more motions, like tight-rope-walking.  The system is being built around their newly released Actor Controller, which is remarkable in itself, especially if you prefer to write your own third person controller around it.

随着即将 在11月中旬发布的Motion Controller v2 ,ootii承诺可以在墙壁和天花板上行走,这是使用Unity 5的Animation Asset API共享运动的更简便方法,以及更多的运动,例如走钢丝。 该系统是基于他们新发布的 Actor Controller 构建的 ,这本身就很出色,特别是如果您希望围绕它编写自己的第三方控制器。

Ootii’s Motion Controller includes a perfectly acceptable third person camera system, but if you’d like to add extra flexibility and power, add the Ootii Adventure Camera & Rig, which has been designed to complement the controller framework   With it, you can easily add AAA quality, physics-driven camera control to your game, with configurable rotation limits, preset variants of popular follow camera behaviors, a more sophisticated strafing movement mode and first person targeting.  Documentation and demonstration scenes included with both the controller and the camera system are well crafted, and as many happy customers have written, Ootii provides some of the best support on the Unity Asset Store.  

Ootii的 运动控制器 包括一个完全可以接受的第三人称摄影机系统,但是如果您想增加额外的灵活性和功能,可以添加Ootii Adventure Camera&Rig ,它旨在补充控制器框架,您可以轻松添加AAA高质量,由物理驱动的摄像机控制您的游戏,具有可配置的旋转限制,受欢迎的跟随摄像机行为的预设变体,更复杂的扫射运动模式和第一人称射击。 控制器和摄像头系统随附的文档和演示场景均经过精心设计,并且正如许多满意的客户所写,Ootii在Unity Asset Store上提供了一些最佳支持。

完成 伊卡洛斯工作室 物理平台游戏套装 (Complete Physics Platformer Kit by Icarus Studios)


Icarus Studio hit the ground running with the release of their Complete Physics Platformer Kit, a physics-driven character controller with 3D platforming in mind.  This kit is really the most rock-solid rigidbody-based character controller solution out there, and comes with a lot of other scripts and assets to make 3D platform games a cinch.  Icarus’ solution is best suited to platforming and does not rely on Mecanim, so if you’re looking for a solution based on root motion, you’ll find Ootii or Opsive’s solutions better suited.  

Icarus Studio推出了他们的 Complete Physics Platformer Kit ,这是一个考虑到3D平台的由物理驱动的角色控制器,因此 一发不可收拾 。 该套件确实是目前最坚如磐石的基于刚体的角色控制器解决方案,并且附带许多其他脚本和资产,可以使3D平台游戏脱颖而出。 Icarus的解决方案最适合平台化,并且不依赖Mecanim,因此,如果您正在寻找基于根运动的解决方案,您会发现Ootii或Opsive的解决方案更合适。

This kit features not just a controller, but also some of the most essential components for creating platforming gameplay:  waypoint-controller NPCs and enemies, which you can melee attack as well as jump-upon Mario style, collectable pickups, a variety of easily configured interactive physics elements including the ability to push, pull and grab on to moving objects, updrafts that lift your player into the sky, fallout and death zones, water and basic buoyancy physics.   What’s more, the project, scenes and code are clean and easy to understand, so if you’re starting out or just want to learn how to use physics in your own projects, you’re certain to learn a lot.

该套件不仅具有控制器,而且还具有创建平台游戏玩法的一些最重要的组件:航点控制器NPC和敌人,您可以近战攻击以及马里奥风格的跳跃式游戏,可收集的拾音器,各种易于配置的交互式物理元素,包括推动,拉动和抓住移动物体的能力,将玩家提升到空中的上升气流,沉降和死亡区,水和基本浮力物理。 此外,该项目,场景和代码是干净且易于理解的,因此,如果您是起步者或只是想学习如何在自己的项目中使用物理,那么您肯定会学到很多东西。

Because the system is so incredibly integrated with Unity’s physics system, the kit invites the level designer to create worlds rich with mechanical and physical game design that is certain to fire your imagination.  If you’re looking to make a game in the spirit of a classic platformer like Jak & Daxter or the next Ratchet & Clank, this might be the package you’re looking for.  Heck, even if you’re just tinkering around, at $25 this package is an incredible deal.

由于该系统与Unity的物理系统非常集成,因此该套件邀请关卡设计人员创建具有丰富机械和物理游戏设计的世界,这肯定会激发您的想象力。 如果您想以 Jak&Daxter 或下一个 Ratchet&Clank 等经典平台游戏的精神来制作游戏,那么 这可能就是您想要的软件包。 哎呀,即使你只是在修补,在25美元这个包是一个了不起的交易。

Invector的 第三人称角色控制器 (Third Person Character Controller by Invector)


Invector’s rigidbody driven controller


Invector’s Third Person Character Controller is one of the newest offerings to the Asset Store.  It’s  garnered consistent five-star ratings after arriving just a month ago.    This controller features a complete control system, with support for multiple input devices, including mobile touch-screen input.    

Invector的第三人称角色控制器是Asset Store的最新产品之一。 一个月前到货后,它获得了一致的五星级评级。 该控制器具有完整的控制系统,并支持多种输入设备,包括移动触摸屏输入。

As with most modern Unity controller solutions, Invector’s product is humanoid Mecanim driven with root-motion driven movement.  The system provides tools for quickly fitting your Mecanim compatible humanoid characters into the template in a matter of seconds, not minutes, taking a lot of the technical drudgery out of getting your game up and running.

与大多数现代Unity控制器解决方案一样,Invector的产品是类人动物Mecanim驱动的,具有根部运动驱动的运动。 该系统提供了一些工具,可在几秒钟(而不是几分钟)内快速将您与Mecanim兼容的类人动物角色拟合到模板中,从而消除了使您无法启动和运行游戏的许多技术难题。

Invector has taken care to support the Xbox 360 controller, with vibration/force feedback, and an automated footstep sound system which works on both mesh and terrain geometry.    The package includes several example scenes to springboard your production, be it an RPG, 2.5d side scroller, isometric adventure, top-down or modern action adventure gameplay configuration.   Numerous High quality animations for the most commonly used 3rd person movements are included, as well as ladder climbing, climb-overs, jumps and landings, and strafing.  The system has excellent ragdoll support, which is a lot of fun to play around with in the physics-centric example scenes, and comes with an attractive and well made example character for all your prototyping purposes.

Invector已经精心支持Xbox 360控制器,具有振动/力反馈以及可在网格和地形几何体上运行的自动足迹声音系统。 该软件包包括几个示例场景,可帮助您提高制作速度,无论是RPG,2.5d侧面滚动条,等距冒险,自上而下还是现代动作冒险游戏配置。 其中包括许多最常用的第三人称动作的高质量动画,以及梯子攀爬,翻越,跳跃和着陆以及横冲直撞。 该系统具有出色的布娃娃支持,在以物理为中心的示例场景中玩起来非常有趣,并且具有引人入胜且制作精良的示例角色,可用于您的所有原型制作目的。

The folks at Invector are widely praised for the fast and accurate support, with frequent updates and bug fixes. While it’s the new kid, Invector’s promising new solution is definitely worth following.

Invector的人员以快速准确的支持,频繁的更新和错误修复而广受赞誉。 虽然是新手,但Invector很有希望的新解决方案绝对值得关注。

罗宾·施密特(Robin Schmidt)的角色系统 (Character System by Robin Schmidt)


Robin Schmidt’s Character System is a great start for a high action 3rd person adventure

罗宾·施密特(Robin Schmidt)的角色系统是进行高动作第三人称冒险的绝佳起点

Character System by Robin Schmidt, is one of the older solutions. It first debuted in 2012 and is one of the first solutions with comprehensive Mecanim support and accurate IK foot alignment.  If you’re looking to make a game with climbing intensive and high action movement modes similar to those in games like the Assassins Creed or Tomb Raider franchises, this package has a variety of climbing, balancing, sneaking, shooting, swimming, melee and stealth modes working out of the box.  It includes a studly hero character, three example scenes, a complete set of c# scripts, and nearly 180 animations.   Schmidt’s solution currently has an average rating of four stars and has accumulated a lot of in-depth reviews, some very good, but a number from folks who found the system a bit more complex or technical than they initially thought.  We recommend having a good read to see if this is the package for you.

Robin Schmidt编写的Character System是较旧的解决方案之一。 它于2012年首次亮相,是首批具有全面Mecanim支持和准确的IK脚对齐的解决方案之一。 如果您想使用类似于《刺客信条》或《古墓丽影》等特许经营游戏的高强度密集动作动作模式来制作游戏,则此套装具有多种爬升,平衡,潜行,射击,游泳,近战和隐身的功能模式开箱即用。 它包括一个忠实的英雄角色,三个示例场景,一整套c#脚本和近180个动画。 施密特的解决方案目前的平均评分为四星级,并且已经进行了许多深入的评论,其中一些非常好,但是很多人发现该系统比他们最初想象的要复杂或技术性强。 我们建议您仔细阅读一遍,看看这是否适合您。

还有更多…… (And so many more…)

There’s a ton of other third person controller solutions on the store, from Unity’s own standard controller included with our own Standard Assets to a number of solutions in the Complete Projects and Scripting categories. Best of all, it seems every few months a new solution appears on the store, so keep an eye out for the newest and latest additions. With creative vision and ingenuity, you can use these third person controllers to make seriously first class games.

商店中还有大量其他第三人称控制器解决方案,从Unity自己的标准控制器(包含在我们自己的 标准资产中) 到“ 完整项目” 和“ 脚本” 类别 中的许多解决方案 。 最棒的是,似乎每隔几个月就会有一种新的解决方案出现在商店中,因此请密切注意最新和最新的功能。 具有创造力的远见和独创性,您可以使用这些第三人称控制器来认真制作一流的游戏。

Caitlyn Meeks, Editor in Chief.

Caitlyn Meeks,主编。

Unity Asset Store team


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/11/02/a-look-into-third-person-controllers-at-unity-asset-store/


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