采访:Tasharen Entertainment的超级卖家Michael Lyashenko

We are blown away by how the developers and designers selling their wares through the Asset Store are fuelling a unique and largely self-sustaining microcosmic industry. Just look at the example of Michael Lyashenko. In the last week of the Asset Store Madness sale, Lyashenko had earned $12,086 in profit with his popular NGUI.

通过Asset Store销售商品的开发人员和设计师如何推动独特且很大程度上自我维持的微观行业,我们感到震惊。 仅看迈克尔·柳申科的例子。 在Asset Store Madness出售的最后一周,Lyashenko通过他受欢迎的NGUI获得了12086美元的利润。

To date, in 2012, he has raked in over $77,000. Lyashenko, and many other Asset Store publishers like him, now have a steady source of income that lets them focus on their continuing game development. In turn, their products help customers optimize and save critical amounts of time on their game creation.

迄今为止,在2012年,他的收入已超过$ 77,000。 Lyashenko和像他一样的许多其他Asset Store发行商现在都有稳定的收入来源,使他们能够专注于持续的游戏开发。 反过来,他们的产品可以帮助客户优化并节省关键的游戏创建时间。

What history does your team have with Unity?


My team just consists of myself for the time being. I have a game development background, and I’ve been using Unity professionally since early 2008. Back then we had to use Mac computers to do everything as it was before Unity 2.5, and MonoDevelop was not even on the horizon. Anyone remember Unitron? Fun times! (no, not really)

我的团队目前仅由我自己组成。 我有游戏开发背景,自2008年初以来我一直在专业地使用Unity。那时,我们不得不使用Mac计算机来完成Unity 2.5之前的所有工作,而MonoDevelop甚至还没有出现。 有人记得优尼龙吗? 娱乐时间! (不,不是真的)

I have to admit adjusting to Unity was a difficult process for me as I was coming from an object-oriented C++ background. The whole component-based approach was quite alien to me at first. I kept trying to do everything in an object-oriented way – singletons, numerous non-monobehaviour-derived managers, everything created via code. As you may guess, I was fighting “The Unity Way” of doing things every step of the way, and as a result I did not enjoy using it in the least.

我不得不承认适应Unity对我来说是一个艰难的过程,因为我来自面向对象的C ++背景。 最初,整个基于组件的方法对我来说很陌生。 我一直试图以一种面向对象的方式来做所有事情-单身人士,许多非单性行为派生的经理,所有通过代码创建的事物。 就像您可能猜到的那样,我在每一步都在与“统一方式”做斗争,因此,我至少不喜欢使用它。

It was not until Unity 3.0 came out that I finally decided to throw away my preconceived notions of how the code should be structured and start fresh with an open mind. That was about the time I finally learned something, and became a huge fan of the engine. Go figure!

直到Unity 3.0出现,我才最终决定放弃我对代码应该如何结构的构想,并以开放的胸怀重新开始。 那是我终于学到一些东西,并成为引擎的忠实粉丝的时候。 去搞清楚!

Around November last year I decided that the current overtime-laden, profit-above-fun corporate game development environment was not for me, and decided to go indie and work on my own game. I only got as far as the UI system, released as a stand-alone package roughly 3 weeks later.

去年11月前后,我认为当前不适合加班,赚钱多的公司游戏开发环境不适合我,因此决定独立开发自己的游戏。 直到三周后,我才了解到作为独立软件包发布的UI系统。

What was your inspiration for the NGUI?


NGUI is a tool that makes it easy for anyone using Unity to create user interfaces for games. Its inspiration was quite simple – I did not enjoy using the other UI packages that were available, and always knew that there had to be a better way. Finally deciding to put my money where my mouth is, I started working on my own solution. People seemed to like it, so I kept at it. I wanted to create a tool for myself that would make it easy to create pretty fancy user interfaces “The Unity Way” – component based, drag & drop small scripts to get the behaviour I want. I wanted something flexible like that so that I wouldn’t have to spend hours digging through the UI code.

NGUI是一种工具,使用Unity的任何人都可以轻松创建游戏的用户界面。 它的灵感很简单–我不喜欢使用其他可用的UI包,并且始终知道必须有更好的方法。 最终决定把钱花在哪里,我开始研究自己的解决方案。 人们似乎喜欢它,所以我坚持了下去。 我想为自己创建一个工具,该工具可以轻松创建漂亮的用户界面“ Unity Way”-基于组件的小脚本,通过拖放操作即可获得所需的行为。 我想要这样的灵活方式,这样我就不必花很多时间来研究UI代码。

What do you like about Unity?


What’s not to like? It’s well-designed. Building for different platforms is an effortless click away. Testing the new code changes takes seconds, not minutes. There are no hour-long build times. There is no need to spend a day setting up the environment for “the new guy” before he can run the project. And the ability to pause the game and modify just about anything visually? I love it!

不喜欢什么 设计精良。 轻松点击即可构建不同平台。 测试新代码更改只需几秒钟,而不是几分钟。 没有一个小时的构建时间。 无需花一天的时间为“新手”设置环境,然后他就可以运行该项目。 能否暂停游戏并在视觉上进行几乎任何修改? 我喜欢它!

How did you hear about the Asset Store?


I heard about it when it was first released, back when there was pretty much nothing on it. My first thought was, ‘an integrated asset store? This is going to be huge!’ Unfortunately working full-time didn’t leave much room for side-projects that could be submitted.

第一次发行时,我听说过它,当时几乎什么也没有。 我的第一个想法是,“一家综合资产商店? 这将是巨大的! 不幸的是,全职工作并没有为可以提交的副项目留太多空间。

Do you have any advice for middleware developers who might sell their work on the Asset Store?

您对可能在Asset Store上出售其作品的中间件开发人员有何建议?

Simply put, find a hole and fill it. Do you see something that there is a lack of, or that you know you can do better, such as good-looking non-cartoony spaceship models (hint hint)? Create some, put them up, and you will earn some money. That said, don’t set your goal to make as much money as possible. Aim to make a great product first and foremost. The coins will come naturally.

简单地说,找到一个Kong并填充它。 您是否看到缺少的东西,或者您知道可以做得更好的东西,例如美观的非卡通宇宙飞船模型(提示)? 创建一些,把它们放起来,您将获得一些钱。 就是说,不要将您的目标设定为尽可能赚钱。 力争做一个伟大的产品。 硬币会自然而然地出现。

One other suggestion I can make is regarding the price. You may think that your work is far superior to everyone else’s and that might tempt you to set a really high price for your product, but my suggestion is – don’t do it. A lower price will tempt more buyers, and if they like your product they will likely tell their friends, who will also be tempted to buy it. It’s like a domino effect. The lower the price, the faster the dominos fall, and the more money you earn.

我可以提出的另一项建议是关于价格。 您可能认为您的工作要比其他人都要好,这可能会诱使您为产品设置很高的价格,但是我的建议是–不要这样做。 较低的价格会吸引更多的买家,如果他们喜欢您的产品,他们可能会告诉他们的朋友,他们也很想买。 这就像多米诺骨牌效应。 价格越低,多米诺骨牌坠落得越快,您赚到的钱就越多。

What can developers look towards in the future from your company?


I’m going to continue to support and expand NGUI, although the latter is somewhat indirect in nature. I’ve been working on a game using NGUI for the past 6 weeks, and the vast majority of updates to NGUI were the result of me finding things that were missing or could be done better, and adding them in. I figure it’s the best way to go about adding features anyway, as then I am my own customer as well, and I can see exactly what can and should be added.

我将继续支持和扩展NGUI,尽管后者本质上是间接的。 在过去的6周中,我一直在使用NGUI进行游戏开发,对NGUI的绝大多数更新是我发现缺少的东西或可以做得更好的东西并将其添加进去的结果。我认为这是最好的无论如何添加功能的方式,因为那时我也是我自己的客户,因此我可以确切地知道可以添加什么。

What is your vision for the future of game development and game developers?


The way I see it, the industry started off with small teams working on games out of their own basement and evolved into large mega-corporations pushing their money-driven agenda on the thousands of developers working 60+ hour weeks. The industry became a rather unhappy place to be. Unpaid overtime became the norm. Copying other games turned into a sure ticket to success. This sort of environment left little room for innovation or trying something new, let alone something “fun”. Fortunately I feel that we are currently transitioning past that era.

从我的角度来看,这个行业开始时是由小型团队在自己的地下室从事游戏,后来演变成大型的大型公司,将金钱驱动的议程推向了数千名每周工作60小时以上的开发商。 该行业成为一个相当不幸的地方。 无偿加班已成为常态。 复制其他游戏成为成功的必经之路。 这种环境几乎没有创新的空间或尝试新事物的机会,更不用说“乐趣”了。 幸运的是,我觉得我们正在过渡到那个时代。

We are now in the age of digital distribution. We have venues like Kickstarter to fund the project, alpha and pre-order purchases to sustain it, and, should it fail or fall short, there is the Asset Store to provide additional funding, by selling off the individual components, or even the complete project as a whole. And in some cases, the components sold on the Asset Store can become so popular that they will provide the ability to fund the project all by themselves. In other words: money if you finish, money if you don’t. With a lack of risk like that, it’s hard not to imagine more developers following the indie route in the near future.

我们现在处于数字发行时代。 我们有像Kickstarter这样的场所为项目提供资金,alpha和预购来维持项目,如果项目失败或失败,资产商店可以通过出售单个组件甚至整个组件来提供额外的资金。整个项目。 在某些情况下,在Asset Store上出售的组件会变得如此流行,以至于它们将能够自己为项目提供资金。 换句话说:有钱就赚,否则就赚钱。 由于缺乏这样的风险,所以很难想象不久的将来会有更多的开发者遵循独立路线。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/04/07/interview-super-seller-michael-lyashenko-of-tasharen-entertainment/

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