软件开发 系统数据输入_与您一起开发新的输入系统

软件开发 系统数据输入

UPDATED August 2020: The Input System is now is now verified for Unity 2019 LTS and later. See this page for up to date information.

2020年8月更新:现在已经为Unity 2019 LTS和更高版本验证了输入系统 。 请参阅此页面以获取最新信息。

UPDATED Dec 12, 2017: We have made significant changes to our plans for the input system. Please read our forum post for details.

2017年12月12日更新:我们对输入系统的计划进行了重大更改。 请阅读我们的论坛帖子以获取详细信息。

In Input Team we’ve been working on designing and implementing a new input system. We’ve made good progress, and though there’s still a long way to go, we want to get you involved already now.

在输入团队中,我们一直在设计和实施新的输入系统。 我们已经取得了良好的进展,尽管还有很长的路要走, 但我们现在想让您参与其中

We’ve build a new foundation for working with input in a new way that we’re excited to show you, and we want to continue the development with your input on the existing and continued design.


开发过程 (Development process)

The new input system will consist of two parts. The low-level part is integrated into the C++ core of Unity. The high-level part is implemented in managed (C#) code that will be open-source in the same way as e.g. the UI system.

新的输入系统将包括两个部分。 低级部分已集成到Unity的C ++内核中。 高级部分以托管(C#)代码实现,将以与UI系统相同的方式开源。

Our development process for the new input system is to design and implement large parts of the high level system first. Initially this is based on top of the current input system that already exists in Unity. For now, we call this the input system prototype. Later, once the new low-level core is more mature, we’ll change the high-level part to be based on the new low-level system.

我们对新输入系统的开发过程是首先设计和实现高级系统的大部分。 最初,这是基于Unity中已经存在的当前输入系统的顶部。 现在,我们将其称为输入系统原型 。 以后,一旦新的底层内核变得更加成熟,我们将把高层部分更改为基于新的底层系统。

This means that the current high-level system (the prototype) lacks specific features that depend on the new low-level core, such as robust registration of connected and disconnected input devices while the game is running. However, many features of the design can already be used and tested, and this is particularly what we want early feedback on.

这意味着当前的高级系统(原型)缺少依赖于新的低级内核的特定功能,例如在游戏运行时对已连接和已断开连接的输入设备进行可靠注册。 但是,设计的许多功能已经可以使用和测试,尤其是我们希望早期获得反馈的功能。

和你一起工作 (Working with you)

Here’s how we’d like you to get involved:


    了解新系统的设计 (Learn about the design of the new system)

    Input that works well for a plethora of different use cases is a surprisingly tricky matter. We’ve prepared some resources for you to learn about how the new design attempts to address this.

    对于许多不同的用例来说,输入效果很好,这是一件令人惊讶的棘手的事情。 我们为您准备了一些资源,以供您了解新设计如何解决此问题。

    First of all, we’ve created this video covering the design of action maps and player management. It’s a good introduction to the new design.

    首先,我们创建了这个视频,内容涵盖了动作图和玩家管理的设计。 这是对新设计的很好的介绍。

    We’ve also prepared a site with more information about the design, including a Quick Start Guide.


    Head to the Experimental New Input System site to learn more.


    亲自尝试新的输入系统原型 (Try out the new input system prototype for yourself)

    We have a project folder which contains the input system prototype as well as a demo project which uses it. This can be used with regular Unity 5.3 without needing a special build.

    我们有一个项目文件夹,其中包含输入系统原型以及使用它的演示项目。 这可以与常规Unity 5.3一起使用,而无需特殊的构建。

    Download it from the Experimental New Input System site.


    The input system prototype can be tested with other projects by copying the folder Assets/input-prototype into the Assets folder of another project. (Please create a backup of your project first.)

    通过将文件夹Assets / input-prototype复制到另一个项目的Assets文件夹中,可以与其他项目一起测试输入系统原型。 (请先创建项目的备份。)

    告诉我们你的经历 (Tell us about your experience)

    What do you think about the design? How does it work (or not) for your project? Anything that’s confusing or unclear? For now we’re interested in discussion around the design of the system. We don’t need bug reports quite yet at this stage in development.

    您如何看待设计? 它对您的项目如何运作(或不运作)? 有什么令人困惑或不清楚的地方吗? 目前,我们对围绕系统设计的讨论感兴趣。 在开发的这个阶段,我们还不需要错误报告。

    Head to the New Input System Forum to discuss the new input system.


    We’re looking forward to working with you!


    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/04/12/developing-the-new-input-system-together-with-you/

    软件开发 系统数据输入





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