
Joshua McGrath is a little mad. He draws level diagrams in the shower, loves answering Tidy Tile Mapper support emails and applies his zen charm to working at Soap Creative in LA. He swears it all started with the Asset Store.

约书亚·麦格拉思(Joshua McGrath)有点生气。 他在淋浴时绘制了水平图,喜欢回复Tidy Tile Mapper支持电子邮件,并将他的禅宗魅力运用到了洛杉矶的Soap Creative公司。 他发誓所有这一切都始于Asset Store。

The Australian developer is the more chaotic half of the Doppler Interactive duo. Wife Jessica provides game ideas for their projects as well as texture art and some structure and professionalism in general. First, they made a few small mobile games together, but in 2011, Joshua started experimenting with tools development.

澳大利亚开发商是多普勒互动二人组中较为混乱的一半。 妻子杰西卡(Jessica)为他们的项目以及纹理艺术以及总体结构和专业水平提供游戏思路。 首先,他们一起制作了一些小型手机游戏,但是在2011年,约书亚开始尝试工具开发。

“I think I wanted to make levels like those in Super Mario Brothers, but making the tool turned out to be more fun than making the game. At the time, the Unity Asset Store was still pretty new, it was this wild frontier land for cowboys like me. I just put it together over a month or so, during Christmas, when I didn’t have much to do.”

“我想我想像超级马里奥兄弟那样达到关卡,但事实证明,制作该工具比制作游戏更有趣。 当时,Unity Asset Store仍然很新,对于像我这样的牛仔来说,这是一块荒芜的边境土地。 在圣诞节期间,我无事可做,只是整整一个月左右就把它们放在一起了。”

Soon enough, downloads picked up and taking care of Tidy Tile Mapper became Joshua’s surrogate full-time job. “I was suddenly answering support emails from my phone at breakfast. It just kept growing.” That was back in January 2012 and Doppler Interactive’s main asset was quickly battling with Rage Spline for the top seller post on the store.

很快,下载量开始增长,并负责整理Tidy Tile Mapper,成为约书亚的全职代理工作。 “我突然在早餐时通过手机回覆支持电子邮件。 它一直在增长。” 那是在2012年1月,多普勒互动公司(Doppler Interactive)的主要资产正在Swift与Rage Spline争夺商店中最畅销的职位。


“We made some money, which was bizarre, because making money off games is extremely hard. This was the first step towards building the empire.” In the game dev community of his hometown, he became know as That Tidy Tile Mapper guy. He was the first person who earned anything on independent game development. But just as importantly, he got a vote of confidence that pushed him to quit his day job.

“我们赚了一些钱,这很奇怪,因为从游戏中赚钱非常困难。 这是迈向建立帝国的第一步。” 在他的家乡的游戏开发社区中,他被称为That Tidy Tile Mapper。 他是第一个在独立游戏开发上赚钱的人。 但同样重要的是,他获得了信任票,促使他辞掉了日常工作。

“The biggest thing is finding out that there are people out there who like what you do. That confirmation from the community is enormous. That encouragement is the real start, the moment you stop hesitating and jump.”

“最大的发现是,那里有人喜欢你的工作。 社区的确认是巨大的。 当您停止犹豫并跳跃时,这种鼓励才是真正的开始。”

Whilst living off  Tidy Tile Mapper sales, Joshua dedicated the next six months to intensive game development work. There were some drawbacks to the sudden freedom though. “Working for yourself in your house you don’t really have a weekend, you end up drawing diagrams in the shower. Every minute you’re not working, you feel bad. But it was worth it.”

在靠Tidy Tile Mapper销售为生的同时,Joshua在接下来的六个月中致力于游戏开发工作。 但是,突然的自由有一些弊端。 “在自己的房子里为自己工作,实际上并没有一个周末,最后在淋浴间绘制了图表。 每分钟都不工作,您会感到难过。 但它是值得的。”

Doppler Interactive took part in Unite 2012, where Joshua had a talk about Tidy Tile Mapper and his experience at the Asset Store. “It was really cool, we were so busy just meeting everybody. I also had a talk, I wasn’t really prepared, I just came up with my ridiculous Mohawk.”

多普勒互动公司(Doppler Interactive)参加了Unite 2012,在那里约书亚(Joshua)谈论了Tidy Tile Mapper及其在Asset Store的经历。 “这真的很酷,我们很忙,只能见到每个人。 我也有个演讲,我还没有真正做好准备,我只是想出了我可笑的莫霍克族。”


The first following release was Ball of Woe, which started as a tool for learning about rigid bodies in Unity. After that, the idea for Cube and Star: a Love Story came up and he started experimenting with a simple prototype. “When I was about halfway through messing around like that, I won an award back in Australia for my work on videogames called the Spirit of Youth award. I thought it was pretty funny, since I was 29 at the time, so not so young.” He got hired by one of the judges, Soap Creative, and Doppler Interactive relocated to LA.

随后的第一个版本是Ball of Woe,它最初是用于学习Unity中刚体的工具。 之后,出现了《魔方与星星:爱情故事》的构想,他开始尝试制作一个简单的原型。 “当我大约在那样的混乱中途时,我因在电子游戏方面的工作而赢得了一个奖项,称为青年精神奖。 我当时觉得很有趣,因为那时我29岁,所以还不那么年轻。” Soap Creative和多普勒互动公司(Doppler Interactive)的其中一位评委雇用了他,并搬到了洛杉矶。

“That was awesome, because I really wanted to get out of Australia for so long. And the job is fantastic, which is both great and bad, because being content is the bane of private development”.

“那太好了,因为我真的很想离开澳大利亚这么长时间。 这份工作很棒,无论好坏,因为满足感是私人发展的祸根”。

Despite the existential issue of being happy, work on Cube and Star continued and Jessica submitted the prototype to a bunch of contests. It won Intel Level Up’s contest in the “Other Game” category, which meant that the duo got to show it at PAX and GDC and it went to Steam. “Steam distribution was like this fire under Cube and Star that forced me to finish this.” admits McGrath.

尽管存在快乐的问题,但关于Cube和Star的工作仍在继续,杰西卡将原型提交给了许多竞赛。 它在“其他游戏”类别中赢得了Intel Level Up的比赛,这意味着二人组必须在PAX和GDC上展示它,然后才交给Steam。 “蒸汽的分布就像是立方体和星空下的大火,迫使我完成了这一任务。” 麦格拉思承认。


Since this Valentine’s Day, Cube and Star: An Arbitrary Love is on Steam and Humble Bundle and since yesterday, it’s available for the iPad as well. “That’s where we’re at right now, we’re selling some games, some people are talking about us. The main thing is finding our niche, finding those 10 000 people who like what we do, who are willing to pay us for a game once a year. On Steam, it’s becoming a lot harder to be visible, it’s gradually sliding towards an iOS app store situation. But we’ll find that market one day.”

自从这个情人节以来,《 Sube and Star:A Arbitrary Love》就出现在Steam和Humble Bundle上,从昨天开始, 它也适用于iPad 。 “这就是我们现在所处的位置,我们正在出售一些游戏,一些人在谈论我们。 最主要的是找到我们的利基市场,找到那些喜欢我们做的并愿意每年支付我们一次游戏费用的万人。 在Steam上,它变得越来越不容易被看到,它正逐渐趋向iOS应用商店的情况。 但是我们有一天会找到那个市场。”

How does he manage to have a full time job, work on Doppler Interactive games and maintain all the assets they have on the store?


“I’m very fortunate that my wife is super great. I have a lot of problems holding attention, so all my emails get forwarded to her and she summarizes them in bullet points for me. And we have a lot of whiteboards full of stuff like “pay that tax” and “do this port”. But it’s really, really hard. I just stay up late and smoke a lot, I’m probably going to die 15 years younger.” ‘

“我很幸运,我的妻子很棒。 我在吸引注意力方面遇到很多问题,因此我所有的电子邮件都转发给了她,她为我总结了这些要点。 而且我们有很多白板,上面满是“付税”和“做这个港口”之类的东西。 但这确实非常困难。 我只是熬夜并且抽很多烟,我可能要比他年轻15岁。” '

Support for Tidy Tile Mapper takes a good chunk of his time, but Joshua still loves it.

支持Tidy Tile Mapper花费了大量时间,但是Joshua仍然喜欢它。

“I get the best emails for Tidy Tile Mapper. The best thing is when they write me with their game idea and ask what tools to use. Seeing the start of these projects, even if they don’t finish, is great. A lot of them might seem too ambitious. But of course you have to have unrealistic goals, that’s the only way to get going.”

“我收到的Tidy Tile Mapper电子邮件最好。 最好的事情是,当他们用自己的游戏想法给我写信并询问要使用哪些工具时。 看到这些项目的开始,即使它们没有完成,也很棒。 他们中的许多人似乎过于野心勃勃。 但是,当然,您必须有不切实际的目标,这是前进的唯一途径。”


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/06/04/from-zero-to-hero-the-asset-store-publisher-story/

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