unity url 编码_7月将举办两场实时课程,学习编码或教授Unity

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Create with Code Live is back for a summer session, for anyone who wants to learn to code the fun way – by making games. We also have a brand-new course, Unity for Educators: A Beginner’s Guide, designed for teachers who are interested in bringing Unity into the classroom and are new to Unity. Both free four-week courses blend live, interactive sessions with Unity experts and self-paced online learning, starting on July 13.

使用Code Live进行创建又回到了夏季课程,适合任何想通过编写游戏来学习以有趣方式编写代码的人。 我们还有一门全新的课程,《 Unity for Educators:A Beginner's Guide》 ,专为有兴趣将Unity引入课堂并是Unity 新手的老师设计。 从7月13日开始,这两个免费的为期四周的课程都融合了与Unity专家进行的实时互动会议以及自定进度的在线学习。

We launched the first Create with Code Live course in March as a way to support our community of creators during a time of change, as people shifted to remote work and learning. Because of the incredible response and interest we’ve seen in this course, we’re expanding our live learning offerings, starting with two new courses. The first is for anyone interested in learning to code. The second is for educators interested in teaching their students real-time 3D design and development skills to make games, AR/VR applications, and more.  

我们在三月启动了第一项使用Code Live进行创建课程,以在变化的时代为人们提供支持,以帮助我们的创作者社区,因为人们开始转向远程工作和学习。 由于我们在本课程中看到了令人难以置信的回应和兴趣,因此我们从两门新课程开始扩展了我们的实时学习产品。 首先是对有兴趣学习编码的任何人。 第二个是针对有兴趣教学生实时3D设计和开发技能以制作游戏,AR / VR应用程序等的教育工作者。

使用Code Live创建:通过制作游戏来学习编程 (Create with Code Live: Learn to program by making games)

We’re excited to launch our second Create with Code Live on July 13. This free four-week course is designed for busy professionals who want to learn programming through a mix of self-paced learning and live instruction. Each week, you’ll work through the course material independently and meet with a live Unity instructor online three times. Each hour-long live session will offer the chance to get feedback and pro tips, ask questions, and work with other engaged learners. This mixed-learning format is ideal for Unity beginners who are juggling responsibilities and need both the flexibility of an on-demand course and the benefits of live instruction.

我们很高兴于7月13日发布第二个Create with Code Live。这个免费的为期四周的课程专为繁忙的专业人士而设计,他们希望通过自定进度的学习和现场指导来学习编程。 每周,您将独立完成课程材料,并在线与Unity实时在线讲师见面三遍。 每次长达一小时的实时课程都将为您提供获得反馈和专业提示,提出问题以及与其他敬业学习者一起工作的机会。 这种混合学习格式非常适合需要兼顾工作,既需要按需课程的灵活性又需要现场授课的Unity初学者。

By the end of Create with Code Live, you’ll have gained foundational skills in Unity and C# programming and be able to create your own real-time 3D interactive games and experiences. The course will also set you up for success by teaching you the skills required to take the Unity Certified User exam.

到“使用Code Live进行创建”结束时,您将获得Unity和C#编程的基本技能,并能够创建自己的实时3D交互式游戏和体验。 通过教您参加Unity认证用户考试所需的技能,本课程还将为您成功做好准备。

面向教育者的Unity:入门指南 (Unity for Educators: A Beginner’s Guide)

As demand for AR/VR and game development expertise continues to grow exponentially, more educators are bringing Unity into the classroom to prepare their students with the skills for these promising careers. But we’ve found that the majority of educators who come to Unity are new to real-time 3D technology and need support to help their students learn. 

随着对AR / VR和游戏开发专业知识的需求呈指数级增长,越来越多的教育工作者将Unity带入课堂,为学生们准备了从事这些有前途职业的技能。 但是我们发现,来到Unity的大多数教育者都不是实时3D技术的新手,他们需要支持来帮助学生学习。


Unity for Educators: A Beginner’s Guide is a free, live course created by educators for educators – from secondary schools to higher education and beyond, including nontraditional programs like boot camps or extracurricular classes. Instructors and guest speakers will introduce you to creating and teaching with Unity, and offer guidance in best practices for bringing 3D interactive technology into the classroom and learning alongside your students. 

教育工作者的统一性:入门指南 是由教育工作者为教育工作者创建的免费的实时课程-从中学到高等教育,甚至包括非传统课程,如训练营或课外课程。 讲师和演讲嘉宾将向您介绍Unity的创建和教学,并提供有关将3D交互式技术引入课堂并与学生一起学习的最佳实践的指导。

The course starts on July 13 and runs for four weeks. Each week, you will engage with three hours of self-paced learning online, and there’s an optional one-hour live session where you can connect with fellow learners, hear from experts, and get personalized support from the Unity education team. Live sessions will be held at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. PT, and you can register for the time that works for you (or both). 

该课程于7月13日开始,为期四个星期。 每周,您将在线进行三个小时的自定进度学习,并且有一个可选的一小时实时课程,您可以在此与其他学习者建立联系,听取专家的意见,并获得Unity教育团队的个性化支持。 现场会议将于太平洋标准时间上午9点和下午5点举行,您可以注册适合自己的时间(或两者同时使用)。

Through this course you will:


  • Gain hands-on experience with Unity and understand the platform’s wide-ranging applications and benefits beyond digital skills, such as storytelling and creative problem-solving. 


  • Learn how 3D development and interactive technology are changing the way we work and interact, and learn more about the job market for these skills. 


  • Create your own 3D interactive project with Unity.


  • Develop a teaching plan for integrating Unity into your classroom, program or curriculum.


  • Understand the Unity ecosystem and how to make the most of Unity Learn, online teaching resources, and an active, supportive educator community.


  • Learn strategies and best practices for creating powerful learning experiences across a range of contexts.


While creating this course, we interviewed dozens of inspiring Unity educators from across a range of educational settings worldwide. Many of these teachers lend their voice to the course and share their insights and experiences to highlight best practices, challenges, and strategies to prepare teachers new to Unity for day one with their students. 

在创建本课程时,我们采访了来自世界各地各种教育背景的数十名鼓舞人心的Unity教育工作者。 这些老师中的许多人都在课程中表达了自己的观点,并分享了他们的见解和经验,以强调最佳实践,挑战和策略,以帮助刚接触Unity的新老师为他们的学生做好准备。

Here are three key messages that stood out from our interviews, which we will expand on in the course:


  • You don’t need to be an expert in Unity to teach it


Many educators share the experience of feeling intimidated when asking students to open a new Unity project for the first time. The hardest part for many has been not having all the answers – and feeling uncomfortable letting students know that. Teachers said that they started to feel successful when they began to assume the role of co-learner alongside their students and moved away from a “sage on the stage” mentality. This allowed educators to focus on helping students to develop transferable self-learning strategies, like breaking problems into smaller steps, collaborating with classmates, mastering online searches, and learning forum etiquette. The course explores these strategies in greater depth and outlines approaches to foster an environment of co-learning.

当要求学生第一次打开一个新的Unity项目时,许多教育者分享了被吓in的经历。 对于许多人来说,最困难的部分是无法获得所有答案,并且让学生感到不舒服。 老师们说,当他们开始与学生们一起担任共同学习者的角色并摆脱了“舞台上的圣人”思维时,他们就开始感到成功。 这使教育工作者可以专注于帮助学生制定可转移的自学策略,例如将问题分解为更小的步骤,与同学合作,掌握在线搜索以及学习论坛礼仪。 该课程更深入地探讨了这些策略,并概述了营造共同学习环境的方法。

  • A growth mindset is key to teaching and learning Unity


Teaching Unity means jumping into something that the professional world uses – and because it’s a professional tool, there’s a lot to it. For many teachers, the importance of promoting a growth mindset is a top priority for this reason. Unity provides creators with new challenges, interesting problems to solve, and opportunities to fail and grow. 

教授Unity意味着跳入专业领域使用的东西–由于它是一种专业工具,因此还有很多。 对于许多老师来说, 出于这个原因 ,促进 g 排行思维 的重要性 是当务之急。 Unity为创作者带来了新的挑战,需要解决的有趣问题以及失败和成长的机会。

By creating a space where learners want to push themselves out of their comfort zone and feel safe making mistakes, teachers see student creativity and risk-taking flourish. One effective strategy for this, which we’ll dive into, is to take an effort and mindset-based approach to assessment. Grading students on what they’ve learned, as opposed to the polish of their final product, makes a huge difference. We highlight innovative ways that teachers can promote this key skill and share useful resources, including assessment tools.

通过创建一个让学习者将自己推出舒适区并感到犯错的安全空间,教师可以看到学生的创造力和冒险精神。 我们将研究的一种有效的策略是采取一种基于努力和心态的评估方法。 对学生所学知识进行评分,而不是对最终产品进行修饰,这会产生很大的不同。 我们重点介绍教师可以提高这一关键技能并共享有用资源(包括评估工具)的创新方式。

  • Knowing where to start can be the hardest part


The number of resources available and the many different Unity applications and pathways can be daunting for educators as they sit down to plan. The course guides teachers through the planning process and supports them to find relevant resources. 

当教育工作者坐下来进行计划时,可用的资源数量以及许多不同的Unity应用程序和途径可能使他们望而却步。 该课程指导教师完成计划过程,并支持他们找到相关资源。

Some teachers, for instance, like to take an a la carte approach when selecting projects and tutorials, depending on their learning outcomes. We support this approach by guiding learners around the Unity Learn ecosystem to find what they need. Create with Code, the second course we’re offering this summer, has quickly become an educator favorite and found its way into learning spaces around the globe. The educator-specific tutorials and detailed guides make it a great place to start for new teachers. We also highlight some of the creative ways teachers have developed their curricula to maximize cross-curricular opportunities, design projects for social impact, and enable collaboration in teams. 

例如,有些老师喜欢根据他们的学习成果,选择项目和教程时采用点菜的方法。 我们通过指导学习者围绕Unity学习生态系统找到他们所需的东西来支持这种方法。 我们今年夏天提供的第二门课程“使用代码创建”已Swift成为教育工作者的最爱,并逐渐进入全球学习空间。 特定于教育者的教程和详细指南使其成为新老师入门的理想之地。 我们还将重点介绍教师开发课程的一些创造性方法,以最大限度地提高跨课程的机会,设计具有社会影响力的项目以及促进团队协作。

This course is a pathway to the Unity educator community – a passionate group of educators who actively share ideas, resources, and offer support to one another. This support has been especially critical in the last few months as teachers have had to shift to virtual learning. The group offers educators opportunities through live webinars, shared resources, peer support, and other free offerings to help you in your journey teaching Unity and preparing your students for 21st-century jobs.

这门课程是进入 Unity教育工作者社区 的途径 -一群热情的教育工作者,他们积极分享想法,资源并互相支持。 在过去的几个月中,由于教师不得不转向虚拟学习,因此这种支持尤为重要。 该小组通过在线研讨会,共享资源,同伴支持和其他免费产品为教育工作者提供机会,以帮助您在进行Unity教学和为21世纪工作做准备的过程中为您提供帮助。

Ready to start learning? Sign up now for Create with Code Live or Unity for Educators: A Beginner’s Guide, and we’ll see you in class on July 13!

准备开始学习了吗? 立即注册 使用Code Live创建 Unity for Educators:新手指南 ,我们将于7月13日在课堂上与您见面!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/06/29/learn-to-code-or-teach-unity-with-two-live-courses-coming-in-july/

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