
If you want to sell products and services over the internet, then it’s important that consumers feel they can trust you. Online shoppers are increasingly sceptical about where they spend their money and any signs that your website looks dodgy will make them think twice. In this article, we’ll look at ten different ways you can increase trust in your website so that customers feel more confident to shop with you.

如果您想通过互联网销售产品和服务,那么让消费者感到可以信任您就很重要。 在线购物者越来越怀疑他们在哪里花钱,任何迹象表明您的网站看上去很狡猾,都会使他们三思而后行。 在本文中,我们将探讨十种不同的方式来增加您对网站的信任度,从而使客户更有信心与您一起购物。


1.在线评论 (1. Online Reviews)

One of the most effective ways to increase trust in your business is to use online reviews – mainly because they are the opinions previous customers and they are independent. According to Vendasta, 92% of consumers now read reviews with the star rating being the primary way they judge a business. Indeed, for local businesses, 68% of people state directly that reviews increase trust.

提高对您的业务的信任度的最有效方法之一是使用在线评论,这主要是因为它们是以前客户的意见,并且是独立的。 根据Vendasta的说法 ,现在有92%的消费者阅读评论,星级是他们评判业务的主要方式。 确实,对于本地企业而言,有68%的人直接表示评论会增加信任度。

There are numerous ways that your business can start to use reviews. You can ask for reviews on your Facebook page, you can get them from websites like Yell or Google My Business when you list your company on those sites, or you can sign up to use a service like TrustPilot.

您的企业可以通过多种方式开始使用评论。 您可以在Facebook页面上请求评论,可以在诸如Yell或Google My Business之类的网站上列出您的公司时获得评论,也可以注册使用TrustPilot之类的服务。

Online Reviews

To make the most of the reviews, you need to get your customers to leave them and this may take a little encouragement on your behalf. However, once good reviews start coming in, you should put your star rating on your website and make sure that customers see it in the most appropriate places. In addition, you should put a link to the reviews you have received so that potential customers can read them for themselves.

为了充分利用评论,您需要让您的客户离开他们,这可能会代表您一点鼓励。 但是,一旦开始获得好评,您就应该在网站上放上星级,并确保客户在最合适的位置看到它。 另外,您应该在收到的评论上添加链接,以便潜在客户可以自己阅读。


2.客户推荐 (2. Customer testimonials)

Customer testimonials are similar to reviews with the exception that they are published directly on your website. You should use them as a way to show how your product or service was appreciated by the customer and the benefits it brought. The more influential, high profile or relevant the person leaving the testimonial, the better. So, if you sell equipment to schools, try to get a testimonial from a headteacher – if that’s the headteacher of Eton, even better.

客户推荐与评论类似,不同之处在于它们直接发布在您的网站上。 您应该使用它们来显示客户如何评价您的产品或服务及其带来的好处。 离开证明书的人的影响力,知名度或相关性越好。 因此,如果您将设备卖给学校,请尝试从校长那里获得推荐信-如果那是伊顿校长,那就更好了。

To make sure people believe that your testimonials are real and not just made up, you should always ask the person giving the testimonial to provide their name, position and organisation, such as Brad Smith, Managing Director, Brad’s Bikes. This way, those that feel the need to do so can look the person up on Google – you’d be surprised how many do this.

为确保人们相信您的推荐是真实的而不仅仅是伪造的,您应始终要求提供推荐的人提供其姓名,职务和组织,例如Br​​ad's Bikes董事总经理Brad Smith。 这样,那些有需要这样做的人可以在Google上查找该人-您会惊讶地发现有多少人这样做。


3.投资组合/案例研究 (3. Portfolio / Case Studies)

Although it might not be appropriate for every company, having a portfolio and case studies on your website is another way to boost trust. They highlight the work you have done in the past, proving that you are an established company with experience. They are also a way of the letting your customers see the high standards your company works to.

尽管可能并不适合所有公司,但在您的网站上拥有投资组合和案例研究是提高信任度的另一种方法。 它们突出显示了您过去所做的工作,证明您是一家经验丰富的老牌公司。 它们也是让您的客户看到公司所遵循的高标准的一种方式。

Portfolios are excellent for businesses that create things with a visible end result, e.g. wedding planners, photographers, builders, jewellery makers, gardeners – the list is endless. Case studies are more useful for companies that offer services that have an impact on customers – they are a way to demonstrate the problems you helped the customer overcome, the way you achieved this and the improvements that came around because of the work you did.

对于创建具有可见最终结果的业务的企业来说,投资组合非常适合,例如婚礼策划师,摄影师,建筑商,珠宝制造商,园丁–列表不胜枚举。 对于提供对客户有影响的服务的公司来说,案例研究更有用–它们是一种方法来展示您帮助客户克服的问题,实现此目标的方式以及由于您所做的工作而带来的改进。


4.联系方式 (4. Contact details)

One of the biggest advantages of shopping on the high street is that people know where to go if there is a problem. There is a building with people in it. Nothing inspires trust as much as that.

在大街上购物的最大好处之一是,如果有问题,人们就会知道该去哪里。 有一幢人在里面的建筑物。 没有什么比这更能激发信任。

Whilst you cannot have a bricks and mortar website, you can do the next best thing and provide your customers with everything they need to know to make them trust that your business is legitimate.


The essential details are these:


  • Company Name

  • If a registered company, also give the company registration number so you can be checked as legitimate at Companies House.

    如果是注册公司,还请提供公司注册号,以便可以在Companies House处检查您是否合法。
  • Company address, in full – including country if you sell overseas.

  • Company telephone number – landlines are far more trustable than mobile numbers.

  • Email address that preferably ends with the same domain as your website (@hotmail.com or @gmail.com doesn’t inspire the same trust.)

    电子邮件地址最好以与您的网站相同的域结尾(@ hotmail.com或@ gmail.com不会激发相同的信任。)

In addition, you should also aim to use live chat so people can speak with you there and then; show your location on a map, preferably with an image of your business so people can see it is real; and where appropriate, have a ‘Meet the Team’ page with headshots, brief bios and contact emails.

此外,您还应该以使用实时聊天为目标,以便人们可以在那里然后与您交谈; 在地图上显示您的位置,最好是带有您的商家图片,以便人们可以看到它是真实的; 并在适当的地方开设“与团队见面”页面,其中包含爆头,简短的个人简介和联系电子邮件。


5.关于我们页面 (5. About Us page)

A properly written About Us page can do wonders to build trust in your business. It should not only give a brief description of the history of the business and the products and services you offer but should also include sections on your business’ ethos and goals.

正确书写的“关于我们”页面可以帮助您建立对企业的信任。 它不仅应简要描述业务的历史以及您提供的产品和服务,还应包括有关业务精神和目标的部分。

These latter sections are where you can drive home the message that you are there to help and benefit both the consumer and the wider society. Perhaps you can inspire trust by showing your green credentials or your commitment to a local charity or community. People are much more likely to trust companies that give back to society.

在后面的几节中,您可以传达自己的信息,以帮助和使消费者和整个社会受益。 也许您可以通过出示绿色证书或对当地慈善机构或社区的承诺来激发信任。 人们更有可能信任那些回馈社会的公司。


6. SSL (6. SSL)

Since the beginning of 2017, Google’s Chrome browser has warned visitors that sites which do not have an SSL certificate are not secure. If you don’t have SSL, this could cause anyone trying to buy from your website to reconsider their purchase.

自2017年初以来,Google的Chrome浏览器已警告访问者,没有SSL证书的网站是不安全的。 如果您没有SSL,这可能会导致任何尝试从您的网站购买商品的人重新考虑他们的购买。

If you are not sure what this means, SSL is a way of encrypting sensitive information, such as credit card details, so that it cannot be stolen as it is sent from the buyer’s computer to your server. With hacking on the rise, consumers are becoming much more reluctant to spend when they don’t have complete trust in your services – that last thing you need is for Google to tell them your site is not safe.

如果您不确定这是什么意思,SSL是一种加密敏感信息(例如信用卡详细信息)的方法,因此在将其从购买者的计算机发送到您的服务器时,它就不会被盗。 随着黑客攻击的增加,当消费者不完全信任您的服务时,他们变得越来越不愿意花钱–您需要做的最后一件事就是让Google告诉他们您的网站不安全。

Luckily, SSL is easy to set up. For more information about how to encrypt your website, check out our recent article: SSL Essential Now Google Warn Users of Non-Secure Websites.

幸运的是,SSL易于设置。 有关如何加密您的网站的更多信息,请查看我们最近的文章: SSL Essential Now Google向非安全网站的用户发出警告


7.付款方式 (7. Payment Options)

It’s not just SSL that affects people at the point of sale either. Another factor that can stop a purchase at the last minute is the merchant you use to take payments. For example, PayPal is widely known and used by millions of people, so if you offer PayPal as an option, it’s likely to make customers feel more comfortable.

在销售点影响人们的不仅是SSL。 可以在最后一刻停止购买的另一个因素是您用来付款的商家。 例如,贝宝(PayPal)广为人知,并已被数百万人使用,因此,如果您将贝宝(PayPal)作为一种选择,可能会使客户感到更舒适。

If you offer payment via other services, try to use a company that people are familiar with and will have trust in, such as World Pay. If you sell primarily to the UK, then using a UK based merchant can help create trust as it will be authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority and provide customers with the rights and guarantees they expect.

如果您通过其他服务提供付款,请尝试使用人们熟悉并信任的公司,例如World Pay。 如果您主要向英国销售商品,那么使用英国商家可以帮助建立信任,因为它将获得金融行为监管局的授权,并为客户提供他们期望的权利和担保。


8.明确您的法律义务 (8. Make your legal obligations clear)

Make sure that you have all your policies clearly accessible on your website and that they are written in plain English. This way customers can be reassured about the way your business operates. You should include the following:

确保在您的网站上可以清楚地访问所有策略,并且以纯英语书写。 这样,客户可以放心您的业务运作方式。 您应该包括以下内容:

  • Returns, cancellation, and money back policies (as per Distance Selling Act)

  • Product/service guarantees

  • Delivery policy

  • Privacy policy

  • Terms and conditions

  • Cookie policy


Fraudulent websites often don’t have these at all, so it is always a good idea to publish them. At the same time, the more customer friendly these policies are, the more likely you are to make a sale.

欺诈性网站通常根本没有这些,因此发布它们始终是一个好主意。 同时,这些政策对客户越友好,您就越有可能进行销售。


9.技术上准确的写作 (9. Technically accurate writing)

One of the most conspicuous signs of a fraudulent website or scam email is the poor quality of the writing. People expect legitimate websites to be professionally written and be free of grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. When they do come across a website littered with mistakes it can give the impression that it is not genuine or that the business does not do things professionally.

欺诈性网站或欺诈电子邮件的最明显标志之一是写作质量低劣。 人们期望合法的网站能被专业地编写,并且没有语法,标点和拼写错误。 当他们确实遇到一个充斥着错误的网站时,可能会给人一种不真实的印象,或者该企业没有专业地做事。

The companies which are most affected by this are smaller businesses that write their own content but don’t have the essential literacy skills within the company to provide technically accurate writing. Obviously, this can have a negative effect on sales and needs to be remedied quickly. The best way to do this is to employ a freelance copywriter to check your content for you and rectify any mistakes.

受此影响最大的公司是规模较小的企业,他们编写自己的内容,但在公司内部没有基本的读写能力来提供技术上准确的写作。 显然,这可能会对销售产生负面影响,因此需要尽快进行补救。 最好的方法是聘请自由撰稿人为您检查内容并纠正任何错误。


10.专业协会的会员资格 (10. Membership of professional associations)

The final way to build trust with your audience is to prove that you are a member of a relevant professional association. For example, if someone was looking for a central heating engineer they would expect you to be CORGI registered, similarly, if they were looking for a travel agent or holiday they would want a company that is ABTA or ATOL protected.

与观众建立信任的最后一种方法是证明您是相关专业协会的成员。 例如,如果某人正在寻找中央供暖工程师,他们会希望您获得CORGI注册,同样,如果他们正在寻找旅行社或假期,他们会希望一家受ABTA或ATOL保护的公司。

There are professional organisations for most lines of business and their job is to make sure standards are upheld and that consumers are protected. Joining these organisations lets you display their emblems on your website and this shows your customers that you operate in ways which meet industry standards.

对于大多数业务领域,都有专业的组织,他们的工作是确保标准得到遵守并保护消费者。 加入这些组织可以使您在网站上显示其标志,这可以向客户显示您以符合行业标准的方式进行操作。

Of course, your business will need to meet the criteria required by these professional association in order to be given approval – but that is the whole point; customers prefer to buy from companies that have been assessed and come out with flying colours.

当然,您的企业需要满足这些专业协会要求的标准才能获得批准-但这就是重点; 客户更喜欢从经过评估并带有鲜艳色彩的公司购买。


结论 (Conclusion)

Trust is a key element in the buying decision for consumers, especially when they are purchasing online. The more you can do to show that you are a company that can be trusted, the better. From reading this article, you will now have a clearer idea of ten ways you can improve trust in your business and convert even more visitors into customers.

信任是消费者购买决策中的关键要素,尤其是当用户在线购买时。 您可以做的越多,表明自己是一家值得信赖的公司,越好。 通过阅读本文,您现在将更清晰地了解十种方法,这些方法可以增强您对企业的信任,并可以将更多的访客转化为客户。

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如果您经营一家在线企业,并且正在寻找经济实惠,具有出色安全性,可保证100%正常运行时间和24/7全天候技术支持的虚拟主机 ,请查看我们的商业虚拟主机计划

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/10-ways-to-improve-trust-and-boost-sales/

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