

When you add a post to your WordPress website there are limited ways it can get read: visitors can stumble across it, it can show up in Google search results (if you’re lucky), or your subscribers might click on a link in your newsletter. That’s pretty much it. However, if you add social media functionality to your website, everyone who reads your post can share it with all their followers and each of those can do likewise. And whilst there’s no guarantee that your post will go viral, adding social media sharing gives it the potential – without it, that’s never going to happen. So, to give your posts the best chance of getting read by a much wider audience, in this article we’ll look at the best WordPress social media plugins for 2017.

当您在WordPress网站上添加帖子时,阅读的方式有限:访问者可能会偶然发现它,它可能会显示在Google搜索结果中(如果您很幸运),或者您的订阅者可能点击了您网站上的链接通讯。 就是这样。 但是,如果您在网站上添加了社交媒体功能,则阅读您帖子的每个人都可以与所有关注者共享该帖子,并且每个人都可以这样做。 尽管不能保证您的帖子会传播开来,但添加社交媒体共享可以使它发挥潜力-没有它,那将永远不会发生。 因此,为使您的帖子获得更多读者的最佳机会,在本文中,我们将介绍2017年最佳的WordPress社交媒体插件。


1.社会战争 (1. Social Warfare)

 Social Warfare

With over 10,000 downloads, Social Warfare is a very popular choice for many WordPress users and offers a wide range of social sharing features for websites. It’s available as a free plugin from the WordPress repository and there is also a premium version for $29 that offers a wider range of options. The free plugin lets you share to the most popular social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and LinkedIn.

社交下载有10,000多个下载量,是许多WordPress用户非常欢迎的选择,并为网站提供了广泛的社交共享功能。 它可以从WordPress存储库中作为免费插件获得,还有29美元的高级版本,其中提供了更多选择。 这个免费的插件可让您共享到最受欢迎的社交媒体平台,包括Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest,Google +和LinkedIn。

One of Social Warfare’s best features is the ability to add floating sharing buttons. These have proven to be more effective than the static buttons that just appear at the top and bottom of posts, so if you’ve tried static buttons unsuccessfully in the past, you should give floating ones a try. You’ll find that the floating buttons from Social Warfare work equally well on both computer and mobile screens, which is not always the case with those from other plugins.

Social Warfare的最佳功能之一就是能够添加浮动共享按钮。 事实证明,这些按钮比仅显示在帖子顶部和底部的静态按钮更有效,因此,如果您过去尝试使用静态按钮失败,则应该尝试一下浮动按钮。 您会发现,“社交战争”中的浮动按钮在计算机和手机屏幕上均能很好地工作,而其他插件的情况并非总是如此。

For those who want to see the impact of social media on their traffic, the plugin also supports tracking so you can discover how many visitors each post receives from social media.



2.君主 (2. Monarch)


If you are familiar with WordPress, it’s more than likely that you have come across Elegant Themes, a development company renowned for producing highly attractive and functional themes. They also produce a small number of specialised plugins, one of which is the social media plugin, Monarch.

如果您熟悉WordPress,那么您很有可能会遇到Elegant Themes,这是一家开发公司,以制作极具吸引力和功能性的主题而闻名。 他们还产生少量的专用插件,其中之一是社交媒体插件Monarch

Designed to encourage and increase sharing, Monarch’s social media buttons can be added in a range of places on your posts, including on your mobile pages.


One of its most innovative features is that you can set your social media buttons to fly onto the screen in a similar way that many sites use for email subscription forms. Fly-in forms have proved to be more effective than static forms and Elegant themes are using this technique to enhance the number of shares, too.

其最具创新性的功能之一是,您可以将社交媒体按钮设置为以许多网站用于电子邮件订阅表单的类似方式在屏幕上显示。 事实证明,即时输入的表格比静态表格更有效,Elegant主题也使用这种技术来增加股份数量。

Unfortunately, there isn’t a free version of this plugin, so to get it you will need to purchase a licence from Elegant Themes – however, this also gives you access to tall their premium themes, including the highly regarded Divi theme.

不幸的是,没有此插件的免费版本,因此要获得该插件,您需要从Elegant Themes购买许可证-但是,这还使您可以访问其高级主题,包括备受赞誉的Divi主题。


3.简单的社交分享按钮 (3. Easy Social Share Buttons)

Easy Social Share Buttons

Easy Social Sharie Buttons is a premium plugin that offers WordPress users a great deal of sharing functionality. It enables you to share content to over 45 leading social networks and (unlike many other plugins) mobile messaging apps.

Easy Social Sharie Buttons是一个高级插件,可为WordPress用户提供大量共享功能。 它使您可以与超过45个领先的社交网络和(与许多其他插件不同)共享移动消息传递应用程序共享内容。

For those webmasters who are continually disappointed about how naff some social sharing buttons look once you’ve gone to the trouble of installing them, this plugin gives you the choice of 52 templates to choose from. There’s bound to be one that suits your website’s design and if you’re especially finickity, you can also choose from 27+ design positions and more than 30 animations and customisations.

对于那些对安装后遇到麻烦的社交共享按钮的外观感到失望的网站管理员,此插件为您提供52种模板供您选择。 肯定会有一种适合您网站的设计,如果您特别耐心,还可以从27个以上的设计位置以及30多种动画和自定义设置中进行选择。

Some of the useful advanced features of this plugin include the ability to A/B test the placement of your social media buttons and the option to control when the buttons appear, for example when visitors are heading for the exit button.

该插件的一些有用的高级功能包括A / B测试社交媒体按钮的位置的功能以及控制按钮何时出现(例如,访客何时前往退出按钮)的选项。


4.喷气背包 (4. Jetpack)


With over a million downloads, Jetpack is one of the most popular free plugins available directly from your WordPress dashboard. Developed by WordPress.com, Jetpack is more of a suite of plugins than a single plugin. It offers a very wide range of useful functions all under one hood, most of which can be turned on or off individually so that it can be configured to meet your specific needs.

Jetpack下载量超过一百万,是可直接从WordPress仪表板直接获得的最受欢迎的免费插件之一。 由WordPress.com开发的Jetpack不仅仅是一个插件,而是更多的插件套件。 它在一机盖下提供了非常广泛的有用功能,其中大多数可以单独打开或关闭,因此可以对其进行配置以满足您的特定需求。

One of Jetpack’s best functions is its social sharing features which enable you to easily display social buttons for a wide range of social media platforms. If you have the plugin already installed, it’s simple to activate the social sharing functions in the plugin’s setting page.

Jetpack的最佳功能之一是其社交共享功能,使您能够轻松显示适用于各种社交媒体平台的社交按钮。 如果您已经安装了插件,则在插件的设置页面中激活社交共享功能很简单。


5. AddToAny的JShare按钮 (5. JShare Buttons by AddToAny)

Share Buttons by AddToAny

Giving your readers the ability to share to over 100 social sharing sites and apps, Share Buttons by AddToAny is one of the most comprehensive social plugins available.


It also has a wide range of useful features too. It offers the opportunity to show your readers the number of shares to each platform, add horizontal or vertical floating buttons or custom place static buttons. Users can also share via any of the main webmail providers such as Gmail and Outlook.com

它还具有多种有用的功能。 它提供了向读者显示每个平台的共享数量,添加水平或垂直浮动按钮或自定义位置静态按钮的机会。 用户还可以通过任何主要的网络邮件提供商(例如Gmail和Outlook.com)进行共享

For those wanting to analyse the impact of their social sharing, this plugin also enables automatic Google Analytics integration and can track links shared using Bitly and other custom URL shorteners.

对于那些想分析其社交共享影响的人,此插件还启用了自动Google Analytics(分析)集成,并可以跟踪使用Bitly和其他自定义URL缩短器共享的链接。


结论 (Conclusion)

A social media plugin is pretty much essential for today’s websites as it enables you to reach a far wider audience. The plugins we have discussed here offer a wide range of options including outstanding designs, analytics integrations, floating buttons and sharing to mobile apps, so whether you go for a free or premium plugin, there is something for everyone’s needs and tastes.

社交媒体插件对于当今的网站非常重要,因为它使您可以覆盖更广泛的受众。 我们在这里讨论的插件提供了广泛的选项,包括出色的设计,分析集成,浮动按钮以及与移动应用程序的共享,因此,无论您选择的是免费还是高级插件,都能满足每个人的需求和品味。

If you run a WordPress website and are looking for dedicated WordPress web hosting, visit our WordPress Hosting page and see what we can do for you.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/5-best-wordpress-social-media-plugins-for-2017/


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