

There are tons of social media widgets out for WordPress. A good friend of WPBeginner, John Saddington, has released a new lightweight tab based social widget that brings in your Twitter, Facebook, and RSS Feed. This idea is similar to what Envato has been running on it’s blogs such as PSDTuts where instead of taking up tons of space for social media, they use tabs to save space in the sidebar.

有大量用于WordPress的社交媒体小部件。 WPBeginner的好朋友约翰·萨丁顿(John Saddington)发布了一个新的基于轻量级标签的社交小部件,其中包含您的Twitter,Facebook和RSS Feed。 这个想法类似于Envato在其PSDTuts等博客上运行的想法,在该站点中,他们使用选项卡来节省侧边栏中的空间,而不是占用大量社交媒体空间。

John Saddington is a developer behind the famous Standard WordPress Theme. He has developed this plugin to be very lightweight, and it lets you add your twitter feed, facebook like box, and RSS feeds with a very simple control panel in the backend. All you have to do is download this plugin, and activate it. Then go in your Appearance » Widgets. There you will see TentBlogger Social widget, and you can drag it to your Primary Sidebar. There are the following settings:

John Saddington是著名的Standard WordPress Theme的开发人员。 他开发的此插件非常轻巧,它使您可以在后端使用非常简单的控制面板添加Twitter提要,facebook之类的Facebook和RSS提要。 您所要做的就是下载此插件 ,然后激活它。 然后进入外观»小部件。 在那里,您将看到TentBlogger社交小部件,并将其拖动到主侧边栏。 有以下设置:

Tab based Social Widget for WordPress

If you notice, for twitter all you have to do is enter your twitter username. For RSS, you just have to enter your feed URL. For facebook, you need to get the embed code for the like box. If you do not have a facebook fan page yet, then you might want to use our article that shows you how to utilize the power of facebook.

如果您注意到,对于Twitter,您所要做的就是输入您的Twitter用户名。 对于RSS,您只需输入供稿URL。 对于facebook,您需要获取like box的嵌入代码。 如果您还没有Facebook粉丝页面,那么您可能希望使用我们的文章向您展示如何利用facebook的功能

Upon Installation, you should have something like this:


There are tons of social media widgets out for WordPress. A good friend of WPBeginner, John Saddington, has released a new lightweight tab based social widget that brings in your Twitter, Facebook, and RSS Feed. This idea is similar to what Envato has been running on it’s blogs such as PSDTuts where instead of taking up tons of space for social media, they use tabs to save space in the sidebar.

有大量用于WordPress的社交媒体小部件。 WPBeginner的好朋友约翰·萨丁顿(John Saddington)发布了一个新的基于轻量级标签的社交小部件,其中包含您的Twitter,Facebook和RSS Feed。 这个想法类似于Envato在其PSDTuts等博客上运行的想法,在该站点中,他们使用选项卡来节省侧边栏中的空间,而不是占用大量社交媒体空间。

John Saddington is a developer behind the famous Standard WordPress Theme. He has developed this plugin to be very lightweight, and it lets you add your twitter feed, facebook like box, and RSS feeds with a very simple control panel in the backend. All you have to do is download this plugin, and activate it. Then go in your Appearance » Widgets. There you will see TentBlogger Social widget, and you can drag it to your Primary Sidebar. There are the following settings:

John Saddington是著名的Standard WordPress Theme的开发人员。 他开发的此插件非常轻巧,它使您可以在后端使用非常简单的控制面板添加Twitter提要,facebook之类的Facebook和RSS提要。 您所要做的就是下载此插件 ,然后激活它。 然后进入外观»小部件。 在那里,您将看到TentBlogger社交小部件,并将其拖动到主侧边栏。 有以下设置:

Tab based Social Widget Preview

This plugin is great for beginners. For developers, who want to hardcode this option without using the sidebar widgets, there is no option available yet. What are you waiting for? Save your sidebar space by using this tab based social widget for WordPress.

该插件非常适合初学者。 对于想要在不使用边栏小部件的情况下硬编码此选项的开发人员,尚无可用选项。 你在等什么? 使用此选项卡基于WordPress的社交小部件来节省侧边栏空间。

下载TentBlogger的Social Widget (Download Social Widget by TentBlogger)

Also don’t forget to check out his Standard Theme.


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-create-a-tab-based-social-widget-for-wordpress/


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